I didn't watch season 1, wasn't Jimmy/Kara a thing they were doing?
Or did they dump that.
I though I remember Flash telling her to go for it.
Also is Cold no longer a regular on LoT?
I haven't seen him in any of the promos.
I didn't watch season 1, wasn't Jimmy/Kara a thing they were doing?
Or did they dump that.
I though I remember Flash telling her to go for it.
Also is Cold no longer a regular on LoT?
I haven't seen him in any of the promos.
Christ, was that an OZ reference in this show?
Alex so hotright hereall the time .
Wait, really?
Finally, CW-nepotism is paying dividends.
Sorry for being late to the thread but just got an account only two questions about Season 2 because I haven't watched because of other responsibilities(and because I heard less Cat Grant)
1) Is it improved or the same level of quality, I did like the first season just fine just wondering
2) How is the dynamic with Superman working
Show is better, more Whedon style, lack of Cat hurts but overall it's improved. Not quite up to Arrow and Flash's heights, still inconsistent.
Superman was done well.
Okay this was about what I was expecting, will definitely watch asap and give impressions
If you liked Season 1, you'll like this. They dropped some plotlines and cleaned the slate a bit, but the show as a whole is much stronger.
Superman is dope. Really like him in the role. Cat Grant is missed but they've sorta pulled back from Catco and focus more on the DEO now, so it isn't something that is glaringly obvious.
That's really cool. Guess TV gets the Hall and the movies get the actual Watchtower in space giving how things are potentially going there.
Yo. Is that the flippin' Hall of Justice in the background? About to crosspost this shit.
That episode sucked.
Yup.So they let Kara out of the cage to do the heat vision thing...and she actually does it instead of knocking the two mooks and old lady out?
...and the robot in the fortress who totally didn't need Kara's blood to identify her previously suddenly cannot tell who is really there?
Though, I can't tell which was worse, those issues or I AM CYBORG SUPERMAN.
There was nothing natural about that at all.
Is Mon-el as fast and strong as kryptonians? Doesn't appear that way.
I wonder if he will get lead poisoning and get picked up by the Legion? Great opportunity to show more of their members, and would be a spinoff I'd watch!
CLASSIFIED: We are not alone. The Invasion begins Monday at 8/7c on The CW. #DCWeek
I would totally watch a show on this alone.
You mean the one with Alex and Jo and now DeLuca and Jo?I'm still not convinced Chyler Leigh isn't just repeating her Grey's Anatomy storyline with the cop instead of McSteamy.
You mean the one with Alex and Jo and now DeLuca and Jo?
I do really enjoy all the "doctor show" jokes on this show, though.
I know. I just think Jo is an inferior Lexi.No, that is Camilla Luddington. I mean the one where Lexie (Chyler) realizes she is in love with McSteamy and she acts really immature when he is dating someone else.
Show is better, more Whedon style, lack of Cat hurts but overall it's improved. Not quite up to Arrow and Flash's heights, still inconsistent.
Superman was done well.
I also liked Jimmy as Guardian. There was more than one time I wanted him to throw the shield though lol.
Is Kara bonding with Lena over racism? Like Lena's position is actually reasonable-ish but Kara is just being a bigot.
Is Mon-el as fast and strong as kryptonians? Doesn't appear that way.
That would have made zero sense.mess of an episode. Felt really cluttered and rushed. Wonder if the crossover fudged it up a bit.
They should've made Hank Henshaw British (as Harewood is) to better distinguish him from J'onn.