But I think Superior Spider-Man has gotten really bad as of late. If that's intended to make readers happy that Parker is coming back I don't know, but they sure seem intent on making SpOck as intolerable as possible all of a sudden.
Another clone? Im starting to have flash backs to clone saga...
nope, shes back. supposedly she never died
She's alive again and a current member of the Uncanny Avengers.
But I think Superior Spider-Man has gotten really bad as of late. If that's intended to make readers happy that Parker is coming back I don't know, but they sure seem intent on making SpOck as intolerable as possible all of a sudden.
SpOck's been intolerable the whole time. That's the point, he's a super-villain trying to be a superhero who is slipping back into being a super-villain. The whole point is Otto is never wanted to change, he just didn't want to die. The good stuff he does is just because he thinks that's what he is supposed to do. He's always been a bad dude pretending to be good because he thinks he's better than Peter was.
That sealed the deal, I'm gonna read this.Nah man, you got to show the whole page:
Right, I think it's one of the reasons why it's a good fit for Spider-Man, given the old catch phrase and general theme of the series. This arc has written Octavius as one of the most profound cowards I've ever read for Marvel's efforts. Outside of his brilliant mind for science he's a pretty strong example of what a human being should strive not to be, and at this point he's as far from redemption as he's ever been.
That goal for the run I think was very handily met by now, though, and some kind of progression for his character is overdue.
Writer Dan Slott had known Parkers demise wasnt permanent and the wall-crawling Mets fan would be back in the relaunched Amazing Spider-Man series that debuts this April,
Oh go fuck yourselfHe had to endure reaction ranging from death threats to Internet backlash to childrens tears while maintaining secrecy.
To do that for a solid year of my life, thats the hardest thing Ive had to do to look small children in the eye at a convention and lie to them, says Slott. One of them with an honest-to-God Little League uniform and a quivering lip. Inside, part of me was dying.
Oh go fuck yourself
This whole thing is just awful. Why even cancel ASM if you're "knew" you were going to bring it back a year later? "For the sales" isn't even a good answer, shit like this and One More Day drove away more fans than it brought in.
Well, the story is about to come to an end so there's not much time. For all his faults, Otto's managed to find some happiness with Anna Marie. Ever since her introduction, and the return of Norman, I've been thinking Otto's going to get his own "Death of the Stacy's" moment where he finally realizes everything you just said. A moment where he realizes he can't live up to the responsibilities, that he can't be better than Peter was because he isn't willing to sacrifice a part of his life in the same way Peter always did.
They have to have some moment like this, or the entire book becomes Slott's 'I'm the best Spidey writer ever' mastubatory fantasy. Because Peter sucks, my creation is better and I'm upset that I had to bring Parker back because of the Twilight Spider-Man flick coming out.
Oh go fuck yourself
This whole thing is just awful. Why even cancel ASM if you're "knew" you were going to bring it back a year later? "For the sales" isn't even a good answer, shit like this and One More Day drove away more fans than it brought in.
I... what the hell? i just looked up Superior Spider-Man #24 and... what the hell has happened to Venom? Why does he look like a deformed version of Carnage? His looks are all messed up. When Parker would wear the symbiote, he was a slightly bulkier, but still definitely lean, Spidey.
Who the hell is drawing this bullshit? GTFO with this crap.
I mean come-on, he put on that new black and red suit with Spider-Arms on it. And he got a lot more agressive. He beat villains to a pulp. And nobody said anything? That sounds like lazy writing to me.
Edit: Jaxword raises a valid point. It's comics; dont think too much about it, lol.
Or put on a dark suit just to fuck shit up.
Peter Parker betta come back and choke a bitch.
Spiderman never ever got overly aggressive.
Assuming Ock doesn't do that to Mary Jane first. O_O
"For the sales" isn't even a good answer, shit like this and One More Day drove away more fans than it brought in.
That bites. I was wondering how people would deal with this after the fact, but if it's anything like you posted above that would be really lame.They've done a wonderful job of making sure there's practically zero fallout from this event.
MJ: You were such a jerk!
Peter: It was doc ock in my body.
MJ: Oh. Cool. Let's resume our will we/won't we get back together.
The only person who might be mad at Peter after this entire event is Black Cat, lol.
I... what the hell? i just looked up Superior Spider-Man #24 and... what the hell has happened to Venom? Why does he look like a deformed version of Carnage? His looks are all messed up. When Parker would wear the symbiote, he was a slightly bulkier, but still definitely lean, Spidey.
Who the hell is drawing this bullshit? GTFO with this crap.
Whilst it's good to have Peter Parker back, I've really, really enjoyed Superior Spider-Man. It's a shame that the two concepts are mutually exclusive.
You'll need to read the issue. That's not Venom, it's the....Ah, just read it. It's a cool little twist. Hate that it meant the cancelation of the Venom series. It was getting great, then veered off into "what the heck" territory and then ended out of freakin' nowhere. Sad situation that.
Spiderman never ever got overly aggressive.
Who says they are? Maybe Venom pulls one of their personas out and grafts it to what's his face, Kane or whatever.
They have to have some moment like this, or the entire book becomes Slott's 'I'm the best Spidey writer ever' mastubatory fantasy. Because Peter sucks, my creation is better and I'm upset that I had to bring Parker back because of the Twilight Spider-Man flick coming out.
Oh go fuck yourself
This whole thing is just awful. Why even cancel ASM if you're "knew" you were going to bring it back a year later? "For the sales" isn't even a good answer, shit like this and One More Day drove away more fans than it brought in.
So what's she gonna do about her missing tooth?
Oh go fuck yourself
This whole thing is just awful. Why even cancel ASM if you're "knew" you were going to bring it back a year later? "For the sales" isn't even a good answer, shit like this and One More Day drove away more fans than it brought in.
We all knew this was coming. I just hope they don't go the easy route and retcon all the stuff Otto did with magic or a Mephisto deal or some other dumb shit, but I can't see Slott doing that.
Isn't Superior selling better than Amazing was?
We all knew this was coming. I just hope they don't go the easy route and retcon all the stuff Otto did with magic or a Mephisto deal or some other dumb shit, but I can't see Slott doing that.
It's going to be fun seeing how Peter deals with everything Otto did to completely change his life and relationships.
And hopefully Otto sticks around in some form, too, but even if he "dies," he's going to come back as Dr. Octupus again when another Spider-Man movie with him comes around.
What's there to change? Aside from JJJ and Black Cat, Doc Ock hasn't done anything to mess up Peter's world in this universe.
If anything he made it better. Peter will be Dr.Parker, and have his own company.
lol. Right?
Pretty much everybody else will be a one line explanation:
To Aunt May: Sorry, I was under so much pressure with my PhD and starting my own company.
To Mary Jane: Doc Ock took over my body.
To the Avengers: Doc Ock took over my body.
He's still gotta figure out how to dump Otto's fiance.
What's there to change? Aside from JJJ and Black Cat, Doc Ock hasn't done anything to mess up Peter's world in this universe.
He's still gotta figure out how to dump Otto's fiance.