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Surface |OT|


As far as speed and fluidity (as well as features) are concerned, Surface RT is a class of its own, Android and iPad tablets can't even compare. Seriously, look at the videos; it'll blow your mind.

You know, i'd sooner trust a review written by someone who has used one extensively over a video where it simply looks smooth.

Besides, all that was shown in the videos you linked and the videos posted in these threads before are of simple UI interactions and base applications like browser/weather/stocks/pictures. Nothing remotely resource intensive and hardly "mindblowing", as you call it. Still it is very smooth, but apparently it does not hold up under actual real-life day-to-day use.


OK so... Surface vrs IPad? I have neither and kind of want both.

IPad: Better resolution. Great apps for the kids. We use "facetime" fairly often with the Iphone, so would be nice to have an Ipad.

Surface: I really like the fact that it has a USB port, keyboard and Office on it.


Will you be sharing the tablet with anyone else? A plus of the Surface is multi user support.


Post Count: 9999
I posted this in the Windows 8 Tablets/Laptops thread, but it's just as true here IMO.


While these devices are sexy ... I just can't bring myself to order one this year.

Both ARM and Wintel are seeing major upgrades next year. nVidia et al will have their Cortex A15-based SoC's available ... and Intel has Haswell. In both cases, we'll get die shrinks, lower power, and significant performance increases on both the CPU and GPU side of things.

Basically Surface is coming out at the EoL for their respective processing architectures. Not to mention, they'll have a year to iron out both form-factors and OS bugs/optimizations.

Just seems like a bad time to buy IMO.

I was waiting to see how the prices were for these and iPad mini. What I've come away with is I'm buying none of them and getting a Chromebook lol


You know, i'd sooner trust a review written by someone who has used one extensively over a video where it simply looks smooth.

Besides, all that was shown in the videos you linked and the videos posted in these threads before are of simple UI interactions and base applications like browser/weather/stocks/pictures. Nothing remotely resource intensive and hardly "mindblowing", as you call it. Still it is very smooth, but apparently it does not hold up under actual real-life day-to-day use.

lets see what anadtech says

I’m coming away from this review feeling very positive about Windows RT, much more so than I expected. After a few days with it, I’m officially done with my iPad. Like, that’s it, we had a good run, it’s over. (In related news, if anyone wants a pristine condition 3rd generation iPad, my email address is linked to the byline. I’m only halfway joking.) Windows RT hits the convergence for me better than any previous tablet and integrates into my workflow almost seamlessly, making it the first tablet platform that seriously has a shot at replacing my notebook.


OK so... Surface vrs IPad? I have neither and kind of want both.

IPad: Better resolution. Great apps for the kids. We use "facetime" fairly often with the Iphone, so would be nice to have an Ipad.

Surface: I really like the fact that it has a USB port, keyboard and Office on it.

For a serious laptop replacement, the Surface.

I can't ditch my iPad though. At least not now. I love all the amazing applications I have and going without them would drive me crazy.


It's pretty striking how different the Verge and AnandTech articles are talking about the Vivo Tab RT. AnandTech claims that performance is excellent, while The Verge is saying the exact opposite.

Specifically here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6387/asus-vivotab-rt-review/3

I’m coming away from this review feeling very positive about Windows RT, much more so than I expected. After a few days with it, I’m officially done with my iPad. Like, that’s it, we had a good run, it’s over. (In related news, if anyone wants a pristine condition 3rd generation iPad, my email address is linked to the byline. I’m only halfway joking.) Windows RT hits the convergence for me better than any previous tablet and integrates into my workflow almost seamlessly, making it the first tablet platform that seriously has a shot at replacing my notebook.
W8 apps often take several seconds to load even on my desktop with a 4.5 Ghz CPU and dedicated graphics. I'm not exactly surprised they can be slow on a mobile chipset.

I really hope this wont be another windows phone situation where the main interface is fast as he'll but the apps are slow and stuttery.

A desktop OS's load time has nothing to do with general performance. In fact, RT startup time is much faster than the x86 tablets and specialized x86 tablets are faster than your traditional desktop. There are reasons for this that revolve around device enumeration (looking for hardware).


OK so... Surface vrs IPad? I have neither and kind of want both.

IPad: Better resolution. Great apps for the kids. We use "facetime" fairly often with the Iphone, so would be nice to have an Ipad.

Surface: I really like the fact that it has a USB port, keyboard and Office on it.


I believe the Surface has skype, and there is a skype app for the iphone so you wouldn't exactly not be able to do something similar to facetime.


It's pretty striking how different the Verge and AnandTech articles are talking about the Vivo Tab RT. AnandTech claims that performance is excellent, while The Verge is saying the exact opposite.

its theverge you should know what to expect from them on microsoft products;p


its theverge you should know what to expect from them on microsoft products;p

Well they did have a video showing the bad performance. I'm just wondering if they'd installed all the latest hotfixes from Windows Update and all the updates to the individual apps.


never heard about the cat, apparently
It's pretty striking how different the Verge and AnandTech articles are talking about the Vivo Tab RT. AnandTech claims that performance is excellent, while The Verge is saying the exact opposite.

Specifically here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6387/asus-vivotab-rt-review/3
well I haven't read any of the verge stuff but knowing what I have read from them before they probably think having the desktop on there is a negative, I think its a plus. And Windows 8 runs fine on this shitty vista era laptop I am using right now sooo /shrug.
It's pretty striking how different the Verge and AnandTech articles are talking about the Vivo Tab RT. AnandTech claims that performance is excellent, while The Verge is saying the exact opposite.

Specifically here: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6387/asus-vivotab-rt-review/3

i'm going to trust anandtech over most anyone as far as performance analysis.

and Hoo Doo, that review isn't of the Surface. the videos are. i'll take a video of the actual hardware this thread is about over a review of a different piece of hardware, if you don't mind.

there is a seperate thread for general discussion of Win 8 laptops / tablets / transformers.


Well they did have a video showing the bad performance. I'm just wondering if they'd installed all the latest hotfixes from Windows Update and all the updates to the individual apps.

sorry but i am not trusting anything from those guys unless its tom warren
they are uninformed about the ms ecosystem, the products and how they work. i dont care what they showed maybe its user error maybe its problem with their review machine.
The verge showed it in the video, but they also said it doesn't happen all the time. They said it's inconsistent. Which would explain why they'd notice it but maybe someone else wouldn't.
well I haven't read any of the verge stuff but knowing what I have read from them before they probably think having the desktop on there is a negative, I think its a plus.

They're flip-floping editors so you'll get a net negative when you hear impressions from any editor other than Tom Warren. One was ready to endict Windows 8 because it had a desktop when giving his impressions months ago and the Asus review tab was saying wait for that varient since RT is crippled. He essenstially kept calling the RT device a laptop because it had a docable keyboard. He was expecting a 1st-class laptop experience. Rarely did he ever review it like a tablet. It is what it is: A poor review [as in poorer on the part of the reviewer than the review].


Caved and pre-ordered a 32 GB w/ Black Touch Cover on Sunday. I'm hoping it ships this week so I can have it for the release on Tuesday (Canada). Microsoft store just says will ship in 1-2 weeks though ><.
well, this is happening :)


Gold Member
Should have been $399.99. The hardware is too outdated the screen is so limited. Surface Pro will address both of those issues. I love the design, and Windows 8 is a lot better than people think, but this is so not worth $499.99.


Should have been $399.99. The hardware is too outdated the screen is so limited. Surface Pro will address both of those issues. I love the design, and Windows 8 is a lot better than people think, but this is so not worth $499.99.

It couldn't have been $399. That's the same price as the Asus Transformer Pad, which has similar specs but is made of plastic, has 1GB less RAM and probably has a much worse screen.
You know, i'd sooner trust a review written by someone who has used one extensively over a video where it simply looks smooth.

Besides, all that was shown in the videos you linked and the videos posted in these threads before are of simple UI interactions and base applications like browser/weather/stocks/pictures. Nothing remotely resource intensive and hardly "mindblowing", as you call it. Still it is very smooth, but apparently it does not hold up under actual real-life day-to-day use.

Running a desktop, a browser that can display flash, office and a few other apps "at the same time" is a little bit mindblowing in my book :p There are some videos that show the same happening with a few game apps thrown in the middle too, and it just looks mega smooth.

The verge showed it in the video, but they also said it doesn't happen all the time. They said it's inconsistent. Which would explain why they'd notice it but maybe someone else wouldn't.

If they said it doesn't happen all the time, to the point where some people might not even notice it, then why it's an issue?

It's not like an iPad is completely stutter free 100% of the time... There quite a few occasions where i get some minor stuttering on mine, but i wouldn't call it a demerit of the whole OS because most of the time it's really smooth...


Disappointing, but I'm really annoyed at the lack of depth in Verge reviews. Absolutely nothing about the included software other than 'Mail is kinda annoying, and music is kinda cool'.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I also wonder why he had such a problem with the Surface on his lap and why he didn't like reading with it in bed.


So it seems so far that whether you use office is the biggest difference between a positive review or an average review.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The gizmodo review was scathing. God damn.

The verge was more forgiving it seems. Looking at it now.

In general this was not the revolutionary device I expected. Wonder when/if we will see the pro.


Oh and one more thing. What is Microsoft's reasoning to hold back apps for the release date event if they know that reviews are coming before then? Don't you think that it would be important to have these apps up for the tech "journalists" to use?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

Should you buy it?
No. The Surface, with an obligatory Touch Cover, is $600. That's a lot of money. Especially given that it's no laptop replacement, no matter how it looks or what Microsoft says. It's a tablet-plus, priced right alongside the iPad and in most ways inferior.

That could change. Maybe there will be a new Touch Cover that retains the original's terrific physical qualities while actually allowing good typing. Maybe the quasi-vaporware Surface Pro, which eschews Windows RT in favor of the real-deal Win 8, will make all the difference, opening itself up to the open seas of PC software (for several hundred dollars more). Maybe the app store will look different in a month, or a year, and have anything to offer. Maybe. But remember that Windows Phone&#8212;which has swelled from mere hundreds, to tens of thousands, to over a hundred thousand app offerings over the past two years&#8212;is still a wasteland compared to iOS and Android. Poor precedent. Maybe Windows RT will be different. Maybe.

But those maybes aren't worth putting money on. As much as it looked (and even felt) like it for a bit, the future isn't here quite yet.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Josh has an android phone and now he is a rabid apple fanboy and cant review microsoft products? I have never once said a low review was due to some reviewer bias because reviews are subjective anyway.

Seems like similar bullshit people pull on Arthur Gies when they don't like his review score for a PS3 game. Seems dumb and childish if you ask me.
Hmm after reading these so far I'm semi-turned off of surface pro. I'm still gonna get a pro device but maybe not the surface. I want to be able to use it on my lap or lying down and still be able to type and stuff. Sucks because I like the surface design.

Guess I'll read more impressions. More links people!


Hmm after reading these so far I'm semi-turned off of surface pro. I'm still gonna get a pro device but maybe not the surface. I want to be able to use it on my lap or lying down and still be able to type and stuff. Sucks because I like the surface design.

Guess I'll read more impressions. More links people!

I added AnandTech to the OP.


Josh has an android phone and now he is a rabid apple fanboy and cant review microsoft products? I have never once said a low review was due to some reviewer bias because reviews are subjective anyway.

Seems like similar bullshit people pull on Arthur Gies when they don't like his review score for a PS3 game. Seems dumb and childish if you ask me.

You're either with us or against us.


Josh has an android phone and now he is a rabid apple fanboy and cant review microsoft products?

I was asking, not implying. I couldn't care either way but I haven't really been following him since he started the Verge (used to watch the Engadget Podcasts)

I have no interest in a windows tablet this year...maybe a phone if Nokia can instill confidence in me


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I was asking, not implying. I couldn't care either way but I haven't really been following him since he started the Verge (used to watch the Engadget Podcasts)
Then why even make that comment? You were't the only one to insinuate that the score was the way it is because Josh reviewed it.



Something as simple as loading a video requires a jumbled process of USB importing, dipping in and out of the stripped-down desktop mode, opening a Video app, importing, going back into the Video app, and then playing. What.

I... don't understand. Importing videos from a USB, then importing it into the Video app (a desktop program, apparently?)? What is he talking about?
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