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Surfer girl nonsense, resistance and killzone fans go away please


I´m betting those episodes will be 2400 points just like Oblivion. Of course they won't talking pricing beforehand.

You have to be a serious fan to buy them.

Fady K

Huh? I know the DLC is only for the 360 but what the hell is up with GTA4 being advertised as a 360 game, so there wont be PS3 ads of the game? Heh, why even bother releasing it on the PS3 T2?


Blimblim said:
GTA IV will be marketed only for the 360, just like AC and Burnout Paradise are only marketed only for PS3.
And from what I heard it will be a *very* big marketing push, think Halo 3 there.

Wow, if it is marketed as heavily as expected and for one platform I think there will be trouble.


Nolan. said:
Wow, if it is marketed as heavily as expected and for one platform I think there will be trouble.
of course it will be. the adverts will show the 360 logo at the end of it. but it wont say exclusive. it will be just like madden last year.
to be honest the game will sell well on the ps3 in north america, as for europe i think the ps3 version will probably outsell it very slightly


A 360 price drop to coincide with the GTA4 ad campaign heavily (but not exclusively) centered around the 360 could, I IMHO, shift more units than HALO3.

I suppose the DLC will take care of itself as a perhaps part of a 360/GTA4 pack in released for Spring 09 which would see users having to get to online to download the episodes.
Visualante said:
I'm one of the few who really questions the value of these adverts. Simpsons ones were PlayStation branded and none of them did especially well. Even the PS2 version.

I don't think PS3 owners have selective eye sight. Even if it's heavily 360 branded the only thing that will give MS the clear edge is some kind of exclusive bundle like PES was.
That would really kill Sony's hardware sales pre and post launch.

Well, yeah, it's clearly not aimed at PS3 owners, who will be buying GTA for their system anyway. It's for Joey Wii, The Mainstream Gamer.
Spider_Jerusalem said:
You can bet they'll do it.
I hope so, if you take the scenario of some dude just looking to buy a console after he heard his mates talking about GTA IV.

Goes into store, both PS3 and 360 consoles and games stocked. "what's the difference?"

And then all the 360 SKUs confuses the customer, a ready made box takes that decision out of the equation. Besides it's all irrelevant because people will want this for multiplayer so of course they'll buy whatever their friends have.


justjohn said:
of course it will be. the adverts will show the 360 logo at the end of it. but it wont say exclusive. it will be just like madden last year.
to be honest the game will sell well on the ps3 in north america, as for europe i think the ps3 version will probably outsell it very slightly

I'm not sure, personally I think if there was a game to encourage europeans to pick up the 360, it's GTA IV. Having it marketed in favour of the 360 could have big consequences. The other thing is even if the ps3 version manages to outsell it in europe ''slightly'' the marketing in N/A gives ms more opportunity to pull away, the last thing you need for the ps3. I mean N/A is afterall the biggest region. Though thats all assuming it's true, (not that i'm insinuating blims a liar).

Spider_Jerusalem said:
You can bet they'll do it.

Im not sure if they'll be able to bundle GTA, then again they did bundle saints row so who knows.
Nolan. said:
Im not sure if they'll be able to bundle GTA
AFAIK, they bundled all the main games, so it would make sense. The only one I didn't see bundled with 360 was Assassin's, which was marketed only as a PS3 game.

If MS has made a huge exclusive marketing contract with 2K, a console bundle would be obvious.


Nolan. said:
Im not sure if they'll be able to bundle GTA, then again they did bundle saints row so who knows.

I think they will, at least in Europe. They have bundled most of the big games at some point. And some of the smaller ones too.
Fady K said:
Huh? I know the DLC is only for the 360 but what the hell is up with GTA4 being advertised as a 360 game, so there wont be PS3 ads of the game? Heh, why even bother releasing it on the PS3 T2?
Well, actually, the way it works in NA (and Europe too) is Sony and MS will sometimes advertise a third party game themselves, and only put their logo at the bottom. SCEA did that to CoD4, Assassin's Creed, etc., while MS did that to Rock Band (I think) and so on. I see MS and Sony showing off their own GTA IV commercials without the other console logo.


Blimblim said:
GTA IV will be marketed only for the 360, just like AC and Burnout Paradise are only marketed only for PS3.
And from what I heard it will be a *very* big marketing push, think Halo 3 there.

wasted money in europe. i`ll predict the ps3 version will outsell the xbox360 game in germany for example 2:1.

@grin rumor

from my knowledge, grin is a small team already working on two bionic commando games. i`ll doubt that they have the manpower to do a additional AAA game...
Absinthe said:
That would be a colossal waste of money considering Grand Theft Auto is still widely recognized as a Playstation brand.

:lol When April rolls around, I think we'll see what is and is not "widely recognized as a Playstation brand." (Hint: my stoner friends aren't telling me about how great it'll be to play GTA4 on "the Playstation brand.")


Consider how little exclusive game MS need to market this year, I wouldn't surprised they spend >10 million to market it.
tino said:
Consider how little exclusive game MS need to market this year, I wouldn't surprised they spend >10 million to market it.

Well the likelihood is that GTA4 will outsell every exclusive on 360 or PS3 this year. Makes sense to push for a bigger share of sales on their system.
Blimblim said:
GTA IV will be marketed only for the 360, just like AC and Burnout Paradise are only marketed only for PS3.
And from what I heard it will be a *very* big marketing push, think Halo 3 there.

Wow :O
MS are really going all out with GTA4, seems like a pretty safe bet though.
Francias Castiglione said:
Well the likelihood is that GTA4 will outsell every exclusive on 360 or PS3 this year.

Exactly. GTA4 is the biggest game of 2008, and 360 is the platform that's best positioned for people buying a system to play the game.

theBishop said:
however, i do wonder if 50mil wouldn't be better spent on another game.

It's a $50 million advance on revenues earned through purchases of the DLC; it's not a straight-up cash grant.


charlequin said:
It's a $50 million advance on revenues earned through purchases of the DLC; it's not a straight-up cash grant.

You've seen the contract, eh?

I've read about a dozen different stories about the structure of the payment.
theBishop said:
can't play it up or down without seeing it.

however, i do wonder if 50mil wouldn't be better spent on another game.

To Microsoft that $50m is little more than a protected bet on a sure thing. Investing it in another game (especially if it were a new IP) would hold far more risk.


Francias Castiglione said:
To Microsoft that $50m is little more than a protected bet on a sure thing. Investing it in another game (especially if it were a new IP) would hold far more risk.

I guess as a gamer, I'm more interested in new games.
theBishop said:
You've seen the contract, eh?

I've read about a dozen different stories about the structure of the payment.

Here's the next-gen article reporting on the matter. You can, uh, choose not to believe it, I guess? I think that exact line of thinking ("for $50 million you could buy a whole game") illustrates exactly why the advance scenario makes much more sense than a straight-up cash payment.


We always knew GTA4 would be marketed on the 360.

And AC was wildly marketed as a 360 game in Canada. They had tons of commercials for it.

What I still am not sure of is if MS paid for the exclusive rights to ALL content that could be added to the game, or just a few episodes? Is it timed?
Mojovonio said:
What I still am not sure of is if MS paid for the exclusive rights to ALL content that could be added to the game, or just a few episodes? Is it timed?

From the Next-Gen article;

He also stated, "By giving this advance, Microsoft did extract from Take-Two the promise to make [GTA IV content] exclusive. But there will not be any downloadable content for PS3, at least for some time. My guess is at least for a year."


Ehh, we all knew this was coming sooner or later (the MS-GTA4 marketing push), so we shouldn't be shocked yet again.

To be fair, subsidizing for advertising and PR costs (amongst other things) is what MS does best in the PC software business. They didn't get to be a monopoly by playing nice.
1) Slalom is coming to Virtual Console in the next few months.
2) Is Microsoft working on their own version of Home?
They were...six years ago. Back in 2002, there was a small team inside Microsoft working on an "application" called LiveUniverse for the Xbox, which was more or less Home, it was slated for release around the launch of Xbox Live, but the project got canceled when work on Xbox Live fell behind.
3) Yes, Onimusha 5 is coming out next year for PS360. So are Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2.
4) Will we ever see Beetle Adventure Racing 2?
No, Beetle Adventure Racing 2 was sadly canceled when Paradigm was purchased by Infogrames.
5) Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and God of War: Chains of Olympus will appear on PS2 by the end of the year. (PSP dilution ftw)
6) Sony Bend has another PSP Syphon Filter title for the fall, storyline ties into some game coming out next year. (blatantly for PS3)
7) That epic space game from EA is a new Wing Commander.
8) One of those Rare XBLA titles stars Mr. Pants. (who?)


Visualante said:
1) Slalom is coming to Virtual Console in the next few months.
2) Is Microsoft working on their own version of Home?
They were...six years ago. Back in 2002, there was a small team inside Microsoft working on an "application" called LiveUniverse for the Xbox, which was more or less Home, it was slated for release around the launch of Xbox Live, but the project got canceled when work on Xbox Live fell behind.
3) Yes, Onimusha 5 is coming out next year for PS360. So are Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2.
4) Will we ever see Beetle Adventure Racing 2?
No, Beetle Adventure Racing 2 was sadly canceled when Paradigm was purchased by Infogrames.
5) Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and God of War: Chains of Olympus will appear on PS2 by the end of the year. (PSP dilution ftw)
6) Sony Bend has another PSP Syphon Filter title for the fall, storyline ties into some game coming out next year. (blatantly for PS3)
7) That epic space game from EA is a new Wing Commander.
8) One of those Rare XBLA titles stars Mr. Pants. (who?)

More Syphon Filter? Are we talking a sequel to Logan's Shadow or something? Because after that ending...


OMG Wing Commander. If this ever comes to fruition I will be so happy. Hopefully they don't fuck it up but seeing what they did with Arena, I am sure they will. I want to be proven wrong though.


I'm starting to doubt Surfer Girl more and more. I was under the impression that Dead Rising 2 was not in development at all.
harSon said:
I'm starting to doubt Surfer Girl more and more. I was under the impression that Dead Rising 2 was not in development at all.
If s/he says something you don't expect, you are doubtful. If s/he said something you expected, it's an educated guess. Either way, SG loses ;)


Spider_Jerusalem said:
Is it possibile that this news makes me incredibly happy and sad at the same time?

Yes. The game is either going to be a great and true to the name or is a departure so far gone that we will all weep inside.
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