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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.


Good episode for a good season. What a first at Tribal!

Love it when players are still deciding up until the last minute, even changing plans DURING questioning.
Good episode for a good season. What a first at Tribal!

Love it when players are still deciding up until the last minute, even changing plans DURING questioning.

I assumed that the vote would go to a tie, but that Aubrey would switch to vote out Peter before drawing rocks. She just skipped the formality.

She's in kind of an awful situation. Neither Peter nor Joe are actually worth playing the game with. She's actually lucky. If I had been Tai, I would have used the idol to save Anna, then had three strong, and Scot. That would have left Joe and Aubrey completely screwed.

This should be an interesting merge, because lines are getting really blurred. But man, if Caleb hadn't been evan'd, and Tai had saved Anna, Beauty would just be destroying the game at this point. But as it is, I think the alliances post merge will be all over the place.

At least they are not running on the idiotic strategies from last season's all-star, where the weak players convinced the stronger one that it was in their best interest to upend the game every TC.


I sort of felt it was damned if they do or damned if they don't with Peter. Dr. Douche couldn't be trusted and they all knew that. Is he really on their side? For those three days he was but the next three days he could totally flip. I think they should have been talking to Julia more and brought her into the fold while plotting to get rid of Peter. Julia comes off as way more trustworthy than him and she was in a position to work with anyone who would give her the time of the day. They could easily still have had the numbers while still dumping Peter. Doesn't matter now since merge is next week.

Only a matter of time before everyone turns on Scott since he's the millionaire NBA player and "he's got to go!" Well I hope that is the case since it'll keep Tai around longer. There are some firewalls there for Tai that should keep him around for a few weeks longer. Joe has zero people skills, Debbie's adonis isn't long for this game, that redneck on the brawn team has zero people skills too, and of course Scott are all huge targets. Seems like a season prime for a woman to win when I lay it out like that.


Lol. "Part-time model"

Apparently she wasn't lying:

He wasn't much of a shooter. Two career 3-point attempts in the NBA, zero went in.
Luckily for him they were free throw attempts.. Lol

I looking forward to the next episode on the relationship between Joe and Aubry. Glad of glad Julia didn't get voted off. She's decent looking.
Amazing Race Canada had a hockey challenge and two Canadian ladies gold medal winning Olympic hockey players lost a ton of ground so you can't always assume that the pro or nearly pro is going to beat everyone easily


LOL, the reasons Scot said "Original Plan" is because during Tribal, he offered Joe's head to Peter, and Peter refused the offer.
A channel that I watched South Pacific and one other Survivor one (well, until they stopped airing it BEFORE the finale and switched to South Pacific again) is holding a Survivor marathon on Sunday. I decided to check it out of curiosity, to see if they're still airing South Pacific for the nth time. They are, but "Survivor" is on all day Sunday.

The description lists 2014/Jeremy. So, I guess it's the one he was on before Second Chances. I'm excited to watch it all. Wish I could watch more of the previous seasons.

Please don't spoil who won, but I'd be curious to know what the name of it would be. I can't Google it because I'll find out who won.


A channel that I watched South Pacific and one other Survivor one (well, until they stopped airing it BEFORE the finale and switched to South Pacific again) is holding a Survivor marathon on Sunday. I decided to check it out of curiosity, to see if they're still airing South Pacific for the nth time. They are, but "Survivor" is on all day Sunday.

The description lists 2014/Jeremy. So, I guess it's the one he was on before Second Chances. I'm excited to watch it all. Wish I could watch more of the previous seasons.

Please don't spoil who won, but I'd be curious to know what the name of it would be. I can't Google it because I'll find out who won.

San Juan del Sur.


S29 is great.

CBS all access does free promos all the time (you can cancel immediately) and has all the archives. Tho that only works for the US.
How do the interviews work on this show? Do the cameramen randomly pull aside the contestants, or do the contestants tell the cameramen "I have something to say"? Are they scheduled at a certain time each day? What's to stop someone from doing an interview and using that time to look for the hidden immunity idol?

Also, I can't believe how relatively dangerous and ill-planned so many of the challenges are. First you have three contestants collapse from heat exhaustion, and the next day you have heavy blocks that are likely to hit people in the head?
How do the interviews work on this show? Do the cameramen randomly pull aside the contestants, or do the contestants tell the cameramen "I have something to say"? Are they scheduled at a certain time each day? What's to stop someone from doing an interview and using that time to look for the hidden immunity idol?

They're pulled aside at set times by the producers. The producers have a bunch of questions that they ask the contestants, but they make them phrase their answers to include the question in them so that it doesn't sound like they're answering an interview question.
How do the interviews work on this show? Do the cameramen randomly pull aside the contestants, or do the contestants tell the cameramen "I have something to say"? Are they scheduled at a certain time each day? What's to stop someone from doing an interview and using that time to look for the hidden immunity idol?

They pull people aside whenever they deem it necessary. As far as a schedule, they always pull people aside after challenges, developments at camp, post-tribal, and stuff like that. I would imagine they get confessionals from everyone at least once a day, but some people don't get as many questions a others. Sherri from Caramoan complained that they were never interested in what she had to say, and production admitted that they had no interest in anything Rick from SoPa had to say (he had marble mouth, which made it worse). I don't think people generally volunteer to do confessionals, but I guess you could. You want to be away from the politicking and bonding as little as possible.
Also, what were they thinking with these challenges? You cast a professional basketball player and then have a basketball challenge and a second challenge where every single stage favored tall people?

Whichever team has Scot has a massive advantage. Don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. I love this show!


Isn't this season being actually really good? It also really opened up a lot during this episode with michelle, julia and greek god (lol) doing things for the firat time. And most of the people are playing really hard. I don't think any of them is blindly following another one, and that is making tribals very good.

Aubrey struggle to cast her vote kept me on the edge of my sit.

Also, what were they thinking with these challenges? You cast a professional basketball player and then have a basketball challenge and a second challenge where every single stage favored tall people?

Whichever team has Scot has a massive advantage. Don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. I love this show!
Yeah, I found it weird that both challenges were height centered, but at least they are not part of the individual challenges portion of the show.


It's definitely a good season so far- the question is whether or not it falls apart postmerge. S23 and S30 had good premerges too, but the medical stuff is a big cloud hovering over the rest.


It's definitely a good season so far- the question is whether or not it falls apart postmerge. S23 and S30 had good premerges too, but the medical stuff is a big cloud hovering over the rest.
Yeah, that's a good point. Although, if I remember correctly from the season preview,
the only thing we haven't seen yet is some nasty cut infection or something.
There could be something else that I forgot or just wasn't there.

I have hope on the strategy side of things because most of them are playing their own game until now, and the limited trust people have is distributed across several people (with maybe Tai/Scot duo and Debbie having the bigger influence in the game)
Isn't this season being actually really good? It also really opened up a lot during this episode with michelle, julia and greek god (lol) doing things for the firat time. And most of the people are playing really hard. I don't think any of them is blindly following another one, and that is making tribals very good.

This one is definitely my favourite season since the first BBB (Cagayan). Like kirblar said, it could all fall apart post-merge, but the way it's been setting up, I'm confident it'll continue to be worth watching. There's no one dominating the season too much, they've set up some nice storylines, and the cast is pretty enjoyable. It's not the best season ever or anything, but I'm still really liking it.
I'd say that Caramoan and Worlds Apart have been the only real duds in recent years (and yeah, Worlds Apart did have a solid pre-merge).

Before that, you have to go back to Redemption Island to One World to find any real dud seasons.
Is there a new episode today? My area is just showing basketball 😔

I noticed it'll show again around midnight and it'll show up on CBS website then too. I was all hyped too.
Merge episode!

RE: personal season rankings, I wasn't crazy about last season (too self-aware for my tastes), Worlds Apart was probably my least favourite season ever, and SJDS only got good during the last third.
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