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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.


Exile Island did that.

Well, technically the Cirie/Danielle fire making challenge happened at the stat of the episode, but for all intents and purposes they had a final three for the finale, with Terry winning an advantage in a reward challenge.

I doubt Survivor wants to go down that route again, but it's possible that medevac could force their hands.
That's a great point about Panama. The advantage was, of course, that they hyped up Cirie like crazy and so there was just generally more hype around the episode, which is half the battle, so the same sort of hype would need to be generated in this case, but structurally speaking I guess it proves the point that it's feasible.

Anyway, I don't necessarily think there will be another medevac. I mean, people have definitely speculated about it (and Joe seems like a reasonable assumption). But I fear for the show, and my own viewing party, if we get another dud like the Neal exit.... (which I personally liked though because of the deep human emotion, but a lot of people were underwhelmed).

What baffles me is how they could have made a much bigger deal out of the Caleb exit. Maybe flesh out some more of the camp life beforehand. I guess they felt they had no choice since it was the Reward challenge so basically nothing would have happened for the first 2/3rd of the show.
great episode of survivor; a combination of perfect play; hilarious tribal and perfect blindside. The fact that the idols weren't played at all made it perfect. Also, guys being douchebags made for funny tv.


great episode of survivor; a combination of perfect play; hilarious tribal and perfect blindside. The fact that the idols weren't played at all made it perfect. Also, guys being douchebags made for funny tv.
Even boasted a pretty fun (and fresh) immunity challenge. One of the best I can recall seeing in quite some time even though they've done variations of it before (although I'm not sure with so many people).


Aubrey went way down in my eyes this episode. She complained about Debbie wanting to make an emotional decision and then turns around and decides to get rid of Debbie in what seems like an emotional decision. Just seemed like Aubrey was getting tired of not being able to talk Debbie into what she wanted to do, so she decided to get rid of a strong ally that is most likely a goat that everyone finds annoying? Just seems like a crazy dumb decision. Should have stuck with the Julia vote and at least see what happens with the Idol, I can't see them wanting to waste the idol on anyone but Jason/Scot/Tai.

Huh? What a baffling post. There was nothing emotional about it, she liked Debbie but Debbie was awful for her game so she got rid of her.
This season is really disappointing. At this point in the game, there are ZERO likable people, and Jason and Scot are some of the most petty and ugly (personality-wise) people I've seen on this show. Screw Tai for siding with them.

It's not even a "love to hate" thing. I genuinely despise Jason and Scot and their continued presence on the show makes me want to stop watching.


This season is really disappointing. At this point in the game, there are ZERO likable people, and Jason and Scot are some of the most petty and ugly (personality-wise) people I've seen on this show. Screw Tai for siding with them.

It's not even a "love to hate" thing. I genuinely despise Jason and Scot and their continued presence on the show makes me want to stop watching.
lol I don't understand this rationale. I don't care who is likeable and not, just if they are interesting. Ozzy isn't likeable but he was good tv.. Scott is great. Btw


Totally off-topic but I didn't realize that you were still on GAF, haha. I guess that's my fault for associating posters with their avatars. That Cookie Monster avatar was a classic.
ha-ha thanks. Someone else is actually using that very avatar on GAF. Throws me off when I see it. Think imma steal it again soon.

But yeah I lurk more these days than post.
Tai is in the greatest position ever. He has The One Idol To Rule Them All and he is in an alliance with two Russells.

Only his conscience can screw him over now.


Tai is in the greatest position ever. He has The One Idol To Rule Them All and he is in an alliance with two Russells.

Only his conscience can screw him over now.
Can you imagine if Tai doesn't give the idol back to the boys so they team up with the girls (minus a sacrificial lamb) out of revenge, to flush it?

They could definitely split the votes that way (3 for Tai, 3 for e.g. Julia).


Can you imagine if Tai doesn't give the idol back to the boys so they team up with the girls (minus a sacrificial lamb) out of revenge, to flush it?

They could definitely split the votes that way (3 for Tai, 3 for e.g. Julia).
Next episode is probably hinging on who Tai wants to screw over. It'd be amazing if he just kept both idols in his pocket and waved Jason or Scot goodbye.
I can't imagine Tai wanting to save Jason. They don't really have much of a connection or anything. He might feel differently if it was Scot.

In his position he can basically guarantee his safety for a minimum of six days, which is an eternity in Survivor.


I bet Tai gave the idol back right after tribal. I'm sure Jason and tai had some deal that if the idol didn't need to be used he'd give it right back.


This season is really disappointing. At this point in the game, there are ZERO likable people, and Jason and Scot are some of the most petty and ugly (personality-wise) people I've seen on this show. Screw Tai for siding with them.

It's not even a "love to hate" thing. I genuinely despise Jason and Scot and their continued presence on the show makes me want to stop watching.

First I've heard anyone saying that. You're weird.

Aubrey? Cydney? Both great characters.
Next episode is probably hinging on who Tai wants to screw over. It'd be amazing if he just kept both idols in his pocket and waved Jason or Scot goodbye.

It would be a very bad move to make when you are in an alliance with two ultra goats that nobody wants to vote for in the finals.
First I've heard anyone saying that. You're weird.

Aubrey? Cydney? Both great characters.

Agree completely. The casting this season was great. No one has been too dominant, but everyone has been pretty distinctive. The only dud has been Joe, and even he's had a few worthwhile moments. Scot and Jason are pretty obnoxious, but they haven't reached Colton/S.30-levels of terrible yet.


I wish I had an episode to watch today. I feel like watching more Survivor.
I assume you've seen every season?

I did 3 rewatches last week, ones I had soured on, to see if they improved (they did) -- Caramoan, Blood vs Water, San Juan del Sur.

The latter is definitely the best. So underrated. And so entertaining (almost) the whole way through.


San Juan del Sur is definitely underrated. The first 2-3 episodes are bad, but it improves quite a bit starting with the Drew episode.
I actually enjoyed those episodes just as much. The twists (Hero Duel and idol clues), the exploration of character and loved ones (plays a huge part in the winner's story), the Rocker revelation and confrontation, Josh's excellent narration and gameplay (that would ultimately bite him in the butt), the hilarity of Rocker's perceived betrayal of Val, and her two idols (lololol).
I actually enjoyed those episodes just as much. The twists (Hero Duel and idol clues), the exploration of character and loved ones (plays a huge part in the winner's story), the Rocker revelation and confrontation, Josh's excellent narration and gameplay (that would ultimately bite him in the butt), the hilarity of Rocker's perceived betrayal of Val, and her two idols (lololol).

IMO, there's big payout in the end, but at the time those episodes were so dreary for me. I think upon rewatch they would be much better knowing how things end up. I'm also personally not a fan of Josh's droning narration.

Still, it's a great season overall. Tons of great characters and hilarious moments, and there's also some good gameplay mixed in too. The season definitely gets a bad rap.


San Juan del Sur is definitely underrated. The first 2-3 episodes are bad, but it improves quite a bit starting with the Drew episode.
It ended up #12 or so on the last reddit poll of seasons, which shocked like, everyone but me, because of all the whining during the season.


...because of all the whining during the season.
Yeah looking back at the thread there was just a general Survivor malaise brought on by a number of factors, I think. Firstly, another dreary Nicaragua season, dubiousness of the value of the Exile/duel combo, Jeff's spoilerish comments about the season being unorthodox and never predicting the winner (which ruined Josh and Jeremy as contenders), hype about Season 30 (people spent more time speculating about that than caring about 29, I think), and finally, the week-to-week format didn't do it justice, nor did the constant weekly ensuing speculation about the winner, when almost 9 episodes are not about who wins.

At the time it honestly felt like nothing special was happening, and once Josh and Jeremy left, it seemed like there was no one to root for except Jon and Keith, but they were both greeted with this "huh? he's going to win??" bumpuzzlement. Hiding the awesomeness of Natalie so much until Episode 10 works well when you can marathon it and you're so eager to figure out the answer to the puzzle, but during 9 weeks of airing it isn't as satisfying. Also when you're marathoning, subtler characters like Reed or Alec (and indeed Natalie) become a bit more pronounced, making it less apparent how poorly edited they are making their winner chances seem so low.
Scot may be one of the better "celebrity" players they've had. He's still not great, and there's zero chance he wins, but he's better than Cliff Robinson or Jeff Kent.

Which, really, speaks to how crappy most celebrities are on this show.


Was he? I've never rewatched that season, but I remember him being way too single-minded in his obsession with getting rid of returnees.

Though his "Thanks, Obama" was pretty amazing.
He was in the early going, but he lightened up later.

Ironically, Johnathan ended up voting him out almost completely by accident.
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