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Survivor 34: Game Changers |OT| We Have To Go Back

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This was a major jump the shark moment imo. Someone went home because they weren't even able to interact with the other tribe beforehand, and that really goes against what Survivor is. And it was a total dice roll as well. What can you honestly do in this situation other than hope for the best? I don't find random chance exciting.

And no, the blame doesn't lie on JT at all. Had he not said anything, Sandra probably gets fucked. Or Tai plays the idol wrong and someone on their side gets fucked. This is a twist that will always screw someone over like this. It makes total sense in this situation for JT to try and leverage his relationship with Brad to direct the vote the way he wanted.

I also really didn't like Probst having his little moment of disbelief at what was happening. Fuck off. It's exciting when a live tribal happens organically, but...put two tribes together with no interaction beforehand and of course they're going to start talking. Totally manufactured shite.
Shit pissed me off, manufactured bullshit episode immediately after a manufactured twist episode.

Honestly feel like dropping this season if its already this desperate.

Survivor: Game Changers
Survivor: For Teh Lolz
The crazy tribal wasn't worth the bullshit. The tribal was only crazy because there was no way for us to have any clue what was happening. It all felt like complete bullshit.

I kind of liked Hali's handling at tribal but at the same time I don't know how much was for show and how much just ended up screwing her anyways. It at least showed she had a strong perception of what was going to happen and she wanted to change it.
This was a major jump the shark moment imo. Someone went home because they weren't even able to interact with the other tribe beforehand, and that really goes against what Survivor is. And it was a total dice roll as well. What can you honestly do in this situation other than hope for the best? I don't find random chance exciting.

And no, the blame doesn't lie on JT at all. Had he not said anything, Sandra probably gets fucked. Or Tai plays the idol wrong and someone on their side gets fucked. This is a twist that will always screw someone over like this. It makes total sense in this situation for JT to try and leverage his relationship with Brad to direct the vote the way he wanted.

I also really didn't like Probst having his little moment of disbelief at what was happening. Fuck off. It's exciting when a live tribal happens organically, but...put two tribes together with no interaction beforehand and of course they're going to start talking. Totally manufactured shite.

I feel exactly the same way. I'm normally alright with the manufactured craziness but this really jumped the shark for me. It was just mayhem for mayhem's sake.


Shit pissed me off, manufactured bullshit episode immediately after a manufactured twist episode.

Honestly feel like dropping this season if its already this desperate.

I always told myself when Survivor starts feeling like Big Brother, I'm gonna stop watching.

Last night, it was also suspicious that Tai suddenly went looking for an idol by himself, and found the clue AND the idol very quickly. You might argue that he was motivated by the fact that it was 5 against 6, but why did all the other tribe members also didn't look for the idol ?
I always told myself when Survivor starts feeling like Big Brother, I'm gonna stop watching.

Last night, it was also suspicious that Tai suddenly went looking for an idol by himself, and found the clue AND the idol very quickly. You might argue that he was motivated by the fact that it was 5 against 6, but why did all the other tribe members also didn't look for the idol ?

The thing that seemed suspicious to me was more the editing. It made me think he didn't actually find it that day. It was the way Sierra acted when Tai started to speak up she seemed like she already knew he had an idol and the tribe was just trying to push him into talking about it.

I just can't believe Tai was that close to the tribe flag and it's right before a huge tribal that everyone isn't looking for it and everyone isn't watching other people looking for it. The time frame just seemed off to me.


The thing that seemed suspicious to me was more the editing. It made me think he didn't actually find it that day. It was the way Sierra acted when Tai started to speak up she seemed like she already knew he had an idol and the tribe was just trying to push him into talking about it.

I just can't believe Tai was that close to the tribe flag and it's right before a huge tribal that everyone isn't looking for it and everyone isn't watching other people looking for it. The time frame just seemed off to me.

There's no guarantee he found it in the lead-up to tribal. The footage they use is not always chronological... in fact, it often isn't. There's lots of anecdotes about players finding idols days before the edit suggests they did. The editors just splice in the idol-finding footage when it suits the narrative.

I also agree that it seemed convenient but you don't truly know when he found it.


The thing that seemed suspicious to me was more the editing. It made me think he didn't actually find it that day. It was the way Sierra acted when Tai started to speak up she seemed like she already knew he had an idol and the tribe was just trying to push him into talking about it.

I just can't believe Tai was that close to the tribe flag and it's right before a huge tribal that everyone isn't looking for it and everyone isn't watching other people looking for it. The time frame just seemed off to me.

Well, this would make a lot more sense.
Well, this would make a lot more sense.

I would go back and watch that moment when he first talks about it. All Tai says is he has an idea or he was thinking of something and Sierra just straight up tells Debbie to shut up and she gets all tense. The only thing I can really think that would cause that kind of reaction is that she already suspected Tai had an idol and was just waiting for him to say something.


As a non-fan that casually watches the show, that was the most entertaining tribal I've ever seen. I wonder if people that complained had a legitimate reason against the new mechanic or are they just sore because their favorite went home? It's only a blindside to us because they edited out the discussion on Malcolm completely, there was no way they'd vote that way without it. All in all it was manufactured, but still enjoyable to watch.
As a non-fan that casually watches the show, that was the most entertaining tribal I've ever seen. I wonder if people that complained had a legitimate reason against the new mechanic or are they just sore because their favorite went home? It's only a blindside to us because they edited out the discussion on Malcolm completely, there was no way they'd vote that way without it. All in all it was manufactured, but still enjoyable to watch.

I think if you looked on Survivor Facebook it'd be a lot of complaints because it's Malcom who got screwed, but they would have probably loved it if Sandra got screwed.

The more gameplay oriented places are going to more be angry at the idea of the twist. This was basically a random pre-merge merge tribal with a third of the cast having immunity and the rest having little to no chance to communicate as a whole.

If you get this close to randomness just for the chaos of it all you start to get too close to Big Brother and I already stopped watching that show...


That tribal council was batshit crazy.
Can't believe they went with this twist.
If Sandra wins for a third time I... I just can't.
If she makes the merge as a two time winner, it will be the greatest accomplishment anyone has ever pulled off in this game.

Only two votes to last and you have to imagine if their tribe goes again the target has to be on JT. So more like 1 tribal to last.

Sierra's legacy advantage greatly hints at merge being at 13.


If she makes the merge as a two time winner, it will be the greatest accomplishment anyone has ever pulled off in this game.

Do you think she becomes less of a target if she makes the merge? Or more? Some will see her as a perfect goat, while others will perhaps target her because that's when she's in her element. I hope she makes the merge just to see what she can stir up. Like her or not Sandra's amazing to watch.


As a non-fan that casually watches the show, that was the most entertaining tribal I've ever seen. I wonder if people that complained had a legitimate reason against the new mechanic or are they just sore because their favorite went home? It's only a blindside to us because they edited out the discussion on Malcolm completely, there was no way they'd vote that way without it. All in all it was manufactured, but still enjoyable to watch.
It's definitely amplified because a fan favourite fell victim to it, but either way it's a ridiculously unfair twist. I mean, that was essentially a merge vote, but without there being any chance for everyone to interact first. What did Malcolm do wrong to get voted out here? Absolutely nothing. And on top of that there's no real strategy behind it either. They were put into a position where they had absolutely no intel on the other tribe (no knowledge on who may or may not have an idol, for example), so whoever they targeted was just a complete roll of the dice. There's no defense or scrambling or anything.

To put it another way, imagine if Tai didn't find the idol, and one of the people on his tribe was voted out just because it was 5 vs. 6. Is that not extremely unfair?

I can see how it could be considered good TV, but it's the kind of twist that cheapens the game imo.
It's definitely amplified because a fan favourite fell victim to it, but either way it's a ridiculously unfair twist. I mean, that was essentially a merge vote, but without there being any chance for everyone to interact first. What did Malcolm do wrong to get voted out here? Absolutely nothing. And on top of that there's no real strategy behind it either. They were put into a position where they had absolutely no intel on the other tribe (no knowledge on who may or may not have an idol, for example), so whoever they targeted was just a complete roll of the dice. There's no defense or scrambling or anything.

While I don't disagree about it being generally unfair, they could scramble, and they did. Right there on the set! Jeff was watching it in glee. JT made a huge tactical mistake by telling the other tribe who was being targeted but not asking who to aim at in return. Malcolm could have heard his name, or tried to listen in, or asked his tribe who was being targeted, and I guess he failed. It was an extremely short timescale version of the entire Survivor social game. At some point he felt safer sitting down and trusting the vote as opposed to saving his skin, and it cost him.

I think if Jeff demanded the vote, or didn't let them scramble on set - that would be truly random. But hell, he even hesitated on calling the vote because of Halie. That was giving the tribes the chance to be truly assured of what they wanted to do.
After the potential success of this twist, I'm interested in whether or not they'd ever pursue a season twist like One World but with no tribes. An individual game right from the start. Imagine the chaos a 16-20 person tribal council would create, and the boner it would erect in Probst's pants.
While I don't disagree about it being generally unfair, they could scramble, and they did. Right there on the set! Jeff was watching it in glee. JT made a huge tactical mistake by telling the other tribe who was being targeted but not asking who to aim at in return. Malcolm could have heard his name, or tried to listen in, or asked his tribe who was being targeted, and I guess he failed. It was an extremely short timescale version of the entire Survivor social game. At some point he felt safer sitting down and trusting the vote as opposed to saving his skin, and it cost him.

I think if Jeff demanded the vote, or didn't let them scramble on set - that would be truly random. But hell, he even hesitated on calling the vote because of Halie. That was giving the tribes the chance to be truly assured of what they wanted to do.

The problem I have is that scramble mostly seems like it didn't effect much. Hali was trying to change the vote and JT was trying to change the vote and neither side changed the vote. Hali saying the other tribe would regret voting now pretty much shows they were already going to save Sierra and she knew that was how they were voting.

The problem is we have seen so many tribal council scrambles where not a lot changes because they're most the time more scared of making a change than they are of sticking to the plan. Hell even when Malcolm himself brought out multiple idols at tribal in his previous season the other side STILL voted the way they already planned.

I think Malcolm and the other tribe was outplayed regardless, but saying they had the chance to scramble is a little disingenuous. We've seen tribal very rarely change once they get to tribal council.


While I don't disagree about it being generally unfair, they could scramble, and they did. Right there on the set! Jeff was watching it in glee. JT made a huge tactical mistake by telling the other tribe who was being targeted but not asking who to aim at in return. Malcolm could have heard his name, or tried to listen in, or asked his tribe who was being targeted, and I guess he failed.
I wouldn't really call what happened at Tribal Council scrambling tbh. All that was really happened was both tribes trying to decide who to vote for to try and avoid any potential idol bounceback. It's not as if Malcolm was having side conversations with Brad Culpepper or anything.

I think it's hugely unrealistic of you to expect Malcolm to be hearing his name in such a chaotic situation, and even if he did...what then? What's he going to do, plead his case to the other tribe? He has no relationship with them barring maybe Hali. There's no real angle to play here. He just has to hope they don't play the idol correctly. When Brad went to the voting booth, he said 'gotta vote for you, you're the best player here'. This is what it came down to. Malcolm was targeted purely because of his previous reputation. Then you also have JT saying stuff to Brad that he shouldn't have, which again was completely out of Malcolm's control.

I don't think that's what Survivor is, or should be. Malcolm wasn't voted out by his tribe. He wasn't voted out because of any blunder he made. He even had the numbers! He was idoled out, again by someone NOT in his tribe, meaning he had no possible way of knowing or guessing who might have one. And I wouldn't normally say idols are unfair, because if you are the one who gets idoled out it's because you clearly didn't manage your relationship with that person well. But this vote wasn't based on relationships at all. There was no way Malcolm could have defended against this.
I wouldn't really call what happened at Tribal Council scrambling tbh. All that was really happened was both tribes trying to decide who to vote for to try and avoid any potential idol bounceback. It's not as if Malcolm was having side conversations with Brad Culpepper or anything.

I would call it literal scrambling. Jeff basically gave them as much time as they needed to make a decision in a closed space. TBH I would call that a tribal council challenge. How do you negotiate who to get rid of while maintaining your own safety?

I think it's hugely unrealistic of you to expect Malcolm to be hearing his name in such a chaotic situation, and even if he did...what then? What's he going to do, plead his case to the other tribe?

The smartest move is "get rid of Sandra". Which I guess JT was not good at communicating. Brad may have thought Malcolm was the best pick but there are a lot of really obvious reasons to vote Sandra that we have seen play out before.

I don't think that's what Survivor is, or should be. Malcolm wasn't voted out by his tribe. He wasn't voted out because of any blunder he made. He even had the numbers! He was idoled out, again by someone NOT in his tribe, meaning he had no possible way of knowing or guessing who might have one. And I wouldn't normally say idols are unfair, because if you are the one who gets idoled out it's because you clearly didn't manage your relationship with that person well. But this vote wasn't based on relationships at all. There was no way Malcolm could have defended against this.

I think the only difference here is, as you're saying, by the other tribe. But they had all the time in the world to negotiate an agreement, discuss who they are paired up with, what makes JT's situation better or worse...You're right, it wasn't a vote based on relationships. But it was their job to communicate and *make* it based on relationships, otherwise it's a roll of the dice.

Sure, it might jeopardize your current group, but so what? It's your spot in the game on the line. Build a group, talk it out. JT's mistake is that he gave info to put himself in a better place with the other tribe, but without the key piece that would solidify his place in his *current* tribe. He left out the relationships on his side of the fence, and we're about to see how much it cost him.


I liked the twist because it made for a fun tribal council to watch. I do think it was unfair to the players though.

Hope they do it again lol
I did like the RHAP discussion on wondering if Hali saying she thought it was dumb not to vote on a physical threat swayed Brad to change the vote to Malcolm to get Hali on their side.
Wasn't a fan of the cuts to Jeff with his shocked face saying how he couldn't believe it. "It's like a force field went through tribal and everyone started talking!" Well yeah, did you expect them to show up, say "welp it's 6-5, GGs everyone" and vote? Seemed pretty cheesy.

Can't believe they targeted Malcolm instead of Sandra as well. Can't stand her cockiness and "I'm the queen" bullshit. That would make me want to vote her out ASAP, not to mention that it comes as a result of winning twice, which is reason enough. Seems like a missed opportunity to me.


I would call it literal scrambling. Jeff basically gave them as much time as they needed to make a decision in a closed space. TBH I would call that a tribal council challenge. How do you negotiate who to get rid of while maintaining your own safety?
They weren't negotiating. With the exception of JT and Hali, they were speaking amongst their own tribes, making sure they were on the same page and probably trying to figure out who any idols may be played on.

I think the only difference here is, as you're saying, by the other tribe. But they had all the time in the world to negotiate an agreement, discuss who they are paired up with, what makes JT's situation better or worse...You're right, it wasn't a vote based on relationships. But it was their job to communicate and *make* it based on relationships, otherwise it's a roll of the dice.
I think you're really overestimating the degree to which these people were talking. Again, they weren't negotiating. They wouldn't have said anything to each other because they wouldn't want to risk an idol being played correctly. JT was the only one who gave away too much information. I really don't understand how you think Malcolm could have somehow made this about relationships in this kind of environment.

The reality of the situation is that we saw Malcolm's tribe wanted to vote for Sierra back at camp, and they ended up voting for Sierra. We saw that Brad Culpepper's tribe was divided on whether it should be Sandra or Malcolm back at camp, and for the sake of making it more shocking the edit was very much pointing towards Sandra going home, when they'd probably decided on Malcolm as well. For all of the talk at Tribal Council - nothing changed. Because in a situation that chaotic when you have to whisper into people's ears, it's too risky to change the plan.


Wasn't a fan of the cuts to Jeff with his shocked face saying how he couldn't believe it. "It's like a force field went through tribal and everyone started talking!" Well yeah, did you expect them to show up, say "welp it's 6-5, GGs everyone" and vote? Seemed pretty cheesy.

Yeah, and the way it was specifically designed was for all that stuff to go down at Tribal Council anyway. If a situation happened like that organically, then yeah, mug at the camera like crazy (see: Michaela's vote out last season). But when it was designed this way, his shock and amazement comes off as disingenuous.

What I don't understand about this twist is why they didn't just let the two tribes merge temporarily before they go to Tribal. That's what I was expecting them to do... It would've been more fair to the players as well. They wanted their chaotic scene at Tribal and got it, but they made the logic behind the vote more braindead than it could have been.
So I was watching last night, and passed out right before tribal council where it seemed Sandra was going to be the easy vote.

Woke up and I'm just like


Malcolm got voted out? After Tai used his idol to save someone?


I'm done watching Game Changers after this vote. First Caleb and now Malchom. Survivor needs to stop throwing out these stupid gimmicks that cause players to get voted out unfairly despite their gameplay. Back to back both situations were caused by their little twists. Seeing my favorite player of all time go out in such a bullshit fashion ruins my enjoyment completely. Really feeling for the guy, and I hope to God they give him yet another chance to play. Kudos to Brad, but c'mon dude way to play your boy JT. Sandra's arrogance was just as much to blame. Note also, I would have hated it just as much if anyone else was to be voted out this way regardless of my opinion on them. It's a shit twist.


The reality of the situation is that we saw Malcolm's tribe wanted to vote for Sierra back at camp, and they ended up voting for Sierra.
And that's who the smaller tribe thought was getting the votes. Sandra even said out loud "stick to the original plan", so she's also to blame for this. The whole key was to hide and deceive who the target was, not confirm it. Any ratting out by JT just further confirmed what they believed, but he did it assuming (hoping) that they would get out Sandra instead of his buddy. JT is a dum dum, but that whole tribe blew it. They totally blew the scramble.

I say give a bonus to the production staff who thought up this twist. They're always looking for new ways to shake up the game and this certainly did it. It's unfortunate that a popular player got the boot but I wasn't surprised they voted out Malcolm. He's a threat that can win comps to save himself, Sandra isn't. And Sandra is always going to have the 2-time target on her back.

It might have been unfair, but there's always situations where players don't have control. A bad draw for a tribe change can screw a player, even though they never did anything wrong.

Fair or unfair, the twist sure made for some interesting TV.


In many ways, the outcome of this twist is most similar to the outcome of the merge tribal council WAY back in Season 2, The Australian Outback. Varner - who got to witness last night's chaos first-hand - was done in entirely by something he couldn't control. Namely Kimmi blabbing about who received votes at a prior tribal council to the other tribe. JT pretty much did the same thing tonight by giving the Mana tribe the key piece of intel they needed on who to play their idol on.

Now Varner's original torch snuffing often gets blamed on his bowing out of immunity for peanut butter but, odds are, he would have lost that endurance challenge regardless. And you could make the argument here that Malcolm had more control over his fate than Varner did in Australia as he had established a good relationship with JT. They should have discussed the scenario of JT spilling who the tribe was voting for to Culpepper and its implications on an idol play. And, if they didn't, he should have reacted way more to what JT did than huddling in a group with Sandra and letting her reiterate how the other group has no idols.

Varner had no influence with Kimmi to speak of. They were rivals and she fucked him intentionally because she knew how the tiebreaker rule worked.
Malcolm had more favorable influence to wield and elected not to and it burned him.


It might have been unfair, but there's always situations where players don't have control. A bad draw for a tribe change can screw a player, even though they never did anything wrong.
But then one still has a chance to turn things around. In double tribal you have ZERO options, EVERYTHING is out your hand. They could basically draw rocks and it would be the same. Just stupid twist made purely in the interest of the show with no regard to the integrity of the game rules. Terrible.


In many ways, the outcome of this twist is most similar to the outcome of the merge tribal council WAY back in Season 2, The Australian Outback. Varner - who got to witness last night's chaos first-hand - was done in entirely by something he couldn't control. Namely Kimmi blabbing about who received votes at a prior tribal council to the other tribe. JT pretty much did the same thing tonight by giving the Mana tribe the key piece of intel they needed on who to play their idol on.

Now Varner's original torch snuffing often gets blamed on his bowing out of immunity for peanut butter but, odds are, he would have lost that endurance challenge regardless. And you could make the argument here that Malcolm had more control over his fate than Varner did in Australia as he had established a good relationship with JT. They should have discussed the scenario of JT spilling who the tribe was voting for to Culpepper and its implications on an idol play. And, if they didn't, he should have reacted way more to what JT did than huddling in a group with Sandra and letting her reiterate how the other group has no idols.

Varner had no influence with Kimmi to speak of. They were rivals and she fucked him intentionally because she knew how the tiebreaker rule worked.
Malcolm had more favorable influence to wield and elected not to and it burned him.
This is now the second time we've seen JT get his own alliance member Idol'd out.

Chris R

Tribal was ok for me.

Still would have preferred to see someone announce their flip on the bigger tribe and the chaos that would have brought, potentially to take Sandra down.


But then one still has a chance to turn things around. In double tribal you have ZERO options, EVERYTHING is out your hand. They could basically draw rocks and it would be the same. Just stupid twist made purely in the interest of the show with no regard to the integrity of the game rules. Terrible.
Like, this has happened plenty of tiems already, like with Exile island. I don't see the fuss. I actually like that they switch up the formula with seasons full of returnees. You have to adapt to everything.

This game has always a LOT of luck involved, and whover thinks is not the case, is tricking themselves. I persoanlly see it as part of the fun.


Disagree. You could also argue that Malcolm shouldn't have aligned with the one dude from the other tribe, and someone who he should have known is not a great strategic player. This move was kind of like JT writing the letter/idol to Russell. Amazing on paper if it worked, but JT's plans don't seem to work in the real world.

They also didn't listen to Hali who mentioned it's smart to get rid of the strongest player at this point of the game. They blissfully assumed it was Sandra, not Malcolm the challenge beast. Hali and her tribe are probably thinking they'll be in this 3 tribe format for at least 1-2 more tribals, so getting rid of malcolm is a good move. Sandra isn't going to win, they can get rid of her anytime.

There's a lot of things they could have done differently to sway things.
Just finished last night's episode and I'm pumped as hell. Kinda surprised to see so many negative reactions. Can't help but feel like the fact that it was Malcolm is netting this twist a lot more hate than it deserves.

Yeah, it was basically manufactured craziness, but I mean isn't all of Survivor manufactured craziness? I loved it. Every second.

I was totally hoping for Hali's plan to work and to get the whole group to switch to Culpepper. Shame it went nowhere.

I'm dreading Hali's position in this game. Her tribe treats her like shit, she has no outs, no input anywhere. A tribe swap can't come soon enough.


I'm done watching Game Changers after this vote. First Caleb and now Malchom. Survivor needs to stop throwing out these stupid gimmicks that cause players to get voted out unfairly despite their gameplay. Back to back both situations were caused by their little twists. Seeing my favorite player of all time go out in such a bullshit fashion ruins my enjoyment completely. Really feeling for the guy, and I hope to God they give him yet another chance to play. Kudos to Brad, but c'mon dude way to play your boy JT. Sandra's arrogance was just as much to blame. Note also, I would have hated it just as much if anyone else was to be voted out this way regardless of my opinion on them. It's a shit twist.

How was Sandra's arrogance to blame? She advocated sticking to the plan and voting Sierra. If JT hadn't spilled the target to Brad, she's correct. The only real blame is on JT.
Blaming JT completely for this is foolish. JT set up an absolutely perfect plan to get Sandra out.

Culpepper bungling it up and double crossing JT is the only blame to place.


Basically. Great TV, but hurt the integrity of the game. Don't wanna see this shit put back in future seasons.
You can do it, but it very specifically has to be the TC before the merge in a 3-way merge scenario. Anything else is BS.


Blaming JT completely for this is foolish. JT set up an absolutely perfect plan to get Sandra out.

Culpepper bungling it up and double crossing JT is the only blame to place.

Except Culpepper made a great move and used JT, whom once again misread who he could trust like he did on HvV. JT is scrub tier without Stephen.

Some insights from Malcolm from the exit interviews:

- Malcolm was just playing along when he entertained JT with the Sandra vote. At that tribal New-Nuku was united to get Sierra out.

- New-Nuku knew Hali wanted to help but encouraged her to vote with New-Mana, so she could gain their trust and in the future use her to infiltrate.

- Had JT made it clear that he wanted Sandra out publicly, New-Nuku would pull Hali to vote out JT or whoever and still have the numbers.

- JT definitely was going to vote for Sandra until he realized Brad was not having it so he switched and voted with New-Nuku on Sierra in order to save Malcolm.
Have they ever explained how the voting order works? Does Jeff rearrange the votes when he collects the voting jar, or do the producers do it?


Have they ever explained how the voting order works? Does Jeff rearrange the votes when he collects the voting jar, or do the producers do it?
They have a meeting and work out different idol scenarios and how they want to read em. They'll also re-edit if necessary later on, but prefer not to.
I've been trying to weigh this against the Michelle in Fiji and the Aaron in China situations. I think Aaron's might be the most unfair because of how it played out but maybe isn't as inherently unfair as the other two. There's very few realistic potential outcomes from this twist that aren't ridiculously unfair to the person voted out. Sierra would have been fucked, too. Not a fan.

Side note: because CBS posted next week's challenge preview too early, it was easy to guess that nobody from current Mana would be eliminated as the challenge was with five people. Took a lot of the drama out of the episode. When JT and Malcolm had that talk at camp it was clear he was gone.
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