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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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Also, I *SWEAR* I saw in LAST WEEK'S preview for this episode a snippet of Candice saying some shit like "I really want to work with Tom" or some bullshit.

Anyway, so this episode she vehemently says she wants to vote off James, gets visibly pissed at the mere mention of voting anyone other than James, and then proceeds to VOTE OFF TOM?



ShyGuy said:

Also, I *SWEAR* I saw in LAST WEEK'S preview for this episode a snippet of Candice saying some shit like "I really want to work with Tom" or some bullshit.

Anyway, so this episode she vehemently says she wants to vote off James, gets visibly pissed at the mere mention of voting anyone other than James, and then proceeds to VOTE OFF TOM?

I'm pretty sure J.T. took her into his confidence and said: "look, I've had a change of heart, I think we need to get rid of Tom so I'm going to write down his name... which means your vote is pointless unless you vote Tom with me. Let's work together but I think Tom has to go."

And they wouldn't have shown that because they wanted the ending to be a surprise. So I think she more so implicitly just wanted to work with "J.T. [and Tom and Colby]" and she ended up following the power player in the end. No sense sticking with the losing numbers if J.T.'s telling you those numbers are losing.
ShyGuy said:

Also, I *SWEAR* I saw in LAST WEEK'S preview for this episode a snippet of Candice saying some shit like "I really want to work with Tom" or some bullshit.

Anyway, so this episode she vehemently says she wants to vote off James, gets visibly pissed at the mere mention of voting anyone other than James, and then proceeds to VOTE OFF TOM?


JT flipped, and that's obviously her main alliance now, so she followed suit.


Heroes really need to win something....its becoming a bit ridiculous, also.....i really hope Russel's plan back fires some how and he gets voted off in a blind side, the reactions would be epic


Shit man, I read another board with spoilers for this season, they had a boot list, it's been 100% fucking correct. I've ruined the show for myself as I know the order of who's going home.


G***n S**n*bi
King Russell does it again! :D

I love how he was able to turn Coach so easily :lol They've got the Mastermind, the Temptress and now the Dragon Slayer! The Kingdom of Russell is now a great kingdom indeed.

Hopefully Boston Rob goes home next week. I like him a lot, I think he's a great competitor, but he's fucking with King Russ and that cannot be tolerated. Sorry, Rob.

I was actually genuinely surprised by Tom leaving though... I guess it makes sense for the votes needed for the coming merge, but their team is soooo much weaker now. They are so much worse off with James McGrady.

Damn this season is awesome.
What a crazy episode.

By now I have made my love for James pretty clear, and man was I hit hard by his injury. He was straight beasting before he went down too, so it makes it even more sad. From the looks of what happened to him, he tore his ACL and the knee is buckling because his ligaments aren't strong enough to hold his knee socket. It will often snap in and out of place, and he won't be able to do much but hobble for months. His game is pretty much over unless he manages to conjure up the best social game in the history of Survivor (lol). Pretty amazing how he was still the MVP of the Heroes' side of the immunity challenge even with that bum knee. Dudes a beast no matter how you look at it, bad knee or not.

On to the strategy. JT's vote was calculated, though it puts him in an odd spot. His move of taking out Cirie is paying dividends because it moved him up the ladder in his old alliance, and broke up the James-Cirie-Amanda triangle. JT has been looking for a strong 5 man alliance, with an inner 3 man trifecta inside that, this entire game but he is struggling to find it. With the Amanda alliance, he'd have to squeeze himself in next to her and James to be part of an inner alliance, but he couldn't have done that with Cirie in the game. So he tried to take Cirie out to solve that problem, hoping he could somehow persuade Amanda that he took out her strongest ally "for the good of everyone" and make her trust him again. Trouble is that Amanda has played this game too long to fall for something as stupid as that, so Rupert slid into the slot JT was trying to take. So the obvious move seems to be to ditch that alliance and make something happen with the crew he still has some good will with left, namely Tom and Colby. However, because Rupert would rather take this time to take advantage and position himself next to Amanda and James for a final 3 bid, no alliance JT could make is big enough. Sure, a Tom-Colby-Candice-JT alliance could take out someone this vote, but it is screwed at merge. Four man alliances don't work; once merge hits, any Hero not in that alliance would switch to the other tribe. He made his move to take out Tom because he realized that whatever alliance he made would be too small and his best bet is just to stick with Amanda's alliance. Despite being the deciding player in two crucial votes, he still doesn't have control of the game in any shape other than swing votes yet. Both he and Candice are running around, trying to find an alternative to their position, because at the moment, the best they can do is 4th place. Its hard to say that JT has gained a strong ally for this vote because he hasn't really yet; Candice is just going with him because they are in similar situations.

JT has lost a lot of ground, and he is doing his best to make it up. He knows he has a window because he is now the strongest physical competitor in his tribe, and thus essentially invulnerable for the next few votes. Even if Amanda and Rupert are butthurt over his betrayal, its safe to say they still need him to be around for challenges, and even if they do want to vote him out of spite, they'd have to convince James to vote against winning competitions, which would be nigh impossible. He just wants to put himself in the right side of the numbers for now, and craft a legitimate alliance. Its so late in the game for him to make these kind of long-lasting alliances, but thats basically all he can do for now. It doesn't help that his southern twang has worn off and people don't trust him anymore.

As far as the Villains' side goes, everyone is still biding their time for the big confrontation. Russell thinks that all the sheep will come flocking to him the moment he takes out the head of the alliance, namely Rob. I think he may be surprised to find that even if he takes out Rob, he is still in a disadvantage with the numbers. Someone else could very well take up leadership of that Villains' alliance, like Sandra or Tyson, leaving him where he started: alone with Parvati. I think he thinks Rob is the only personality strong enough to lead an alliance though, so its worth a try. He's going 7 against 2 (Coach-Rob-Sandra-Jerri-Danielle-Courtney-Tyson vs. him and Parvati) so there is the threat of them flushing the idol out with a 4-3 vote split. If he brings someone over, he'd have to play his idol to neutralize the 4 votes, and make it a 3-2 decision in favor of him. This is very, very risky. First of all, he has to make sure he neutralizes the 4 vote cluster rather than the 3 vote cluster. This is easier said than done, because Rob's alliance could throw those 4 votes Parvati's way to trick Russell into playing it for himself, thus sending Parvati home. After he figures where the 4 vote cluster is going to be targeted toward, he has to then get someone from the 3 vote cluster to switch to his side. If he can't get someone from the 3 vote cluster, he'd have to have one of the 4 vote cluster people convince Rob to be a part of the 3 vote cluster, which, needless to say, is incredibly suspicious. Rob, if he is smart, will make his 3 vote cluster himself and his two most reliable allies, which would probably be Sandra and Tyson. If no one in the 3 vote cluster switches, Russell is screwed no matter how you look at it. Make no mistake, if Rob plays correctly, he has the upper hand. However, we have seen time and time again how a split vote goes wrong because players don't know how to handle it. Split votes are one of the most complicated aspects of this game, and since Rob has never played in a season with idols before, he has to work off his intuition. Russell's only hope is that someone like Coach gets put into the 3 cluster, tips him off where the 4 cluster is targeting, and switches, thus giving him the advantage.

Big gamble, but those are his options. Once again though, even after he takes Rob down, its not like he has won the game or anything. He'd have to rally more people to his side, hoping another personality doesn't take over the opposing alliance.

Manics said:
Shit man, I read another board with spoilers for this season, they had a boot list, it's been 100% fucking correct. I've ruined the show for myself as I know the order of who's going home.

Sucks for you man. I am still cold turkey. Considering how amazing this season has been, I feel bad for anyone who has done this.

Don't go to Survivor boards, read Youtube comments, etc! It will ruin everything :(


I know the season is only about 4 episodes in, but its already my favorite season in years.

There is no way Boston Rob makes it to the merge (unless the tribes are flipped up or the Villains run the table). Russell finding the idol has changed the game and I find it impossible to think that Rob survives because of this fact.

Rob should have watched enough survivor to realize what a dangerous object it is and they should have all banded together and found the idol and threw it into the ocean. Leaving it in the ground was pure stupidity.

My early pick to win this game is Sandra. She is playing exactly the same game (as when she won) and will easily coast to the top 5 or 6.
BigJonsson said:

Yeah, my write-ups after episodes have progressively been getting longer :lol

Takes me like 3 minutes to type this stuff up though, for real.

ToxicAdam said:
I know the season is only about 4 episodes in, but its already my favorite season in years.

There is no way Boston Rob makes it to the merge (unless the tribes are flipped up or the Villains run the table). Russell finding the idol has changed the game and I find it impossible to think that Rob survives because of this fact.

Rob should have watched enough survivor to realize what a dangerous object it is and they should have all banded together and found the idol and threw it into the ocean. Leaving it in the ground was pure stupidity.

My early pick to win this game is Sandra. She is playing exactly the same game (as when she won) and will easily coast to the top 5 or 6.

The editing has gotten so tricky that I have trouble figuring out the winner early. In the first 15 or so seasons, the editing was so blatant that the show basically screamed the eventual winner out at you the entire time. Now its all about fooling you one way or the other. I've been trying to go based on position alone.

And frankly, I think Rob is in the best position of everyone in the game. He has no enemies (Russell respects him; even if Russell made it to the merge, he'd vote Rob's way come jury time), is the leader of the majority alliance on the winning tribe, and has multiple strong and loyal options to take to the final 3. Russell could get him with the idol, but it would take some bad play from Rob and some luck for Russell. We'll see; it'll definitely be interesting.



Manics said:
Shit man, I read another board with spoilers for this season, they had a boot list, it's been 100% fucking correct. I've ruined the show for myself as I know the order of who's going home.
Me too.

Although it still makes everything interesting as I wonder how some things will now go down and how some people last as long as they do
some of the Heroes: Rupert, Amanda and specifically Candice (wtf?)

Final 3 sucks :( (If what I read is true)


Amanda waiting for James was really sad and Parvati's British accent was great. Also loved Jeff putting Colby in his place.

And yes, Heroes are dumb.

Russell vs Rob will be great.


I've seen Survivor spoilers in the past (back when I lurked on Survivor Sucks) that nailed the first 5-6 boots then were completely wrong. Don't give up hope yet.


dude, telling us that the "final 3 sucks" is pretty much a spoiler right there.

now I'm wondering if the final 3 is going to be 3 boring girls.


Why don't you idiots cool it with the spoilers? Don't ruin it for the rest of us. Any opinions on what you think of the final 3 or the way things go down should be spoilertagged.

I can't believe we have people trying to spoiler survivor nowadays.


t-storm said:
Final 3 sucks :(

t-storm said:

Saying the final three sucks is a spoiler, saying it's not three girls is another fucking spoiler.

Get the fuck out of this thread please, go to that other site and don't come back.
Seriously, do we need to get a mod in here?


This is one of the only places I come to discuss this.

No one cares if you have read spoilers. If you have read them then do not post under any circumstances please.

Anyway. What the hell is wrong with everyone wearing blue? "James had a leg amputated? yeah, it's ok, maybe there'll be an arm wrestling challenge, boot Tom."


I really didn't think Rupert could get any stupider, but I didn't expect him to get more and more emotionally unstable. It takes seriously nothing to get him raging. Has he ever come out and admitted to any sort of mental disorder? Serious question. He seems to totally deal with the world with the emotional control and maturity of like a 12 year old.


Foov said:
I really didn't think Rupert could get any stupider, but I didn't expect him to get more and more emotionally unstable. It takes seriously nothing to get him raging. Has he ever come out and admitted to any sort of mental disorder? Serious question. He seems to totally deal with the world with the emotional control and maturity of like a 12 year old.
Seriously. I can't believe I used to like this guy.


Foov said:
I really didn't think Rupert could get any stupider, but I didn't expect him to get more and more emotionally unstable. It takes seriously nothing to get him raging. Has he ever come out and admitted to any sort of mental disorder? Serious question. He seems to totally deal with the world with the emotional control and maturity of like a 12 year old.

Rupert has probably fallen farther than any other Survivor contestant, from my reaction to their initial appearance to my current perception of the person.


xbhaskarx said:
Rupert has probably fallen farther than any other Survivor contestant, from my reaction to their initial appearance to my current perception of the person.

For me, Rupert's a close second to James in that regard.


xbhaskarx said:
Saying the final three sucks is a spoiler, saying it's not three girls is another fucking spoiler.

Get the fuck out of this thread please, go to that other site and don't come back.
Seriously, do we need to get a mod in here?
Oh shut the fuck up, all absolute spoilers were tagged out of courtesy and consideration, everything else was mere heresay and completely valid for discussion.

Newsflash: my definition of a lame top 3 isn't necessarily the same as someone else's: an all girl finish and "nope" was an inference to not necessarily being what someone else had assumed.

Keep crying, you can do it on my ignore list.


t-storm said:
Newsflash: my definition of a lame top 3 isn't necessarily the same as someone else's: an all girl finish and "nope" was an inference to not necessarily being what someone else had assumed.

Keep crying, you can do it on my ignore list.

"Lame" may be vague but it says enough. No one thinks Russell and Rob would be lame finalists, whereas pretty much everyone would consider Candice or Danielle to be lame finalists.
"Nope" was in response to the all-girl final three comment. You can bullshit about it all you want, but it's pretty clear there will not be three girls in the final.

"Total Posts: 207 (0.13 posts per day)"

I'm really going to miss interacting with a guy who has used a month's worth of his GAF comments to spoil Survivor for me...


BigJonsson said:
They may need to change up the tribes a tad........but I don't think they'll be doing that this season

If this wasn't labeled as Heroes vs. Villains it would of probably happened already :(. I think it would be interesting switching them up at this point ... I would hate the Heroes to keep losing until the merge. If that happened I'm guessing it would most likely be JT/James/Amanda and Rupert. So actually the merge is probably not that far off regardless. The show always becomes 10 times more interesting after the merge, even on the lackluster seasons I find.

Shurs said:
For me, Rupert's a close second to James in that regard.

I like both James and Rupert, but it's sad how much they've both fallen. I'm not sure if we'll see them after this, would they really bring back contestants for a fourth time? I wouldn't be surprised I guess.
Rupert seemed like a really cool guy his first season and I was a big fan, but his turn to asshole is astounding. I have to think the fame and money turned him into what he is now. Also, I love Russell. He is the reason I started watching Survivor again last season. I hope he stays in the game until the end. If Rob and him could work together they would be unstoppable:D

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Rupert was always an asshole. You sheeple were just fooled by the favorable edit he was given. Don't feel bad though there were several million of you. :D


This season is my first time actually witnessing him first hand, and had I not seen clips of him from previous seasons, I would of thought he was one of the nicest people ever.:lol

Part of his character has begun to show now, but it does seem like he has quite the favorable edit.
I'd look up more videos, however if there really are spoilers everywhere... I'm going to not take the chance.


Brian Fellows said:
Rupert was always an asshole. You sheeple were just fooled by the favorable edit he was given. Don't feel bad though there were several million of you. :D

I concur. That ep in his first season when he RAHRRRED at fairplay (I think?) for sending him a vote at tribal council was a good glimpse of who he actually was. Didn't he either shove or punch him too?


Caught up with all the episodes so far so I'm up to date with you Americans :D What a great show!

The Heroes are going to fall apart soon. This idea of "making the group stronger" by voting off the outsiders is stupid. Its obvious Colby is next unless he pulls of a challenge win by himself.

Villains are by far my favourite tribe ever in Survivor. They're a perfect team. They describe themselves as misfits yet they fit together like a bloody jigsaw puzzle. I'm struggling to decide who I favour, Rob or Russell.

Rob kicks ass but Russell is an evil genius. Hiding the machete? Who does that? Awesome!

I think Coach is being severely underestimated and could go far in this game just by being considered "not a threat".


I've totally bailed on this thread since I caught a glimpse of people seeming to argue over spoilers. To that end, I have no idea what the posts above me are saying :lol

Someone feel free to PM me if no spoilers were actually mentioned and I'm overreacting.
Russell is going home next week for sure. Dude pissed off Rob and he doesn't have numbers or an idol. What a moron. He should have cut his losses(Parvati) and tried to ride it out to a merge.
Wow. Tyson wrote his own fucking death note. That was incredible that Russell was able to flip his vote like that when Tyson was already guaranteed to be safe. And then Russell making the right move and giving his idol away was genius. Russell is seriously one of the greatest survivors to ever play the game. I'm pushing for him to be able to beat Rob, but I'm not sure it's going to happen for a while -- it's obvious the team is now split though.

And I loved Russell's speech to Coach when he gave the idol away. It made Coach smile and it was like planting a seed that was in there and trying to get Coach to turn over to his side. I'm realy hoping he succeeded or Russell's gone next -- if the merge doesn't happen before the villains vote someone else off.


Yeah that would have been an awesome episode for me if I didn't already know the outcome. How the fuck did people know the spoilers down to such exactness? Fuck.
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