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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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ScrabbleDude said:
She voted for Tyson because Russell told her to. She's part of his alliance. And I think Russell really needs to get Coach and I think he knows it. If he can get Coach then Jerri is likely to come along with him. That gives him the numbers game he needs. I think Russell is more likely to get rid of Sandra than win her over. Her personality is pretty strong and you don't want to keep that around.

Wow I didn't know Danielle was part of Russell's alliance..fair enough I guess cause they only show her tits when she does get air time.

Yeah I meant by him getting rid of Sandra :p I would definitely not want her around. She's Robs main power source.


Crazy episode! So many thoughts. Didn't realize Danielle was with Russell and Parvati before this episode. I was annoyed at Rob winning immunity, but Russell definitely got Tyson really good and proved some of his point to Rob. Tribal council was pretty epic, I actually thought Russell was going to use the idol for himself for a second, glad at how he delivered it. :lol It'll be interesting to see what Russell decides to do until the merge since he's still one of the main targets. Too bad it doesn't seem like there's many people on the Villains tribe that he could pull in on his side.

James going doesn't surprise me that much, I was really liking him again this episode - not as serious as he's been the past few episodes. I can see the heroes alliance scattering as soon as the merge hits, so at this point I don't think it can really become more unified either way.


SquirrelNuckle said:
Why does Danielle barely get any face time? Really pisses me off, she has an awesome rack to boot.

Yeah and I really have no idea on what shes doing :lol The challenge where she oiled up was crazy <3


Tyson got cheated out of his hotdogs. That's bullshit, man.

That would've been awesome if Probst handed him one on his way off.
Ah, so glad to see Tyson gone. He was always one of the ugliest, most weasly players. I'd love to see Russell pick off Rob and the rest of his cohorts. Although I'd like to see creepy Poverty go next.
racerx said:
he would at least been guaranteed to not go home next time either.

I just can't agree with that logic though, simply because of the position he would be in.

Let's say Parvati is out and the Villains lose again next week. It's Russell and Danielle on the outs, Coach is friendly but they have no hope at swinging the vote. No matter what Russell does, Danielle goes home, and Russell's only hope is a merge or another immunity idol.

Hell, the merge isn't even that helpful, because they are down in numbers and he has no alliance with them at all. Plus, he's still nowhere near even the jury.

The poker analogy is great, because in typical hold'em tournaments, there's no payout until you get deep into the game. Finishing 15th is exactly the same as finishing 7th. May as well take all of the risks you can because one more week is worth squat. Russell is looking for final 3, and his aggressive play is the only thing that can make it happen.

"One more week" is basically the worst plan in Survivor because it's not a plan at all. You're just praying you pair up cards on the flop.
Y2Kev said:
Can someone explain to me why everyone hates Parvati? They have shown her like...barely at all this season and I didn't watch her original season. Why does everyone hate her?

Parvati is one of the most cunning players to ever play the game. On top of an amazing social game (kind of like JT, everyone implicitly trusts her), she has made some of the strongest tactical moves in the game's history. She gets away with murder because of her personality; she has so much control of the game that she literally sunbathes the entire time in camp and half-asses challenges. Its insane how well she has historically been able to manipulate people.

We haven't really seen her spread her wings this season because she was thrown off by the fact that everyone in this season was determined to vote her off immediately. Regardless, she is playing as well as humanly possible with that enormous disadvantage and has managed to stay incredibly long.

For now, it may seem as if she is coat-tailing Russell (because she sort of has to; if she was super aggressive tactically, her tribe would be even more wary), but wait a little bit and you will see what I mean. Russell couldn't have picked a smarter ally to help him come up with strategy. The strength of your allies often determines the game, regardless of numbers; there is only so much tactically and socially one person can do before people get fed up by their scrambling. Having such a reliable ally allows him to be able to trust her with difficult tasks; for example, she could have easily given that speech to Tyson in his stead so that they target Russell instead of her.

While Rob has to work with Tyson and Coach, Russell has Parvati. It may make the difference in the long run. Rob's alliance has switch-able people, Russell's is rock solid for that reason; the quality of people Russell has is better.

Galang said:
I can see the heroes alliance scattering as soon as the merge hits

Though Tyson played terribly, at least he provided a way so that merge can be more interesting. No matter what happens, the Villains are going to be divided when they hit merge. The dynamics of a 3-alliance merge (Russell's, Amanda's, and Rob's) are always the best.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
The wife and I have been watching Survivor for almost 8 years now. We both agree that Russell is one of the best if not THE BEST survivor player we've seen.

He's found every immunity idol within his vicinity, he's been smart enough to know when to use them and when to give them away. He's been manipulative enough totally change the course of the seasons he's been on. He's a beast. That is all.

:lol @ Boston Rob last night I was wondering if he would open his clenched jaws long enough to eat a hot dog. Dude was salty.
RbBrdMan said:
The wife and I have been watching Survivor for almost 8 years now. We both agree that Russell is one of the best if not THE BEST survivor player we've seen.

He's found every immunity idol within his vicinity, he's been smart enough to know when to use them and when to give them away. He's been manipulative enough totally change the course of the seasons he's been on. He's a beast. That is all.

:lol @ Boston Rob last night I was wondering if he would open his clenched jaws long enough to eat a hot dog. Dude was salty.

The tears in his eyes!

Oh my god, it was so sweet.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Russell does really need Coach though. As much as I don't like the guy Russell and his alliance needs him.

Last night they cut to Coach and he said something like "The Dragon Slayer" always keeps his word. However, me and my wife both remember Coach and Russell making a deal where Coach gave Russell his word.. Are we both crazy or did this really happen? I want to say about 3 eppi's ago.
RbBrdMan said:
Russell does really need Coach though. As much as I don't like the guy Russell and his alliance needs him.

Last night they cut to Coach and he said something like "The Dragon Slayer" always keeps his word. However, me and my wife both remember Coach and Russell making a deal where Coach gave Russell his word.. Are we both crazy or did this really happen? I want to say about 3 eppi's ago.

Yes. It happened on the Luxury Trip.


RbBrdMan said:
Russell does really need Coach though. As much as I don't like the guy Russell and his alliance needs him.

Last night they cut to Coach and he said something like "The Dragon Slayer" always keeps his word. However, me and my wife both remember Coach and Russell making a deal where Coach gave Russell his word.. Are we both crazy or did this really happen? I want to say about 3 eppi's ago.
That's because Coach is crazy. If he makes promises to both sides, he still gets to keep his word with one of them. That equals loyalty in his book.

Crazymoogle said:
I just can't agree with that logic though, simply because of the position he would be in.
I'll preface this with I'm happy about everything that went down in tribal last night. However...

- Russel knew the votes were split. He writes down Parvati and she goes home. He gets to keep the idol, pretty much guaranteeing he'll be around at least until the merge.


- With what went down last night, he could easily be gone next week. He's putting all his eggs in the Coach basket and I really don't understand why. It's a play for the SUPER long run and he's assuming Coach/Danielle/Parvarti will stand next to him the whole way like his idiot team did last season.

Of course, this could all be bunk if the producers throw out another idol the next morning.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Yes. It happened on the Luxury Trip.

Baker said:
That's because Coach is crazy. If he makes promises to both sides, he still gets to keep his word with one of them. That equals loyalty in his book.

At the reunion show he will undoubtedly blame it on the fact that he swore off chocolate when he realized the tribe that captured him as he rafted through the amazon worshiped chocolate. The euphoric experience he had by eating chocolate for the first time since then is the reason he made the deal and he does not remember too many details.

Yea, coach is pretty out there. Russ really should have let Pavarti go instead of putting his fate in the hands of that fool.


Crazymoogle said:
I just can't agree with that logic though, simply because of the position he would be in.

Let's say Parvati is out and the Villains lose again next week. It's Russell and Danielle on the outs, Coach is friendly but they have no hope at swinging the vote. No matter what Russell does, Danielle goes home, and Russell's only hope is a merge or another immunity idol.

Hell, the merge isn't even that helpful, because they are down in numbers and he has no alliance with them at all. Plus, he's still nowhere near even the jury.

The poker analogy is great, because in typical hold'em tournaments, there's no payout until you get deep into the game. Finishing 15th is exactly the same as finishing 7th. May as well take all of the risks you can because one more week is worth squat. Russell is looking for final 3, and his aggressive play is the only thing that can make it happen.

"One more week" is basically the worst plan in Survivor because it's not a plan at all. You're just praying you pair up cards on the flop.

Well said (and not just because you took my analogy and ran with it).
really great ep, I want to see Russell get Rob outta here. Sadly i don't think Russell can win the game.

Danielle was it? I always forget she's there:lol then at the tribal when they show who voted who i'm like who the hell is this other girl

the look on rob's face once Tyson got voted out was priceless, be awesome if someone could gif it


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Baker said:
That's because Coach is crazy. If he makes promises to both sides, he still gets to keep his word with one of them. That equals loyalty in his book.

I'll preface this with I'm happy about everything that went down in tribal last night. However...

- Russel knew the votes were split. He writes down Parvati and she goes home. He gets to keep the idol, pretty much guaranteeing he'll be around at least until the merge.


- With what went down last night, he could easily be gone next week. He's putting all his eggs in the Coach basket and I really don't understand why. It's a play for the SUPER long run and he's assuming Coach/Danielle/Parvarti will stand next to him the whole way like his idiot team did last season.

Of course, this could all be bunk if the producers throw out another idol the next morning.

I agree with this. I don't know if it's in Russel's MO to screw people over, but he basically has to flip at least Coach in the next episode to stick around. For all the talk about Russel having Poverty locked to his side, Sandra would never defect from Rob's side either. I really think it's going to come down to whatever imbalance Coach has going on when he makes that decision.


G***n S**n*bi
Just saw the latest ep and...

King Russell Bitches! Best to ever play the game! :D :D :D

Holy shit Russell is too awesome. His shot at winning the fan vote is pretty much a fucking lock after that. Simply beautiful. The look on Robs face when King Russ handed over the idol was priceless. After all that shit he was talking through this entire season... Russell get's the better of him. Welcome to the big leagues, Rob. :)

And I love how people keep saying King Russell get's lucky even though he does this shit over and over again. No one is that lucky, the man is just that good.


The Villain girls are all in a great position. Jerri, Sandra and Pavarti have all aligned with lightening-rod personalities and can essentially sit in the background and just plant bugs in their ear. None of them really represent a threat (physically) and all play a pretty good social games.

What's left of the Heroes is pretty pathetic. Rupert and Cody are slugs and the women are even worse. JT is about the only worthwhile member left and his flip-flopping has kind of left him without a strong core going into the merge.


Rob was smart enough to actually think of the split vote....most of the time, that doesn't even come up or they dismiss it like last season


Y2Kev said:
I agree with this. I don't know if it's in Russel's MO to screw people over, but he basically has to flip at least Coach in the next episode to stick around. For all the talk about Russel having Poverty locked to his side, Sandra would never defect from Rob's side either. I really think it's going to come down to whatever imbalance Coach has going on when he makes that decision.

Not true, they could win the challenge. As the villains usually do. Including this past episode when they had to vote anyways.

As someone said above, it might be a smart move for Rob to consider throwing the next challenge, if he's confident he still has Coach.


Haha just watched the replay and Boston Rob didn't even eat a hot dog :lol Looked like he was forcing down the soft drink. Can't wait for the next episode.


Kozak said:
Haha just watched the replay and Boston Rob didn't even eat a hot dog :lol Looked like he was forcing down the soft drink. Can't wait for the next episode.

Welcome to the super big leagues Rob.

The Rob-Russell exchange in the night was also just awesome. The best thing about it was each of them were honest in their expressions since it was dark. :D


Sucks at viral marketing
I finally watched the newest episode. I've always liked Russ, but thought he was full of himself. Last season, I thought he was good, but only appeared better because he was surrounded by idiots. Now I think he might just be right.

I can only guess on how he managed to flip Tyson like that. There must have been some unknown tension/doubt with him and the rest of his alliance that caused him to not trust them in a run off. Russ told him that he was ready to vote her out to save himself. Knowing not to trust him, he fell into a battle of wits with himself. It came down to voting for Parvati or risking a run off, with the thought of Russ giving away his idol never crossing his mind.

I really like replaying the reactions shots after knowing the outcome... The smiles when Russ played the idol, Tyson's uneasiness, the growing confused look on Rob after the 4th Parvati vote. It's great when you like the outcome.
Haha. this has been a great episode so far. JT's pump fake and pass for the score was awesome. Heroes really know how to pass the ball. Jerri getting tossed by Colby was awesome.
Uh, Coach? What was that? You can't even pick sides, so you opt out and go with Courtney? That makes sense. >_>

The way the villians have been voting is so bizarre. It's always messed up by one random and useless vote.

And wow at Jerri falling for Russ's garbage so quickly. You think he'll just drop Parvati and Danielle for you? He only wanted your vote and you got duped. Villians tribe implodes next week.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
The villains are doing exactly what the producers want them to do, self destruct. They got the fight for dominance that they wanted between Russell and Rob and with that now ending the merge will come soon. Hopefully once that happens Russell will swing somebody from the other side to his and start running this shit. :D
Yeah the previews next week look crazy. I don't see Jerri turning on Russell though so he is pretty much in control with another minion on his side.
Gunloc said:
Uh, Coach? What was that? You can't even pick side, so you opt out and go with Courtney? That makes sense. >_>

The way the villians have been voting is so bizarre. It's always messed up by one random and useless vote.

And wow at Jerri falling for Russ's garbage so quickly. You think he'll just drop Parvati and Danielle for you? He only wanted your vote and you got duped.

Villians tribe implodes next week.
I agree that Coach voting Courtney was pretty weak. He deserved the little man comment from Rob. Just pick a side and go with it. Its a freaking game. I think Rob's history got to Jerri a little bit. She has seen him back stab tons of people. All she knows about Russell is that he is willing to risk his life to save Parvati.


Great episode. I kinda keep rooting for the heroes to win, I don't want to see Amber go home at all. She's to hot.
Well if the villians lose again next week, I don't see Coach sticking with Russell. In the preview he was pretty pissed off at Russ.

And do you think Russell is going to care about getting the physically weak players booted now like Coach wants? No way. He got rid of his rival and will go after the threats that affect him post-merge. Coach made a bad (non)choice and will most likely pay the price for it unless he can bring Jerri back around. (Which is still possible, because I do think they are each other's closest ally.)


What makes Russell so dangerous is that he starts playing on day 1 .. not for the tribe, but for himself.

He could give a shit less if the entire tribe starves to death until the merge. He'll set his own tribe's socks on fire. He'll bury their damn machette in the jungle. He'll let the chickens loose when the tribe isn't looking. If he has to weaken his entire tribe in order to give himself a leg up, he's got no problems doing it.

I think he's the first Survivor that I've ever seen who plays this way. Most people come into this game trying to do whatever they can to make their tribe stronger. Its a 'team' mentality on day 1 and it lasts until the merge for most everyone that's ever played this game. Of course, within the 'team' people will form alliances just to protect themselves in case the tribe loses immunity, but its still a team concept until the merge. Not so with Russell. He'll start throwing his own tribe under the bus on day 1 if it means he can get ahead.

I think that's why he's been the greatest Survivor ever. I also think it means that there's no way in hell that he will ever win this game. I don't really think he needs to win it though to prove he's the g.o.a.t.
bill0527 said:
I don't really think he needs to win it though to prove he's the g.o.a.t.
I don't think he sees it that way. He was pretty desperate to buy the title off of Natalie last season.

I think the fact that he doesn't take into account how his actions are making others feel is exactly why his isn't the greatest IMO. He has no finesse at all. That cost him before and will probably cost him now.

If he was thinking ahead he would have tried harder to appease Coach's ego and not ram the idea of getting Rob booted off down his throat. Coach is erratic and must be played with a gentle hand, something Russell thinks isn't necessary.

Now if Russ targets Coach next it won't really matter, but that might make Jerri defect. Next week is going to be an interesting week at the villian's camp.

Russell has capitalized on other people's mistakes two weeks in a row. Sooner or later, people will have to realize that they can't break rank anymore and have to nip the source of the tension in the bud.
As much as I like Russell it would be interesting if the Villians all rooted together to get rid of him. That would get rid of the two leaders and leave a shake up.


Junior Member
I think Russ has done way to much talking, and has hurt himself in the longrun. He has kept himself in the game so far, but he has been putting his own head on the chopping block just about every week, and he probably would have been completely safe this entire time if he kept his mouth shut. Assuming the heroes are 4 or 5 strong going into the merge, I can see just about every villain in the game having the potential to switch sides in a heartbeat. Pavarti has friends on the other tribe, coach seems just about fed up with Russ and could take Jerri with him, and the two other girls for obvious reasons have no loyalty to Russ. And if the Heroes group gets numbers we know who target one will be.


i cant believe Jerri fell for Russel's shit....he is with Parvati and Danielle for the whole game and suddenly, your his best girl? :lol Weak move by Coach as well, couldn't even make a final choice. I hope the villains self destruct.....i'm assuming there is another immunity idol on their camp as well
jey_16 said:
i cant believe Jerri fell for Russel's ****....he is with Parvati and Danielle for the whole game and suddenly, your his best girl? :lol Weak move by Coach as well, couldn't even make a final choice. I hope the villains self destruct.....i'm assuming there is another immunity idol on their camp as well
For real. Does Jerri really think she's going to be Russell's #1? He used her, and for what? The bottom of the pecking order in an alliance that Russell will always be the dictator of?

Coach just wimped out. He didn't want to break his almighty "word" (which changes every week) and decided to just throw his vote away. (Which doomed Rob anyway, and he knew that.) He has no plan or strategy, just going wherever the wind blows.


SquirrelNuckle said:
Great episode. I kinda keep rooting for the heroes to win, I don't want to see Amber go home at all. She's to hot.

Uhh, Amber is Boston Rob's wife. She is already at home, because she's not in this season.


G***n S**n*bi
Bu bu bu but.. Russell made a dumb move last week that will get him booted out in the coming episode!! :lol King Russell doubters owned again.

Whoever that man wants gone... is gone son. Accept it.

Courtney is so done. There's no way in hell she sticks around. She has no allies, people know she's useless, King Russ would slightly benefit from it and no one would feel bad getting rid of her. Game over.

And the camp being in disarray is exactly what King Russ has always wanted. All according to Keikaku. Bring on the merge baby!


ToxicAdam said:
What's left of the Heroes is pretty pathetic. Rupert and Cody are slugs and the women are even worse. JT is about the only worthwhile member left and his flip-flopping has kind of left him without a strong core going into the merge.

Woops, guess you were wrong :p

You mean Colby I guess.

C4Lukins said:
I think Russ has done way to much talking, and has hurt himself in the longrun. He has kept himself in the game so far, but he has been putting his own head on the chopping block just about every week, and he probably would have been completely safe this entire time if he kept his mouth shut.

Thats what I though all last season also and guess what? It did not get him voted off. Somehow he can say all kinds of crap and get away with it.
Russell needs to get rid of Sandra next. She's got a terrible attitude and her personality is strong. She also no longer has numbers in her alliance. I was shocked tonight when Russell's alliance suggested Rob. I figured he'd get Courtney since she'd be the easy out tonight.

Instead, by telling Rob in front of Sandra and Courtney that the two of them were on the chopping block, he's put it in their head that they are on the list to go home next. It should be easy now for Russell to flip their votes wherever he needs them -- and I'm guessing he actually targets Coach next. Coach is unpredictable and he did not vote the way Russell told him to. But yeah, tonight's tribal was exciting and I was holding my breath as the last vote was counted.

Russell -- best player ever. But, like Richard Hatch changed the game by showing people the concept of the alliance, he might have changed future rounds of the game where people try to emulate Russell and start playing from the second they hit the ground.


Forceatowulf said:
Bu bu bu but.. Russell made a dumb move last week that will get him booted out in the coming episode!! :lol King Russell doubters owned again.

Yeah good point, where are all the Russell haters from last week now...
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