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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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It was much more a mistake by Tyson than a victory by Russell. He may have saved Parvati for the time being, but he's directly in Rob's sights now.

As soon as he's vulnerable, Russell is a goner.


Gunloc said:
It was much more a mistake by Tyson than a victory by Russell. He may have saved Parvati for the time being, but he's directly in Rob's sights now.

As soon as he's vulnerable, Russell is a goner.

Are you kidding me?! Russell talked Tyson in to voting himself out. That might have been the greatest survivor dupe of all time.
Rob, Sandra, Coach, Jerri, and Tyson voted for Russell. Was supposed to be a split vote.
Russell, Parvati, and that other girl voted Tyson.

The idea was to force a tie and have Russell play the hidden idol. Forcing out either him or Parvati. Tyson was supposed to vote Russell, but Russell talked him into voting Parvati, ruining the 3/3 split.

Russell then gave his idol to Parvati in the middle of tribal council and she used it, making the final vote 3-2, with Tyson voted out. Tyson was guaranteed to stay until Russell talked him into voting for Parvati.


suaveric said:
Are you kidding me?! Russell talked Tyson in to voting himself out. That might have been the greatest survivor dupe of all time.

This, the best move in Survivor history potentially. Wow! He told Tyson he was voting for Parvati which put the focus on her, and then he gave her the Idol and Tyson is gone. It totally fucked Rob's plan of splitting the votes 3 for Parv and 3 for Russel. The man is a fucking genius. Rob had that WTF look all over his face. The only thing that would have been better is if Russel had sent Rob home, that would have been amazing and would have sent the rest of the villains into a tailspin without their leader. I'm really not sure why he didn't take Rob out, would have been even bigger.


Don't forget he also just talked Coach to his side with that move and his little speech about keeping his word. That makes it a 4-4 split in the Villains. Then Russell just has to talk the low man on Rob's totem pole in to coming to his side...


Wow at Russell predicting Rob's move and then manipulating Tyson.

No matter what happens next, Russell has cemented his position as an all-time Survivor legend yet again.


ErasureAcer said:
Russell is going home next week for sure. Dude pissed off Rob and he doesn't have numbers or an idol. What a moron. He should have cut his losses(Parvati) and tried to ride it out to a merge.

So Russell is a fool because it would be better to be the #1 target next week with Tyson still in the game and Parvati voted out? Brilliant.


Excellent episode :lol I would've been so disappointed if Russell got sent home.

Not sure how far he'll go, but damn he is entertaining
What's more important, Parvati or the idol? Unless he's getting some...I'd take the idol. That buys him another tribal...which might not even happen until the merge and then he can join up with the desperate heroes. That's how I would have played it anyhow. His plan relied on the fact that Tyson is the stupidest player ever. I'll give him props for making the attempt(and it worked) but come on...outsmarting Tyson isn't much of an achievement.


suaveric said:
Don't forget he also just talked Coach to his side with that move and his little speech about keeping his word. That makes it a 4-4 split in the Villains. Then Russell just has to talk the low man on Rob's totem pole in to coming to his side...

It could be even better than that: If Russell can convince Coach to switch over based on the loyalty he showed Parvati, he might bring Jerri with him and then it would be 5-3. That is, if the Coach - Jerri romance is ongoing, they haven't really shown it for a few episodes so who knows.
But the key will be convincing Coach, and he planted the seeds with the comment at tribal council.
Gunloc said:
It was much more a mistake by Tyson than a victory by Russell. He may have saved Parvati for the time being, but he's directly in Rob's sights now.

As soon as he's vulnerable, Russell is a goner.

Agreed. Russell was betting heavily on Tyson switching his vote over to Parvati. It paid off for the time being, but it also showed everyone the lengths to which he is willing to go to advance in the game. And anytime you make a bold move like that and survive, the result is always a major target on your back.


Russel is the devil confirmed. The guy is amazing. Watch him pick apart this alliance just like he did to the other tribe last season.
suaveric said:
Are you kidding me?! Russell talked Tyson in to voting himself out. That might have been the greatest survivor dupe of all time.
Tyson screwed up, he admitted it himself. He had no good reason to switch to Parvati, he just wanted to assure there would be no tie and that screwed him over. Tyson got nervous and paid the price.

Russell didn't know exactly how the votes were split, he seemed surprised that he even got those two votes. (He knew they were trying to flush out the idol, but I don't think he expected them to try and force the tie break.) What if Tyson was supposed to vote for Parvati and someone else was the third Russell vote, this situation wouldn't even have happened.

Also, Russell saving Parvati is a very risky move. He should have let her take the fall, because she's not nearly as loyal as he thinks she is.

Both of them are on the outs on their tribe and Rob (and everyone else) have literally no reason to keep him around. Any hopes of getting off the chopping block are toast and Russell's only hope is immunity or a merge.

Coach is the obvious wildcard, but that's still not enough. Jerri hates Parvati so I doubt that she would jump ship with Coach to join Russell & Co.


Gunloc said:
Tyson screwed up, he admitted it himself. He had no good reason to switch to Parvati, he just wanted to assure there would be no tie and that screwed him over. Tyson got nervous and paid the price.

Russell didn't know exactly how the votes were split, he seemed surprised that he even got those two votes. (He knew they were trying to flush out the idol, but I don't think he expected them to try and force the tie break.) What if Tyson was supposed to vote for Parvati and someone else was the third Russell vote, this situation wouldn't even have happened.

Also, Russell saving Parvati is a very risky move. He should have let her take the fall, because she's not nearly as loyal as he thinks she is.

Both of them are on the outs on their tribe and Rob (and everyone else) have literally no reason to keep him around. Any hopes of getting off the chopping block are toast and Russell's only hope is immunity or a merge.

Coach is the obvious wildcard, but that's still not enough. Jerri hates Parvati so I doubt that she would jump ship with Coach to join Russell & Co.

People will jump ship if they think it will take them just one step further in the game. Russell just has to find the weak link on Rob's side. It might not even be a difficult decision as they all just watched Russell beat Rob at his own game.
suaveric said:
People will jump ship if they think it will take them just one step further in the game. Russell just has to find the weak link on Rob's side. It might not even be a difficult decision as they all just watched Russell beat Rob at his own game.
It would still only be 4-4. Sandra HATES Russell and Jerri hates Parvati. Courtney might switch, but I think she's content to hang in the background for now.

Plus, Danielle is going to be found out sooner or later. (Sooner if Rob breaks down the votes) The third Tyson vote had to come from someone, so the hunt will be immediate.

Plus, another example of Tyson's poor judgment: If he really believed that Russ was voting for Parvati, why would he even need to change his vote? That would have been enough right there without him having to throw his in too. He did not think it through at all.

So now Russell has no idol, an even bigger target on his back and his secret alliance member (Danielle) has been partially exposed. Was Parvati really worth it for a possible tie? (The numbers if he's really lucky.) If Parvati makes it to merge, she's going to bolt IMO.
Gunloc said:
It would still only be 4-4. Sandra HATES Russell and Jerri hates Parvati. Courtney might switch, but I think she's content to hang in the background for now.

Plus, Danielle is going to be found out sooner or later. (Sooner if Rob breaks down the votes) The third Tyson vote had to come from someone, so the hunt will be immediate.

Plus, another example of Tyson's poor judgment: If he really believed that Russ was voting for Parvati, why would he even need to change his vote? That would have been enough right there without him having to throw his in too. He did not think it through at all.

So now Russell has no idol, an even bigger target on his back and his secret alliance member (Danielle) has been partially exposed. Was Parvati really worth it for a possible tie? (The numbers if he's really lucky.) If Parvati makes it to merge, she's going to bolt IMO.

I think they know Danielle wasn't with Rob.............Rob wanted a 3-3 tie.........Rob, Coach, Jerri, Sandra, Courtney, Tyson makes 6.........
suaveric said:
Danielle was already out in the open. Remember that Rob planned for it to be a 3-3-3 vote, so they knew about her.
Ah, that's right. I forgot about that. My apologies.

They never even feature Danielle so I totally forget about her. Did they even mention how Rob knew that Danielle was with Russell? I don't recall it ever even being addressed.

All that doesn't really help Russell though, it's actually a worse situation. He's still only got three votes and they are all (presumably) out in the open.
If I was Rob, I would force the team to lose the next immunity challenge to get rid of Russell before he, Danielle, and Parvati have a chance to join the Heroes when they merge and pick them apart. But I'm cheering for Russell to go as far as possible.
I really don't see it as a bad move for Russell. Rather, it was a brilliant tactic. He:

-outmaneuvered Rob, proving he knows what the hell he's doing
-guaranteed some loyalty from Parvati, who clearly knows the tribe has been gunning for her even before this episode
-came out smelling like roses due to his speech to Coach (and hell, he voted out Tyson in a way that didn't piss him off)
-earned another medal in the Survivor hall of fame. I don't think anyone else has ever survived giving away the idol, have they? Sticking to his guns was genius. :lol

Sure, he could last one extra week if he voted out Parvati and then used the idol next week, but this way he has major swing - with Parv and Danielle, he can convince Coach into a tie and then get the low totem from Robcamp to switch, giving a majority some time before the merge. And if the merge comes sooner? He has an in with Parv, which means the implied strength of Amanda + whomever on the other side. Parvati won't turn until she's sure she's going to lose, and in a merger scramble she will take whatever forces she can to go against Rob.

Without Parvati, Russell and Danielle are dead in the water and even if the merger happens, Hero-Villain losses right now are 5-2; the combined Russell/Daniel/Heroes powers would still be defeated.
Crazymoogle said:
I don't think anyone else has ever survived giving away the idol, have they? Sticking to his guns was genius. :lol

Jenna gave away her immunity to Heidi in the Amazon (link). Also, Sugar gave Matty an Idol in Gabon. It was still a bold move on Russel's part.
This episode should prove it. Russell's is the sharpest tactical game to grace Survivor. That doesn't mean he's the greatest strategic mind to play the game, otherwise he'd pay more attention to the social game - and the dynamics of perception inherent in that. But, tactically, unmatched. Not only did he have the nerve to jettison the paranoia that makes too many players irrational at Tribal Council and stick to his plan and give Parvati the idol, but he was also directing a speech of loyalty and trust to potential members of his alliance while doing it. It's just nice to see someone playing in such a rational (albeit manipulative) way.

And poor Rob. His allies obviously aren't as smart as he is. Surprisingly, it was Tyson who broke ranks this time, but Jerri and Courtney aren't all that reliable either.
Tim the Wiz said:
And poor Rob. His allies obviously aren't as smart as he is. Surprisingly, it was Tyson who broke ranks this time, but Jerri and Courtney aren't all that reliable either.

What Tyson did made zero sense, going on the information he thought was correct, his vote for Parvati wasn't even needed. I really don't know what was going through his head.

As for Courtney, she is actually quite the wily one and a great under the radar player. She should have won Survivor China IMO.
Coolio McAwesome said:
Jenna gave away her immunity to Heidi in the Amazon (link). Also, Sugar gave Matty an Idol in Gabon. It was still a bold move on Russel's part.

Hmm, haven't seen Amazon, and that was the necklace, not the idol...but you're right. Damn I hated Gabon. Tuned it all out of my memory. :lol
Gunloc said:
What Tyson did made zero sense, going on the information he thought was correct, his vote for Parvati wasn't even needed. I really don't know what was going through his head.

He could make the excuse that Russell was quite good at playing the role of the sincere confidant and desperate loner in that conversation they had about Parvati. To him, it just felt unlikely that anyone would give up the immunity idol when under the kind of pressure Russell was. 99% of the time, he'd have been right, too.

By the way, I think Russell completely made the right decision. If he'd played it for himself he'd be going into the merge alone and truly desperate. The rational course of behaviour was to play for the strong alliance going into the merge - for which, he needed Parvati - even if it risked losing everything and going home. As any good poker player will tell you: to win big, you have to be prepared to lose big - at certain moments. That vote was one of them.

Gunloc said:
As for Courtney, she is actually quite the wily one and a great under the radar player. She should have won Survivor China IMO.

In her own self-interest, yes. But from the perspective of Rob? She isn't a reliable member of his alliance - and neither is Jerri, as much as she might claim to despise Parvati.
Tim the Wiz said:
He could make the excuse that Russell was quite good at playing the role of the sincere confidant and desperate loner in that conversation they had about Parvati. To him, it just felt unlikely that anyone would give up the immunity idol when under the kind of pressure Russell was. 99% of the time, he'd have been right, too.
But to risk your position in the alliance to add a (presumed) superfluous vote for someone is extremely foolhardy. He got caught up in the moment and tried to expedite something that was supposed to be a foregone conclusion.

Tim the Wiz said:
By the way, I think Russell completely made the right decision. If he'd played it for himself he'd be going into the merge alone and truly desperate. The rational course of behaviour was to play for the strong alliance going into the merge - for which, he needed Parvati - even if it risked losing everything and going home. As any good poker player will tell you: to win big, you have to be prepared to lose big - at certain moments. That vote was one of them.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. What Russ did was a risky move, to be sure. But I don't think he is giving the fact that this is an all-stars season enough consideration. Parvati's connections have been brought up numerous times by the villians tribe as a major concern, so Rob's definitely going to be going after them to make sure they can't regroup after the merge.

Tim the Wiz said:
In her own self-interest, yes. But from the perspective of Rob? She isn't a reliable member of his alliance - and neither is Jerri, as much as she might claim to despise Parvati.
I don't really see Courtney as loyal to anyone so that wouldn't surprise me. But I think she's smarter than a lot of people give her credit for.
Pretty much what you said, Tim. I think what Russell does right - this season or last - is that he is always an aggressive social player. He never plays it safe and he's always looking to expose that fact among others (eg: Candice) that feel like it's the right thing to do. He's looking for idols, he's making promise investments; he's basically making everyone react, which past seasons have shown to typically be a 2-man job (Stephen & JT, Yau & Earl, etc)

Playing for just next week can work in rare circumstances (see: Vanuatu) but Russell basically proves that if you play several weeks ahead and take the risk now, you stand a much better shot once you get over the immediate bump in the road.
Crazymoogle said:
Pretty much what you said, Tim. I think what Russell does right - this season or last - is that he is always an aggressive social player. He never plays it safe and he's always looking to expose that fact among others (eg: Candice) that feel like it's the right thing to do. He's looking for idols, he's making promise investments; he's basically making everyone react, which past seasons have shown to typically be a 2-man job (Stephen & JT, Yau & Earl, etc)

Playing for just next week can work in rare circumstances (see: Vanuatu) but Russell basically proves that if you play several weeks ahead and take the risk now, you stand a much better shot once you get over the immediate bump in the road.
Though he does all this without an ounce of tact, (especially in the later stages) and that cost him the game last time.

He would be wise to not really strictly on scheming and use some finesse in his game play.


unomas said:
This, the best move in Survivor history potentially. Wow! He told Tyson he was voting for Parvati which put the focus on her, and then he gave her the Idol and Tyson is gone. It totally fucked Rob's plan of splitting the votes 3 for Parv and 3 for Russel. The man is a fucking genius. Rob had that WTF look all over his face. The only thing that would have been better is if Russel had sent Rob home, that would have been amazing and would have sent the rest of the villains into a tailspin without their leader. I'm really not sure why he didn't take Rob out, would have been even bigger.
He had immunity. >_>


I still can't wrap my mind around the huge risk Russell took.

How did he know Tyson wasn't one of the 3-3'ers who was already voting for Parvati?! And giving the idol to Parvati literally meant Russell's entire history was in the hands of the stupidity of Tyson. How did he know Tyson would be so stupid?!
BowieZ said:
I still can't wrap my mind around the huge risk Russell took.

How did he know Tyson wasn't one of the 3-3'ers who was already voting for Parvati?! And giving the idol to Parvati literally meant Russell's entire history was in the hands of the stupidity of Tyson. How did he know Tyson would be so stupid?!

He got fantastically lucky. Tyson made one of the stupidest decisions in Survivor history. He basically decided that he was going to risk getting voted out just because he was too lazy to go into a 2nd round of voting. I mean how the fuck. Really put a damper on what has been a pretty well played season so far. Just a colossal failure; frankly I can't believe there wasn't any coaching on the Villains' side to prevent it. Rob should have told people that Russell would want to flip a vote so that the vote split was 4-2 instead of 3-3; it was his only shot.

Split votes never seem to work in Survivor because people are too dumb to know how to do them. Consistently, the split loses to the idol, though theoretically it should win every time.

ScrabbleDude said:
And I loved Russell's speech to Coach when he gave the idol away. It made Coach smile and it was like planting a seed that was in there and trying to get Coach to turn over to his side. I'm realy hoping he succeeded or Russell's gone next -- if the merge doesn't happen before the villains vote someone else off.

Sure, Russell did a good job trying to save himself by convincing Tyson, but really, any decent player would have seen right through that. Look at how quickly Rob understood what Russell was getting at in his night-time talk. Russell tried to make him feel as if he wasn't gunning for him, and he turned it right back. If Tyson couldn't grasp this kind of basic mindgame, let alone the one Rob understood, then he doesn't deserve to be in the game.

I'd say that Coach would be a fool to fall for that kind of simple praise that Russell threw his way, but its been proven to work before. As JT said, Coach is a predictable player, and throwing praise his way almost assures his vote. Call him the Dragonslayer a few times, make a few remarks about loyalty, and hes all yours. Russell's little speech would be comical against a smarter player, but good play against a personality like Coach.

Crazymoogle said:
Pretty much what you said, Tim. I think what Russell does right - this season or last - is that he is always an aggressive social player. He never plays it safe and he's always looking to expose that fact among others (eg: Candice) that feel like it's the right thing to do. He's looking for idols, he's making promise investments; he's basically making everyone react, which past seasons have shown to typically be a 2-man job (Stephen & JT, Yau & Earl, etc)

Playing for just next week can work in rare circumstances (see: Vanuatu) but Russell basically proves that if you play several weeks ahead and take the risk now, you stand a much better shot once you get over the immediate bump in the road.

Its really a terrible strategy that requires a lot of luck to get far, and even then, it is almost impossible to win the game.

BowieZ said:
Meanwhile, James is finally gone, and Colby survives another week! :D


There goes my James fanboyism. He did awesome this episode. Destroyed Colby with a broken leg :lol

Love that guy. His speech at tribal was awesome; just hilarious all around that episode. Pretty poor decision by the Heroes to get rid of him; Colby at least has the possibility of flipping to the other tribe at merge. I suppose they want Colby around for winning challenges, but I honestly doubt it'd make a difference. I doubt Colby would switch though, and I think they know that too, so they thought it was worth it just to put James out of his misery and let him see a doctor (they all love him lol).

Shame to see the best physical threat in Survivor history go down to injury. Its great to watch him speedrun challenges, and his humor is fun too. Sucks. :/

Crazymoogle said:
Hmm, haven't seen Amazon, and that was the necklace, not the idol...but you're right. Damn I hated Gabon. Tuned it all out of my memory.

Gabon was one of the best played seasons until the very end, when Sugar decided to go against anything that would be logically sound. It was suuuuch a good season until that point, and simply because of the ending I hate it. In fact I generally hate seasons where the dominant player doesn't win (see: Cirie).


Russell *must* have gotten a stronger word from Tyson before the vote. The talk that was shown *can't* have been the only confidence Russell sought.

The Crimson Blur said:

There goes my James fanboyism. He did awesome this episode. Destroyed Colby with a broken leg :lol

Love that guy. His speech at tribal was awesome; just hilarious all around that episode. Pretty poor decision by the Heroes to get rid of him; Colby at least has the possibility of flipping to the other tribe at merge. I suppose they want Colby around for winning challenges, but I honestly doubt it'd make a difference. I doubt Colby would switch though, and I think they know that too, so they thought it was worth it just to put James out of his misery and let him see a doctor (they all love him lol).

Shame to see the best physical threat in Survivor history go down to injury. Its great to watch him speedrun challenges, and his humor is fun too. Sucks. :/
I feel like he got what he deserved. His attitude (appeared to) stink in the first few episodes, so I have little sympathy for him.

But I loved him in China.

Also, for some reason people give Tocantins a bad wrap but I just rewatched it recently and I was amazed at how great, emotional, strategic, etc., it was. It was kinda like Survivor: Africa but through the lens of modern gameplay. Really great season with a deserving Final 2/winner.

It seems like the ending to Gabon was so bitter for some people they saw Tocantins through bitter glasses (the dusty, dirty location probably didn't help) and dismissed it without giving it a chance. Coach was not a caricature at all, he was a well rounded, sympathetic character but I guess the hype at the time exaggerated him.

Finally, may I remind everyone that SPOILERS ARE FORBIDDEN in this thread. Don't even mention that you are spoiled, whether or not you actually spoil anything. PLEASE
Gunloc said:
Though he does all this without an ounce of tact, (especially in the later stages) and that cost him the game last time.

And the shitty thing is that he's playing this season without knowing that (this was shot before the live vote results of last season, everyone knows that, right?). So he has no idea what it cost him and he's doing it all over again.

If he plays another monster season and loses again because of a shit jury I will leave my life savings to him in my will.
BowieZ said:
Russell *must* have gotten a stronger word from Tyson before the vote. The talk that was shown *can't* have been the only confidence Russell sought.

Absolutely. The producers have to maintain the air of suspense going into tribal council so that the audience doesn't know for sure what is going to happen. If they showed us everything Tyson and Russell said to each other, we would have been much more confident going in that Tyson was going to switch his vote to Parvati.


DeusTrinitas said:
Absolutely. The producers have to maintain the air of suspense going into tribal council so that the audience doesn't know for sure what is going to happen. If they showed us everything Tyson and Russell said to each other, we would have been much more confident going in that Tyson was going to switch his vote to Parvati.
The problem with this though is that it seems to be undermining the perception of the skill employed by Russell to orchestrate this bold strategy.
BowieZ said:
The problem with this though is that it seems to be undermining the perception of the skill employed by Russell to orchestrate this bold strategy.

Don't get me wrong--Russell is a skilled manipulator. Among the best ever on the show, for sure. And the move was extremely risky: he would have been sent packing had Tyson changed his mind and stuck with the original plan. I'm just saying there had to have been more behind the scenes that we didn't see that caused Russell to be so confident that (1) Tyson believed him and (2) Tyson would vote Parvati instead of trying to split the vote.
Probably my favourite part of the episode was Rob saying that Russell was in for a big shock now that he was in the big leagues. And then the look on Rob's face as he realized that Russell had gotten the better of him.

The battle between Rob and Russell is making this the best season of Survivor I've ever watched. I hope this continues throughout the season with Russell bringing in more of the Heroes to his side after the merge.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
At first, I thought it was just once again a failure of communication in the collective action agreement. But it really wasn't! Tyson had to lie about who he was going to vote for to make sure there was no tiebreak. If the issue was just him voting for Parvati, he could have asked Rob to make the switch. But he really wanted Parvati out.

BUT given that Tyson knew they were going to force a tiebreak and that Russel had the idol, his move is incomprehensibly stupid. I don't believe he outsmarted Rob. Rob can't micromanage the neurotransmitters of the most stupid survivor ever.

Can someone explain to me why everyone hates Parvati? They have shown her like...barely at all this season and I didn't watch her original season. Why does everyone hate her?


Welcome to the big leauges Rob.

Rob can't micromanage their neurotransmitters, but I guess Russ did. Given the circumstances, it could not have been played more perfectly.


Lolligag said:
I wasn't liking Russell at all until that last episode. Things are looking up.

I was actually worried that he wasn't living up to his normal standards.

I was smiling throughout that whole council. He's absolutely brilliant, but theres no way he can win Survivor using that strategy. My prediction is that hes either gone next villains tribal council or if hes not, he makes it to the top 3 and loses. Emotions get the better of people.

Hes got a good alliance now I think. Parvati is going to trust him because of his "bold" move in giving her the idol and now Coach is going to suck his dick for being "honourable" and shit.

Also Danielle, why'd she vote for Tyson?

Y2Kev said:
Can someone explain to me why everyone hates Parvati? They have shown her like...barely at all this season and I didn't watch her original season. Why does everyone hate her?

They've all seemed to have gained an idea that shes just being charming and sucking everyone into her presence...yet nobody has..She's really doing nothing for everyone to hate her.

Best reason I could come up with is shes Russell's pet and without her he might be in a bit of trouble.

I reckon Russell's next move should be towards Sandra. Rob really needs Sandra to survive. Sandra agrees with Rob and forces it on everyone else.
Kozak said:
Also Danielle, why'd she vote for Tyson?

I reckon Russell's next move should be towards Sandra. Rob really needs Sandra to survive. Sandra agrees with Rob and forces it on everyone else.
She voted for Tyson because Russell told her to. She's part of his alliance. And I think Russell really needs to get Coach and I think he knows it. If he can get Coach then Jerri is likely to come along with him. That gives him the numbers game he needs. I think Russell is more likely to get rid of Sandra than win her over. Her personality is pretty strong and you don't want to keep that around.
Y2Kev said:
Can someone explain to me why everyone hates Parvati? They have shown her like...barely at all this season and I didn't watch her original season. Why does everyone hate her?

Probably has to do with the fact that her strategy consists of pretty much one thing: flirtation. She has always attempted to flirt her way through the game for the most part on each of her seasons. In addition, she has some close relationships with people from the Heroes tribe, namely Amanda.


DeusTrinitas said:
Probably has to do with the fact that her strategy consists of pretty much one thing: flirtation. She has always attempted to flirt her way through the game for the most part on each of her seasons. In addition, she has some close relationships with people from the Heroes tribe, namely Amanda.
And she won her second season. Probably feel a bit threatened...
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