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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom

Mr Swine

Åt idag i Sibylla Bollnäs (ny öppnade Sibylla nära Dollarstore), tycker att deras hamburgare är godare än Max, Burger King och Mc Donalds.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Corky arrived :D We're gonna discuss time/place now (for the Evilore-meetup) so I'll be mass-SMS:ing everyone who were interested (PMed me)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Okay so me, Corky and KAOz are arriving at Stockholm at lunch-time (between 12-1pm). I've PMed everyone who was interested in going - answer me asap :3 If anyone else wants to meet up, PM me and I'll give you my number~

Evilore, where do you wanna meet up?


Nämen va fan. Kom precis hem till den kungliga huvudstaden och så ser man att man har missat att det händer grejer.

And don't go to Gothenburg! Everyone smells like fish over there!


Nämen va fan. Kom precis hem till den kungliga huvudstaden och så ser man att man har missat att det händer grejer.

And don't go to Gothenburg! Everyone smells like fish over there!

Of course we do, that's why were going to Rosenlundsgatan : Fêskekyrka during the day and the east european hookers at night!


So I was out shopping a birthday present... and I saw this:


Guess which gaffers car that is?

Hint: He has typed "I'm the only one driving a mattgreen Subaru in Ljusdal"

EDIT: Ljusdal is this small...

EDIT2: Its a tad creepy since I have never seen him/her... just the car for now :)


Coolio, Sweden will buy 40-60 new SAAB JAS 39E/F (Nicknamed Gripen NG or "Super JAS")

Of course the most worthless political party in the history of political parties is against this, which makes me even more for it.


Btw am I the only one raging each and every time someone calls this fighter the "JAS"? Its not the friggin name, you dont call the Viggen just "J".


The name is JAS-39 or Gripen!


Coolio, Sweden will buy 40-60 new SAAB JAS 39E/F (Nicknamed Gripen NG or "Super JAS")

Of course the most worthless political party in the history of political parties is against this, which makes me even more for it.


Btw am I the only one raging each and every time someone calls this fighter the "JAS"? Its not the friggin name, you dont call the Viggen just "J".


The name is JAS-39 or Gripen!
Buy? I'm confused. From whom? SAAB Aero buying planes from SAAB Aero?

... Did we outsource them too? :(

I call it "Gripen".
Swedish military should just be retooled to be focused on terrorists, rebels, and peacemaking operations. It's one of the least patriotic countries in the world and if a country decided on invading, people would rather cooperate peacefully if that led to less bloodshed - which is a good thing.

That's why I think fighter jets are kinda pointless in this day and age.


Gold Member
That's not really true, tons of smart people (like scientists) are religious and there are highly developed countries that are much more religious than similarly developed ones. Religion and knowledge/science aren't mutually exclusive.

Maybe not, but a clear correlation between high levels of education and low religiosity has been shown countless times. Also, scientists are in general a lot less religious than "common people". The devoted christian scientist is an exception, not the norm. As people get more educated and "smarter", they get less religious, I think that's generally true even if it isn't a law of nature.


Swedish military should just be retooled to be focused on terrorists, rebels, and peacemaking operations.

That is what a insatsförsvar is, and we already have that. A airforce is needed for those things, as much as the navy and army is.

It's one of the least patriotic countries in the world and if a country decided on invading, people would rather cooperate peacefully if that led to less bloodshed - which is a good thing.

That's why I think fighter jets are kinda pointless in this day and age.

Yes I agree. Its good to be oppressed by a foreign power.
Are you serious?

The cold war mentality of not giving an inch is still alive and well, I assure you.

Also, world politics can change within a few years or less. Remember Russia vs Georgia? That took perhaps days to develop.
It takes 20+ years to build up a totally scrapped defence system. That is why we need at least some type of defence, today (even if it is the smallest in northern Europe).


is now taking requests
It makes my head hurt when i think of how much tax money we have spent on that useless piece of shit aircraft.


It makes my head hurt when i think of how much tax money we have spent on that useless piece of shit aircraft.

R&D creates jobs in this country, like it or not.
SAAB, Ericsson and a whole lot of other companies have benefited from that.

But continue being short-sighted, please.


is now taking requests
R&D creates jobs in this country, like it or not.
SAAB, Ericsson and a whole lot of other companies have benefited from that.

But continue being short-sighted, please.

We could have spent those money on road works or health care instead, those are jobs too. If we spend tax money on employing people we could at least be sure that they do work that benefits society rather than aircraft that gives us nothing but "bragging rights", though even that is debatable since we cant even make Norway think they are good enough to buy.


We could have spent those money on road works or health care instead, those are jobs too. If we spend tax money on employing people we could at least be sure that they do work that benefits society rather than aircraft that gives us nothing but "bragging rights", though even that is debatable since we cant even make Norway think they are good enough to buy.

Of course those are also jobs. But a military IS needed (it has many more purposes than just war, SAR (M/S Estonia, Finnbirsch), helping the police, disaster support, patrolling waters too keep baddies away (Somalia)) , and since Sweden still (or at least when Gripen development begun, during the cold war) is "ally-free" the idea is to develop our own weapons. That idea was crafted to keep us out of wars and to benefit us if we every see a scenario like in 39-45 (in case people forgot, new weapons (especially aeroplanes and ships) could not be bought from other countries, we were stuck in a tricky place)

Norway was bribed, the IMC is a dirty field to play in.

And your still forgetting the tech is used in different areas. Ericsson Gripen Radar is used in civilian aircraft.
It's a bit like saying the Apollo program was just about bragging rights. :p


We should be more patriotic. Fuck you Socialdemokraterna for forcing that "patriotism is racism" bullshit down everyones throats.

I'm proud of our culture and it's legacy. I'm proud of how strong and loving swedish mothers are, defending and caring for lost or harrassed children in the streets. I love and care for alot of swedish things (hey hey ladies!) and if the day comes that Sweden gets attacked DAMN RIGHT i'll defend it. That's patriotism. Fuck you Mona Sahlin.
We should be more patriotic. Fuck you Socialdemokraterna for forcing that "patriotism is racism" bullshit down everyones throats.

I'm proud of our culture and it's legacy. I'm proud of how strong and loving swedish mothers are, defending and caring for lost or harrassed children in the streets. I love and care for alot of swedish things (hey hey ladies!) and if the day comes that Sweden gets attacked DAMN RIGHT i'll defend it. That's patriotism. Fuck you Mona Sahlin.

Tell us how you really feel?


Rave parties in Stockholm are the best way to enjoy the city. It would have been dramatically good if you could just take a shower, changes clothes and directly head to Operan afterwards.


Short bus special
Yawn and good morning Sweden-GAF!

We had quite an, adventure yesterday.
Long story short:
Yoshichan = Awesome dude, who can dance for hours without any alcohol or drugs in him.
Keen = Laid back, and just cool. Shame I didn't get to talk too much to you.
Corky = The most Swedish guy I've ever met, and so awesome. And dude, he knows how to eat.
Kenka = What can I say? Straight up glidare to the maximum.
EviLore = Laid back, chill, babycarriage kicking allaround awesome dude. With loads of patience.

Had a great time really. Would've loved to meet up all you other Swedes who couldn't show.

Sorry for fucking up Gröne Jägaren though. >_> :(

But on the plus side, I was surrounded by hundreds of zombies. Not joking. Was a fucking zombiewalk.


Short bus special
Please tell me that you were really drunk and started yelling "AIK! AIK! AIK!"

Hahahaha! Nope!

Way more anti-climatic than that. Had an expired ID. 27 years old, never get's ID'd anywhere, except there. That ONE time. Wouldn't let me in due to that. :p

But yeah, got some food with Corky while the other guys where singing in there.


KAOz is right about the zombies !

Many more if you check Google.

KAOz, I also really appreciated your presence. All three of you were a splendid trio and I would hang out anywhere with you, even in Boden. I said it !
And for the legimitation stuff, no worries we kinda were aware at that moment that we could split and reform at will. We just to follow our wished and everyone was cool with it. It is actually seltdom and very nice that we got this chemistry almost straight from the get go. This precisely how you wanna an encounter with strangers to be.

Guys, you are welcome anytime in my hometown. Get ready for stinky cheese and cows on the street.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Awesome to meet all of you!

No mention of corky's stories? Those were hilarious :D

Weird that Gröme Jägaren of all places were sticklers for ID.
Of course those are also jobs. But a military IS needed (it has many more purposes than just war, SAR (M/S Estonia, Finnbirsch), helping the police, disaster support, patrolling waters too keep baddies away (Somalia)) , and since Sweden still (or at least when Gripen development begun, during the cold war) is "ally-free" the idea is to develop our own weapons. That idea was crafted to keep us out of wars and to benefit us if we every see a scenario like in 39-45 (in case people forgot, new weapons (especially aeroplanes and ships) could not be bought from other countries, we were stuck in a tricky place)

Norway was bribed, the IMC is a dirty field to play in.

And your still forgetting the tech is used in different areas. Ericsson Gripen Radar is used in civilian aircraft.
It's a bit like saying the Apollo program was just about bragging rights. :p

If the argument is that it leads to new technology that can be utilized in different areas, than that same money would probably bring just as much new technology if spent on research :p

A navy, yes I can see the benefit of that, but I question what utility jet fighters bring to the table aside from weapons trade (which I really don't think the government should be supporting). As for a potential new conflict arising, I highly doubt that and Sweden has already bent more than backwards to the United States for protection in the eventuality that the big bad ruskies would invade (or any other neighbouring nation).

Diplomacy is a more cost-efficient way of preventing and preparing oneself fro war, and as many patriots there are that are willing to lay down their lives to protect the motherland, I'm sure you'll find plenty more who just want to survive.

Then again, I don't live in Sweden any more so none of this truly affects me.


Short bus special
Awesome to meet all of you!

No mention of corky's stories? Those were hilarious :D

Weird that Gröme Jägaren of all places were sticklers for ID.

Corky's stories where something else. Probably one of the best parts of the trip. He will forever be NakenRambo to me.

Yeah, and when I used to live in Stockholm (like 6 years back) they never ID'd me then. So weird. But still a good time. Would love to just hang out sometime and chat when no one is under any time pressure. You seem like a really cool duder.


Awesome to meet all of you!

No mention of corky's stories? Those were hilarious :D

Weird that Gröme Jägaren of all places were sticklers for ID.
Regarding Corky, I would wait for him to come and share about it himself. And he has the advantage of having seen the reactions of us all !
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