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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Helvete... nu får man vara försiktig när man skriver.

Nu syns senast ändrat bla bla... jag hatar sånt.

Det har varit så i flera år ju! Men det är typ random, ibland visas det och ibland inte.

edit: test

edit 2: Se, nu visas ingenting


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

edit: Testar nu att edit med "Advanced Edit"


Var mer nyfiken på hur det rent spelmässigt fungerar att importera sparfilen från CK2 till EU4, får du börja med samma andel land på kartan som du hade i CK2 fast i EUIV? Låter apnajs.

Ja, nationerna överförs så som de var i CK2.


Vilken tidsperiod är CK2? Är det värt att skaffa även fast jag redan har EU4? Har fått intrycket att spelen är tämligen lika.

De är fundamentalt olika på så sätt att i CK2 styr du en släkt, du spelar som en person i taget (när denna dör, dennes arvinge) och till stor del handlar det om personliga intriger mellan människor. I EU spelar du som ett land, oavsett vem som styr det, och till stor del handlar det om internationella konflikter och diplomati mellan länder.


Vilken tidsperiod är CK2? Är det värt att skaffa även fast jag redan har EU4? Har fått intrycket att spelen är tämligen lika.

Och det är precis som Ledsen skriver, helt olika spel.
Ska nog börja om nu när jag kommit in i det. CK2 är just nu mer spännande än EU4.
Har helt seriöst suttit med Microsoft support i nästan en timme bara för att köpa fucking office. Funkar inte. Hatar Microsoft nästan lika mycket som jag hatar radion och Aftonbladets speljournalister. Men vad ska man göra? Alla alternativ till Office är ganska kassa, men jag kan ju inte ens köpa Microsofts skit.


Har helt seriöst suttit med Microsoft support i nästan en timme bara för att köpa fucking office. Funkar inte. Hatar Microsoft nästan lika mycket som jag hatar radion och Aftonbladets speljournalister. Men vad ska man göra? Alla alternativ till Office är ganska kassa, men jag kan ju inte ens köpa Microsofts skit.

Vad är det som inte fungerar med köpet?

Och LibreOffice fungerar hyfsat, iofs använder jag det inte "pråffisionellt".
Vad är det som inte fungerar med köpet?

Och LibreOffice fungerar hyfsat, iofs använder jag det inte "pråffisionellt".

När jag skulle betala med Paypal kom det upp en felkod. Testade med kortet och det fungerade inte heller. Fungerar på alla andra butiker, såväl Amerikanska som Europeiska som Asiatiska. Helt värdelöst.


Hej SweGAF!

I plan on doing something crazy in a month or two and I'm wondering if there might be some good advice in here.

I've been in a (proper) long-distance relationship with a lovely Swedish lady for a long while. I'm in the UK, she's in Stockholm. More and more, we both just want to be together. We're sick of the 850 miles between us (well, she's sick of the 1,400KM between us, but whatever). After a lot of talk, we're both excited by the idea of me just moving over there as soon as possible, with a minimum of delay, and letting all the annoying grown-up shit work itself out once I arrive.

Which leads me to my question!

I'm 30 years old, with no unique (or relevant) employment skills to offer and I only speak a very, very tiny bit of Swedish at this point. Living arrangements won't be a problem (she has her own apartment), so the main (huge!) problem I have is the prospect of getting employment.

Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how likely it is for a non-Swedish speaking 30-year old English guy to move over to Stockholm (possibly as early as October) and pick up a reliable source of income? My main concern is just getting a job. I'll take whatever dirt-work I can find.

I'm just worried though that my complete lack of Swedish language skills will make that an unrealistic goal.

Can this sort of thing work? Or is it a bat-shit crazy expectation?
Har helt seriöst suttit med Microsoft support i nästan en timme bara för att köpa fucking office. Funkar inte. Hatar Microsoft nästan lika mycket som jag hatar radion och Aftonbladets speljournalister. Men vad ska man göra? Alla alternativ till Office är ganska kassa, men jag kan ju inte ens köpa Microsofts skit.

När jag skulle betala med Paypal kom det upp en felkod. Testade med kortet och det fungerade inte heller. Fungerar på alla andra butiker, såväl Amerikanska som Europeiska som Asiatiska. Helt värdelöst.

Varför inte bara köpa skiten i butik?

Hej SweGAF!

I plan on doing something crazy in a month or two and I'm wondering if there might be some good advice in here.

I've been in a (proper) long-distance relationship with a lovely Swedish lady for a long while. I'm in the UK, she's in Stockholm. More and more, we both just want to be together. We're sick of the 850 miles between us (well, she's sick of the 1,400KM between us, but whatever). After a lot of talk, we're both excited by the idea of me just moving over there as soon as possible, with a minimum of delay, and letting all the annoying grown-up shit work itself out once I arrive.

Which leads me to my question!

I'm 30 years old, with no unique (or relevant) employment skills to offer and I only speak a very, very tiny bit of Swedish at this point. Living arrangements won't be a problem (she has her own apartment), so the main (huge!) problem I have is the prospect of getting employment.

Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how likely it is for a non-Swedish speaking 30-year old English guy to move over to Stockholm (possibly as early as October) and pick up a reliable source of income? My main concern is just getting a job. I'll take whatever dirt-work I can find.

I'm just worried though that my complete lack of Swedish language skills will make that an unrealistic goal.

Can this sort of thing work? Or is it a bat-shit crazy expectation?

If you're able to cook maybe you will be able to apply for a job in a kitchen somewhere. What kind of work do you have now/have had in the past? A quick search for English speeching jobs in Sweden comes up with at least a few results. Most of them requires some years in their respective fields though.
Hej SweGAF!

I plan on doing something crazy in a month or two and I'm wondering if there might be some good advice in here.

I've been in a (proper) long-distance relationship with a lovely Swedish lady for a long while. I'm in the UK, she's in Stockholm. More and more, we both just want to be together. We're sick of the 850 miles between us (well, she's sick of the 1,400KM between us, but whatever). After a lot of talk, we're both excited by the idea of me just moving over there as soon as possible, with a minimum of delay, and letting all the annoying grown-up shit work itself out once I arrive.

Which leads me to my question!

I'm 30 years old, with no unique (or relevant) employment skills to offer and I only speak a very, very tiny bit of Swedish at this point. Living arrangements won't be a problem (she has her own apartment), so the main (huge!) problem I have is the prospect of getting employment.

Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how likely it is for a non-Swedish speaking 30-year old English guy to move over to Stockholm (possibly as early as October) and pick up a reliable source of income? My main concern is just getting a job. I'll take whatever dirt-work I can find.

I'm just worried though that my complete lack of Swedish language skills will make that an unrealistic goal.

Can this sort of thing work? Or is it a bat-shit crazy expectation?

Well, if you don't speak Swedish, then working with service (at restaurants or stores or whatever) is most certainly out of the question. What have you worked with in the past? You could try to educate yourself while in Sweden, if you wish. A friend of mine is 37 years old -- he's American and came to Sweden a year ago. He speaks very little Swedish, but he got a job as a bartender rather quickly. I don't know much of your past experiences, but even if you lack them you can always try to find some job. Don't worry too much with the language, 'lest you want to work with services and being in direct contact with customers.

Varför inte bara köpa skiten i butik?

Men men men men men men jobbigt högre priser mindre förmåner och för att jag kan dammit.

If you're able to cook maybe you will be able to apply for a job in a kitchen somewhere.



Hey man, english is our second language. You'll fit right in.
I've visited a couple of times and general socialising has been a breeze. :)
If you're able to cook maybe you will be able to apply for a job in a kitchen somewhere. What kind of work do you have now/have had in the past? A quick search for English speeching jobs in Sweden comes up with at least a few results. Most of them requires some years in their respective fields though.
I'm a terrible cook, haha.

I've been looking through job offers online and all of the ones which require 'Fluent in written and spoken English' also specify good Swedish skills. Which is only to be expected!

Well, if you don't speak Swedish, then working with service (at restaurants or stores or whatever) is most certainly out of the question. What have you worked with in the past? You could try to educate yourself while in Sweden, if you wish.

And that's kind of the problem -- my work history in the UK has been pretty much entirely customer service sort of stuff, taking calls from customers or working in shops. So I can't take that experience forward. Sucks, but oh well. :)

When I''m there, I'll definitely be looking into taking a Swedish language course (the SFI?) to speed things up, but that's obviously something that will make a difference a little later down the line.

My emergency back-up plan is to walk the streets of Stockholm and pop into every food-place and ask if they need kitchen staff to empty bins, wash up dishes, etc. Or look at general cleaning jobs. I still worry that the company will want (or just prefer) basic Swedish-speaking skills even for 'background' jobs like that though.


Vad hände med Lukas Moodysson?? Efter Fucking Åmål och Lilja4Ever verkade han ju bli Sveriges motsvarighet till Speilberg. Men icke!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

Jag... jag har internet. JAG HAR INTERNEEEEEET!

300 sek i månaden för 1mbit. Framtiden.Är.Här.
Men men men men men men jobbigt högre priser mindre förmåner och för att jag kan dammit.

Har faktiskt ingen aning om varför det är 10/10, var inte menat som någonting alls. ÄR jag så smart att jag inte ens förstår mina egna puns?

I've visited a couple of times and general socialising has been a breeze. :)

I'm a terrible cook, haha.

I've been looking through job offers online and all of the ones which require 'Fluent in written and spoken English' also specify good Swedish skills. Which is only to be expected!

And that's kind of the problem -- my work history in the UK has been pretty much entirely customer service sort of stuff, taking calls from customers or working in shops. So I can't take that experience forward. Sucks, but oh well. :)

When I''m there, I'll definitely be looking into taking a Swedish language course (the SFI?) to speed things up, but that's obviously something that will make a difference a little later down the line.

My emergency back-up plan is to walk the streets of Stockholm and pop into every food-place and ask if they need kitchen staff to empty bins, wash up dishes, etc. Or look at general cleaning jobs. I still worry that the company will want (or just prefer) basic Swedish-speaking skills even for 'background' jobs like that though.

I know a guy from Iran who has been in Sweden for less then a year, he speaks fluent swedish without any kind of accent. I was shocked and impressed when I found out. He spent 5 hours a day studying it though. My girlfriend might actually be in the same situation as you in a few months though. She does have something lined up though because of the Serbian community where I live. (She's Serbian.) I don't suppose there is much need for a British community though.

But yeah, try getting a bartending job. Where I used to live earlier there is a bar that had at least 3 employees who didn't speak Swedish. Maybe take a course or something before you leave so you at least have something to back up your resume with.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Jag... jag har internet. JAG HAR INTERNEEEEEET!

300 sek i månaden för 1mbit. Framtiden.Är.Här.



is now taking requests
When I''m there, I'll definitely be looking into taking a Swedish language course (the SFI?) to speed things up, but that's obviously something that will make a difference a little later down the line.

My ex Chilean girlfriend once told me that the SFI fucking sucks, and that she had to take some Swedish university classes to learn the language properly. So maybe consider that as an option. :)


Junior Member
Absolut. Jag avbeställde min PS4:a förra veckan dock. Kommer att ha gott med annat att göra och spela; GTA 5. Köper mig en PS4:a nån gång nästa år.

är väl nog nog för det bästa. var själv ganska taggad på att fixa en ps4a så fort som möjligt, men lägger mig nog hellre på säkra sidan och väntar tills att alla initiella problem är lösta.


Nej men vafan, här sitter man och dricker kaffe och barnen leker utanför.

Det är ju nästan som friheten skriker.

Kaffe Kaffe.

Som Mel Gibson brukade säga.
My ex Chilean girlfriend once told me that the SFI fucking sucks, and that she had to take some Swedish university classes to learn the language properly. So maybe consider that as an option. :)
The quality of SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) courses mostly depends on the teachers. I have plenty of friends who really enjoyed them. It's definitely worth a try since it's free. The courses at Stockholm University are supposed to be great too. First you have to take a placement test and then you're placed in a group at the appropriate level.

I know a few non-Swedish speaking visitors that managed to find jobs, but it's generally low-paying jobs as cleaners or helpers in restaurants. Being a native English speaker might give you some advantage though.
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