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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom

i7:ans grej är väl typ multithreading eller vad det nu heter, vilket inte gör någon större nytta i spel. Då kan man spara in några slantar på att köra i5 istället. Jag har egentligen ingen koll, så rätta mig om jag har fel.

Gott nytt år. 2014 känns som rymdens år.

Aha, kan vara sant.



2013 slutade i alla fall med en rejäl fisk för mig, Gott nytt år!

Mums gädda....

Det är inte så avancerat att bygga ihop en dator själv, är som att lägga pussel. Bitarna går bara in på en plats, men om man inte gillar sånt så kan man välja ut delarna och låta butiken sätta ihop den. Brukar vara mer prisvärt än att köpa såna där pre built-datorer.


I think it was around the time of the Norwegian killings that I first heard about the growing cuckoo strain of conservatism in Scandinavia. I realize they're in the minority, though, and that's it's more targeted toward immigration. Even if it wasn't I wouldn't let it deter me from visiting (lol, unless it was like some real, real crazy shit). Hell, I think I'd even love to live there a for a bit.

The target was muslims, non-christians and those who protected those people. The bomb that went off in the city was basically a distraction to buy him some time. The guy who did it is a christian templar, need i say more...?

The media didn't focus on that though, i guess they think that religious hate crimes and terrorist acts can only be done in the name of Islam - and not any other religion, like christianity.
The target was muslims, non-christians and those who protected those people. The bomb that went off in the city was basically a distraction to buy him some time. The guy who did it is a christian templar, need i say more...?

The media didn't focus on that though, i guess they think that religious hate crimes and terrorist acts can only be done in the name of Islam - and not any other religion, like christianity.

Just the fact that he is commonly referred to as a mass-murderer instead of a terrorist gives some insight on media bias.
When I read the newspaper they said "terrorist" and not "mass-murderer" though. I think the media did a good job honestly. They detailed just about everything.

Also, might be interesting to mention that 2% of all terrorism in Europe is made by Muslims. 2%. That's very little.


Just the fact that he is commonly referred to as a mass-murderer instead of a terrorist gives some insight on media bias.
Terrorist, mass-murderer, the labels change from day to day. I don't expect media outlets to say stuff they actually understand...
Take the "militant" muslims as an example, the jihad group Al-Qaeda are labeled as terrorists and "extremists" but i rarely see the media mention their religion, their cause or what they are; muslims fighting a "holy war".

But no, let's forget about the fact what religion does to people, to societies and minorities, let's just ignore the fact that the two largest religions on this planet is at each others throats (and have been for hundreds of years) - and at all the others who won't join their cult. It's just random attacks, killings and crimes...


When I read the newspaper they said "terrorist" and not "mass-murderer" though. I think the media did a good job honestly. They detailed just about everything.

Also, might be interesting to mention that 2% of all terrorism in Europe is made by Muslims. 2%. That's very little.

I bet fascist left wing terrorists are behind most of the shit here. Am I right or am I right?

But don't forget that Muslim terrorism probably has more victims. Like Spain, London and Russia. Probably Stockholm too if he hadn't fucked that one up.


Sverige - Finland imorrn!
Underbart =)

förutom att det är lite deppigt när man inte kan hejja på nåt lag =(


Hi again Swedish-Gaf, so after going trough my options and the available masters in Sweden I have now applied at 3 Uni's: 1. Lund 2. Umea 3. Uppsala.

3 applications will hopefully turn out into at least one acceptance, I am also considering applying for a 4th place. Any suggestions regarding Uni's that have a respectable master's course in (International) Marketing?


Hi again Swedish-Gaf, so after going trough my options and the available masters in Sweden I have now applied at 3 Uni's: 1. Lund 2. Umea 3. Uppsala.

3 applications will hopefully turn out into at least one acceptance, I am also considering applying for a 4th place. Any suggestions regarding Uni's that have a respectable master's course in (International) Marketing?

There's the Marketing and Media management track or International Business in one of Stockholm School of Economics's master progammes. It is regarded as one of the top Unis in Sweden when it comes to economics.
Kommit på ett sätt att få halvfabrikatsköttbullar och snabbmakaroner att inte smaka så jävla trist. Stek lite paprika och tillsätt gräddfil i stekpannan och blanda ihop hela skiten sen. Plus typ valfri krydda.

Någon som har lite andra mattips? Är student och har ingen ugn, hatar fisk och är allmänt kass på att laga mat.


Aliens ate my babysitter
There's the Marketing and Media management track or International Business in one of Stockholm School of Economics's master progammes. It is regarded as one of the top Unis in Sweden when it comes to economics.

I did my Master's there, graduated last year. Highly recommended, and now any infant problems with the program should be ironed out (my class was the 2nd in the current format). I did Economics though, but the Marketing people seemed to like it.


Short bus special
Kommit på ett sätt att få halvfabrikatsköttbullar och snabbmakaroner att inte smaka så jävla trist. Stek lite paprika och tillsätt gräddfil i stekpannan och blanda ihop hela skiten sen. Plus typ valfri krydda.

Någon som har lite andra mattips? Är student och har ingen ugn, hatar fisk och är allmänt kass på att laga mat.

Billigt och snabbt, liknande det du har gjort:
Köttbullar, stek i mycket smör, tillsätt svartpeppar, vitpeppar samt basilika. Lite vitlöksklyftor också. Stek upp ett tag. Släng i en burk krossade tomater, eller passerade tomater. Gosa runt. Släng gärna i chili efter styrka, annars sambal olek.
Koka upp pasta. Släng pastan i såsen och rör runt. Done.

Annars om du har soja och matlagningsgrädde. Blanda de två i en fryspåse, släng gärna i vitlök och honung efter smak. Krydda kycklingfiléer, släng i påsen. Marinera en stund. Lägg i en ugnsform, häll över såsen. Ha skiten i ugnen i ca 35 minuter på 220 grader.

Billigt och helt okej.


I did my Master's there, graduated last year. Highly recommended, and now any infant problems with the program should be ironed out (my class was the 2nd in the current format). I did Economics though, but the Marketing people seemed to like it.

Awesome, can you tell me a bit about living there? The main concern I have is that I imagine myself living in this big city where all the students live pretty far from eachother, unlike how it would be in Lund for example where you are in a smaller "student city", The study itself is very interesting, but a amazing social experience is something that is also very important for me.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Klart att Keen har gått masterutbildning i ekonomi.

Ekonomer överallt! Dem salaries, dem women, dem opportunities.

Yay, moneys and wimens!

Awesome, can you tell me a bit about living there? The main concern I have is that I imagine myself living in this big city where all the students live pretty far from eachother, unlike how it would be in Lund for example where you are in a smaller "student city", The study itself is very interesting, but a amazing social experience is something that is also very important for me.

I wasn't, perhaps, the general student, having grown up in stockholm and having all of my friends here, being 6-7 years older than my classmates. So can't really comment about the student situation. Obviously places like Lund and Uppsala have a more "focused" student experience, with Student Nations, where you party/live.
But SSE had a pretty active Master's Club that arranged various pub crawls etc, and I'm sure it's only gotten more active. So there are several ways of becoming involved in student affairs. I had no trouble making friends among classmates either.
Be aware that Stockholm can be expensive, and that the housing situation is complicated.

Good luck whatever you choose.


SMHI har utfärdat en klass 1 varning på framtida varningar.

Snart kommer vinten sägs det, redan på fredag.
Mja mjo, vilken typ av mat eller typ av tips?

Typ sånna som KAOz sa, lättlagat men ändå lite roligare än "nudlar" eller "köttbullar och makaroner". Om det bara är något tips för att lyxa till någon maträtt som det jag skrev funkar det med.

Billigt och snabbt, liknande det du har gjort:
Köttbullar, stek i mycket smör, tillsätt svartpeppar, vitpeppar samt basilika. Lite vitlöksklyftor också. Stek upp ett tag. Släng i en burk krossade tomater, eller passerade tomater. Gosa runt. Släng gärna i chili efter styrka, annars sambal olek.
Koka upp pasta. Släng pastan i såsen och rör runt. Done.

Annars om du har soja och matlagningsgrädde. Blanda de två i en fryspåse, släng gärna i vitlök och honung efter smak. Krydda kycklingfiléer, släng i påsen. Marinera en stund. Lägg i en ugnsform, häll över såsen. Ha skiten i ugnen i ca 35 minuter på 220 grader.

Billigt och helt okej.

Tack för tipset, det kommer jag testa. Kycklingen får vara då jag inte har någon ugn. Vågar knappt käka stekt kyckling heller, är livrädd för att understeka.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Kycklingklåpare :( om ni är fega, köp en köttermometer.

Annars börja i het panna med lite olja, stek nån minut. Vänd, peta i en bättre bit smör, ös kycklingen medan du steker den. Vänd var 30:e sekund eller kör längre om du känner för det. Viktigt att du öser under tiden med smöret bara. Kör ej 7-10 minuter, eller till 70 grader. Är den under, stek lite till bara. Voila.


iha vidun helppoa!

nää, men svårt att vara glad/ledsen när man inte kan heja på nåt lag...
I wasn't, perhaps, the general student, having grown up in stockholm and having all of my friends here, being 6-7 years older than my classmates. So can't really comment about the student situation. Obviously places like Lund and Uppsala have a more "focused" student experience, with Student Nations, where you party/live.
But SSE had a pretty active Master's Club that arranged various pub crawls etc, and I'm sure it's only gotten more active. So there are several ways of becoming involved in student affairs. I had no trouble making friends among classmates either.
Be aware that Stockholm can be expensive, and that the housing situation is complicated.

Good luck whatever you choose.

Yeah, but during most weekends you still gotta make your own plans, and head to clubs/bars, instead of going to obvious student spots like in the "real" university ctities. So, I guess you'll have to make more of an effort if you want to do things if you choose to study in Stockholm.

I'd definitely vouch for the school and the city though =)


Aliens ate my babysitter
iha vidun helppoa!

nää, men svårt att vara glad/ledsen när man inte kan heja på nåt lag...

Yeah, but during most weekends you still gotta make your own plans, and head to clubs/bars, instead of going to obvious student spots like in the "real" university ctities. So, I guess you'll have to make more of an effort if you want to do things if you choose to study in Stockholm.

I'd definitely vouch for the school and the city though =)

Yes, of course. Though there are still regular parties at Rotundan at Handels.

Oh, and I for sure recommend the school and the city :D
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