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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


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Och det där målet var ju bara löjlig tur. Kul att se, men imponerande är ju inte rätt ord.

Du kan inte kalla det för "löjlig tur" när det som hände är exakt vad han ville skulle hända. Då är det mad skillz. Och det är inte direkt första gången han gör såna här grejor.


Du kan inte kalla det för "löjlig tur" när det som hände är exakt vad han ville skulle hända. Då är det mad skillz. Och det är inte direkt första gången han gör såna här grejor.

Han hoppades (no pun intended) på det snarare. Man blir ju jävligt disorienterad i en såndär manöver, träffsäkerheten blir då ett "lucky shot".




Köp en triss


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Han hoppades (no pun intended) på det snarare. Man blir ju jävligt disorienterad i en såndär manöver, träffsäkerheten blir då ett "lucky shot".

i så fall är alla mål tur

men somliga gör såna regelbundet, ibra är en av dem. Det är inte tur som gör att han alltid gör "omöjliga" mål. Skillz, baby!


Aliens ate my babysitter
Imorgon är det helg. Mina fötter kommer älska mig. Och jag ska också köpa en flaska vin - rött!

En flaska vin är kul, men roligare med flera!


Plus att det tillkommit en 11 flaskor till efter det, samt att tolv till flaskor champagne köptes igår som kommer inom ett par veckor. Måste sluta...

Edit: urk, kom på att jag har 4 flaskor alldeles för dyrt vin att hämta på store satan också


En flaska vin är kul, men roligare med flera!


Plus att det tillkommit en 11 flaskor till efter det, samt att tolv till flaskor champagne köptes igår som kommer inom ett par veckor. Måste sluta...

Edit: urk, kom på att jag har 4 flaskor alldeles för dyrt vin att hämta på store satan också

Har du någe najs ställ? Jag och tjejen letar efter ett stort vinställ som kan stå på golvet.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Har du någe najs ställ? Jag och tjejen letar efter ett stort vinställ som kan stå på golvet.

Tyvärr inte, har en litet vinlagringkyl. Som dessvärre står i källaren nu få jag var tvungen att få bort den ur lägenheten inför visning. Så nu har jag vin över halva golvet.

Men kolla Premier Cru


Hello SwedenGAF! I'm in the process of applying for a job in Gothenberg and thought I'd throw you some questions if that's ok?

I'm from the UK and have a wife and 2 kids. None of us speak a word of Swedish. Is it generally easy to get by without speaking Swedish while we learn or will we have an uncomfortable few months?

My wife is a qualified teacher and has a Masters degree in Maths, she currently teaches high school and A-level. Do you have any idea what she'd need to do to teach in Sweden? I've looked around online and can't seem to find many answers. Would she need to learn Swedish first? Or could she teach in English? Are there English speaking schools?

Do you have any idea what it would cost to rent a nice sized house in Gothenburg? 3-4 bedrooms, maybe a garden.


Tyvärr inte, har en litet vinlagringkyl. Som dessvärre står i källaren nu få jag var tvungen att få bort den ur lägenheten inför visning. Så nu har jag vin över halva golvet.

Men kolla Premier Cru

Hmmm de hade inga snygga, såg mest ut som torkställningar.

Hello SwedenGAF! I'm in the process of applying for a job in Gothenberg and thought I'd throw you some questions if that's ok?

I'm from the UK and have a wife and 2 kids. None of us speak a word of Swedish. Is it generally easy to get by without speaking Swedish while we learn or will we have an uncomfortable few months?

My wife is a qualified teacher and has a Masters degree in Maths, she currently teaches high school and A-level. Do you have any idea what she'd need to do to teach in Sweden? I've looked around online and can't seem to find many answers. Would she need to learn Swedish first? Or could she teach in English? Are there English speaking schools?

Do you have any idea what it would cost to rent a nice sized house in Gothenburg? 3-4 bedrooms, maybe a garden.

There are international schools where she could teach. Don't know how hard it'd be to get a job though. At any other (non-university) school she'd have to be able to speak Swedish. You'll get along fine without speaking Swedish privately, since most people speak good to very good English. I'd highly recommend making an effort to learn the language though if you're planning on staying long term I see that that's exactly what you're doing. You'll have no trouble at all. As for your wife's job, right now you don't need a teacher's licence to teach part-time or full-time for a limited period (I don't know how long), though you need one for permanent employment (edit: seems this doesn't come into effect until dec 2013, from the link below? You should probably just read it yourself). That'll change come 2015 though. With her qualifications I imagine she'd do well until then.

Have fun in Gothenburg, the people there have a good reputation with Swedes in general (except their rival, Stockholm. Which city is the "asshole" and which one is the "face"? Depends on who you ask...).

edit: Here's a link for her: http://www.skolverket.se/om-skolverket/in_english


Hello SwedenGAF! I'm in the process of applying for a job in Gothenberg and thought I'd throw you some questions if that's ok?

I'm from the UK and have a wife and 2 kids. None of us speak a word of Swedish. Is it generally easy to get by without speaking Swedish while we learn or will we have an uncomfortable few months?

My wife is a qualified teacher and has a Masters degree in Maths, she currently teaches high school and A-level. Do you have any idea what she'd need to do to teach in Sweden? I've looked around online and can't seem to find many answers. Would she need to learn Swedish first? Or could she teach in English? Are there English speaking schools?

Do you have any idea what it would cost to rent a nice sized house in Gothenburg? 3-4 bedrooms, maybe a garden.

In the larger cities it's very easy to get by without Swedish, you might not be able to speak with many of the people who are 60+ though (English was not mandatory when they went to school as children).

No idea about the other questions though.


I keep reading that Sweden has a "socialist" model of big government. Could you give me some examples of how it differs from elsewhere? I guess all your schools and healthcare providers are nationalised? What about travel? Utilities?(electric, gas etc.)


I keep reading that Sweden has a "socialist" model of big government. Could you give me some examples of how it differs from elsewhere? I guess all your schools and healthcare providers are nationalised? What about travel? Utilities?(electric, gas etc.)

Check out my post, I edited in a lot of useful info.

School and healthcare are all free*, yep. Only exception is dental care. Utility companies are generally private, no different from what you're used to. Alcohol can only be sold in the state-controlled "Systembolaget" (with horrible opening hours on weekends). Other than that and the high tax rates, you won't notice much of the supposed "socialism" (the current government isn't socialist).

*You do pay for healthcare, but only up to a maximum of 900 kr for hospital visits and 1800 kr for drugs, per year.


is now taking requests
I keep reading that Sweden has a "socialist" model of big government. Could you give me some examples of how it differs from elsewhere? I guess all your schools and healthcare providers are nationalised? What about travel? Utilities?(electric, gas etc.)

You would not notice much difference from the UK really. I don't have any data, but i would wager that Sweden is one of the more privatised nations in the EU. Daycare, public transport, utilities such as electricity, healthcare, dental care - it's mostly privately owned.


Check out my post, I edited in a lot of useful info.

School and healthcare are all free**, yep. Only exception is dental care. Utility companies are generally private, no different from what you're used to. Alcohol can only be sold in the state-controlled "Systembolaget" (with horrible opening hours on weekends). Other than that and the high tax rates, you won't notice much of the supposed "socialism" (the current government isn't socialist).

*You do pay for healthcare, but only up to a maximum of 900 kr for hospital visits and 1800 kr for drugs, per year.

** But if you get too sickly we have politically appointed death panels that might decide to put you to "sleep" if you get too expensive for the socialist communist godhating stalinistic child murdering country of Sweden
You would not notice much difference from the UK really. I don't have any data, but i would wager that Sweden is one of the more privatised nations in the EU. Daycare, public transport, utilities such as electricity, healthcare, dental care - it's mostly privately owned.

Your wager would be wrong :p

At least for electricity, daycare, healthcare and dental care where the biggest/most companies still is a part of the public sector/owned by the state. Even if a lot of markets in Sweden these days are deregulated the state still has a big part of the pie and lots of influence over who is able to operate in those markets.


Hello SwedenGAF! I'm in the process of applying for a job in Gothenberg and thought I'd throw you some questions if that's ok?

I'm from the UK and have a wife and 2 kids. None of us speak a word of Swedish. Is it generally easy to get by without speaking Swedish while we learn or will we have an uncomfortable few months?

My wife is a qualified teacher and has a Masters degree in Maths, she currently teaches high school and A-level. Do you have any idea what she'd need to do to teach in Sweden? I've looked around online and can't seem to find many answers. Would she need to learn Swedish first? Or could she teach in English? Are there English speaking schools?

Do you have any idea what it would cost to rent a nice sized house in Gothenburg? 3-4 bedrooms, maybe a garden.
To get steady employment your wife will most likely need to get a Swedish teacher's license. Luckily there are courses for teachers who are licensed in other countries, like this one in Gothenburg: http://www.lun.gu.se/aktuellt/nyhet...utlandska-larares-vidareutbildning.cid1095133 I couldn't find any info in English, but I guess you can use google translate or contact the people listed on there; they should be able to give you information in English.

Hope that helps!


is now taking requests
Your wager would be wrong :p

At least for electricity, daycare, healthcare and dental care where the biggest/most companies still is a part of the public sector/owned by the state. Even if a lot of markets in Sweden these days are deregulated the state still has a big part of the pie and lots of influence over who is able to operate in those markets.

I disagree. The state owned corporations operate on the same terms as the private-owned corporations. I have no idea what you mean with influence on who can operate in the markets, seeing as they can't even get rid of Carema. They still have to accept bids from them if they are the cheapest.


** But if you get too sickly we have politically appointed death panels that might decide to put you to "sleep" if you get too expensive for the socialist communist godhating stalinistic child murdering country of Sweden

Erm.. is this true? So you can reach a limit to which free healthcare will be provided?

Thanks for all the info everyone, really useful, I'll probably pop in here a few times with more questions over the next few months.

One thing I would like to know though, are English Premier League games televised over there? Live? All the matches or just some?


Erm.. is this true? So you can reach a limit to which free healthcare will be provided?

Thanks for all the info everyone, really useful, I'll probably pop in here a few times with more questions over the next few months.

One thing I would like to know though, are English Premier League games televised over there? Live? All the matches or just some?

What do you mean? You pay up to 900 kr/1800 kr (£85/£170) per year, after that it's free.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
What do you mean? You pay up to 900 kr/1800 kr (£85/£170) per year, after that it's free.

This includes hospital visits as well right? I mean if you become gravely ill, say cancer, and require surgery and a month long stay at the hospital we still only pay 900kr per year maximum?

Ok, MasLegio's comment implied there was a point at which you would be put to sleep/treatment stopped if it became too expensive. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

He's pulling your leg.


What do you mean? You pay up to 900 kr/1800 kr (£85/£170) per year, after that it's free.

Ok, MasLegio's comment implied there was a point at which you would be put to sleep/treatment stopped if it became too expensive. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.


Erm.. is this true? So you can reach a limit to which free healthcare will be provided?

Thanks for all the info everyone, really useful, I'll probably pop in here a few times with more questions over the next few months.

One thing I would like to know though, are English Premier League games televised over there? Live? All the matches or just some?

no, the free healthcare will be provided until you go to "sleep". The overdose of morphine is free of charge since it is above the 1800 sek limit.

and if you decide to be a donor the "services" for "tucking you into bed" after you go to "sleep" will be free as well....


This includes hospital visits as well right? I mean if you become gravely ill, say cancer, and require surgery and a month long stay at the hospital we still only pay 900kr per year maximum?


Ok, MasLegio's comment implied there was a point at which you would be put to sleep/treatment stopped if it became too expensive. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

You... you can't be serious, right? Or have I completely misunderstood you?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Snart börjar vintern på riktigt era jävlar...hoppas ni är förberedda.
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