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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom




Fellow neighbours, I'm gonna create a Denmark-GAF thread but can somebody help me out as to what to name the thread while I find out how to do the OP?


Your neighbors has a thread now as well:


I were in Malmö, Sweden earlier in the week and I still quite like it there. Right now my thoughts are on either moving into an apartment here in Copenhagen, Denmark or moving to Sweden for some time.
Your neighbors has a thread now as well:


I were in Malmö, Sweden earlier in the week and I still quite like it there. Right now my thoughts are on either moving into an apartment here in Copenhagen, Denmark or moving to Sweden for some time.

Jag gillar att du skriver på engelska.

Det går inte att förstå vad ni säger ens när ni skriver <3


På tal som skepp som smugglar. Minns ni det ryska fartyget som blev kapat utanför Öland?
Ryssarna lyckades väl storma det någonstans utanför afrikas kust eller var det nu var.
Fick man någonsin veta vad fartyget fraktade?
Minns spekulationer om att det var radioaktivt material redan då.

Skulle vara asfett att ha en atombomb på bakgården. Då skulle jag bryta mig loss från Sverige och bilda mitt eget totalitära land.

Var detta du?

En 31-årig man i Ängelholm försökte bygga en kärnreaktor hemma i sin lägenhet.
Experimentet avbröts när poliser och experter stormade lägenheten.
– Jag har alltid varit intresserad av kärnfysik och partikelfysik. Jag har läst mycket böcker om det och ville se om det gick, säger mannen till Helsingborgs Dagblad.

På tal som skepp som smugglar. Minns ni det ryska fartyget som blev kapat utanför Öland?
Ryssarna lyckades väl storma det någonstans utanför afrikas kust eller var det nu var.
Fick man någonsin veta vad fartyget fraktade?
Minns spekulationer om att det var radioaktivt material redan då.

Var detta du?


Kommer inte ihåg det ryska skeppet.

Och nja, det där var inte jag. Skulle mer beskriva honom som en handelspartner.


Wikipedia har (naturligtivs) en artikel om det.

Fartyget kapades på Östersjön den 24 juli 2009 på färd mot Algeriet, och som återfanns vid Kap Verde den 17 augusti 2009. Vid kapningstillfället bar fartyget en last av 6 700 kubikmeter sågat virke till ett värde av 1,3 miljoner euro, lastat 20 till 22 juli i Alholmen vid Jakobstad, Finland.[1] Kapningen fick stor uppmärksamhet eftersom sjöröveri på Östersjön är ytterst ovanligt, särskilt kapningar av hela fartyg. Det finns flera rena rykten om fartygets last, såsom kärnvapen eller droger, vilka är helt obekräftade ännu[2]. Tidningen The Sunday Times skrev att den hemliga lasten bestod av missiler till luftförsvarssystemet S-300[3].

According to a widely circulated theory, the ship was transporting anti-aircraft weapons and cruise missiles destined for Iran, and the "hijackers" were hired from gangsters by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad to prevent the cargo from reaching its destination.[49][50] Referring to an earlier article in Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda, The Independent reported that an unnamed general in the Russian Navy spoke of his suspicion that Russian organized crime was illegally shipping S-300 or Kh-55 missiles to Iran.[51] A variation of the story suggested that the Russian government itself had staged the hijacking of the ship once it learned about an unsanctioned missile delivery to the Middle East.[52] Specifically, Mossad was reported to have been tracking the shipment,[12] and, as BBC News reported, informed Russian authorities that the ship was transporting a "Russian air defence system for Iran."[53] The S-300 missiles allegedly were loaded on board when the ship stopped in Kaliningrad.[52][54]

Då vet man... kanske.

Jag undrar om Carl Hamilton var med på ett hörn?
People always refer to Scandinavia as a place where elements on Capitalism and Socialism work. Where social mobility is incredibly easy, average wages are high, and poverty (in comparison to other industrialized nations) hardly exists. Is this true?
People always refer to Scandinavia as a place where elements on Capitalism and Socialism work. Where social mobility is incredibly easy, average wages are high, and poverty (in comparison to other industrialized nations) hardly exists. Is this true?
It depends on who you ask. There was a recent good article in The Economist that describe our current model. Social mobility is better than in most places since we offer free education even at university level. The average wage is high, but I'm not sure how well it compares to other countries if you factor in the relative value. If you listen to the media then poverty is very common in Sweden. However, even our poor have a roof over their heads, food on their plates and access to free education and healthcare.
I think it was mostly jorma who hated it. He's a leftist and I don't think you'll find him agreeing with most of the current government's policies.


is now taking requests
People always refer to Scandinavia as a place where elements on Capitalism and Socialism work. Where social mobility is incredibly easy, average wages are high, and poverty (in comparison to other industrialized nations) hardly exists. Is this true?

It used to be fairly true, but the last decade and a half has been plauged by right wing governments that privatise the shit out of everything for ideological reasons, rather than pragmatical reasons, and sold public assets to private enterprise for peanuts.

They are beggaring us all, and what used to be a perfectly fine Gini coefficient will soar along with it, i'm sure.


It used to be fairly true, but the last decade and a half has been plauged by right wing governments that privatise the shit out of everything for ideological reasons, rather than pragmatical reasons, and sold public assets to private enterprise for peanuts.

They are beggaring us all, and what used to be a perfectly fine Gini coefficient will soar along with it, i'm sure.


Why did they deregulate the vehicle inspection market? It was already the most effective in the world. The results are showing now, slowly but surely the prices for an inspection is going up. Next in line is probably corruption.

Why was Vin&Sprit sold? Why cant the state (aka. we) own companies? After all it brings in cash for the good of us all. No, now it is french!
When will the über profitable LKAB be sold?

Not to talk about schools, care giving, shuffling public money into the pockets of a few people.

Recently there was a scandal, I cant remember where but a public owned company was sold for a very-very low and shitty price. I got depressed and never read the whole thing, it wouldn't surprise me if some politicians brother in law profited from it. When Sweden ranks low (as in "good" :p) on the "global corruption list" that comes out every year I always smile.

Et.c. et.c.



Why did they deregulate the vehicle inspection market? It was already the most effective in the world. The results are showing now, slowly but surely the prices for an inspection is going up. Next in line is probably corruption.
Good question about deregulation, you could argue that empirics show that private organizations are far more efficient and that results might not show in the short term. I'm kind questioning why you think corruption would be more likely in the private sphere compared to the public, seems to me that most corruption has happened in governmental organization. (although I still believe that Sweden arguably handles corruption better than any other country, except maybe our closest peers).

Why was Vin&Sprit sold? Why cant the state (aka. we) own companies? After all it brings in cash for the good of us all. No, now it is french!
Is it morally defensible for the government to own an alcohol making company?
When will the über profitable LKAB be sold?
Probably not any time soon.

Not to talk about schools, care giving, shuffling public money into the pockets of a few people.
You can thank Göran P. for the schools. I'll defend the right for private/free schools to exist as long as we have our incredibly shitty system in place. A vast majority of public schools are just dogshit.

Recently there was a scandal, I cant remember where but a public owned company was sold for a very-very low and shitty price. I got depressed and never read the whole thing, it wouldn't surprise me if some politicians brother in law profited from it. When Sweden ranks low (as in "good" :p) on the "global corruption list" that comes out every year I always smile.

Et.c. et.c.

Probably the selling of health care service providers to the workers? Or schools being privatized and sold to the management and teachers?
I think you smile because you don't realize the extent of corruption in other countries :p
If your public schools are dogshit the solution isn't to privatize them but fix them within. I find it odd that you neighbor nations with the best school systems in the world in which nearly all of their schools are public. Most notably Finland who has taken a radical approach that is far and away from Sweden's model.


If your public schools are dogshit the solution isn't to privatize them but fix them within. I find it odd that you neighbor nations with the best school systems in the world in which nearly all of their schools are public. Most notably Finland who has taken a radical approach that is far and away from Sweden's model.

Well, that's thanks to Göran Persson's project to shift the responsibility of schools to municipalities from the state. Most notably leading to an undermining of the status of teachers, a lack of control of the quality of schools, and creating some really underachieving schools due to the wide disparity of them.
And most schools aren't actually privatized, but rather new. It's the better option than not having a number of good schools.

But it's true that the Finnish schools are far superior, I've experienced them both first-hand. Part of my frustration stems just from that.


is now taking requests
Good question about deregulation, you could argue that empirics show that private organizations are far more efficient and that results might not show in the short term. I'm kind questioning why you think corruption would be more likely in the private sphere compared to the public, seems to me that most corruption has happened in governmental organization. (although I still believe that Sweden arguably handles corruption better than any other country, except maybe our closest peers).

Things that need constant product development will probably be better off as private enterprise. But let's not kid ourselves, when they say "efficiency", they mean "profitability", and how do they do that? They raise prices, they sack workers and expect the people who are left to make good. Or even move entire workforces abroad. Yay, a slimmer, vastly more profitable corporation arises! But has Swedish society benefited? I mean the point of privatising was to make it beneficial for Swedish society in general, surely? Not just for the capitalist class that will move the money they make to tax havens in the British Virgin Islands?

And another thing - a lot of these privatisations is just granting a monopoly to a private company instead of a state owned company. Things like the subway, electricity (omg Fortum, probably the worst fucking deal ever Those finns must still be laughing at us), internet infrastructure. Things like that. If there is to be a monopoly it's probably better of in the hands of the State.

Look, i'm not anti private enterprise, but some things just should have remained where they were. Things that we consider life essentials are nearly always better off state run.

Is it morally defensible for the government to own an alcohol making company?

I don't see why not. I think they should own a medical marijuana growing facility as well. But that's just me :)
Fick en faktura från radiotjänsten idag, följd från att det var en gubbe och hälsa på för några veckor sen. Står i alla fall att jag ska betala men har lite frågor om det. Har en tv enbart till ps3an som han inte såg vilken jag inte har kanaler på. Däremot såg han min datorskärm och noterade det. Dessutom är jag inte skriven här utan fortfarande hos mina päron, och har hört att det kanske ska gå under det dom betalar då. Tror ni jag kan slippa undan skiten? Hade jag använt tv:n hade jag gladligen betalat men va fan. Tänkte ringa radiotjänsten imorgon och snacka lite men vill höra lite åsikter också.
Varför inte betala som de flesta andra? Jag använder inte heller min TV förutom till TV-spel och enstaka Blu-ray filmer, men det innebär inte att det är okej att låta andra skattebetalare betala mina avgifter.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Fick en faktura från radiotjänsten idag, följd från att det var en gubbe och hälsa på för några veckor sen. Står i alla fall att jag ska betala men har lite frågor om det. Har en tv enbart till ps3an som han inte såg vilken jag inte har kanaler på. Däremot såg han min datorskärm och noterade det. Dessutom är jag inte skriven här utan fortfarande hos mina päron, och har hört att det kanske ska gå under det dom betalar då. Tror ni jag kan slippa undan skiten? Hade jag använt tv:n hade jag gladligen betalat men va fan. Tänkte ringa radiotjänsten imorgon och snacka lite men vill höra lite åsikter också.

Råkade ut för samma sak för ett par år sen och såvitt jag vet ska man betala tvavgift även om du bara har en tv som datorskärm t.ex och aldrig använt eller tänkt använda den för att se "tv" på.

M.a.o såg han att du hade tv är det bara att pröjsa.
Den gamla regeln var att alla som hade en en produkt med kanalväljare skulle betala. Jag har inte läst igenom de nya bestämmelserna, men jag misstänker att det är tänkt att alla som kan nå SVT Play ska pröjsa.
Varför inte betala som de flesta andra? Jag använder inte heller min TV förutom till TV-spel och enstaka Blu-ray filmer, men det innebär inte att det är okej att låta andra skattebetalare betala mina avgifter.

Det är så jäkla kass bortförklaring ifrån mitt håll men ärligt talat så jag inte råd just nu. Spenderar mer än jag drar in för tillfället i och med att jag är rätt nyinflyttad. Har inte köpt ett tv-spel på flera månader t.ex. (Förutom SimCity 4 på steam för en hundring.)

Den gamla regeln var att alla som hade en en produkt med kanalväljare skulle betala. Jag har inte läst igenom de nya bestämmelserna, men jag misstänker att det är tänkt att alla som kan nå SVT Play ska pröjsa.

Lite rädd för det där med svt play då jag läst om det också.

Råkade ut för samma sak för ett par år sen och såvitt jag vet ska man betala tvavgift även om du bara har en tv som datorskärm t.ex och aldrig använt eller tänkt använda den för att se "tv" på.

M.a.o såg han att du hade tv är det bara att pröjsa.

Har inte tv som datorskärm utan bara en vanlig datorskärm, går inte ens att se på tv med den. Men han såg inte min tv. Hörde av en annan i huset som också fick brev av radiotjänst och hon har inte ens tv tror jag. Så jag vet faktiskt inte.

EDIT: Enligt radiotjänstens hemsida ska alla med internetuppkoppling och dator/surfplatta betala. Bah.


Things that need constant product development will probably be better off as private enterprise. But let's not kid ourselves, when they say "efficiency", they mean "profitability", and how do they do that? They raise prices, they sack workers and expect the people who are left to make good. Or even move entire workforces abroad. Yay, a slimmer, vastly more profitable corporation arises! But has Swedish society benefited? I mean the point of privatising was to make it beneficial for Swedish society in general, surely? Not just for the capitalist class that will move the money they make to tax havens in the British Virgin Islands?

And another thing - a lot of these privatisations is just granting a monopoly to a private company instead of a state owned company. Things like the subway, electricity (omg Fortum, probably the worst fucking deal ever Those finns must still be laughing at us), internet infrastructure. Things like that. If there is to be a monopoly it's probably better of in the hands of the State.

Look, i'm not anti private enterprise, but some things just should have remained where they were. Things that we consider life essentials are nearly always better off state run.
I'm pro-private enterprise more often than not, but I definitely agree that there are certain circumstances where it's not ideal (water is probably the best example!).
I was just trying to provide examples how you could possibly argue that you think it's a good idea on rational grounds.
I agree that taxes are another thing that eventually needs to be solved, it's not sustainable to have such loopholes. Everyone should pay their share, to me it seems like we have a pretty reasonable corporate tax rate as long as everyone would pay it...

I don't see why not. I think they should own a medical marijuana growing facility as well. But that's just me :)

Well... :p
I just don't like the idea of the state running such corporations, alcohol is a step away from tobacco... I'm not in any way advocating that it should be illegal though!
Hmm, for medical purposes I think it could be considered, but I'd just say we decriminalize it.

hatar sveriges alkoholpolitik =( jag vill ha 4.5~% öl i vanliga affärer iaf... tur att jag brukar spenderar en betydlig del av sommaren i finland...


I'm kind questioning why you think corruption would be more likely in the private sphere compared to the public, seems to me that most corruption has happened in governmental organization. (although I still believe that Sweden arguably handles corruption better than any other country, except maybe our closest peers).

It probably isnt. But with Bilprovningen as an example it just made me think "Be more lenient and get moar customers". It is a "service" which is just waiting for corruption to happen. Now that I think about it there already was a scandal down in Malmö. Someone got paid, cars passed the inspection when they should have failed. They had to re-test about 250 cars if I remember correctly.
Not sure if it was before or after the de-regulation. Too lazy to Google.

Is it morally defensible for the government to own an alcohol making company?

I dont see the problem with that tbh. Atheist nation and all. :p

Probably not any time soon.

I hope so. Dat sweet sweet monies.

You can thank Göran P. for the schools. I'll defend the right for private/free schools to exist as long as we have our incredibly shitty system in place. A vast majority of public schools are just dogshit.

Not very up to date regarding schools, but I trust you on that. Teacher, right? ;)
Also we can thank G.P. for a lot of things.
250 billion "borrowed" from the pension funds, anyone? Have they been repaid? No.

Probably the selling of health care service providers to the workers? Or schools being privatized and sold to the management and teachers?
I think you smile because you don't realize the extent of corruption in other countries :p

Possibly. ;)
IMO the SAP proposal of looking at which companies use public funds mainly to feed their own pockets is a good one. Some actually have some morals and want to provide a service while others are just out for the money. This goes for healthcare and schools.
Time for the money grabbers to get the fuck out.
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