So... sometimes I tend to rush sections to get to the next part of the story.
In this case, I tried doing this in the Hollow Area, I was at this section of the first area:
In the bit before the Bastea Gate area, couldn't find a way to open the doors because I kept avoiding the enemies. So I thought there must be another way around...
eventually I went back and decided to try and kill enemies/open chests and what do you know, I eventually get to the area I'm trying to access.
I think it was the Knight of Priests enemy (with the Neo guys guarding him) that opened the doors since I had to face two of them, one for each door until I got to the exit...
On the bright side, I did get to face this beauty during all this confusion:
Me and Philia rocked though I did almost die a few times but that's only natural isn't it?
Mainly trying to progress the Hollow story while I level up before continuing the floor clearing stuff. (level 113 and on floor 85)
Can't wait to get back on this game once the Destiny Beta is over. I've been itching to play it badly, but the beta being a limited time thing and all, and me getting swarmed with end term assignments, and soon exams, I can only play for an hour or so. Monday I'm going back to it, also, the big patch should be dropping any time now (on the Asian version), if what SCEAsia said still holds true. I'm expecting it to drop in August, July is almost over already.
EDIT: Couldn't wait any longer. Guns can wait, my waifus come first.