Seriously? SO4 is on a whole different level for me. The story and cast is offensive, something i wouldn't label Graces as.
The SO4 cast is worse
visually, but the characterization and writing is basically identical between the two games:
- Dumb main character who 'just wants to do the right thing' and spends a ton of time moping
- His "childhood friend" who huffs and puffs and sticks her cheeks out and goes "Hmph!" a lot while she's getting mad at him, alternated with getting all quiet and shy and weepy like a little girl who needs to be saved
- Some monotone girl stuck in the body of a child who "doesn't understand things" which is supposed to be an endearing or funny character trait
- Some vaguely effeminate 'best friend' character who likes and looks up to the main character for being just so darn swell, and who goes nuts/gets possessed and then starts doing evil shit
- A manic, hyper-enthusiastic young-ish girl who doesn't understand personal boundaries or have any sort of propriety (whether that takes the form of jumping up and grasping onto another character to start licking their face and falling asleep in their bed, or constantly trying to 'touch' another character and never bathing, which in both cases are supposed to be "hilarious" endearing running gags)
- An aggressively boring older man who realistically has no fucking reason to put up with the group of awful, awful children he's been saddled with, but who can't even
really be bothered to muster up a "Holy
shit you people are retarded", and is therefore guilty of the same character crimes via inaction
- Some other guy who was part of an allied military who joins the game last to fill the role of the overly strict hardass but who mostly just ends up not doing much of anything
The difference between the two is, once a character joins the part in Star Ocean 4,
most of their continued involvement in the plot consists of standing in the background during cutscenes while the main character and maybe one or two others talks to whatever NPC is involved, and most of the really vile shit is constrained to a handful of fully avoidable scenes per character that you can skip easily and without ever losing out on plot-critical information.
In Graces, the characters are front and center, at almost all times during the story. At any semi-major cutscene or plot junction, the game makes absolutely damn sure that you see everything that has to do with every member of the cast, and integrates them all into the plot pretty much every step of the way. And the optional shit is put into skits, which are
mostly meaningless bullshit that you can skip, but which
sometimes contain information that actually improves your understanding of the plot - and there's no way to tell which skits are actually relevant until you've actually watched them.
The Graces cast
is the Star Ocean 4 cast, for the most part. Star Ocean 4 is like a toilet that doesn't flush but people have been using it anyway. Graces is that same shit, but it's smeared all over the walls and carpets of every room in the house.