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Tales of Series | Community Thread | Localizing more games than Square Enix

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I decided to sell a couple games to hopefully make money for Xillia CE, but I realized something earlier today...

My copy of Tales of Destiny II (Eternia) can be sold for about $150 on eBay. Tales of Destiny I has a similar high price. I swear it wasn't like that a year ago, though. Am I crazy? Maybe Tales achieved new popularity and new Tales fans rose the demand of the game?

But it's nice to know I have another game that's rare.
Well, let's see... Tales of Destiny II. Amazon prices shouldn't really be trusted since Amazon is full of a bunch of scalpers anyway. Looks like loose copies hit a high in May of last year. I have to wonder why, really. It hit a low in February. Ha ha, new copies seemed to have hit a low last year around Graces' release too. How strange.

Destiny 1... Haha, seems cheaper for loose copies. New copies are expensive, and they seemed to have gotten more expensive around Graces' release last year.


Man, I was listening to some Tales tracks at work, and now I really want to play Symphonia again. It's easily my favorite Tales soundtrack, Legendia behind it.


Symphonia's OST was pretty good. Besides Legendia, it was the last good Tales OST for me for a long while (especially if I don't include ToDR).
I've only played a tiny bit of Rebirth, so I can't factor in the music from there.


this happened to me too, trying to make it until ToSC, but that will be hard!!

That's the thing with remasters. I usually just replay games whenever I feel like it but when I know a remaster is coming, I refuse to until the remaster is out. This has been especially difficult with FFX because it's been 2 years sine announcement.


Symphonia's OST was pretty good. Besides Legendia, it was the last good Tales OST for me for a long while (especially if I don't include ToDR).
I've only played a tiny bit of Rebirth, so I can't factor in the music from there.

I still kind of prefer Phantasia over Symphonia's OST. A lot of my favorite tracks from both are the same and I prefer the Phantasia arrangements in most cases.

Fatalize is amazing though. Same with Beat the Angel.


I still kind of prefer Phantasia over Symphonia's OST. A lot of my favorite tracks from both are the same and I prefer the Phantasia arrangements in most cases.

Fatalize is amazing though. Same with Beat the Angel.

Haha, same. I loved a lot of Phantasia's songs. The only one I thought was just ok was the battle theme. It's probably because I've heard it way too many times.
Besides the ones you mentioned for Symphonia, I also really liked the final dungeon theme.

I have no idea which would be my all time favorite Tales OST though. Phantasia's pretty high up there for nostalgia reasons.


I feel terrible because with every Tales games I played after Phantasia, I just never found any of the music memorable. Never found it to be bad by any means, it just wasn't something that stood out to me.

... except the mini-game music in Tales of the Abyss.


I feel terrible because with every Tales games I played after Phantasia, I just never found any of the music memorable. Never found it to be bad by any means, it just wasn't something that stood out to me.

That's because most of the games were composed by Sakuraba. You always get the feeling you heard that music before.
Did you play Innocence (R)? I really liked its music and it's not composed by Sakuraba.


Nope, that's one of the ones I missed.

Yeah I noticed that for Sakaruba, he has two modes; one he uses for the Star Ocean soundtracks, and the more mellow one for his work on the Tales games. Aside from that, it all sort of sounds the same.

(OT but Hitoshi Sakamoto also has that problem...)
Since Symphonia was my first Tales of game the quality of its soundtrack tricked me into believing that the rest would be equally as awesome Sakuraba goodness, alas out of the following entries I did play it gradually weakened before culminating in the dreariness that populated most of Graces locations.
But yeah Symphonia has some lovely tracks in it.
Dry Trail was always my favourite, I actually distinctly remember not liking it at first for some reason, maybe I spent too much time in that gorge with the plant puzzle.
Still even if Vesperia disappointed me on the music front it did have on the other side of the mirage.

Slightly related point: I spent my morning playing a variety of cartoony golf games for whatever reason, when playing the oddly titled "we love golf" I instantly pegged the Sakuraba style on the flower garden themed course, it reminded me of the Halure town theme from Vesperia, someone give the man more flowery locations to compose for.
I'm about 8 hours in to Vesperia, and I can't get a hang of the combat system. I just mash buttons. I have 4 random Artes assigned to the left stick (it doesn't seem practical to assign any to the right stick, I'd have to twist my hand in all sorts of directions; unless I'm misinterpreting how the commands are inputted). I don't know what I'm doing, how to build combos, how to exploit anything, or what Artes are worth using.


Also, does this game have good character development?


I'm about 8 hours in to Vesperia, and I can't get a hang of the combat system. I just mash buttons. I have 4 random Artes assigned to the left stick (it doesn't seem practical to assign any to the right stick, I'd have to twist my hand in all sorts of directions; unless I'm misinterpreting how the commands are inputted). I don't know what I'm doing, how to build combos, how to exploit anything, or what Artes are worth using.


Also, does this game have good character development?

Right Stick is for short cuts. All you do is move the analog up/down/left/right, there's no other required button press for it. It's there if you want to assign another party member's tech to it, but most people just assign their own character's tech there.

Combo system is basically a tier system. You can go from attack > base artes > and so forth. Later you'll get skills to expand that and backtrack the artes tier. If you activate Over Limit, you basically get to ignore that and go crazy with whatever you want.

And yeah, the character development's pretty good for a Tales. There isn't huge development, but that's mainly because the characters are rather tolerable and think things through for the most part.
Right Stick is for short cuts. All you do is move the analog up/down/left/right, there's no other required button press for it.


Combo system is basically a tier system. You can go from attack > base artes > and so forth.

I can do basic attacks, then an arte, but I'm clueless on how to build combos (anything past 4 really).

Another question: if a skill is already attached to an equipped weapon, do you have to equip the skill, or can you leave it unequipped and save the SP for other skills?


I'm about 8 hours in to Vesperia, and I can't get a hang of the combat system. I just mash buttons. I have 4 random Artes assigned to the left stick (it doesn't seem practical to assign any to the right stick, I'd have to twist my hand in all sorts of directions; unless I'm misinterpreting how the commands are inputted). I don't know what I'm doing, how to build combos, how to exploit anything, or what Artes are worth using.


Also, does this game have good character development?

First of all, as for character development, I would say Yuri is actually a pretty stoic character. I don't mean that witha negative connotation at all, he's one of my favorite MCs of any game. His personality and morals just don't change all too much throughout the game, maaybe a little bit with regards to trusting other people. However, I would say the rest of the party has decent character development in terms of growing/changing throughout the course of the game, namely Estelle, Rita, and Karol (the younger characters).

As for combat, have you played any other Tales game before? To start out, Yuri has a 3 hit regular combo, without using artes. These are done using the normal attack button. You can change which one of his regular attack Yuri does by holding the stick a certain direction when you press the attack button.

Then you have artes. You can use arte by using the arte button and the left stick or by using the right stick. The right stick doesn't take a button press other than moving the stick. You can't easily go from an arte to a regular attack, but you can go from a base arte to an arcane arte.

So a combo might look like: attack/attack/attack/base arte/arcane arte at first.

Eventually you'll get skills for more regular attacks and more linking between artes. IIRC it's eventually possible for Yuri to link something like 6 artes together eventually. Something like:


(I forget exactly what the arte linking skills are)


Pretty much the most basic combo you can do a short while into the game is:

Attack > Attack > Attack > Free Run Attack (hold Free Run and press B) > Shining Fang > Dragon Swarm

Once you got Fatal Strikes unlocked, you want to do stuff like Up Attack > Up Attack > Up Attack > Shining Fang > Shining Dragon Swarm to get a blue or "up" Fatal Strike available.


I can do basic attacks, then an arte, but I'm clueless on how to build combos (anything past 4 really).

Another question: if a skill is already attached to an equipped weapon, do you have to equip the skill, or can you leave it unequipped and save the SP for other skills?

You should be able to do a bit more. Do something like Atk Atk Atk > base arte > then another art. Take a look at your artes list and on the icons, you have have artes that have a slightly different icon. Those will be the next level of artes.

Combos are generally small, so you won't be able to do long fancy ones until you get more abilities.

As for your second question, you're right. You can keep the ability unequipped if you have a weapon with that ability, so you can save your SP.

Edit: I usually go Manual. The main difference is that you can jump with up instead of Guard+up, and you also have to manually get in range to do an attack while semi-auto will do it for you. This doesn't affect your artes, but the character you're controlling (so it affects your regular attacks). Auto just means it's CPU controlled.
As far as Tales music goes, I think I like Sakuraba best when he makes MIDI music, not streamed. It is a really weird distinction to make, but I actually find that I preferred his PS1, GBA, and DS music over his PS2/GC/Wii/etc. music. That said, I find his eary works, his PS1 music, to be the best, with Tales of Phantasia PS1 being my favorite of his music.

Well, let's see... Tales of Destiny II. Amazon prices shouldn't really be trusted since Amazon is full of a bunch of scalpers anyway. Looks like loose copies hit a high in May of last year. I have to wonder why, really. It hit a low in February. Ha ha, new copies seemed to have hit a low last year around Graces' release too. How strange.

Destiny 1... Haha, seems cheaper for loose copies. New copies are expensive, and they seemed to have gotten more expensive around Graces' release last year.

Wow, did not know about that site. That will hold my interest for a while, thanks. Though I got the $150 figure from looking at people who actually bought the game at eBay's "Buy It Now" prices. At least a couple people bought a copy at ~$150. Amazon prices are usually lower than eBay's.


I hope Tales of Symphonia HD sells like hot cakes so we can get Abyss/Legendia HD. Legendia has the best OST in the series to date, least I think so.
I hope Tales of Symphonia HD sells like hot cakes so we can get Abyss/Legendia HD. Legendia has the best OST in the series to date, least I think so.

Legendia isnt worth a HD version imo. The music is good yes, but that wont change in a HD port.

Sadly, Legendia is probably the worst Tales of game I played as it is the only game I didnt want to finish.


I don't think the game that bad, it gets a lot of hate. It also has some of my favorite characters in a Tales of game.

Shirley kind of drags it down for me.

A remake would be great since the only major problem with the game is...the gameplay, lol. Music, characters, story were all decent, and I liked the locations enough. But as an actual game it sucked.


I went with Manual for every previous Tales, but at least Yuri is better on Semi-Auto. If enemies get pushed away from you mid-combo Yuri will follow the enemy and continue attacking. On manual continuing to input attacks makes you swipe at air. You'd have to break your combo, meaning you'd have to wait quite a while for the attack animation to finish. Same goes for if you kill an enemy mid-combo. You can immediately move on to the next enemy. Another bonus is you can hit an enemy with an arte and hold Attack or Artes, change targets just before the arte finishes, and Yuri will run up to the new enemy and activate the Burst/Mystic Arte on it. Nice because bosses and certain enemies don't stagger easily and on Manual you'd need to get a stagger with an Arcane/Burst arte.

It's late and I'm rambling, but tl;dr is Semi-Auto is less an unnecessary simplification for newbies and more an automatic repositioning feature that allows you more combo options and maneuverability.

Oh and jumping is absolutely awful for most characters so who cares about junping being harder on Semi-Auto.


Tales of games always have a LOT of contrast between start and endgame. Before you know it, you'll be doing 150+ hit combos with Yuri.

This is so true. Especially based on the last games I've played.

Tales of Eternia: At the start, well...you frankly don't have much and moves are expensive TP-wise. By the endgame, you've got all manner of special attacks, summons, and stuff is still kinda expensive TP-wise (especially with Omega Demon Chaos spamming lol). Plus, Aurora Skills.

Tales of Destiny Remake: At the start, most of your guys have about 3-5 CC, meaning you can't do much in the way of comboing. You get one or two moves off and recover. By the endgame, most everyone has like 10-16 CC (or more depending on setup), all manner of special attacks, skills, and abilities, and the combo possibilities are pretty nuts. Not to mention spell chaining, high-level Blast Caliburs, and so on.


Finally beat Hearts R today. Really enjoyed it, though I haven't played the DS version, so I have no reason to be bitter about the changes.
Now to wait for Xillia, can't wait to finally play a Tales game in English again after I played three games in Japanese in a row.
If i am going and if there is a chance , i will ask him WTH does xillia actually mean.


Namco Bandai has revealed Tales of Xillia at the official website. According to producer Baba, the name Xillia arranged in English expresses the word “Xillion” which in turn means “countless.” For our case, “Xillion” is a play on words of “Zillion”. The letter X signifies the meaning of the unknown, or “crossing.” One’s life can accumulate with countless things, good or bad.
I'm not really a big fan of how some of the Dual Hi-Ougis turn out in Hearts R. It feels too much of here I'll attack a bunch first then you do the same.

Kinda reminds me of ToS2's Combination Hi-Ougi. ~_~



Looks okay, Combination Artes becoming Dual Mystic Artes looks pretty sweet actually... but I'm not likely getting it anytime soon since I don't like the change to TP. And the lack of Tales cameos in-battle is lame too.

Wow, that looks way better than Innocence R. Might have to pick it up to fill in the void between Xillia and Symphonia.

Still though, it's kinda sad that we likely won't see a Tales remake done in house. I'd like another remake with the same polish as Destiny.


Wow, that looks way better than Innocence R. Might have to pick it up to fill in the void between Xillia and Symphonia.

Still though, it's kinda sad that we likely won't see a Tales remake done in house. I'd like another remake with the same polish as Destiny.

I'd really like to see a Legendia remake done in-house. Symphonia would have been nice as well.

Streaming at my Twitch channel if anybody wants to watch some Xillia 2. http://www.twitch.tv/fslink


Wow, that looks way better than Innocence R. Might have to pick it up to fill in the void between Xillia and Symphonia.

Still though, it's kinda sad that we likely won't see a Tales remake done in house. I'd like another remake with the same polish as Destiny.

Seeing Destiny Remake's sales, it's not worth the effort for them

No. But I'd really like to play a Tales game with a 2D battle system again.

Maybe we'll have a Destiny HD compilation after the Symphonia one, maybe, aside from that, I'm not expecting anything else to be 2D from now on


I'd really like to see a Legendia remake done in-house. Symphonia would have been nice as well.

Streaming at my Twitch channel if anybody wants to watch some Xillia 2. http://www.twitch.tv/fslink
I've always liked the art style (like the original cover) for Legendia. I'd love to see that style with faithful graphics. Coupled that with a better battle system, that'd be pretty nice (I never started Legendia yet so I'm clueless on its story quality).
Seeing Destiny Remake's sales, it's not worth the effort for them
That's pretty disappointing. I never knew that though considering I haven't looked up sales for the series besides for the two Xillia games. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it wouldn't do as well though.


That's pretty disappointing. I never knew that though considering I haven't looked up sales for the series besides for the two Xillia games. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it wouldn't do as well though.

You can look at it here, it's not 100% accurate but it gives you a general idea, original PS2 games sold more than 600k copies whereas Destiny Remake sold <400k lagging behind the port of Symphonia.
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