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Tales of Series | Community Thread | Localizing more games than Square Enix


As a person who enjoyed Tales of Symphonia... Is the sequel worth playing? I already have it from the chronicles purchase, though I haven't heard good things about it.


As a person who enjoyed Tales of Symphonia... Is the sequel worth playing? I already have it from the chronicles purchase, though I haven't heard good things about it.

It's worth playing if you have exhausted your other Tales options and still need a fix. It's definitely weaker than many of the other titles, but it's not unplayable. The first chapter is absolutely godawful though and you should expect the worst in almost every facet of narrative and gameplay. Things noticeably improve from there but I'm not sure if it ever fully recovers. The gameplay is similar to Abyss and Vesperia if you played those. Free run and similar artes system. There is no world map, instead you pick locations from a map screen.

Be aware that there's a monster party member system that is....so-so at best. I thought it was sometimes fun to create crazy strong creatures. If you'd rather your party be characters with personalities, members of the Symphonia cast do join up at times, but they are handicapped by level and sometimes end up being not effective enough to use.
Despite being entirely sure I was completely exhausted of Tales games for the time being I ended up diving on a deal the other month for Symphonia HD which was going fine until I lost over an hour of gameplay after arriving at the Mausoleum boss underleveled and completely forgetting to have saved at any point since first entering Asgard, whoops.

At this point I considered if I should actually just go back and finish Xillia seeing as i'd beaten Symphonia multiple times back in the day anyway and if I was going to dine on more tales of tropes I might as well finish the meal I'd started like 5 months ago.
So I did and as of yesterday I beat Xillia, i'm not quite sure how I feel about this one.

For whatever reason the battle system never sat that well with me, moves seemed to lack punchiness and weight, It felt like Jude might as well have been wielding gauntlets made of polystyrene and while this isn't exactly a flaw with the battle system itself it bugged me all game long. Going from the TP free Graces battle system back to what Xillia offered also didn't go down well, of course I get that there are different teams with different styles so there you go. Perhaps most importantly is that when it came to boss battles I often felt like I was missing how to tackle them effectively between the super armour and seemingly more frantic pace where health just seemed to be whizzing back and forth as automatic apple gels were poured into my quickly reopened wounds, 5 month gaps between playing will do that, I guess I never really felt that in control of things where some bosses went down nice and easy while a few others felt chaotic and confusing in a deadly way.
This isn't to say it had a bad battle system at all, just for whatever reason I just wasn't much of a fan, I mean really it's probably better than a number of other Tales games I've played, perhaps I just gel well with the relative simplicity of some previous titles and this one feels like its caught between wanting to be something more but not quite managing it.

Speaking of systems in general I somehow forgot the entire skill system screen was a thing until like 30 minutes before the final boss, I felt so stupid. Before picking the game back up I'd tried playing it in 2 player co-op which was a touch iffy due to the skill link stuff being hindered and having to keep diving into the orb after levelling up, for the sake of multiplayer convenience I just started leaving everything to the auto function which I stuck with upon returning to the game midway through chapter 2, I'll use this as a handy excuse as to how I forgot skills were a thing (except you know ignoring that big bit of the menu labelled skills).

Dungeon Design seems to have gone down the crapper, I never thought i'd be longing for the block pushing days of Symphonia but man there was a game that got mileage out of its block shenanigans among some other ring related things, hell I almost miss the Ymir Forest Fish puzzle. Xillia seemed to mostly comprise of journeying through enemy occupied corridors with a few branches off to grab the odd chest but otherwise it was a heavily linear set of dungeons where the most perplexing task was plotting a path through that one ship which despite the maps deceptive appearance was just another mostly direct path.
And Fields, oh my those fields, I don't take too much issue with these seeing as they're just the replacement for trotting across an overworld but they're samey across the entire game regardless of the environment layered over the top, bland masses of land buried under many trinkets and occupied by many palette swapped enemies even by Tales standards.

I know this sounds like I didn't enjoy much here at all, in truth I'm not sure what was really pushing me onwards, none of this was truly bad, it's just that a lot of elements came across as noticeably half arsed like the guys making the game were burnt out on their own formula.
Still there's a number of things that were positive, there's some good streamlining of a few elements, being able to jump around the game world easily, having the side quest log, cutscene animation seems to have improved and it comes across as much more user friendly if that makes sense.

Plot and characters were mostly fine with no real expectations of my part, I sure got my dosage of Tales Tropes here as expected, nothing particularly offensive to report. The plot had something of a lull in the early stages and didn't really engage me until the halfway point. Impressively this is like the one instance where instead of the late game feeling like filleriffic padding content it almost came across as more of rush to the finish conclusion and I'll happily take that instead. I guess for some you could see that as lacking in content while for me it's a case of actually wrapping things up before overstaying its welcome so throw that as another plus for Xillia.
Main characters were okay though I can't say they left much of an impact, I'm just surprised that the "old man" character was actually an old man.
Soundtrack was expectedly bleh with the exceptions being from
the alternative world of moody jazz which was nothing particularly special but a nice change from the norm.

Anyway the game was simply okay and it ain't the worst Tales game I've played, can't imagine I'd ever replay it nor does the sequel interest me much at all even it it likely improves upon things (saying this somehow I'll likely end up playing it). Out of curiosities sake I checked the average review scores for the localised Tales games in recent years and it's funny that they all fall in the same score bracket while seemingly being pretty divergent among fans, well Vesperia is still the one to beat for me.


°Temp. member
Since Dawn of the New World was just sitting on my Symphonia Chronicles disk, I thought I would finally give it a try.
An hour later I uninstalled it lol.
My head says girls, but I would vote for Yuri so *shrug*

Personally I'd vote for a guy as the top as well, maybe with a few girls sprinkled in like Rita, Judith and Leia.

Pretty much.

Old article from ways back, but much of the Tales fandom (the ones that would go to a Tales Festival or buy the merchandise) is female.

I'm surprised Asbel and Emil got so high.

It could easily be due to voice actors. Asbel's voiced by Sakurai and Emil's voiced by Shimono, both pretty popular voice actors.

The only one I don't get is Luke ~_~


TOF2014 Popularity ranking. Lol at Yuri and Lion being "banned".

Considering past polls and the fact that Leon and Yuri are banned, I thought Asbel would be number one. Thank god! Good for Ludger and lol at Luke's jump in popularity. I like him, but I thought most people didn't.

And lol at the female placement. I swore Rita and Milla were in the top 10 last year, so for them to jump all the way down like that is a pretty drastic change.
I was wondering why Yuri wasn't on the list until I read further.

I haven't played Xillia 2 yet but I can see why people like Ludger.

Speaking of that, is there any way to bypass the
mute first playthrough

I don't care if I have to buy DLC, I just want to
start with Ludger voiced if possible.
I was wondering why Yuri wasn't on the list until I read further.

I haven't played Xillia 2 yet but I can see why people like Ludger.

Speaking of that, is there any way to bypass the
mute first playthrough

I don't care if I have to buy DLC, I just want to
start with Ludger voiced if possible.

DLC! Oh actually Bamco was nice enough to just make it a Grade Shop thing.


I was wondering why Yuri wasn't on the list until I read further.

I haven't played Xillia 2 yet but I can see why people like Ludger.

Speaking of that, is there any way to bypass the
mute first playthrough

I don't care if I have to buy DLC, I just want to
start with Ludger voiced if possible.


Why is that even a thing?
DLC! Oh actually Bamco was nice enough to just make it a Grade Shop thing.

That still requires a playthrough though. It's not a deal breaker, I was just wondering if there was a way.


Why is that even a thing?

I'm not sure. Seems like a weird thing to have in a Tales games where one of the main draws is having a cast of interesting characters with their own personalities (
as far as I know only Ludger is affected


It's not really a spoiler. There's no way to have Ludger voiced on the 1st playthrough outside of downloading a save beforehand and doing a New Game Plus (and even then you'd have to do some resigning to make the save your own).

It's fine since the way they added it isn't very natural anyway, it's half-assed.
It's only one of the things I disliked about Xillia 2!

Sadly the whole giving Ludger a voice option isn't all that better either


A little odd, but Ludger having no voiced lines for the most part added to the character for me.
Through the choices the player makes and the expressions he makes based on the event, I liked it.

I thought it'd be difficult for Xillia 2 to portray Ludger's thoughts well, but the character interactions with Ludger did a really good job imo.


Any idea about when will the Zestiria web update with the Festival info? I know it gets updated monthly around the 21-30 but waiting so much for the info they aired online seems too much to me.


Any idea about when will the Zestiria web update with the Festival info? I know it gets updated monthly around the 21-30 but waiting so much for the info they aired online seems too much to me.

Yeah, it's been updating about once a month around the last Thursday/Friday of the month. Maybe we won't see direct feed media until June 26/27.
Alright guys, i need help here:

What are the ACTUAL chances of a SUPER LATE release in the West for PS3 Vesperia?

Hell, even a release on ANY other format OTHER than that damn 360 which i no longer own? Any chances of it getting a RE-release kinda like Symphonia got just now anytime in the future?

Cos if not, then i am seriously considering buying a 360 JUST to play this, as i have never done so and i keep hearing it's one of the best Tales games :((((

what should i do?


The chances for a localization are 0 by now. A rerelease would have to happen in Japan first, and it's likely it'll get one someday in some fashion.
It's a good game, but it's not worth it to buy a 360 for
, you buy a 360 for the Cave games


Alright guys, i need help here:

What are the ACTUAL chances of a SUPER LATE release in the West for PS3 Vesperia?

Hell, even a release on ANY other format OTHER than that damn 360 which i no longer own? Any chances of it getting a RE-release kinda like Symphonia got just now anytime in the future?

Cos if not, then i am seriously considering buying a 360 JUST to play this, as i have never done so and i keep hearing it's one of the best Tales games :((((

what should i do?

Zero. 0. None. Nada.

Just wait for a future port of Vesperia, it'll come eventually, Namco likes to port Tales games.

It's worth buying a 360 for Vesperia and the rest of the 360 library. The PS3 port doesn't really add much outside of end-game content. The PS3 port is also getting an English translation patch and it's also easy enough to play if you've already beaten Vesperia in English.
ahh crap :( well to be honest there really aren't any exclusives other than Vesperia that would interest me on 360 (that i KNOW of anyways) i mean what else is there really besides the Halo games that hasn't gotten a port on Steam/other consoles at this point?

Not sure how long i wanna wait for a re-release that might or might NOT happen in the end too...


Borrow a friend's 360 I guess. Or just don't play Vesperia until a port eventually comes out. It's great but I feel like the gameplay's aged quite a bit so it's not like it'd be terrible to just move onto the newer entries instead in the mean time. Story's the best in the series but that's not really saying much.


ahh crap :( well to be honest there really aren't any exclusives other than Vesperia that would interest me on 360 (that i KNOW of anyways) i mean what else is there really besides the Halo games that hasn't gotten a port on Steam/other consoles at this point?

Not sure how long i wanna wait for a re-release that might or might NOT happen in the end too...
I imported and played the japanese version alongside a writen let's play from Something Awful.
It worked for me.

I still want a 360 for Lost Odyssey,though.


Aside from the story rising above the "crap" to "acceptable" the series averages, the cast is among the best of the series. The skits are absolutely top notch too--only Dawn of the New World's skits could give Vesperia a run for its money if its cast didn't blow. I can't understate how much the portraits changing expressions while others were talking added to my enjoyment of them. Without that it probably wouldn't be much different if you just had the audio without the portraits.

Going back to it after Graces and Xillia, the battle system does feel even stiffer. However it was pretty much the last game with an overworld and puzzles.

With a 360, besides exclusives, you could also get the better versions of multiplatforms like Bayonetta and Skyrim btw.


Aside from the story rising above the "crap" to "acceptable" the series averages, the cast is among the best of the series. The skits are absolutely top notch too--only Dawn of the New World's skits could give Vesperia a run for its money if its cast didn't blow. I can't understate how much the portraits changing expressions while others were talking added to my enjoyment of them. Without that it probably wouldn't be much different if you just had the audio without the portraits.

Going back to it after Graces and Xillia, the battle system does feel even stiffer. However it was pretty much the last game with an overworld and puzzles.

With a 360, besides exclusives, you could also get the better versions of multiplatforms like Bayonetta and Skyrim btw.

Quoting for truth. Best cast in Tales and among all JRPGs IMO.


Tragic victim of fan death
I may or may not need graphics help for the Xillia 2 OT btw peeps.

If someone can help out with the visuals please PM me.


ahh crap :( well to be honest there really aren't any exclusives other than Vesperia that would interest me on 360 (that i KNOW of anyways) i mean what else is there really besides the Halo games that hasn't gotten a port on Steam/other consoles at this point?

Not sure how long i wanna wait for a re-release that might or might NOT happen in the end too...

Sir, you need to look at the magnificent specimen that is Viva Pianta.
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