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Tales of Symphonia. I bought it. But I haven't played it. Was it worth my money?

Without knowing a damn thing about the plot, I think it's significantly better than Disgaea, which I found to be significantly better than La Pucelle. One caveat, though: if you found Disgaea overwhelming, Phantom Brave will crush you instantly.

Alex, PB is Disgaea Plus, so it's probably not up your alley. The super moves are even crazier, though, and the special effects are probably NI's best work yet.


I've been playing a bit of Shadow Hearts, but I'm not seeing the big deal. I like the bit of darker overtones it has, even early in. And while it doesn't seem bad, I don't think I'd spring for a sequel in the crowded fall/winter lineup.

I'm still cycling my fall/winter RPG fest lineup. The only thing I am totally unsure of is SMT3. I wish someone would clue me in, so maybe I could be excited too. :(

Never had time for Persona, and when Persona II came out, I was too busy wittling away at VS/VP/CC that year I believe.


Drinky Crow said:
Without knowing a damn thing about the plot, I think it's significantly better than Disgaea, which I found to be significantly better than La Pucelle. One caveat, though: if you found Disgaea overwhelming, Phantom Brave will crush you instantly.

Alex, PB is Disgaea Plus, so it's probably not up your alley. The super moves are even crazier, though, and the special effects are probably NI's best work yet.
Is the series like FFT, in that there is no true overworld? Just battle map to battle map?


hyperbolically metafictive
this thread got alarmingly geeky. i suppose there's always that potential. on gaming forums.


NERDS! (DROHNE's pixelly spacecraft floats away)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea, SMT3/DDS are a big '?' from me as well. Never touched Persona 2 either that year, but the premise seems unique. Still, I have fears it is nothing more than a giant Pokemon clone with an eccentric art direction. I can put my time elsewhere if that is the case.

Shadow Hearts 1 was rather unspectacular outside of the setting and premise, but supposedly the sequel is SUPERHYPERMEGACOOL! It got huge praise when the import hit as I recall, but I don't know specifics.

I still think Star Ocean 3 looks fun in any case. The few hours I spent with the import WERE fun, but then again Pikmin 2 is releasing then and it looks splendiferous from my vantage point. Versus could be such a kickass mode! And the supposed 'dungeon crawling'...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I thought the majority of ToS's cast was great. =( Especially considering how much you got to see them interact (through z-skits and what not.) Damn you people!


They had skits in Eternia too, but fucking Namco USA cut them out I believe. This, amoung other things, is why you hear people (myself included) so shocked with the localization quality of Symphonia.


so far i'm thinking SH2 is at least as good as SO3. it's not as expansive, but it's better-made from a gameplay standpoint. and it's a fuck of a lot funnier. not quite as epic, but hey. it takes place in the real world in 1915, which is pretty fresh compared to your average fantasy/scifi setting. they pumped up the gameplay systems a lot since the original.

calling SMT3 a pokemon clone is a bit ass-backwards. the SMT series (which has its origins on the famicom) had the whole monster use/fusion/capture shit well before pokemon was even concieved of. the mood in that game is absolutely fantastic -- like ICO or katamari damacy degree of fantastic -- but i dunno how the gameplay is yet. the persona games were quite gameplay-driven, however.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
IGN posted some big video preview for Pikmin 2 yesterday that is pretty informative.

Essentially, as you play through the levels, you'll supposedly discover all sorts of mole-mounds that lead to randomized underground lairs or multi-level dungeons that feature crazy enemies and bosses or something...Once you go down there, you are left to fight with only the pikmin you bring with you since you don't have access to the Pikmin ufo thingies to make more I guess.

Actually that's all I really know about it, it might end up a rather lacking feature in the end, but it got a lot of respek and praise in the preview.


Okay, so addressing random stuff -

Eternia has a couple of significant things over Symphonia - The Craymel Cage system, which I thought was brilliant, and Max, who was really funny.

Symphonia has better dungeons, battles, and more playable characters, which is almost always good, so I like it more.

Presea rocks if only because she can dress up like Klonoa.

Don't get all the character until 2/3rds through? Um. I'm no fractionologist, but that isn't how I remember it...

Doug, based on this reaction to Disgaea, how do you think I'll like PB? -

Good, fun dialogue. Main game was really fun. Geo panels are cool. Post main game was fun for a few hours, but quickly got really tedious and not fun. Liked most of the unique plot characters, disliked the generics (tying skills to weapons was kinda dumb, that kinda thing)


I don't know if its japan's taste as much as it's the female fanbase. It really wasn't fair at all to have Leon/Judas on twice :/


"Essentially, as you play through the levels, you'll supposedly discover all sorts of mole-mounds that lead to randomized underground lairs or multi-level dungeons that feature crazy enemies and bosses or something...Once you go down there, you are left to fight with only the pikmin you bring with you since you don't have access to the Pikmin ufo thingies to make more I guess."

Yeah... I'm buying Pikmin 2 now. It already sounded interesting, but things like that will totally bowl me over. Big underground meanie dungeons = get.

SMT3...The monster stuff puts me off a bit. I don't want to collect 'em all. Or whatnot. What got me interested was the susposed free form gameplay, and the look of the game. Main character design kinda sucks, but the rest looks top notch.


The basic improvement in Shadow Hearts 2 appears to be that it refuses to take itself seriously. Toastyfrog Parish is playing it right now and offers favorable reports of completely wack-ass random shit, including a vampiric character who turns into a hulking Mexican pro wrestler according to some weird biorhythm scheme and also a scene where you get to choose which member of your party takes a thorough ass-whipping from a one-eyed dominatrix. The original Shadow Hearts did nothing for me, but the sequel sounds like a hoot.

Star Ocean 3 I enjoy, but more so than a lot of people seem to. I will say that the battle system is thoroughly exploitable even for a non-hardcore RPG type like me, though, so serious Tales players will probably find it unexciting after a short while.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea, the nice thing is PLENTY of people around here will be guinea pigs for SMT3 at least. I'm plenty sure we'll be getting a well rounded set of impressions detailing the good/bad over here.

I'm also looking forward to that Wild Arms Alter Code F out of curiosity. But the chances it will get any playtime from me in 2004 is minimal. It would rock if it were budget priced from the getgo!

Edit: what other RPG imports for winter 2k4 have we missed?


Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories? Jury is still out on that one, though. I don't think anyone in the press has gotten enough playtime to really get the hang of it. My only impression at E3 was "This looks pretty, and I'm really confused."



Drinky Crow said:
A Kingdom Hearts game cannot be good, period.

I dunno if you can haterize on it that quickly. There's only been the one of them.

Kingdom Hearts is one of those things I can't be particularly objective about, though. I think it's something to do with the hypnotic power of Tetsuya Nomura's pants.



Brandon F said:
I'm also looking forward to that Wild Arms Alter Code F out of curiosity.

WarPig said:
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories? Jury is still out on that one, though. I don't think anyone in the press has gotten enough playtime to really get the hang of it. My only impression at E3 was "This looks pretty, and I'm really confused."
there seems to be a lot more to the gameplay, which is nice, and it feels good to play. however, random dungeons = EAT ME


Wild Arms might be my most anticipated RPG this fall. Never made it far with the first, but a remake with more characters and the combat skipping system will definitely make it more fun.

Hearing the words "Pokemon clone" (backwards or not) have me looking at SMT3 a lot closer now.

Might end up checkng those two out and skipping on SO3 now....
I hate Disney.
I hate Nomura's character designs.
I hate shitty level designs mixed with cumbersome combat schemes.

Oh, you BETTA believe I can hate Kingdom Hearts titles.


Drinky Crow said:
I hate Disney.
I hate Nomura's character designs.
I hate shitty level designs mixed with cumbersome combat schemes.

Nomura's designs have this strange way of growing on you once you discover that he actually dresses like one of his characters.



Brandon F said:
ferricide: Why 'ugh' on Wild Arms? What do you know that I should know?
i played the import for a couple of hours. it struck me as absolute mediocrity. plus, wild arms' story was bad enough the first time.

WarPig said:
Nutt thinks that Fruits Basket is good. Believe nothing he tells you.
there is no way you think wild arms ACF is good, you fucking fruit.


I read through this, and I'm still trying to figure out the point of this thread?

I guess its just one of those GAF things.
There was a guy at work who tried to convince me Fruits Basket was good. I stabbed him and now I am wearing a scarf made of his pallid flesh.


Eric-GCA said:
I read through this, and I'm still trying to figure out the point of this thread?

The point of the thread is that nobody here has anything better to do on a Friday night, and that all of us should fuck off and eat Drano immediately.



ferricide said:
there is no way you think wild arms ACF is good, you fucking fruit.

I could give two shits for Wild Arms. I'm just yankin' your chain. And it's working, since a motherfucker likes Fruits Basket is suddenly questioning my sexuality ^_^



Drinky Crow said:
DFS is right. I'm arguing anime chicks, RPG quality, and graphics on a Friday night. Really, I shouold die.

Nah, you're married. That gives you an automatic get-out-of-pathetic-dorkiness-free card.



There's no defending Kingdom Hearts' level design. I could probably forgive a lot for a decent ARPG romp, but the platforming, camera work and level design in KH was all kinds of bad, IMO.

I'll totally check out SO3 later on. I never gave SO2 the time I should've, plus it'd be nice to give the Enix/Tri-Ace side of Squenix some cash. It's not FFX-2 levels of broken, is it? =/

I may have to eventually check out SH2 also, sigh...

""This looks pretty, and I'm really confused.""

Made me laugh, just because that's almost exactly what I was thinking during SaGa 2. Truly some of the worst documentation ever. I wish I had someone over at the time, because scouring through the manual with the "What the fuck?" look on my face had to be pretty funny. Shouldn't have to look through a FAQ to simply understand a game.

I'd like to go against the masses and try Unlimited as well, but the utter confusion SaGa 2 inflicted upon me scarred me forever.

Me? I simply have fuck nothing to do, I'm basicly settled down myself, and this is the first time I've done this in at least like, a year, so I want a card too...please? Hello? :(


Made me laugh, just because that's almost exactly what I was thinking during SaGa 2.

The difference is that with Chain of Memories, it presumably lasts just a little while, whereas with SaGa Frontier 2 the feeling could persist for fifty hours or more...



Alex said:
I'll totally check out SO3 later on. I never gave SO2 the time I should've, plus it'd be nice to give the Enix/Tri-Ace side of Squenix some cash. It's not FFX-2 levels of broken, is it? =/
i'd say they're about similar levels of quality / problematicness. SO3 has fewer soul-crushing minigames, though. note that i said "fewer". it is not completely devoid of them, sadly.

Alex said:
I'd like to go against the masses and try Unlimited as well, but the utter confusion SaGa 2 inflicted upon me scarred me forever.
unlimited saga is, without a doubt, the worst game square has ever released in the west. worse than driving emotion S and kings knight... worse than playing them both at the same time.


ferricide said:
unlimited saga is, without a doubt, the worst game square has ever released in the west. worse than driving emotion S and kings knight... worse than playing them both at the same time.




WarPig said:
i already know he's crazy. the idea that he actually likes unlimited saga isn't entirely surprising. if he didn't like persona, i'd've killed him years ago.


We'll see. I don't think anyone could ever make a game where I could pull the kind of shit I did in FFX-2.

That along with the design/mythos and the most fucking stupid form of non-linearity ever felt like a punch to the stomach when I went against everyone saying how bad it was, and bummed it from a friend whom I never intend to speak to again.
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