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Tales of Xillia |OT| "Progress" It's Been 15 Years. . .


kiryogi said:
TS continues their more mature story telling that they started with Vesperia, and they haven't jumped the shark yet.
Staff wise it's not really a TS game though. 4 out of 5 of the direction/game design staff is from ToH. The main 3 out of 4 of the scenario staff worked on ToH and ToG before. Most traditional TS lead staff can be found under special thanks, no idea if that means they are working on something else.

Autumn Thread said:
I suppose there is a lot of mixed opinions on the game itself based on what the previous entries in the series, but overall people seem to be enjoying it?
Response is actually very positive from what I'm seeing. It's a more than serviceable follow up to the style of Tales games Vesperia was. But there (naturally) are details some people liked more in other game of the series (e.g. story and characters in Vesperia, gameplay design in Graces).


kiryogi said:
I did get a chance to talk to Bebpo tho, and he absolutely hates the game. I'll post what he had to said since he hasn't weighed in yet.

A bit harsh but I agree with him on the field maps and towns. It feels like you spend the entire game just running through these drab fields collecting randomized treasure. I think I am at the end of chapter 2, there have only been 3 or 4 real dungeons and very few boss fights.


Just got the trophy for finishing the first chapter. 20 hours in and I've only finished one part! Christ in heaven this game really gets you your money's worth. Of course it does take longer having to look up half the fuckin dialogue up in the dictionary.

And I keep forgetting to eat exp-boosting food before boss battles.

And Leia is a good partner for Jude. Doesn't have as many link artes combos as Milla though.

My sentiments on the game are the same as before. Fuckin love everything about it!

As an aside, I was leaving work the other day (high school) when I heard some of my students talking about this game. I mentioned that I'm playing it (apparently they love it - mettya omosiroi desyou?!) and somehow it's spread around that I like games and every class some kid comes up to ask me if I know/play XXX gēmu.


Yeah; the boring and featureless field maps are by far my biggest complaint. Feeling compelled to search them for shop build materials and Aifread's treasures just make it worse. The way symbol encounters work is also really quite irritating. You have to walk - soooo slowlyyy - from a good distance away to avoid alerting an enemy to get an advantage.


Aeana said:
Yeah; the boring and featureless field maps are by far my biggest complaint. Feeling compelled to search them for shop build materials and Aifread's treasures just make it worse. The way symbol encounters work is also really quite irritating. You have to walk - soooo slowlyyy - from a good distance away to avoid alerting an enemy to get an advantage.
Just let the enemies chase after you, circle around them and encount(er) them from behind... Just like Persona.


Do we have any indication if this'll make its way stateside yet? It seems a lot of people have good things to say about it and I'd like to play it.


Amir0x said:
Do we have any indication if this'll make its way stateside yet? It seems a lot of people have good things to say about it and I'd like to play it.
Nope. I think it might come, but people should buy Graces F to make it more likely!


Aeana said:
Nope. I think it might come, but people should buy Graces F to make it more likely!

Oh I am definitely getting that. I'm even getting Tales of Abyss 3DS to try to encourage it. I like Tales Games, they're right up my alley, but this one in particular seems like it's special.

I'm actually replaying Tales of Vesperia right now even though I have Disgaea 4 and Dead Island and whatnot to play, because I see everyone enjoying Xillia and I'm jealous :p


I'm not the biggest fan of the fields, but I give it a lot of leeway. Tales studios has been slowly improving on the concept since Hearts. So I don't find it completely fair to compare it to Xenoblade. Its a core Tales concept at this point that they're still working on. I think its great that its a lot wider and bigger than it was in Graces.

Datschge: yeah, I shoulda said Team Hearts or something, but presentation wise the game screams Team Symphonia. At least its still Higuchi.

Amirox: it is special! Its the 15th anniversary title. Honestly tho I really see it this way. With the hate I have for Vesperia, its really similar to how I feel about Symphonia. So the leap from Vesperia to Xillia is really just like Symphonia to Abyss IMO.


kiryogi said:
I'm not the biggest fan of the fields, but I give it a lot of leeway. Tales studios has been slowly improving on the concept since Hearts. So I don't find it completely fair to compare it to Xenoblade. Its a core Tales concept at this point that they're still working on. I think its great that its a lot wider and bigger than it was in Graces.

Datschge: yeah, I shoulda said Team Hearts or something, but presentation wise the game screams Team Symphonia. At least its still Higuchi.
I disagree, though. The fields in Graces were much better than the ones in Xillia.
No, it's not fair to compare it to Xenoblade, but it is fair to expect the areas to be more interesting. They made them much larger in Xillia and didn't fill in the blank space, or even vary the areas enough.

Lack of variation is really the game's biggest issue across the board, to be honest.


I'm willing to forgive things like the fields being bland, because I enjoy so much of the game as it is. ToX is one of the first JRPGs in memory where I didn't feel like I had to fight against the game mechanics to do what I wanted. If you can't have a perfect game, I'll certainly take one like this.


I'm more in the boat that I've found the field innovation since Hearts a real chore, but it's not enough to dock the game, as it's just something I've gotten used to. What I look forward to is how this could eventually lead to seamless transitions into battles.


Was just wondering if anyone has the Limited Edition OST? If so, could you post some pics?
Am tempted to get it from CDjapan but not sure how exactly it looks like compared to the regular edition (every site seems to show the same cover for both versions) .


Despite Kiryogi's comments, I don't actually hate the game. I don't love it, don't hate it so far. It's ok.

The game early on feels like the FFXIII of Tales series. It's big, it's pretty, but in the transition to making it more cinematic it also feels kind of bland and boring in certain ways. The giant super-linear fields with nothing to do, the barely-interactive towns, the fast and flashy but not all that technical battle system. Definitely gives some of that "HD games are hard to make" deja vu. Vesperia, despite not being all that great, felt very much like a traditional Tales game just with improved HD visuals. Xillia seems to be trying something unique, sort of like Legendia, where it's taking Tales in a new direction and not just being same old same old with a new battle system/characters. Too early to tell if that's a good thing.


Aeana said:
Yeah; the boring and featureless field maps are by far my biggest complaint. Feeling compelled to search them for shop build materials and Aifread's treasures just make it worse. The way symbol encounters work is also really quite irritating. You have to walk - soooo slowlyyy - from a good distance away to avoid alerting an enemy to get an advantage.

Once you get Holy Bottles, just have them on all the time and chase after enemies. You won't get the extra powerful Sneak Attack but you will get the basic one.

I personally like the maps myself, world maps are usually pretty boring to me and running around for loot in Xillia is more than enough personally.

Anyway, since I'm done with work today, I'm gonna continue writing my thoughts. I hope to have it posted later tonight.


Bebpo said:
Despite Kiryogi's comments, I don't actually hate the game. I don't love it, don't hate it so far. It's ok.

The game early on feels like the FFXIII of Tales series. It's big, it's pretty, but in the transition to making it more cinematic it also feels kind of bland and boring in certain ways. The giant super-linear fields with nothing to do, the barely-interactive towns, the fast and flashy but not all that technical battle system. Definitely gives some of that "HD games are hard to make" deja vu. Vesperia, despite not being all that great, felt very much like a traditional Tales game just with improved HD visuals. Xillia seems to be trying something unique, sort of like Legendia, where it's taking Tales in a new direction and not just being same old same old with a new battle system/characters. Too early to tell if that's a good thing.

Hm that sounds terrible. Maybe I'll just stick with Tales of Graces F then and ignore this one, yikes :<


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I don't mind linearity though. If it's like FFX linear, then I'm alright with that.


ULTROS! said:
I don't mind linearity though. If it's like FFX linear, then I'm alright with that.

It's FFX Linear rather than FFXIII linear. Or perhaps, SO1 linear if anything. I'm rather fond of this type of world system especially when they go out of their way to really make it feel like a big ass connected world.

Areas are wide enough and there's lots of nooks and crannies to look for loot. There's also a few dungeons here and there throughout the game that you can go to that you don't go to as a part of the storyline so it's not too bad. I personally think most of Graces maps are terrible, way worse than Xillia for the most part.

I will say this, of the last 5 big Tales games, this is definitely my favorite behind Tales of Destiny Remake. If I don't include ToDr, It'd be the best of the remaining 4.


Having finished the game, it actually surprised me quite a bit. I was expecting more general stupid Tales team failings in various areas but there really wasn’t. It’s a really good game on pretty much all fronts to me. I'm going to try to avoid spoilers for most folks until a later post if someone wants to really know.

+ Best TS style battle system yet.
+ Link System is nice and adds a little more to consider to battles
+ Link Artes are sweet.
+ Pace of battles is quick
+ Movement systems are far better than most TS games.
+ Character roles and Artes balance is good
+ Each character feels unique to play even compared to similar characters in other Tales.
- Still lacks a bit of pizzazz like TD battle systems.
- Link traits and skills could've been a bit fancier or more indepth
- More Artes would've been fine and most noticeable changes for the X number of uses would've been nice
- More Link Artes for everyone but Jude and Milla
- A few more AI options and specific options in the Link system would've helped.

This battle system is definitely the best of the Team Symphonia style systems. It's better than Abyss or Vesperia by a long shot. It's incredibly fast-paced and it's a lot of fun to play. The link system is great and is actually a usable main system unlike say Fatal Strikes and Field of Fonons. It adds a bit of consideration to which of the characters to link up with and when. Link Artes are also all different so knowing properties and what they do is helpful for some of the things you may want to do. They also added proper movement systems other than Free Run so you can use those to get around the field most of the time but Free Run still has nice uses in the game if you need it.

That said, it still lacks a bit of the open-ended combo system of recent TD games. This is both on Artes and systems front. If they could add something on either front, I think TS battle systems would improve quite a bit. ToDR would be an example of basing it around Artes design whereas Graces A combos would be an example of a system. I also think the Link system could've used a few more things to it to make it meatier.

On that note, there could've been more Artes. It felt like there was too few for how long the game was. While they all serve a purpose, it would've been nice to see some bigger and cooler attacks. Link Artes are also a bit lacking for everyone but Jude and Milla. They have the most and everyone has a few with each other. It felt a little lopsided. On top of that, the changes to some artes are very big for using them often. It's sometimes just adding a specific property like guard breaks or so and that makes it hard to notice at times.

A few more specific options would've been nice for the AI in this, particularly being able to tell them to keep their distance against certain enemies. The enemy AI targets your backline at times, steamrolling them. So being able to tell your AI members to run away or fight from a distance would have been much nicer.

Between Graces and this, Graces has a more open-ended combo system thanks to the special nature of A and getting B moves to a certain number of uses. So this has less free combo potential. On the other hand, Graces field feels cramped compared to Xillia, so it always felt like enemies were breathing down my caster's neck on Hard. The movement systems are rather comparable though Graces has a slight edge because sidestep isn't tied to an attack and it moves more. Where Graces kind of falters is that I often feel like it's a relatively slow combat system. Xillia is break-neck speeds even until the last battle which doesn't drag me down at all. They both have pluses and minuses.

+ Great story.
+ Careful attention paid to pacing and plot composition.
+ Great writing on the whole.
+ Presentation is great.
- Beginning can feel a little slow.
- Setting isn't quite as inventive as other Tales.
- A few spots could have had more story to really cement some stuff.

This is definitely the game's biggest strength and it really does it well. The story is, as I've said, definitely the best story we've gotten in a Tales game to date. The plotting, the presentation, the pacing, the composition of the story and pretty much everything is hit perfectly. You can really tell that they put a lot of effort into making a story that made sense, was always focused, and, kept in tune with the theme of the game. What this means is that every event in the game has a purpose and time is given to for each to play out properly giving it weight. I don't think there are events in the game that occur then just hand-waved or went through quickly and off to the next one.

Of this all, the thing that stood out the most was the fact that the writing never got lost at all. It was always on point. The theme of the game is very much a part of the central conflict in the story and all the interactions really reinforcement it, even to the end. I think very few games ever do this right.

I do have a few minuses in this area. The beginning is a little slow because you really don't know anything and there isn't nearly as much going on. However, it's not really dead weight either since it does a bit of character building and setting a few blocks here and there for the story. The setting is not nearly as inventive as other Tales games like say Abyss. It does have a few things but it's very straight-forward world for the most part.. That's not necessarily bad but it does feel just a tad vanilla because there aren't many esoteric mythology pieces or crazy cultural practices. The last minus is that there are a few points in the story where I think they could've add a bit more to really hit the point away or to get even more bang. It's not really a minus as much as it's "I'd like to see more about this world" kind of thing.

The minuses are really minor overall and don't detract from the positives of the story.

+ Characters are written really well.
+ They have proper relationships and connections with each other.
+ Every character is important to the story for the most part.
+ Everyone is freaking cool on all fronts even the villains.
+ Alvin is incredible, absolutely incredible.
- Unfortunately, Leia is the sole exception.
- There is one other character that also suffers as well but is a bit of a spoiler.
- More time spent on the villains would've been nice.

While I like certain individual characters and Tales casts more on a general level, I can't deny that this is a pretty damn great cast overall. Every character plays a role in the story, each gets their own time to develop, and there's a bit more to all the character's relationships than most Tales. On top of that, everyone has a really good design. I do have a few quibbles like Rowen looking like one of the Royal Guards from Suikoden 5 and Elise having goth loli fashion. The villains are great too, very awesome looking bunch.

I'll just reiterate it here but Alvin is incredible. He's an amazing character, period.

So on the downside, Leia just didn't get enough time from what I saw and her position in the story isn't very useful. The writers actually lampshaded this a bit but still, she's the weakest character by far in the cast. Her connection with the cast is fine and her position in being a foil is good as well but her development itself is rather half-baked and isn't even really related to the story itself like the rest of the cast. I won't talk about the other character in this post because of how spoiler-y it is but if anyone wants to know I can talk about it.

Last point is well, I really like the villains in this and it's because of how the story is written. I would've loved to have seen them more on screen and the like. It's not that they're bad, it's just I want more with them.

That's all I've got for now, I think. If anyone has questions, I can answer them. It'd be easier than writing another one of these things.


I absolutely think Alvin is great too, and especially how he composes himself on all fronts. But folks reading spoilers, or having no idea what's actually going on judge him otherwise. IMO he's the best
character of all the TS games thus far.

I'm sorry I jumped the gun with Bebpo, but we did have more quality discussion. His big issue with the first 3 isn't so much as it's not interesting but it's more on the subjective side. Jude/Milla/Alvin are fairly serious characters, and he much preferred to have zany characters like Stahn. Team Symphonia/Hearts have been going towards the more serious/realistic route since Vesperia, and what they've pulled off here is outstanding. Milla's conviction is mostly spot on, and Alvin is really damn cool (without spoiling anything) As boring as it could be for folks, this cannot be denied.

All the love/hate here is going to really boil down to different preferences and bias. IE Aeana not being able to tolerate characters like Elise or Bebpo not digging the serious cast. Like the 3 mentioned above, Elise is really well done as well, with Tipo as a good opposite. I don't usually fault characters for their archetypes and how they act, since that's what they were intended for. What gets me is when they go completely off rail, which has been seen before in Abyss and Vesperia. (maybe mainly Abyss, I'm fuzzy on Vesperia currently)

RE: Leia, pretty sure she was shoved to the side mainly to develop Jude/Milla D:

Shouta said:
It's FFX Linear rather than FFXIII linear. Or perhaps, SO1 linear if anything. I'm rather fond of this type of world system especially when they go out of their way to really make it feel like a big ass connected world.

Areas are wide enough and there's lots of nooks and crannies to look for loot. There's also a few dungeons here and there throughout the game that you can go to that you don't go to as a part of the storyline so it's not too bad. I personally think most of Graces maps are terrible, way worse than Xillia for the most part.

I will say this, of the last 5 big Tales games, this is definitely my favorite behind Tales of Destiny Remake. If I don't include ToDr, It'd be the best of the remaining 4.

Also on this boat, despite how annoying it is to get from point A to B. I'm always kept at bay with treasure hunting like a mad man.

Bebpo said:
Despite Kiryogi's comments, I don't actually hate the game. I don't love it, don't hate it so far. It's ok.

The game early on feels like the FFXIII of Tales series. It's big, it's pretty, but in the transition to making it more cinematic it also feels kind of bland and boring in certain ways. The giant super-linear fields with nothing to do, the barely-interactive towns, the fast and flashy but not all that technical battle system. Definitely gives some of that "HD games are hard to make" deja vu. Vesperia, despite not being all that great, felt very much like a traditional Tales game just with improved HD visuals. Xillia seems to be trying something unique, sort of like Legendia, where it's taking Tales in a new direction and not just being same old same old with a new battle system/characters. Too early to tell if that's a good thing.

Meant to follow up more, but the towns do start to get a little bigger. Although, I don't recall towns being all that interactive in Tales besides 2-3 houses minimum, and then the explorable Inn/shops. It honestly felt on par with the course.
Pretty annoyed about Leia getting shafted development-wise, since I was interested in her [not in the way]. But I guess I'd rather have that than what happened in Abyss.

uh oh the loli fanservice characters has no relevance the the story and we have no traitor subplot quick lets combine them together to make the third act of the game much longer than it needs to be and hope no one will notice how nonsensical it is



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Hmm... Regarding trophies, are there any "get all the treasures" or "get all the titles" kind of trophies?


Leia's problem is that they had to go with the obvious route with her character rather than going with something else. There are actually two things they touch on with her but they keep doing the stupid one of all things >=|


Nice review there, Shouta.

kiryogi said:
yeah, I shoulda said Team Hearts or something, but presentation wise the game screams Team Symphonia. At least its still Higuchi.
No, Higuchi is gone. He's working on an NBGI project not related to Tales according to that Yoshizumi interview from the European NBGI press event quite some time ago.

Aeana said:
I disagree, though. The fields in Graces were much better than the ones in Xillia.
Planning wise Xillia apparently is a direct continuation from the concept in Hearts (same planner, same issues :lol ) while Graces did a different take on it (less focus on dungeon-ish layout, more on creating unique landscapes which worked really well with the still used fixed camera povs). The next Tales game may (and should!) try to merge those two concepts. ;)

kiryogi said:
What I look forward to is how this could eventually lead to seamless transitions into battles.
This is overdue. Somehow I find the battle fields looking different from where the battles were started really jarring in 3D Tales. Also once that is done they can finally add environmental interactions to the battles instead having flat round grounds all the time.

Sciel said:
Was just wondering if anyone has the Limited Edition OST? If so, could you post some pics?
Am tempted to get it from CDjapan but not sure how exactly it looks like compared to the regular edition (every site seems to show the same cover for both versions) .
It's exactly the same (same insert and all that, even has both versions catalog number printed on it) except for the 4th CD with drama and the 3 DLC cards (which are not for in-game stuff anyway). If you just like the soundtrack I'd just get whichever you can get cheaper.
ULTROS! said:
Hmm... Regarding trophies, are there any "get all the treasures" or "get all the titles" kind of trophies?
Not all the treasures, but a lot of them (however there's quite a bit more so you don't have to get all of them at all). I'd say that only a few places are content-missable if you breeze through them, but most of the content not sidequest is not time-restricted.


InternHertz said:
Got a question for people that are at the 4th chapter, after one big boss battle with you-know-who :
I'm just before Helioborg and I really need to go back to the previous world, I'm nearing the max in black feathers. Will I get the chance to go back there and travel between the 2 worlds soon? I hope I won't have to wait until just before the final boss or even after him...
Yeah, right before the final dungeon you should be able to go back. Around then, you can also press R3 then press square to swap between the 2 worlds while using the teleport map function
Yeah, I just got what I needed. Jude scared me when he said he
didn't want to go back >_< I thought I couldn't go there anymore, but the knife will help me getting there.


Milla is too freaking overpowered when she joins your party, she kills enemies instantly, did that annoy anyone else who picked Jude?


Okay, what the fuck. So the final boss (SPOILERS INCOMING):
So they can do link artes, heal, one of them revives when she dies, and they can do link arte chains to kill off your party? Can't even kill her the first time since she keeps healing and you can't stop her from doing shit. I'd get her almost dead and she's heal like a quarter of her health multiple times.

Am I just completely underleveled or something? Because this is ridiculous. I'm around Lv70 on Hard mode. Normal mode is a cake walk but Hard mode is just...auuuugh.
It seems like everyone is pretty far ahead. I haven't touched the game in a while due to trying to get a better grasp on reading plus finishing Xenoblade. In a week or two I'll pick it up again and see what happens. I imagine there won't be any drastic improvements to my reading abilities but every little bit helps I guess.


PoorFate said:
It seems like everyone is pretty far ahead. I haven't touched the game in a while due to trying to get a better grasp on reading plus finishing Xenoblade. In a week or two I'll pick it up again and see what happens. I imagine there won't be any drastic improvements to my reading abilities but every little bit helps I guess.
I'm not XD. Think I'm almost done with the second chapter however.
currently trying to find Agria in Il Fan


FSLink said:
Okay, what the fuck. So the final boss (SPOILERS INCOMING):
So they can do link artes, heal, one of them revives when she dies, and they can do link arte chains to kill off your party? Can't even kill her the first time since she keeps healing and you can't stop her from doing shit. I'd get her almost dead and she's heal like a quarter of her health multiple times.

Am I just completely underleveled or something? Because this is ridiculous. I'm around Lv70 on Hard mode. Normal mode is a cake walk but Hard mode is just...auuuugh.

I found that they were too powerful at 70 on Hard. You just don't put out enough damage to kill one quickly. I almost did several times but didn't. I dropped down to Normal just for that high because I didn't feel like grinding was a total cakewalk then, heh. I really like the fight aside from it being difficult on Hard.
I'm also at the final dungeon now at ~62 hours on Jude's side, but I'm finishing all the sidequests I got left (already 94 done and 3 are left : Fell Arms, Mysterious Gems and Dispel the Miasma...well 4 if I count the Arena). Some sidequests were really cool, with the information they gave on the characters, so anyone who does not do them is missing quite a bit from the setting and the characters.

I feel bad about missing at least 2 sidequests though, I did not use a guide to get them all so even though I should have gotten all quests in cities, 2 were timed in dungeons and I was too late to get them because I didn't revisit every dungeon after each story step.

When I'm done with sidequests, I'll go until I'm just before the final boss and then I'll save. Then beat the boss to get the trophy and do some testing with the grade shop and the Library section. If everything goes well then maybe I'll already begin Milla's side, but if not then I'll reload my save and do absolutely everything I want before ending the first playthrough. And that means getting all titles, find every "special" treasures (10 left) etc.

I'm missing 12 long chats also for the trophy so I'll try to get them as well before finishing.


Shouta said:
I found that they were too powerful at 70 on Hard. You just don't put out enough damage to kill one quickly. I almost did several times but didn't. I dropped down to Normal just for that high because I didn't feel like grinding was a total cakewalk then, heh. I really like the fight aside from it being difficult on Hard.
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. Wasn't that many places to grind before New Game Plus too.
Jude and Unknown mode begins! Aw, no way to transfer artes huh? At least I can keep my Artes Ball and attachments.


I'll probably grind for a bit of GP before I start a new game. I was considering XP x5 and Gald x2, Arts Ball and the shop level ones.


So what's everyone's favorite Link Arte?
I love using Kijin Rensenshuu, since it pulls in all nearby enemies and then does a wind elemental Street Fighter-like Shinryuken move.

Also I really enjoy the Tipo related ones, Tipo the Beast is just amusing (interesting that the Link Arte name includes the English name of Shishisenkou, which is also needed to use it) and so is Giant Tipo Drop.

As far as grade shop went, I went with AC+2, 2xEXP, attachments/costumes, and transferred over the Artes Ball and items like that. Don't want to break the game just yet, haha. Maybe 3rd playthrough I'll try grabbing everything outside of transfer levels.
Oh I thought the bonuses given to you for finishing the game where obtained when you begin an Ex New Game, but you can actually load the clear file and already use them right away!

Time to plan to get the remaining titles and grind away in the bonus dungeon! 63 hours to finish the game the first time.


Woo just cleared chapter 2, that was a real roller coaster ride.

I thought Nahatiigal was it, but no! You face a long gauntlet of enemies, the Fauvres, and Gaius. I'm sad that I lost to Gaius tho, I had him down to at least half. But he really was wrecking my crew badly. Also, goddammit Ivarl, Milla's reaction was perfect.


Finally beat the game earlier. On the whole I'd probably agree with most of Shouta's impressions, I really liked the game overall. When the game was first announced I was pretty worried by the staff list that it was going to be another disappointment like Graces (which was a letdown for me in everything but the battle system), but no, really happy with most of the end result even if it wasn't perfect. I think overall I still prefer Vesperia, though the combat was much better here.

- Story was great. I was a bit worried that it didn't seem to be making much progress at the start, but it *really* gets started by the end of part 2 and was pretty awesome right to the end after that. Good ending too, I love it when they actually bother to tell you what the characters are doing with themselves after the game is over.
- The battle system is miles better than every other 3D Tales except for Graces, but even then I don't think there's all that much in it this time. I played on second difficulty from the start and some of the bosses were pretty damn tough too. Link artes, chains etc were all inconporated well and made it loads of fun to play. Just wish they'd have included sidestep, I missed it. I didn't find myself using free run all that much, even though it was there.
- Being able to switch characters around even from your reserves was a brilliant addition. Was glad to see they've finally moved on from S-Flag type nonsense completely now (Graces let you switch around too, but I don't think it let you bring in your reserves).
- On that note, there were a bunch of other streamlinings that were really appreciated. Not having to scan every single enemy for the monster encyclopedia in particular was something I was really pleasantly surprised by. Also quick travel. About time, and considering the last game I beat was Xenoblade it would've been difficult to live without this.
- The new attachment systems and particular outfits and hair being separate were great too. Now all I need is the option to turn off costume BGMs so I can actually use Elise's Idolmaster outfit outside of bosses and random town wandering.
- Proper 3D environments, finally. It actually took some getting used to finally be able to use a free camera in the environments, but some of the towns, especially the first one, were nice to look around.
- Whole cast of playables were at least likeable. I didn't like the cast as much as Vesperia's, but they were much more likeable than Graces'. Leia's development did feel shafted though (unlike the other characters you could probably have had the game play out just the same without her), and Jude's insistence on trying to shove off Elise constantly in one part of the game got old fast.
- The Lilial Orb system worked even if it wasn't particularly amazing. You did at least feel like you could give attention to different areas of development and go for different skills etc first, unlike say FF13's Crystarium where the thing made no difference whatsoever and was just unnecessary tedium. It was quite fun to use too, was always nice to get a bunch more GP and set about gleefully spending it.
- Can Tales Studio just use ufotable from now on? The anime cutscenes were so nice.

- Fields were immensely repetitive. Felt like the same area reskinned over and over again with a choice of all of... three different BGMs. It wouldn't have been as bad if they'd at least dealt with this bit, but still hearing the same damned BGMs in new fields 30 hours into the game just made the repetition even more jarringly obvious. Every port in the game looked the same too, why? I can't help but wonder if development ended up being rushed or this was actually intentional.
- The multiple protagonist system does not work. If you choose Mira on your first playthrough, you are going to be confused, as they decided it would be a cool idea to skip a whole chunk of story in her route, including about three bosses, and not really fill you in on what happened afterwards. It wouldn't be so bad if the game suggested you pick Jude first, but there's no indication that this is going to happen. It was quite funny to beat the first boss after the routes reunite and then get 3 levels (Elise got 5 because of her Healer Prize skill) because Mira's route had skipped so much so you were underlevelled.
- Wasn't really feeling the villains overall. Some of them were pretty cool, but overall they were a little disappointing and not particularly memorable. Also I wanted to punch Agria in the face. Repeatedly. Good lord she's annoying.
- All of four extra costumes in the game without buying DLC. This has been a Tales staple for ages and I'm really not happy to see Scamco doing their Idolmaster thing again. At least with Vesperia while there was a DLC option the game had tons to choose from by doing sub events, here there's only four. And that's four in total, not four each.


I've been busy so I haven't really played much since last weekend. Picking it up now, just got to Shan-Du. Trying to remember everything that's happened. Yay for the event list.
Haha the boss of the hidden dungeon owned me...
I was 76, he is 80, I kill him quite easily so I thought that it wasn't a difficult trophy to achieve...and then he says it's not over, splits into 2 and the fun began, his combos are deadly, and I was clearly not enough leveled. I'll grind in the dungeon with EXP food for a bit and retry later.

And I verified with a wiki, I managed to get all of the sidequests except for 2 little time-limited ones that pop in a dungeon...Almost got a perfect run the first time without help, too bad.


Fat Goron said:
So..... about the game's story.... has it anything to do with Phantasia/Symphonia, as the first trailer seemed to suggest?
Don't see how it suggested it, but no.
They're just using a plot of similar stuff because they feel it's what works. Iirc, the developers even stated that they had to be careful the story didn't turn into Phantasia.
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