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Tales of Xillia |OT| "Progress" It's Been 15 Years. . .

I'm in the 4th chapter on Milla's side.

There are some really cool scenes in that path, that give a lot more depth to the scenes that happen in Jude's path.
Of course I assume that it's the same if you did Milla's path first and then Jude's. But it's really cool to understand what wasn't explained on a path but well on the other one.
This makes the game seem fresh even after more than 120 hours into it.


InternHertz said:
I'm in the 4th chapter on Milla's side.

There are some really cool scenes in that path, that give a lot more depth to the scenes that happen in Jude's path.
Of course I assume that it's the same if you did Milla's path first and then Jude's. But it's really cool to understand what wasn't explained on a path but well on the other one.
This makes the game seem fresh even after more than 120 hours into it.

As neat as it is, you miss an even bigger chunk in Milla's story than you do in Jude's.


I put a preorder in on shop to. It's £3 dearer than Zavvi, but I don't want to risk not getting it on time, hehe.

I also have my american preorder on Amazon too, when they mispriced it at $40. Just incase America gets it first.
kiryogi said:
As neat as it is, you miss an even bigger chunk in Milla's story than you do in Jude's.
Yeah, now that I saw both routes, I'm glad I began with Jude's. The other way around has to be a bit puzzling at times.

And so, I got the platinum.
Apart from some longchats and 3 titles, I got and did everything in the game.
So now that it's down to very little, in a few days I should be good. I'll farm the remaining 3 titles starting tomorrow.

I need only 15 more Rare Monsters, and then it's going to be a farming fest to get the Link Artes and Chain Link counts high enough to get the last titles. Fortunately I know exactly how I'm going to do this efficiently as I found a way a few days ago to fill the overlimit bar real fast. Praise the 1 Damage Skill too to drag on the fight.

Oh and if you see this Sciel, I'm sorry fo the shots of the Limited Edition OST, but you'll get them very soon I promise.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
InternHertz said:
Yeah, now that I saw both routes, I'm glad I began with Jude's. The other way around has to be a bit puzzling at times.

And so, I got the platinum.
Apart from some longchats and 3 titles, I got and did everything in the game.
So now that it's down to very little, in a few days I should be good. I'll farm the remaining 3 titles starting tomorrow.
Nice to know that the second playthrough trophy can be achieved in relatively a short time (though this is probably due to the grade shop). I'm guessing that had you picked "Carry over half levels" or "carry over all levels" it would have gone a little faster...

But those aren't nearly as important as the other "carry over" options, "Skills cost = 1 SP" and "AC limit+1/2", it seems (as usual in comparison to other Tales games).
AC limit+2 is too pricey for my taste, but yeah AC+1 and Skill 1SP are cool.
It's the same for the Shop levels, the price is too high when you can just take the "ingredients double points" for 700 less grade. It's too easy to get them back to 100 with this.
Experience x5 is also too much for so little advantage, I'm way more cool with getting the EXPx2 only.

Though I really would have liked to get everything possible in the grade shop rather than making choices. 9100 was enough to be satisfied with the minimum, but if I had 13k+ grade I would have been a lot more happy.



I've come to love Tipo on this playthrough ;(


Aaaand done. Beat both routes, got the platinum, got all 10000 grade. Some of those titles were so incredibly tedious (especially when I barely used food during my main playthrough so was at about 220/1600 for the food use title and had to grind like 1400 fights), but I got there in the end. 137 hours playtime.
And DONE! 10000 Grade get, meaning I did or got 99.9% of everything in the game now. (129 hours playtime)

I just miss 1 Main longchat, 5 Sub longchats and 2 Etc longchats for a perfect game, but oh well, this'll do nicely.
I can now rest a little before Dark Souls.


Tragic victim of fan death
I know it's a lot to ask but does anyone actually mind writing the plot of the game, the character development, and the theme behind the game's subtitle of "unwavering convictions"? It's a lot but I sort of want to know what actually happens in the game. I get bits and pieces but I'd like more than few pieces of the puzzle


Neo Member
kayos90 said:
I know it's a lot to ask but does anyone actually mind writing the plot of the game, the character development, and the theme behind the game's subtitle of "unwavering convictions"? It's a lot but I sort of want to know what actually happens in the game. I get bits and pieces but I'd like more than few pieces of the puzzle

Would be great! I have sooooo many questions in my head =(


Would be easier if you just ask questions about what you're confused with. I've been fielding plot questions over at GameFAQs this entire week because no one's bothered to actually answer them or actually understand what's going on.


RPGCrazied said:
So, how's the story for you that actually understand whats going on?
It is pretty decent. Probably the only part of the game I'm not disappointed with in one way or another,


Aeana said:
It is pretty decent. Probably the only part of the game I'm not disappointed with in one way or another,

Is it better than Vesperia's? Its my fav Tales of. Also, is there a demo of this on JPN PSN?


RPGCrazied said:
Is it better than Vesperia's? Its my fav Tales of. Also, is there a demo of this on JPN PSN?

I'd say yes, even though I like Yuri & Rita (& Repede...) more than anyone in Xillia.

No demo.


Datschge said:
Will we get a review from you soon or are you still playing? =)
I haven't touched the game in a while. I went ahead and lent it to my sister to play. I dunno if I'm going to finish it any time soon. More intesting games are being released soon anyway.


Aeana said:
I haven't touched the game in a while. I went ahead and lent it to my sister to play. I dunno if I'm going to finish it any time soon. More intesting games are being released soon anyway.

So... it will be left unplayed and unfinished for an undetermined amount of time? D:


RPGCrazied said:
So, how's the story for you that actually understand whats going on?
Story's very good, especially in the second half. After the intro it's a bit slow getting things set up, but when it really gets going it's great, with plenty of twists and memorable moments. Personally I still prefer Vesperia on the story front though.


Reluctant Member
I thought the story was very good as far as Tales games go. But also, even though I remember enjoy Vesperia's story I don't recall much of the details of it.

I just finished it a few days ago, and I think overall I enjoyed it. In comparison to the last Tales game I played (Graces, of course) the plot and characters were far more interesting, but it was not as fun. Or visually interesting (except for a few select towns where I really enjoyed the design. I felt sad that it seemed they didn't employ those concept artists anywhere else in the game. But I've already read enough complaints about the visual design in this thread, so I'll leave it at that.) Once finished, I had to stop myself from continuing on through a second playthrough (to see Jude's path, as I had heard that I'd missed quite a lot by going through Milla first.) But I felt I needed a break from that particular game.

Since I'm on a Tales kick now, I'm trying out some of the older Tales games that I own but haven't played. I tried Tales of Legendia first and just couldn't continue on with it after the first three hours... this might sit on my shelf unplayed for the rest of its days. The characters were just too annoying, particularly the main character. But if anyone can come up with an argument why I should put more time into this game, I would be glad to hear it.

Then I tried Tales of Rebirth, which so far seems enjoyable if not amazing. Well, I'm enjoying the 2D graphics in any case. The characters are at least not annoying me, though I have a feeling the main character will eventually if he keeps pining for the rest of the game. I'll keep playing though, and see.


only finished Milla's route...overall, enjoyed vesperia ps3 far more...jude is annoying as fuck, both personality and voice-wise. Of the rpgs I've played this gen, ranks reasonably high.


Finally coming to the close of things on Milla's side. My playtime has been split up considerably but I've really enjoyed the game thus far. Being my first time completely playing through a tales game I've come to understand a lot in terms of the hype behind the games.

I have to say, playing the game on hard has been quite punishing at points, and for what reward I've yet to see!

Particularly the fight with ミュゼ in 二・アケリア
I have to agree with many of the comments that the story really picks up later on. I really got into it just when I got to taking over the airship. Looking forward to the end, I suppose I've only got a little way to go being at ドルバラン街道

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So my boyfriend held onto my copy so he could play it. :mad:

He couldn't understand a thing about the story, but he thought Jude was a lot better to handle than Milla--Jude feels faster and fights in a more fluid fashion. He also thinks Alvin is pretty cool. He didn't seem to bask in the Tipo love, however, but I think it might be due to the language barrier in that it's possible that Tipo's charm comes through the dialogue rather than through actions.

I'm getting it back next week. I'm pretty furious with him for hogging it for himself, but I wouldn't have been able to play it for the past fortnight since I've been so swamped with work and school. :/

Lissar said:
Then I tried Tales of Rebirth, which so far seems enjoyable if not amazing. Well, I'm enjoying the 2D graphics in any case. The characters are at least not annoying me, though I have a feeling the main character will eventually if he keeps pining for the rest of the game. I'll keep playing though, and see.
Tales of Rebirth's narrative... falls short. You'll see. Hearing OoT Adult Link's voice actor yell out one word ad nauseam gets pretty amusing as well.

The battle system is the best out of the 2D games, imo. Rebirth is worth playing through for that because it works so well.


I also feel like Jude is easier to play in the sense he feels generally more agile compared to Milla. I suppose the back-step ability is very useful too. Tipo love definitely comes through in the dialogue, I would probably wear a Tipo shirt - he's just that awesome.

pale purple t-shirt with white or black Tipo silhouette? Yes, please!


Alright, I finished Milla's side. I won't go into much without spoilers but I'll say that I really enjoyed the game. I can't give any recommendations based on how it holds up against previous Tales of games but it certainly held its own in introducing me to what seems to be quite an interesting series.

Ending spoilers below;

Generally, I can appreciate the ending and how it folds into the unwavering convictions theme for the game, however, I was honestly hoping for some resolution between Milla and Jude. The characters present such a strong forward on the 揺るぎなき信念 theme that I feel that those who are hoping for 'more' out of character relationships will be left in the mud. Granted, this being my first tales game I had little knowledge as to just how much the game sticks to the underlying theme. Unwavering convictions - without a doubt.

I played from Milla's perspective and I felt like some things were perhaps skipped, I have since read that I need to play Jude's side to get the complete package, I'll be starting that soon.

Another rant on the ending, I feel like the characters all went back to their lives before the plot began, and the ending presented me with a view on the characters as if they had cut ties with one another, apart from carrier dove. Perhaps I was just expecting too much!

In closing, the story was great, dialogue was mostly interesting and the characters all linked together well in the story. I share the same views (for the most part) with Shouta's review.

I'm about to start the New Game option, sadly I only have 3000 points.

I read somewhere that there are some 'ultimate' weapons of sorts? Has this anything to do with the old bloke's sub-event in Ha'mil? I never followed up on it.


Neo Member
Autumn Thread said:
I read somewhere that there are some 'ultimate' weapons of sorts? Has this anything to do with the old bloke's sub-event in Ha'mil? I never followed up on it.

This old guy tells you about the fell beasts and after defeating each of them you'll get one of the fell arms. The beasts are mainly in the field. Those extremely strong enemies you encounter on certain spots throughout the game. You certainly humbled across a few of them...Mira's fell beast is hidden inside the mine before you go to the last fights...

They need to be activated, though. Before doing that they are just "normal" strong weapons but there are better ones at the shops. In order to activate the fell arms you'll need to beat the golden swordman in the bonus dungeon. The dungeon is where the scene with the invasion was where you fought Gaias the first time. You'll need to walk through the area and afterwards you can always fast-travel to the location.

After activating the fell arms, they are almost twice as strong as they were before ^^ And after beating the golden swordman you can go into the bonus dungeon again and go deeper into the dungeon each time you defeat him. There are some nice items for leveling up the shops. I've beaten him twice and he gets stronger everytime you encounter him. Right now, I'm at his third spot but I feel like I'm a bit too weak for him right now.

In order to beat him you should give all of the members the ring which will give a HP & TP 25% Bonus and after splitting himself you should always concentrate on the weakest of them and keep one of them in the air with Mira. Otherwise it can get nasty...

I'm missing two mysterious orbs. Is there a guide somewhere? Dunno where to search them...


Zhund0r said:
Awesome, thanks. I'll have a look at that a bit later once I get over the ending.

Most of my characters are around Lv.60, perhaps I ought to level them some more before trying it.

Regarding Lilial Orb:

I'm on the second level of the Lilial Orb, I've got to the 'end' of it but there is no requirement for progression to the next - I'm certain I read there is an advanced tier. What do I do?
Dark Schala said:
He didn't seem to bask in the Tipo love, however, but I think it might be due to the language barrier in that it's possible that Tipo's charm comes through the dialogue rather than through actions.
For me, Tipo's charm came from the great mix of dialogue and the actions he does during the dialogue. If he's missing out on the dialogue aspect of it, then yeah, he's probably not gonna see it. Did he offer his impressions on Leia? I absolutely loved her, easily one of my favourite characters ever.

Good to see that you enjoyed it, Autumn Thread. Playing on Hard on the first go definitely felt rewarding for me, it made a bunch of the later fights really thrilling.
Then there was Nahatigal who just fucking destroyed me without a problem once he started firing off Demon's Lance.


Autumn Thread said:
I have to say, playing the game on hard has been quite punishing at points, and for what reward I've yet to see!

Particularly the fight with ミュゼ in 二・アケリア
I have to agree with many of the comments that the story really picks up later on. I really got into it just when I got to taking over the airship. Looking forward to the end, I suppose I've only got a little way to go being at ドルバラン街道
Man that fight was a nightmare even on second for me.
That attack where she throws you up in the air didn't do much damage, everything else hit really, really hard. So it ended up being a pretty prolonged battle, where a couple of screwups and you were dead.


I retried that battle so many times lol. I eventually had something down for dealing with it. XD And yeah, I fought on second as well.

Also to confirm, just picked up the Tales cameo costumes myself. THEY DO CHANGE BATTLE MUSIC, and as someone feared. . . Yes, Leon's costume's theme is "Irony of Fate". But on fun note, Krato's theme is "End of a Thought" :D But it also seems they included more than 1 version for some costumes

Leon - Irony of Fate
Dhaos - Conclusion
Kratos - End of a Thought
Mint - Take up the Cross
Farah - Inferia Battle
Barbatos - Coup de Grace


And those saying Jude is faster than Milla under mind period just how fast he is. He's like Guy levels of wrong honestly. And although Milla is awkward in comparison, she is an aerial goddess. Her and Leia are like Judy 2.0

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Autumn Thread said:
I also feel like Jude is easier to play in the sense he feels generally more agile compared to Milla. I suppose the back-step ability is very useful too. Tipo love definitely comes through in the dialogue, I would probably wear a Tipo shirt - he's just that awesome.
Disgaeamad said:
For me, Tipo's charm came from the great mix of dialogue and the actions he does during the dialogue. If he's missing out on the dialogue aspect of it, then yeah, he's probably not gonna see it.
I figured that'd be the case. Generally the Tales mascots who seem to be well-liked have good dialogue (for me, it's Tenebrae). He's keeping it for a while just to play a bit of Milla's side.

Disgaeamad said:
Did he offer his impressions on Leia? I absolutely loved her, easily one of my favourite characters ever.
Unfortunately, since he couldn't really understand a lot of the dialogue, he couldn't really get a good grasp of some of the characters (and I guess he ended up paying more attention to Alvin for some reason; I guess Alvin must be a good character to get through the language barrier like that). It did seem like much of the game is spent on character-building and making all of the characters related to the plot to him.

With regards to Leia battle-wise, he never really used her manually, but kept her in the party for healing purposes (and her link artes with people were pretty cool). He kind of felt she was shoved to the side even though he couldn't understand much of the dialogue, however.

He did not seem to like Rowen that much.

He really did seem to love the battle system, though. He didn't play Tales of Vesperia yet, nor has he played a Team Destiny game before (aside from a little bit of my save from Tales of Graces F), but he thought it was the best Team Symphonia battle system he's played through. The battles had a pretty quick pace, and he felt that the overall ability system was balanced pretty well.

He also thought the game had really good presentation. He didn't really mind the "FFX-like overworld" the game employed. And he thought the anime cutscenes were some of the best he's seen in a Tales game. I have already expanded on the soundtrack in an earlier post (because I listened to his copy), but he thought (and bear in mind that Sakuraba is one of his favourite composers) that this was one of the better Tales albums and one of Sakuraba's best-composed soundtracks this generation. A lot of the music really fits.

(I think the soundtrack is pretty good on its own, and there don't seem to be a lot of "throwaway" tracks on this soundtrack as opposed to some other Tales soundtracks).

kiryogi said:
Also to confirm, just picked up the Tales cameo costumes myself. THEY DO CHANGE BATTLE MUSIC, and as someone feared. . . Yes, Leon's costume's theme is "Irony of Fate". But on fun note, Krato's theme is "End of a Thought" :D But it also seems they included more than 1 version for some costumes

Leon - Irony of Fate
Dhaos - Conclusion
Kratos - End of a Thought
Mint - Take up the Cross
Farah - Inferia Battle
Barbatos - Coup de Grace

I almost want to buy a JPSN card for this.
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