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Tales of Zestiria Import Thread - Turning Legends Into Hope


I'm surprised emule is still around.

Silver trophy already?

Yeah, me too. I don't get how he can like that thing. It really slows everything down when there is stuff downloading

I've switched it off and it doesn't freeze anymore. So it was the problem
Is this thread an asylum for crazy people?

Got Tales of Vesperia, Graces F (getting every title for everyone was fun), Xillia, Xillia 2, Symphonia (F you, casino), Symphonia 2 platinum trophies.
Most of them were also 100%'d. Xillia 2 is the only one where I know I did not 100%'d everything, because some items in the hidden dungeon are still left unclaimed.

Not yet for Innocence (Work interfered with my playthrough), Hearts (waiting until Innocence is done) and Zestiria (copy will arrive in two weeks), but I'm working on it. Just don't have a lot of time right now but I will get them, absolutely.


I have three Tales platinums and more on the way.


Got Tales of Vesperia, Graces F (getting every title for everyone was fun), Xillia, Xillia 2, Symphonia (F you, casino), Symphonia 2 platinum trophies.
Most of them were also 100%'d. Xillia 2 is the only one where I know I did not 100%'d everything, because some items in the hidden dungeon are still left unclaimed.

Not yet for Innocence (Work interfered with my playthrough), Hearts (waiting until Innocence is done) and Zestiria (copy will arrive in two weeks), but I'm working on it. Just don't have a lot of time right now but I will get them, absolutely.

My god.
So according to my ingame clock, I apparently played this game for 10+ hours yesterday! Here are some impressions/complaints.

-New universal skills you earn via combat accomplishments are pretty neat, though I can see some of them being a huge pain to unlock.
-Quite a few framedrops, especially when entering combat and 4+ enemies spawn.
-It appears that Hard mode reduces your exp gain and increases your gald drops, but I haven't confirmed it. I forget what Second difficulty does, I think it improves your drop rarity/quality?
-Skill acquisition seems slower than usual, though I haven't played a vanilla run of a Tales game in a while so I might just be crazy.
-Only 5 skill shortcuts leads me to believe that skill count in this game will be much lower than usual, though I hope to be proven wrong.
-Save point grade shop system is neat, but I don't see myself using it often.
-The new area map is a downgrade from Xillia 2. You can't see what's in other areas until you enter them, so if you're not sure where the next quest marker is, you'll have to wander around until you find it.

-Combat speed feels a bit slower than Graces F.
-All steps add 1 to your chain, I don't remember if this was the case in Graces F. Lets you use later level A artes by themselves.
-All attack chains are limited to 4 unless you burn a bar to extend it. You can only spend the bar before the 4th attack, and you can spend it multiple times for longer combos. However, the bar regenerates pretty slowly, so combat feels restricted compared to Destiny R/Graces F/etc. However, this is a buff for casters, because to compensate for the low chain count they've increased the casting speed buff to 20/40/60% for each number of chain before a spell, so spells come out a lot faster than before.
-When a combo ends, the enemy has invincibility/penetrate(haven't confirmed which) for a brief period of time.
-Graces F style parrying with back/side/forward step are still in, but the window is smaller than before.
-Forward step travels a very short distance at first; you need to unlock a long step ability before it becomes more usable.
-The camera tends to freak out when fighting near walls, if your target is up against a wall and you approach it, sometimes the camera will get stuck against the wall trying to zoom out. I've had several occasions where all I could see was an extreme closeup of the enemy while I was trying to attack it.
-Weak point system is a static damage modifier to all attacks in the combo after weak point is applied, so it's basically just an improved Destiny R weakness system. I've seen a slowly decreasing bar under the combo counter, but I haven't confirmed what it does yet. 2 different types of elements, the weird a arte one from Graces F with dragon heads and junk, and the usual fire/water/etc. element system. Hitting with any attack with these properties will trigger weakpoint. So far, enemies seem to be guaranteed to have at least one A arte weak point.
-Damage when not in kamui seems really low, especially with the combo chain nerf. So far, kamui seems to be the most efficient way to spend bars for damage since it only costs 1 bar.
-There's an attack where you spend 1 bar in kamui for a high damage attack with huge startup. I've seen times when it comes out almost immediately, but I haven't figured out how to trigger it reliably yet.
-Tenzoku characters are essentially expendable, since if they die they can immediately be swapped out for another. When swapped out they regenerate health at a surprisingly quick pace. If they were dead when swapped out, they must regenerate to full before being summoned again.

-You can toggle costume music on and off, so if you really want to hear im@s music all the time, you can!
-Speaking of im@s, I don't know which songs the Miki/Yayoi costumes play but the Haruka one plays Go My Way(recycled from Xillia/Xillia 2) and the Chihaya one plays Metome ga au.
-Like Xillia, you get costumes that play battle music from previous points in the game if you want to listen to previous music.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
*Wall of spoiler tags

It's one of my gaming shames.

Is it really a shame though?

Finally got to the point where I have 4 party members. The last Tales of which I played for longer than a few hours was Vesperia, so it's hard for me to compare combat systems, but so far the fights are pretty fun and I'm loving the Kamui system allowing for more flashy attacks and taking care of enemies in seconds.
The story is enjoyable so far, although it's nothing too special.
As for what I don't like - fields and the city feel dead, especially coming straight from FFXIV. I understand that they went for the "open world" feel with the field, but they are so empty that I don't really see the point.

Hopefully I'll play some more during the weekend.

Thats disappointing to hear ( the sparse fields). How sparse is it exactly because I found Xillia's fields to be quite packed with enemies.


It amazes me that they bother with motion capture and still can't get the lip flaps to match the voices.
I actually find them more serviceable than in the past. What annoys me though is that with minor (so most) talking non-humanoids they didn't even make that effort.


I don't know where I got the idea that there were motion controls there.

D-Pad was quickly swap character too. IIRC it's the same in the PS3 game but it's much easier to reach on the Wiimote + Nunchuk.
A+B was Blast Caliber activation I think. It felt really natural.

Does battle system stuff really need to be in spoiler tags? :|
Either way the stuff about it sounds neat, about time you can toggle on/off battle music from costumes.


Has anybody talked about the cooking yet? If not, here's a screenshot of the cooking interface at the inn that I just took.

Food doesn't cost ingredients, just money, and it lasts for a certain amount of activations. Food has different kinds of effects and trigger conditions, for instance in the screenshot it says that when someone's HP goes below 80%, they recover 10% of their HP, and it can be activated 10 times. The one below that will recover 15% of HP when the party's HP is below 80%, and can be activated 12 times. Your cooking level goes up as you eat more food, I guess. I ate a meal and learned a new recipe and went from half a star to a full star.

As far as snacks go, it's a support talent that triggers occasionally while walking around, and the effect is determined by which member is using it, and the frequency is affected by the level of the skill.


Does anybody know what the deal is with some skills on equipment being sealed (colored blue with a lock icon by them)?
I guess my post didn't need to be spoiler tagged, so I went ahead and removed them.

Some more random combat stuff:
-Might charge is back, back to Graces F speeds. 2nd level adds a decent amount of blast gauge, and 3rd level improves your chances of guard breaking/staggering. The 2nd level triggers surprisingly quickly, so farming blast gauge is pretty easy to do while avoiding enemies.
-Every buff spell I've seen so far heals along with the buff effect, so they're a lot more useful than before.
-BCs don't do as much damage as I hoped, considering how long it takes to build one. One of them with weak point applied probably does about 2-3 combos worth of damage for 3 bars. Kamui probably does comparable or higher damage from doing one combo and it only costs 1 bar!
-I forgot to mention that combo chains are restricted to 3 while in kamui, probably because their stuff is so much more effective.
-So far I've found the earth and water elements to be most useful for kamui, thought that will probably change? The wind element seems particularly iffy at the moment because its current 3rd rank chain attack isn't that useful and takes too long to recover.

Does anybody know what the deal is with some skills on equipment being sealed (colored blue with a lock icon by them)?
I think I remember seeing this before, but I don't remember how I got rid of it. Maybe an item level requirement? It might need to be max level or something before it unlocks.


Not really reading too much about the game before playing it has led to me being surprised about the kamui system. I didn't realize it consumed a major resource to fuse with your tenzoku buddies, so people who were concerned about it being as big of a regularity as linking was in Xillia should probably be relieved. That said, your BG bar does build at a respectable pace, and I'm sure there will be ways to speed it up later on, maybe via battle acts.

Aeana, are you not going to stream anymore?

Most people only wanted to see the intro that involved the OVA. I didn't think anybody cared to watch past that. But I'm also constantly getting interrupted and me pausing all the time isn't very fun to watch. I can stream again though if people want it.


Has anybody talked about the cooking yet? If not, here's a screenshot of the cooking interface at the inn that I just took.
Not too sure about the cooking system itself, but I think inns in different places offer different foods? What I know for sure is that inn food effects and snack food effects can stack.


Not really reading too much about the game before playing it has led to me being surprised about the kamui system. I didn't realize it consumed a major resource to fuse with your tenzoku buddies, so people who were concerned about it being as big of a regularity as linking was in Xillia should probably be relieved. That said, your BG bar does build at a respectable pace, and I'm sure there will be ways to speed it up later on, maybe via battle acts.

Most people only wanted to see the intro that involved the OVA. I didn't think anybody cared to watch past that. But I'm also constantly getting interrupted and me pausing all the time isn't very fun to watch. I can stream again though if people want it.

Oh, I thought you were going to stream your entire playthrough.


I would like to know something about the OVA events in the game, if you don't mind...
in the animation almos immediatelly Maisen dies the seraphs throw some kind of fireworks party for Arisha... that came across as pretty bad writing as deaths tend to have majot impact on characters in Tales games. I thought that could be due to the ova having to move at a faster pace than the game. Does it play out differently in the game? Is it handled better?


How much exp do the characters outside the party usually get in Tales games? Normal/half/zero?


Speaking of the OVA, the video part of the hybrid disc isn't region-blocked, right?

How much exp do the characters outside the party usually get in Tales games? Normal/half/zero?

They get the base amount of experience, but not the bonus for battle performance, at least until you get the skills that allow for them to get everything.


Not really reading too much about the game before playing it has led to me being surprised about the kamui system. I didn't realize it consumed a major resource to fuse with your tenzoku buddies, so people who were concerned about it being as big of a regularity as linking was in Xillia should probably be relieved. That said, your BG bar does build at a respectable pace, and I'm sure there will be ways to speed it up later on, maybe via battle acts.

Most people only wanted to see the intro that involved the OVA. I didn't think anybody cared to watch past that. But I'm also constantly getting interrupted and me pausing all the time isn't very fun to watch. I can stream again though if people want it.

Thanks for the stream, Aeana. It was really great that you answered all the questions. From now on I'm just going to read stuff related to the gameplay systems and all that. Some light spoilers from the introduction parts are OK, but I don't want to know everything before I play the game.


Speaking of the OVA, the video part of the hybrid disc isn't region-blocked, right?

They get the base amount of experience, but not the bonus for battle performance, at least until you get the skills that allow for them to get everything.

I just tried to play the video and it loaded fine on my NA PS3.


For a while in the game, I had been struggling with the idea that this game does not have a real character progression system. That is to say, the things you get for your characters tend not to have permanance (at least not as far as I've gotten). One of my favorite things about Tales of Graces was the title system, which allowed you to learn things permanently by using titles as you fight. In Zestiria, titles grant bonuses, but the only thing you learn permanently is the attacks and spells linked to them, and these are rarely unique (you can learn them from more than one title, in many cases); the rest of the effects are only active while you have that title equipped.

However, when looking back at other Tales progression systems, a lot of them are basically busy work that leads to the same outcome. For instance, in the lillial orb system in Xillia 1, they let you choose which nodes to pick up, but if you complete a square, then the abilities are learned, and it turned out that as you moved out, squares would get completed even if you didn't intend them to, and it all kind of evened out. The same could be said about Hearts R's version of the soma build system.

So in light of things like that, I am actually not too broken up about it. While Zestiria might not have a progression system like I thought I wanted, it has a customization system that I've actually started to appreciate. The skill system is deeper than it appears at first, particularly when you factor in equipment synthesis and the bonus skills that you get from lining up skills on the grid in certain patterns. And this isn't even factoring in the battle action system, which is a really neat way of both encouraging and rewarding leaving your comfort zone in combat to try new things and varying your combat instead of just spamming stuff.

I'm still early on, so it's quite possible that my outlook on this stuff could change, but that's where I'm at right now.


What do the plants and stones in the world give you Aeana?

The plants give you stat-raising herbs like sage and chamomile. The stones give you hints about how to play and 1 AP which is what you use to equip battle actions.
Most people only wanted to see the intro that involved the OVA. I didn't think anybody cared to watch past that. But I'm also constantly getting interrupted and me pausing all the time isn't very fun to watch. I can stream again though if people want it.

I'd watch if you did.


There's a lot of battle actions that require you to recover SC by stepping away at the last moment. That part is easy, but it seems way harder to get enemies to focus on my controlled character than in Graces.
Ah , the game is at my local fedex agency ..and they don't work tomorrow ( they have a stupid policy to not deliver goods even if it reaches earlier )

I'm now forced to wait next week.

Sometimes life is ....cruel..


A word of warning - be very careful when synthesizing currently equipped items. I lost the Union (5 skills in a row, huge boost to all stats) skill because I got careless.


A word of warning - be very careful when synthesizing currently equipped items. I lost the Union (5 skills in a row, huge boost to all stats) skill because I got careless.

It's weird that the synthesis screen seems to be the only one where they don't let you view the skill grid.
I started using the lock feature on equipment I know gives me the combos I want to keep because of that.


It's weird that the synthesis screen seems to be the only one where they don't let you view the skill grid.
I started using the lock feature on equipment I know gives me the combos I want to keep because of that.
Yeah, the lack of the skill screen or at least a notification that you will lose a combo would've been nice. Guess I'll have to start using the lock as well.



What terrible costumes. I wonder which BGM they will use in battle.
I assume the aragami are unlocked when we buy the dlc costumes?
It would be lame to lock monsters behind paid dlc but I won't be surprised.

What, Slay's outfit looks great!

And yes, the DLC unlocks an arena match where you fight them.

Just checked the jp webstore, and we really have to pay 300 yen to unlock monsters. SMH.


that puzzling face
Nana's clothes really don't work on a frame that isn't super petite.


edit: Actual Nana if you aren't familiar with GE2

Yeah, not sure why they went with Nana over something a little more... practical like Ciel or even Alisa for more skin (although latter I guess kinda is GE1)


I don't understand the point of the 旅の安らぎ blessing at the save point shop. It costs 0 and reduces the amount of gald teleportation costs. Why would I ever want to have it off?! :eek:


Defeating a lv 19 special enemy while being on lv 16 felt so good. The fight was tricky, because it could easily 2-3 shot my Tenzoku party members.
Entering the fight with full BP, sweets bonus helped a lot. A bummer that I forgot to set the only Normin that I've found so far to the area before fighting, as that would give me a +4% atk bonus. Oh well!


Didn't get a chance to play this yesterday because had some crazy personal stuff going on, so got started tonight and played through the intro...


I think out of 20 years of Tales, this has to be one of the best openings to a Tales game yet. Game gives off a really good first impression. From the screenshots/trailer I thought the graphics were gonna be pretty rough, but the game's actually very pretty because of the scale + art direction. Didn't realize the scale was going to be more like Xenoblade than Xillia. Story seems interesting and less generic than usual and liking the cutscene direction and characters.

The almost seamless transitions between everything are great and give it a distinct feel of adventuring in a large world. The music has been lovely so far too. And battles seem Graces-based which is great since Graces was my favorite 3d Tales battle system by far.

Not sure how I feel about skits being at save points. And getting kind of sick of PS3 games basing the O/X confirm/cancel based on hardware region instead of software region. So confusing going through the menus! >_<

But yeah, even the OP song/animation was awesome. Game feels like Xenoblade/FFXII adventuring x Xillia's storytelling x Graces battle system. First time I've been excited to explore a new Tales game in a while!
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