Dedication Through Light
This is seriously the first time I've had so much trouble with AI in a Tales game. They die so damn quickly...
Imn past games I usually just became the healer and let them handle dealing damage at bosses.
This is seriously the first time I've had so much trouble with AI in a Tales game. They die so damn quickly...
You know what else the game doesn't explain properly?How Rose can use the armatus. The best they could come up with is having the affinity for it, when it was established as something only the Shepherd could do (I think). A mess.
The water trial has to be one of the worst Tales dungeons ever.
The water trial has to be one of the worst Tales dungeons ever.
Damn, that fire trial song. Something about this all just clicked with me, I have a way better understanding of the skills/combat in general.
Atleast I thought so until I got to that boss.Salamander guy that pretty much sliced the AI down in 2-3 hits and shrugged off hits without giving a damn. Once I cleared the enemies that spawned with him and hit I point where I was able to actually stagger him it got alright as his attacks were very easy to dodge and I was able to do a lot with a constant armatization with mikleo, but he was out for blood whenever another party member came in, lol.
I've just started and reached Ladylake.
Since humans can't see Seraphs and Sorey keeps complaining about how hungry he is, I really want a cutscene where he passes out and Mikleo and Lailah have to walk him around town like it's Weekend at Bernie's.
I've just started and reached Ladylake.
Since humans can't see Seraphs and Sorey keeps complaining about how hungry he is, I really want a cutscene where he passes out and Mikleo and Lailah have to walk him around town like it's Weekend at Bernie's.
chandoog said:^ It's not shown visually but that *does* happen at a point in the story.
I've just started and reached Ladylake.
Since humans can't see Seraphs and Sorey keeps complaining about how hungry he is, I really want a cutscene where he passes out and Mikleo and Lailah have to walk him around town like it's Weekend at Bernie's.
Damn, that fire trial song. Something about this all just clicked with me, I have a way better understanding of the skills/combat in general.
Atleast I thought so until I got to that boss.Salamander guy that pretty much sliced the AI down in 2-3 hits and shrugged off hits without giving a damn. Once I cleared the enemies that spawned with him and hit I point where I was able to actually stagger him it got alright as his attacks were very easy to dodge and I was able to do a lot with a constant armatization with mikleo, but he was out for blood whenever another party member came in, lol.
Wanted to bring this up. I got here at level 23, and he bodied me so hard he was level 38 and his boys were level 31 so I had a what the hell moment. Have I done something wrong? I didn't really notice side quests so I'm just curious
Guys, it's been a few years since I last played a JRPG. I think the last one was Xenoblade (which is one of my favorite RPG's ever).
I have a PC, Wii and a PS3 and I'm looking into getting a new JRPG to play. Of the Thales series, I've only played Symphonia and Symphonia 2.
Should I get Graces f, Xillia, Zestiria or is there a better option on the mentioned platforms? I gotta say that from watching videos, Xillia looks the most enjoyable of the bunch. Funny how it is prettier than Zestiria (judging from videos anyway).
I should say that I enjoyed Symphonia 2 more than the original (I'm weird I know) for a few reasons: more straightforward story (though Symphonia's characters were better), voiced skits, much much better combat and shorter campaign (20-30 hours is the perfect sweet spot for me).
Story is important in a JRPG to me, but since it's been so long since I've played anything anime related, I think I might ended enjoying even a cookie cutter plot as long as it's not terrible.
Also, are Graces and Xillia 60 fps?
Quick question : I am just at, and in the previous city, I have a purple star quest , namely findPendrago...a seraphin in an underwater cave
Can I do it now ? Is it optionnal or for later ? Found no.cave entrance in Glorious fields
You seem a little low level even if it was on hard/intense mode (which gives less exp). There are sidequests marked by purple stars/light blue circles on the map, and optional explorable areas all over by this point.
Just remember that level means very little, it's all in your equipment and skills. Fighting things higher level than you is not a bad thing, and if you are playing on hard or higher, it would be the usual. But, if you're having trouble, it just means you need to work on your equipment.
Who should I give the Peacock Feathers to?
I forget the NPC who gave me that quest.
Quick question : I am just at, and in the previous city, I have a purple star quest , namely findPendrago...a seraphin in an underwater cave
Can I do it now ? Is it optionnal or for later ? Found no.cave entrance in Glorious fields
Huge difficulty spike inor what should I be doing? Tons of enemies, corridors, seems like a bunch of casters, and they hit like trucks.Pendrago shrinechurch
Guys, it's been a few years since I last played a JRPG. I think the last one was Xenoblade (which is one of my favorite RPG's ever).
I have a PC, Wii and a PS3 and I'm looking into getting a new JRPG to play. Of the Thales series, I've only played Symphonia and Symphonia 2.
Should I get Graces f, Xillia, Zestiria or is there a better option on the mentioned platforms? I gotta say that from watching videos, Xillia looks the most enjoyable of the bunch. Funny how it is prettier than Zestiria (judging from videos anyway).
I should say that I enjoyed Symphonia 2 more than the original (I'm weird I know) for a few reasons: more straightforward story (though Symphonia's characters were better), voiced skits, much much better combat and shorter campaign (20-30 hours is the perfect sweet spot for me).
Story is important in a JRPG to me, but since it's been so long since I've played anything anime related, I think I might ended enjoying even a cookie cutter plot as long as it's not terrible.
Also, are Graces and Xillia 60 fps?
in mariland, by the museum forgot the NPCs name but yeah.
Quoting from a couple of pages back for anyone else having issues:
If you're still doing this and dying, well, I'm outta ideas.
Found him, thanks!
So that iris gems are completed for now, I can safely proceed with the main story.
How long is Alisha DLC? I just started.
All Tales games on the PS3 have been 60FPS in combat.
All Tales games on the PS3 have been 60FPS in combat.
I remember Xillia crawling during thefights atleast in the coliseum and such.Chimeriad
I don't think kayos was referring to 60fps as "stable 60fps", because even older games like Abyss and Symphonia GC have frame drops.
Symphonia PS3 is the only one that's not 60FPS besides Zestiria, yes.
If you tweak some settings in the Nvidia Inspector you can add SGSSAA/MSAA + DSR. They have a guide for it on steam.
Plus, I've been using SweetFX bring out the faded colors a bit.
I don't think kayos was referring to 60fps as "stable 60fps", because even older games like Abyss and Symphonia GC have frame drops.
Symphonia PS3 is the only one that's not 60FPS besides Zestiria, yes.
Then again, even From did, and they've never been seen as standouts in the technological department.
2-3 hours
Nope not trueSee Symphonia Chronicles and the horrible drops in X1+2
I remember Xillia crawling during thefights atleast in the coliseum and such.Chimeriad
sooo where do you find the peacock feathers? I tried looking at every end of the maps I have and couldn't find it.
Looks like it was done by Keywords International. Which might be the same company that did Symphonia and Vesperia as well, since they list them on their site.Was the localization done by 8-4 as well? Or another company?
Xillia 2 had a pretty solid script and though I appreciate being able to spot the references at times, the amount of "meme" dialogue tends to be a bit too much for my liking..
sooo where do you find the peacock feathers? I tried looking at every end of the maps I have and couldn't find it.