I got one of these in the mail the other day and have been putting it through the paces:
It's a travel french press from Bodum. It works just like a normal french press, but has a top that can open to allow drinking directly for the cup.
1) Excellent travel mug with excellent heat retention. I made a tea with boiling water and it took nearly an hour and a half before it was cool enough to drink.
2) Heavy duty. It's surprisingly heavy and feels built to last.
3) Great for when you want to make a quick tea for a trip.
1) The biggest flaw in the design: there is no mechanism to stop brewing. The liquid you are drinking is always in contact with tea and, therefore, can get increasingly bitter. The fact that it retains heat so well heightens the problem, too.
2) The press component can be a little weird at times. Most teas I've used have been fine, with no leaves passing around the silicone lining, but brewing rooibos proved to be too much for it, with too many rooibos "leaves" passing through.
Final Verdict:
I know the negatives seem pretty glaring here, but I'm still going to strongly recommend it. As a travel mug alone, it is fantastic (it even comes with an extra, non-french-press top). For me, the flaw in the french press design isn't that much of a problem: it's great for teas that don't over-brew, like yerba mate.
Definitely worth picking up if you ever find it on sale.