Teknopathic said:
My idea would be getting points for a cap if you were on it for a certain "percentage" of the cap.
Yeah, I've thought of that before, and I'm a fan of the idea, provided you still get a point even if you only get the last tiny bit of the capture. Reason being that sometimes it's SO CLOSE to capturing, but everyone dies. Then you sneak in and grab that last little bit.
Problem with percentages, though -- you'd have to decide if players get points for just the attempt or only if it captures. If you go by successes only... An example: it might drain quite a bit after you capture a large percentage... but before it drains completely, someone else jumps on and finishes it up. How would that work? Would you still get a point, even though you technically weren't there for a significant percentage of the successful cap?
In my opinion, you should get fractions of points for attempts, and a full point if it's a successful cap.
Hm hm hm.
Hey, while I'm here, I have a question about reserved slots. Excuse my ignorance, because I don't really know much about how servers work. Is it in any way possible to implement reserved slots in such a way that people without a reserved slot can set it to Auto-Join? As I mentioned earlier, it's very frustrating when I want to play on the GAF server, but it's at 23/24 (like right now! Though I'm about to go study prob and stats so it doesn't matter at the moment). I'm perfectly all right with reserved slots; I just don't want to have to babysit it until it hits 22/24 for the mere CHANCE at actually getting in. (Often times I connect so slowly that I get kicked for a reserved slot even though I tried to join as fast as I could.)
Enough bitching from me. Time to study, whoa.