No Means Nomad
Thanks for the picture info. In return here is a poorly captured picture of me killing four people with a single demo crit grenade.

Cave5? Played that a few times on different servers, it's alright, but I'd say Snipers have way too much of an advantage.WhatRuOn said:Look for the server 'DoorMan is God- 24/7 Escort Maps'...It is already playing a modded ersion of basically the same gametype. It's pretty awesome, but the maps are slightly unbalanced towards the defense.
WTH, that's so early >_<Firestorm said:April 20th? That's after summer vacation starts.
zoku88 said:WTH, that's so early >_<
Oh, trimesters. I wonder how many schools have that. I only know of one in the US.Firestorm said:Well, 3 terms per year. It's September - December. January - April. May - August. My last day of classes is April 4th. Got two exams on April 10th and 11th.
Taking 3 summer classes thoughBut they're only on Tuesdays/Thursday and start in May so plenty of time to Gold Rush + Brawl!
rakka said:April 1, 2008 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Team Fortress 2
* Added Custom Tab explanation dialog to be shown the first time the server browser is opened
* Changed Medigun Ubercharge meter to drain faster for each target that still has Ubercharge beyond your current target. This means there is a penalty for having multiple people being Ubercharged at one time
* Fixed crouch-jump exploit that allowed players to get outside of the world
* Fixed bad characters in the chat string when achievements are announced in languages other than English
* Fixed a few instances of truncated text in the menus and dialogs for languages other than English
* Fixed problem that was preventing some dedicated servers from uploading gamestats
* Fixed scoring bug during Sudden Death when the map timelimit is triggered
* Added the string "(extra slot was added for SourceTV)" when maxplayers is increased for SourceTV
:_( said:Is there a preferred GAF server? Forgive me, I'm new.
Steam: SloForce
Cave5's one of them, but theres another one...I'm blanking on the name...I think it's better then the cave.Capndrake said:Cave5? Played that a few times on different servers, it's alright, but I'd say Snipers have way too much of an advantage.
EDIT: I'd like it on blood's server though.
There are tons. Quality may be an issue, but quantity certainly isn't.Blizzard said:April 20th IS my birthday. Though I think I may have uninstalled TF2, since I probably enjoy playing Enemy Territory: Return to Castle Wolftenstein more. =P Not flaming or anything...TF2 is pretty awesome, I just liked all the mods and especially the tons of custom maps on ET.
So my question this point, are there mods/modded maps yet? Many? Or just very few?
Most popular custom maps + ones I find good that aren't that popular:Blizzard said:So my question this point, are there mods/modded maps yet? Many? Or just very few?
Haven't played that one, I'll try it out.No Means Nomad said:You know you want to mention CP_CircleJerk Drake.
What a weird map.
Orange_x reminds me of the maps that I made when I was like, 14. I'd think to myself: "Yes! This will be cool!", without taking into account a bunch of important factors like class/weapon balance, etc.WhatRuOn said:Desert Fortress is pretty awesome. Orange_x is garbage I don't know why so many servers play it. The 2 ES maps are pretty good.
Capndrake said:Most popular custom maps + ones I find good that aren't that popular:
CTF: Casbah (Remake of TFC map), Badlands Classic (Remake of TFC map, totally different from TF2 version), Convoy, Facelike, Impact (Seems to not be on FPSBanana right now, look around), Mach4 (Not on FPSBanana either, get it here), Quarry, Royal, Truss, Vikings
CP (Well/Granary style): Labor, Lazytown, Redstone, Science, Station, Studio, Toy Fort, Warpath (Remake of TFC map)
CP (Dustbowl style): Castle3 (Not on FPSBanana, look around), Corporation, Dogblu
CP (Gravelpit style): Broma (Final point is almost impossible to cap though), Junction (Same story), Steel (Not on FPSBanana - Latest version is b2), Vertigo
CP (Other): Desert Fortress (Cap 2 points in the middle, then get the other team's base - Both teams have to do this, so it's sort of a mix of Gravelpit and Well/Granary style)
TC: Invasion (The only custom TC map so far)
"DM": Cyberpunk, Mario Kart
"ES" (Goldrush clone): Cave7, Mining
"Melee": Football (Soccer), Knight Knoll, Melee Barn, Ring King
Maps to screw around on: Best in Class (One trial for each class except Medic), Skyscraper series (Not on FPSBanana either, look around - Objective is to rocket/sticky jump to the top of an obstacle course)
Blizzard said:Wow, nice. Maybe I can find some servers that play custom maps at some point. That Mario Kart map looks hilarious...
Die less?1-D_FTW said:It seems like I can't even play a single round anymore without getting auto-balanced. **** that, server. Auto-balance me and I leave. Auto-balance me 3 times from 3 different servers in an hour, and I come and post this rant![]()
Man you like to complain a lot.1-D_FTW said:Deleted the game from my folder.
He needed closure.TheOneGuy said:Man you like to complain a lot.
It's just a game, dude.
i get switched all the time, how exactly is it a bad thing?1-D_FTW said:EDIT: Just got switched to the opposite team with 2 minutes remaining. Had a 3:1 K/D ratio. **** that! Deleted the game from my folder. If I'm not gonna get any sense of closure from playing a game, there's no point in me even playing it. = $1.05 said:Is there a decent FAQ or something for this? I hope it isn't too late to jump in to this game. I've logged about an hour the other day for my first sitdown and I still feel quite noobish...
It's never too late to jump in.Freedom = $1.05 said:Is there a decent FAQ or something for this? I hope it isn't too late to jump in to this game. I've logged about an hour the other day for my first sitdown and I still feel quite noobish...
Learn how to spycheck immedately:Freedom = $1.05 said:Is there a decent FAQ or something for this? I hope it isn't too late to jump in to this game. I've logged about an hour the other day for my first sitdown and I still feel quite noobish...
Capndrake said:Learn how to spycheck immedately:
1) If you run into a "teammate" and can't pass through it's a spy.
2) If a Medic has no Ubercharge % under his name it's a spy.
3) If a Scout is running at Engineer/Spy/Sniper/Pyro speed it's a spy.
4) If somebody has your name it's a spy.
5) If you see a spy uncloaking or (re)disguising, if he gives off mist which has the other team's colour, it's a(n enemy) spy.
6) If you're trying to move and are blocked, there's a spy around you somewhere. You should temporarily see a see-through outline of whatever he's disguised as, tinted in his team's colour.
Capndrake said:Learn how to spycheck immedately:
1) If you run into a "teammate" and can't pass through it's a spy.
2) If a Medic has no Ubercharge % under his name it's a spy.
3) If a Scout is running at Engineer/Spy/Sniper/Pyro speed it's a spy.
4) If somebody has your name it's a spy.
5) If you see a spy uncloaking or (re)disguising, if he gives off mist which has the other team's colour, it's a(n enemy) spy.
6) If you're trying to move and are blocked, there's a spy around you somewhere. You should temporarily see a see-through outline of whatever he's disguised as, tinted in his team's colour.
7) If you see a teammate running away from the action without an obvious indication of why (He's not screaming for a Medic or anything), it's probably a spy.
8) When a spy disguises as a member of your team he always appears to have around half health, no matter what he actually has.
9) Disguised enemy spies can be healed by a dispenser from one of your team's engineers, but their apparent health will not go up. If they're healed by a medic it will go up though.
And if you see a teleporter trail going around with no person in sight... it's a crappy spy.WhatRuOn said:10) If you see a "teammate" running around with a teleporter trail color that doesn't match your team color...It's a spy.
East coast?RPhilMan1 said:I will be granted an additional TF2 server with my own rotation in the near future.
RPhilMan1 said:So what are you guys doing server-wise? Do you all play in one specific server?
Our (clan) server is in need of traffic. You guys are more than welcome to come play in our server. I have admin to the server as well. The only thing I am not in control of is the map rotation, which is currently set on 24/7 2Fort.
I will be granted an additional TF2 server with my own rotation in the near future.
Let me know.![]()
bloods server atm after icys shut down...RPhilMan1 said:So what are you guys doing server-wise? Do you all play in one specific server?
Freedom = $1.05 said:Is there a decent FAQ or something for this? I hope it isn't too late to jump in to this game. I've logged about an hour the other day for my first sitdown and I still feel quite noobish...
When I go Engineer, I die a little inside every time I see a spy get on the teleporter.WhatRuOn said:10) If you see a "teammate" running around with a teleporter trail color that doesn't match your team color...It's a spy.
That's not necessarily true.- You can't tell when you're getting shot at by a team mate. If you shoot at a team mate and they turn to face you, good chance it's a spy.