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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Wow, TF is back for me. Really having a lot of fun with this game, the different classes really do it. Love the different playstyles.

Almost tempted to upgrade, I forgot how freaking slow Source engines are to load on my comp (XP 2200+, 9800 Pro AiW, 1GB RAM) but it plays well enough that I probably won't.


Does anyone know if you can increase the amount of VRAM allocated to the game? I'm experiencing some stuttering, and I'm sure it must be because of texture streaming.


Quellex said:
I'm hearing the turret beeps out of game now.



Go away! Get out of my life!

I keep thinking about how I could walk around looking like someone else and what it would achieve, maybe pretend I'm an employee of my local bank; earn their trust and act normal, then stab them in the back and steal the cash - it's flawless.


MutFox said:
Can't wait for the community to start making maps for this game, most will be crap,
but there will be those few that will kick arse.

Plus having MANI setup for it would be great too...
(Not to mention MOD's.)

more than a few user created maps will be great if CSS is anything to go by (there are a bunch of really good user mps ive been playing recenty).

whats MANI?
I am looking so foward to this once I can afford it and have time, if its a good replacement to CSS timewasting then i'm all for it. I never played much of the original but I understand how most of it works.
Seriously, though, really, has Valve ever hosted stats for console games on their site? I'd really love to be able to keep track of my preferences and such and I have...a mac, so it's 360 for me.


You better bet I have complaints:

-RESPAWN WAITS FOR TEAM FORTRESS? NO SERIOUSLY! Valve, I don't know if you noticed, but this is TEAM FORTRESS and you actually tried making us wait to respawn. :lol No worries though, I doubt that part makes it out of the beta.

-Um, making us switch teams after a round of Dustbowl is completed? Maybe the 2nd dumbest thing I have ever seen(Right next to point number one, of course).

-Not digging the overhaul on Dustbowl. In TFC, every inch forward you got was an accomplishment, and the game still managed to go at a fast pace. Now you can just blow right through the introductory gates. And really, just 12 minutes? The map lasted 30 minutes on TFC.

-As I've been warning for month, the red team is ridiculously unfair for the defenders due to the lack of 'nades. I was expecting a complete redesign of Dustbowl to prevent this, but nope. All they did was open up the time released sections right away. I've yet to see the attackers get past the 2nd cap(and this is with noobs, which I will get to next).

-The amount of noobs is kind of shocking. I managed to go 20-4 in my very first game as an attacking demo. Then again, I'm used to playing against the top, dedicated competition, which is all that is left in TFC.

-The game overall seems slower than TFC, though that may just be because I'm not at the top level yet.

-I was initially very excited about Spy's cloak it seems kind of useless now. They just need to make it last longer.

-For specialty moves(i.e. Spy's cloak/disguise, Engi's SG build) I like a new drop down menu(With shift button preferably) rather than having to go through the weapon list.

Things I do like:

-Not missing nades as much as I thought I would.

-Lovin' the new 2fort.

-Letting demos explode jump=FTW! I've been calling for this, glad they put it in.

I haven't been playing for long, so you better bet there will be more. :D


After what happened to DoD:S, you best believe Valve will do as they please. :p

Anyway, I love it. Though I never got into TFC myself.


McBacon said:
sounds like you want TFC with new graphics
Not at all. I love all the new class changes and everything. In fact I said pretty much the opposite. I love the new 2fort, and I wanted a re-designed Dustbowl, but we did not get that. Instead we got the same thing except kind of got downgraded.

But yeah, the respawn NEEDS to be changed. And I think it will.
More more more absolute fun.


The best part is seeing someone else on your team with YOUR name, then popping them in the face with a grenade.


Teknopathetic said:
More more more absolute fun.

The best part is seeing someone else on your team with YOUR name, then popping them in the face with a grenade.
Oh yes, definitely. Had that happen once. Chased that bastard down.
"So, is there an in game message when you get an achievement?"

No. Furthermore, there's no "points" for doing achievements, a la gamerscore. And for whomever asked earlier, your points are tallied from kills, assists, captures, and defenses.

"My team sucked... lol :("

Your team had way too many spies just trying to be James Bond and knifing whoever they could run into first, instead of actually contributing to the team, yeah.


Rur0ni said:
After what happened to DoD:S, you best believe Valve will do as they please. :p
Just wondering, what do you mean by this? I still play DoD1. I tried out Source, but didn't like it to much so went back to DoD1. I think a lot of people did the same.


ggnoobIGN said:
Just wondering, what do you mean by this? I still play DoD1. I tried out Source, but didn't like it to much so went back to DoD1. I think a lot of people did the same.
Basically, the hardcore community got the shaft when they slowed down DoD and made it more mainstream friendly.

Though I still prefer DoD:S actually.


So, what is this nonsense about no grenades? QuakeWorld Team Fortess is probally my favorite game of all time, but the specialized grenades were a big part of that.

I have the 360 version pre-ordered and paid-off, but i will seriously be thinking of cancelling if there isnt any concs, spikes or confusion grenades.

Are they only not in the beta or will they be missing from the final game aswell?

Man, the original Engineer guns were deadly, balanced by the powerful grenades. If nades are gone, the gun will have to be weaker, totally throwing off the balance that I loved in QWTF.

Also Spies were deadly to Eng guns, but without nades, how do they take them down? Gun fire still uncloaks spies, right?
There aren't any secondary grenades.

Sentry guns are absolutely vicious. Spies can only cloak for 10 seconds and they can't attack during that at all. Spy disguise can be dropped if damaged enough or if they attack.

Spies can take down sentry guns by using an electro sapper that destroys the gun completely after a few seconds.


Helznicht said:
So, what is this nonsense about no grenades? QuakeWorld Team Fortess is probally my favorite game of all time, but the specialized grenades were a big part of that.

I have the 360 version pre-ordered and paid-off, but i will seriously be thinking of cancelling if there isnt any concs, spikes or confusion grenades.

Are they only not in the beta or will they be missing from the final game aswell?

Man, the original Engineer guns were deadly, balanced by the powerful grenades. If nades are gone, the gun will have to be weaker, totally throwing off the balance that I loved in QWTF.

Also Spies were deadly to Eng guns, but without nades, how do they take them down? Gun fire still uncloaks spies, right?
As a 9 year TFC vet, I was quite worried about the whole no nades thing too. But after playing some TF2, I've hardly noticed that they're gone.


Helznicht said:
So, what is this nonsense about no grenades? QuakeWorld Team Fortess is probally my favorite game of all time, but the specialized grenades were a big part of that.

I have the 360 version pre-ordered and paid-off, but i will seriously be thinking of cancelling if there isnt any concs, spikes or confusion grenades.

Are they only not in the beta or will they be missing from the final game aswell?

Man, the original Engineer guns were deadly, balanced by the powerful grenades. If nades are gone, the gun will have to be weaker, totally throwing off the balance that I loved in QWTF.

Also Spies were deadly to Eng guns, but without nades, how do they take them down? Gun fire still uncloaks spies, right?

Ya I'm pretty sure you won't be seeing grenades in this game. While the sentry guns are still very powerful, they are slightly harder to build in TF2, but I feel there are more than enough ways to take the sentry guns out without using grenades.
Just played for ages.

This is what I did to fix the crash problem

added the command line "-h 720 -w 1280" (without quotation marks) i then went into options and put it back to normal 4:3 then 1280x1024. I then went and loaded a commetary map. Then I played. It worked fine.

Anyway the scout is a beast on some levels but useless on others. EG 2fort with a load of engineers against u he can't do shit :lol But yeah scout is awesome awesome is scout.


I'm seeing conflicting information.

Are there no nades at all?

Or are there just no secondary grenades (i.e. MIRVs)?
VPhys said:
I'm seeing conflicting information.

Are there no nades at all?

Or are there just no secondary grenades (i.e. MIRVs)?

The only nades are the ones the demo can shoot out of his gun (normal grenades and sticky nades/mines).


nope XP pro. I had to reinstall steam because when I built my new pc I never bothered putting HL2 back on it, but I checked all my games and they all work besides TF2.


Bahhh I can't play it. I can get into a server for about 5 seconds, take a step outside of dustbowl.... then crash.

Direct3d failure. The likely cause is due to application settings requiring too much video memory. ....

I bumped everything to low settings beforehand, too. :(

I'm running an AMD AthlonXP 3500+, nvidia 7800GT and 1GB of RAM... I think I can at least run it. Going to try the beta drivers.

Anyone got any ideas?


The spy vs engineer wars are fucking hilarious. It's like it's own war.

Disguise as pyro -> sap -> blows up turret

Get ready to sap -> engineer shoots you -> die

Disguise as sniper, hop backwards to dispenser - > sap dispenser -> dispenser blows up

Walk over to turret -> sap turret -> turret blows up -> walk over to another turret -> sap turret -> engineer removes sapper.

Walk over to another turret -> sap -> engineer removes sap -> sap another turret -> engineer shoots you -> run away disguised as another class -> come back -> sap again -> blows up.

x2/3 repeat

I got dominated by constantly trying to sap like 2 or 3 engineers shit. I did get my revenge though and it felt good.


ezekial45 said:
God dammit! I feel so left out. I wanna play this so bad, but i don't like the idea of repurchasing HL2 and EP1.

I was stuck in that mentality and then said "screw it" on Sunday. I'm as much a CAGer as anoyone, but I just don't believe Valve is gonna have Black box available at launch. I think they're gonna sap as much money as they can from the diehards before making it available.

And with the 10 percent off preorders, you'd be saving a max of 9 dollars assuming they DO have it at launch. And instead of playing TF2 with a bunch of noobs and learning while they learn, you're gonna walk into a buzz saw by waiting. That's the biggest reason I did it.

When it comes to digital content, Valve is the one company that gets me to do things I don't normally do.


The game is great. I've had my fun as a spy, soldier, medic, engie and demo so far. Already had a few memorable moments. I came up to my domination kill on sombody but they got off a grenade and revenge killed me at the exact same time. I've demo dominated 3 guys in the same shot :lol

Oh and Pyro + Engie turrets are a great spy checker.

and lastly even 24 is too crowded, but the smaller servers are always full :(

10-16 would probably be best imho.
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