Bliddo said:There's the new shotgun in the video:
Javaman said:No weapon or achievement info today?
Just open Steam, there's a link to it on the right hand side of the storefront under Steam News. Then on the video page there's a "Watch in HD" button.MNC said:
Giganticus said:Speculation based on the leaked achievements and the image datamined from mentioning a "tweak to the ol' flamethrower" suggests that the flamethrower will now destroy incoming explosives such as rockets and grenades.
I like the idea...but , wtf!? Another soldier nerf, well playing Pyro just got all the more fun.Capndrake said:Oh shit, there it is!
Also, Pyro now overpowered confirmed:
In addition to the three unlockable Pyro weapons, we've made a significant addition to the base Pyro flamethrower. By hitting the alt-fire key, the Pyro is able to produce a blast of compressed air that knocks enemies away, and redirects enemy projectiles. Its a highly versatile tool, allowing Pyros to get away from nearby enemies after igniting them, to kill enemy soldiers with their own rockets, or to separate enemy Medics from their healing targets. In particular, it allows a skilled Pyro to contain an enemy invulnerability push, and even to separate the Medic completely if the surrounding terrain supports it.
Capndrake said:Oh shit, there it is!
created by Arttu "skdr" Mäki
A control point map with five points, in the style of Badlands. Its symmetrical layout provides for high-speed and well balanced gameplay, while the multiple indoor routes, connected to larger outdoor arenas, provide a wide set of interesting and varied combat spaces. The arena-style control points require solid teamwork to capture and hold.
created by Bill Johnston
A CTF map inside a large industrial compound. It's clean and straightforward, making it easy to learn, but its well balanced layout ensures there are still a wide variety of strategic choices for teams to make, and for individual classes to shine. Competitive teams and players have already popularized this one.
The first Pyro unlockable is The Flare Gun, which replaces the shotgun. It allows the Pyro to ignite an enemy at long range, but does require careful aim on their part. Its particularly useful for causing havoc on Snipers and Engineers who want to keep their distance.
The second Pyro unlockable is The Backburner. This flamethrower is built for the Pyro who likes to ambush their opponents. It removes the compression blast capability, instead guaranteeing critical hits whenever its used on an opponent from behind. To aid in survivability, it grants the Pyro an extra fifty health.
The third Pyro unlockable is The Axtinguisher. This mighty axe guarantees critical hits on any enemy thats currently on fire, although its significantly weaker against enemies who arent. A great combination with the The Flare Gun, or with another Pyro buddy riding alongside doing the igniting.
Also, Pyro now overpowered confirmed:
In addition to the three unlockable Pyro weapons, we've made a significant addition to the base Pyro flamethrower. By hitting the alt-fire key, the Pyro is able to produce a blast of compressed air that knocks enemies away, and redirects enemy projectiles. Its a highly versatile tool, allowing Pyros to get away from nearby enemies after igniting them, to kill enemy soldiers with their own rockets, or to separate enemy Medics from their healing targets. In particular, it allows a skilled Pyro to contain an enemy invulnerability push, and even to separate the Medic completely if the surrounding terrain supports it.
Giganticus said:Even if a pyro is really good, he can still get popped in the face by a rocket from close range. His Air burst will need good timing, you wont just be able to hold it down. Therefore a Soldier can still do the "shoot at my own feet" or at least shoot point blank - this already kills a lot of pyros, it will continue to do so.
To be honest, I feel most sorry for the spy. A pyro chasing you with the new crit flamethrower is gonna suck. You'll be rocked by spycheckers even worse than before, as they can now punt you away before you get to sap, or alternatively punt away incoming rockets and grenades at the sapped sentry to keep it alive long enough to be repaired. Pyros will spycheck from afar now with the flare gun, whereas before simply avoiding them did wonders. Tight areas and chokepoints which were difficult to get through as it was without dying are going to be even worse with deflected grenades and rockets coming back through them. And this is before you consider the fact that there's the plain and simple achievement whoring that's gonna make EVERY pyro spycheck now.
There's no doubt that there's going to be a "refractory period" for the compression bursts.1-D_FTW said:For a defense map like Dustbowl 2, ubered Heavies will be the only way to kill tuff sentries. I know I'll mostly use backburner, but that's a situation where newb abilities are to be skillfully exploited (to a game breaking degree IMO.)
EDIT: On second thought, I'm sure Valve has given it a short burst and then a reload time of the rocket. Right? Valve is smart enough to do that, right? Cause being able to hold down a "win" button and hold off 3 ubered Demoman and Soldiers from killing a sentry would break the game completely.
PatzCU said:Wow, pushback on the flamethrower? It will be interesting to see how much 'ammo' that uses. Maybe like 25 per push? Also - they should make the pushback put the fire out. Pyros are going to be so OP. Imagine 2 pyros at the top of granary point C just puffing air, launching people off the tower.
Aegus said:Imagine two ubered pyros, one with the ax and the other with a backburner. Especially on defence on cp maps.
TheOneGuy said:So uh. Who wants to play tonight? O:
GAF server or Love Me Sexy, I don't particularly care. I get home in about four hours and I wanna play me some TF2! Probably won't have any trouble finding a game TOMORROW night but tonight is not tomorrow!
Love Me Sexy: said:anyone have the IP's for the servers mentioned above? i think i have the GAF one on my favorites, but not "love me sexy"
TheOneGuy said:So uh. Who wants to play tonight? O:
GAF server or Love Me Sexy, I don't particularly care. I get home in about four hours and I wanna play me some TF2! Probably won't have any trouble finding a game TOMORROW night but tonight is not tomorrow!
Yus! I am!Orellio said:I'm down. All this Pyro update talk has got me itching for some GAF TF2 sexy time!
Edit: You are Twig right?
Javaman said:Count me in too. I finally upgraded my onboard ATI x200 to a 7600GT and can see the pyro's ooze of death in all it's shiny glory. :lol
What would be the best class to counter the hordes of pyros tomarrow? Heavy?