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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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At the start of this match, one guy left saying our team was lame another kept bitchin about us sucking.


We won, and me on the other hand, set a personal record best for dominations.


Milabrega said:
At the start of this match, one guy left saying our team was lame another kept bitchin about us sucking.

Yeah those guys were kinda dumb. Sure, their team got blown out of the water on Steel, but on the next map the teams were mixed and >f$>Duffernaut was still complaining for like 10 minutes just because we lost the first point in the first section of Dustbowl.


If you don't mind me asking...where do you snipe from on Steel? It might just be that my kung-fu is weak, but I find it hard to snipe from close quarters aside from the points overlooking E and/or A/B BLU entrances.


C has a pretty decent sniper spot for BLU (in between the rocks). It's tough for people to reach you and there's a health pack just around the corner.


Yeah, forgot about C. Most of the time when I play on Steel people ignore C and D and go for E for whatever reason though. (Both teams, though I try to get C on BLU to get the platforms extended. They probably get lost.) Can't imagine D being a good sniper spot though. C seems fairly straightforward.


benjipwns said:
If you don't mind me asking...where do you snipe from on Steel? It might just be that my kung-fu is weak, but I find it hard to snipe from close quarters aside from the points overlooking E and/or A/B BLU entrances.

Honestly, I kind of avoid sniping when I'm on defense, I usually play medic or something. Offensively, I snipe from windows when attacking A or the ledge, the path that goes up to a ledge on B, the rocks in the C area, and after C is done, I head to the windows that you can get to from A, since the team usually starts attacking D and E at the same time.


benjipwns said:
If you don't mind me asking...where do you snipe from on Steel? It might just be that my kung-fu is weak, but I find it hard to snipe from close quarters aside from the points overlooking E and/or A/B BLU entrances.

A: Windows, if my team is capping A I move to the cliff and snipe anybody coming out of the spawn.
B: The ledge with the metal fencing (Don't go into the shack).
C: Between the rocks.
D: The far hallway leading to the large ammo crate/large health pack.
E: The windows near A, obviously.


A: On top of the rocks around the side (Usually the one closest to the point).
B: On the ledge with the large ammo crate if the other team isn't getting close, if they are I move to the two windows overlooking most of the point.
C: On the metal platform near the point (Not the one with the metal plate, the one that faces the rocks directly.
D: At the top of the stairs.
E: The windows at the top of the stairs.


Sorry for going slightly off topic -

I have a Guest Pass for this game on Steam that expires on the 21st. Anyone want it? (shoot me a PM)


Also have a guest pass here if anyone wants it, expires on 9/24.

Also, I have a Sennheiser headset that I'm looking to let go for cheap, let me know if anyone wants it. I know some of the regulars here have crappy mikes and need a new one, so I thought I'd throw it up here before I get rid of it using other channels. These are the ones that I've been using for the past few months, so you guys know how well it works/sounds.

Perhaps we should start a new thread on the gaming side for all these TF2 guest passes. Make the tittle something catchy to bring in new players(Ie Heavy spokesperson). Mine expires on the 21st.

Since I doubt people come into the online forum to check for free TF2 trials .


PillowKnight said:
Perhaps we should start a new thread on the gaming side for all these TF2 guest passes. Make the tittle something catchy to bring in new players(Ie Heavy spokesperson). Mine expires on the 21st.

Since I doubt people come into the online forum to check for free TF2 trials .

I'll make a thread about it.

Thread made! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=335285 Post in there if your info isn't available, and I'll add it to the list.


I thought maybe after a long time of not playing Dustbowl for more than one round I might like it again.

Nope. Still hate it.


Well, I'm officially out of the loop till I get this internet connection problem fixed. I get disconnected for a couple of seconds every couple of minutes, making TF2 and Rockband2 unplayable. I've narrowed it down to the outside connection (It disconnects even while patched into the outside test connection in the box and while bypassing my router) so hopefully the phone company will make good on their word and check it out tomorrow.


Edit:update. Woot. It seems to be fixed. I think it was a short circuit in one of the other lines in the house. Even without a phone connected to the other jacks it was still shorting out.


Bitches love smiley faces
Cheeto said:
Has everyone abandoned playing together?
Bunch of us got around to play at around 11:00 or so. Although I bailed out early because TF2 started to stutter and then crash.

I guess I should replace that stick of RAM I took out.


Volcynika said:
I just play around the same time, usually just join Java or ProtoMila (Milabrega) on what server they're on.

Same here, though I've been busy with other things in life.

Also, need help testing a new mic of mine; anyone available to help for a quick minute during the next couple of days?


The physical form of blasphemy
Cheeto said:
Has everyone abandoned playing together?

Naww. Been busy with finals. I might play one more time before the weekend, then I have to go home for break and won't be able to TF2 it up for two weeks. D:


Cheeto said:
Has everyone abandoned playing together?
I play almost nightly, but everyone likes to play much later than me. Sometimes I stay up anyway. D:

Of course, half the time they're on CircleX which has probably the worst fucking map rotation system ever. Why does it have to take so long to switch maps. ):

F7's pretty cool, though.

I'd play on your servers, but no one's ever there, either. ):


Cheeto said:
Has everyone abandoned playing together?
I just haven't been on lately, period. A whole host of other things have been consuming my free time for a while now. And my laptop's screen is starting to go bad (again), and while it's still functional, the effect is significant enough to put me off gaming in general for the time being.

On that note, I'm open to suggestions for a good, quality, and sub-$200 monitor.


Sciz said:
I just haven't been on lately, period. A whole host of other things have been consuming my free time for a while now. And my laptop's screen is starting to go bad (again), and while it's still functional, the effect is significant enough to put me off gaming in general for the time being.

On that note, I'm open to suggestions for a good, quality, and sub-$200 monitor.

Check this out


Cheeto said:
Has everyone abandoned playing together?

A lot of games just came out within the past two weeks and I've been busy playing them, most notably Infinite Undiscovery and Rock Band 2. Planning on picking up Crysis Warhead as soon as I'm done with IU too. I'm usually only on really late nowadays (11pm eastern or later) but if I find myself with nothing to do in the middle of the day and people are on I'll hop in.

There's another glut of games coming the 3rd week of October too... another character update would go a long way to keep me away from those (Fable, Fallout, Farcry2, Dead Space etc etc etc).

*Checks Steam ID page* Yeah, wow. Only 7 hours in the past two weeks. I've definitely fallen off a little. It happens though. I go through phases where I'll play ALLLLLL the time for a couple months (See: the summer) and then won't touch it for a while. But I always get pulled back in :D


Me and a friend just started a new TF2 server.

EPIC FETCH Vanilla TF2 Server of W+MOUSE1
Default and Custom Maps


I want to update on the server I just posted above. It's located in NY, but I'm in Michigan and get pings of 25-35, 90% of the time.

Custom Maps include, but absolutely not limited to: cp_freight, cp_soar, cp_labor, cp_beamvalley, cp_boulder_v2, cp_broma, cp_junction_v2, pl_cranetop_b3
Some in the maplist, others added as people (beyond me) like them.

When I'm on, I'm open to setting things and changing maps based on what people want. My friend (other admin) is a no-critter, I'm a fairly pro-crit person but willing to turn off crits if most people want it. I personally like the "surprise crit just owned half their team, PUSH IT" aspect but would be willing to setup no crits (either some specific times, or certainly when I join and people want it) for GAFers who don't like them. We might schedule crits during most of the day, no crits in "prime time."

Don't mean to spam, I'm just posting to hopefully add to the servers that GAFers already frequent.
I'm the other admin ^

We wanted to have a server with a quick rotation like 2f2f instead of all these mind-numbing five-rounds-of-2fort servers and 24/7s, so I believe most maps are set to 2 rounds then switch to keep things moving along.

And yeah, I'm a vehement crit hater but benji and most others like to ride the tidal wave of euphoria when Valve decides they should unexpectedly instagib everyone with a rocket/sticky, and are willing to cope with the horror of being one-shotted by a scattergun from close range *shudder* :lol .

EDIT: Oh, and we HATE FAST RESPAWN for making dustbowl/gravelpit/etc. nearly unwinnable as BLU, and making intelligence extraction an absolute chore.


PotatoeMasher said:
Fun games last night. I doubt I'll be staying up until 4am again anytime soon, though. :lol

Oh yes, great times last night. I do enjoy it when everyone's on the same page and having a ball; when this game gets good there's nothing else I'd rather play.

Yay scout rush. :x
We're hanging out in the server atm if anyone wants to play. Our server name is not currently attracting any exciting people (nor is the 2/24) :lol .


relies on auto-aim
From past 2 days

I'm a noob engineer, don't know how to deal with spies and whatnot, but this was immensely gratifying, turning around and shooting a demo to make 2 dead spies :lol


First 4 kill for me :D
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