Make sure Mouse2 is bound to your alternate fire is the only thing I can think of.immy said:What i'm i doing wrong with my uber as a medic. Whenever i get it i right click so as to use the uber, but nothing happens.
Any help?
I consider a headset to be a must, even though regular voice and text messages won't cripple you. It all depends on which class you'd like to "main", but it really is a great tool when playing as a medic for instance.Althane said:About to finish downloading this. Should I invest in a mic for this game, or can I survive with the basic text communication?
*hopes to be around playing Scout very soon*
No Means Nomad said:Make sure Mouse2 is bound to your alternate fire is the only thing I can think of.
No Means Nomad said:Make sure Mouse2 is bound to your alternate fire is the only thing I can think of.
I think there might be a specific bind for ubercharge check the entire list for it...immy said:I tried it and it still didn't work
could someone go through a step by step guide of how to use the uber. Sorry for being such a noob.
Make sure you're not trying to use it with anything besides your Medigun out. The Medic can't Uber himself for attacking purposes, he has to have his Medigun out and be Ubering a teammate to get any attacking done. Hence the whole "Team" Fortress 2 thing.immy said:I tried it and it still didn't work
could someone go through a step by step guide of how to use the uber. Sorry for being such a noob.
Unfortunately, no. However, you can just friend a few of us on Steam and follow us into games, and you should be okay. There are a few good servers that we tend to play.Buggy Loop said:Does GAF still have a private server for TF2? I havent played since like a month after its release and now with all the class additions and all i'll probably be lost if i enter a normal server full of unknown vets![]()
Wat.BigKaboom2 said:But the entire point of matchmaking is to take away options. why not just view everything it turns up?
Wat.And why is it an understandable limit for consoles?
fallout said:BigKaboom2: I think the point you're missing here is that they're not taking away any of the tools you like to select your server, so why does it bother you that the option exists? I mean, sure, you don't see any point to it, but Valve seems to think otherwise!
It doesn't bother me, I just don't really see the point.BigKaboom2 said:Certainly the quick list is not something that needs to be removed; it just seems kind of pointless except in the custom map scenario I mentioned earlier.
But you could just type the name of the map you want to play into the filter box, then sort by player count. Takes about the same amount of time as scrolling down to find it in the quick list.firex said:quick list seems cool to me. better than searching endless servers to find a specific map I want to play.
:[TheOneGuy said:I played TF2 a bit today and sucked.
): ):
TheOneGuy said:I played TF2 a bit today and sucked.
): ):
I was actually pretty good! But we still lost.TheOneGuy said:I played TF2 a bit today and sucked.
): ):
Hazaro said::[
I played some recently and still have it. Met a crazy demo that was rockin with only stickies though. Crazy bastard.
fallout said:I was actually pretty good! But we still lost.
I blame Oreoleo.
I don't think so... I mostly play on well -Q-, but now =eGo= and SLAUGHTERHOUSEkozmo7 said:Was his name Learning Curve? I've been playing on the Lotus servers and that guy is always there, almost always a demo.. He's pretty wild.
Big-E said:Having the old GAF server private is what killed it so open would be a lot better though I don't know how many gaffers would play on it since a lot of people have their own favorite servers they play on.
I support it, but I probably won't be able to play much in a couple of weeks becuase of year 12 and the fact that I'm from Australia.Relix said:That's why I am asking =P. I am willing to pay it, but only if there is enough support for it. GameServers (any reviews on them?) has an interesting offer that I could bite, but as I said... I need to know if there are enough people still interested in a Open GAF Server.
I didn't like it much either, other than the bomb cart.Capndrake said:I've played Frontier (Above) since the first beta and I still don't like it at all.
Relix said:That's why I am asking =P. I am willing to pay it, but only if there is enough support for it. GameServers (any reviews on them?) has an interesting offer that I could bite, but as I said... I need to know if there are enough people still interested in a Open GAF Server.
ya fuck ya hell ya YARelix said:I am thinking of getting a Team Fortress 2 server for GAF, but it would be public, though GAF users would get slots and would be able to enter nevertheless if the room is full. What do you guys think? =)