firex said:A sprint thing for the scout would be pretty cool. I kind of think the update overall will add a new mouse2 ability for him. and lol I like that pic where he's being Neo with all the bats.
Pyro's and Heavies are also pretty effective against sentries.speedpop said:Only thing to get past SGs atm are good Spies and Uber'd Demos.
It would be way more than just that - faster travel times, easier escapes, easier getting behind people, etc. I don't really think Scouts need to be any faster but if they were they should definitely lose at least the pistol.TheOneGuy said:If you make it so you can't attack while sprinting (similar to cloaking with a spy, but you actually have to "unsprint" fully before you can attack), it wouldn't be that much more powerful. Just a way to get past sentries, nothing more. And of course regular bullets could still kill you.
Also no sprinting while carrying the intelligence or whatever.
MicVlaD said:Pyro's and Heavies are also pretty effective against sentries.
If something like this were put in, it's not like it would last as long as a spy cloak lasts. Maybe like 5 seconds max. Enough to get by a sentry. Nothing more. Maybe less.Zek said:It would be way more than just that - faster travel times, easier escapes, easier getting behind people, etc. I don't really think Scouts need to be any faster but if they were they should definitely lose at least the pistol.
TheOneGuy said:If something like this were put in, it's not like it would last as long as a spy cloak lasts. Maybe like 5 seconds max. Enough to get by a sentry. Nothing more. Maybe less.
It wouldn't make a huge difference.
Exactly, that's the whole point of it. It's only for crossing certain poitns that the scout couldn't cross before.Doytch said:Ya I sort of expect a sprint ability or something that can let him bypass an sg. If they don't give him something to get past sentries, the update will be a waste probably.
How so? A Scout will almost never take down a level 3 + engie + level 3 dispenser next to him. The only thing possible I would see is if a Scout sprinted behind the engie having it kill him. :lolspeedpop said:Can you imagine the amount of whining hardcore Engineers will do though? But granted it is practically needed in Payload maps where Scouts are hardly, if ever, a played class. Only thing to get past SGs atm are good Spies and Uber'd Demos.
Zek said:Scouts shouldn't get anything without trading a weapon, they're already really powerful in the right maps, i.e. Badlands, Well, etc. They just need a situational improvement for getting past sentries and fighting in crowded maps, which is perfect for the unlockable pistol and scattergun respectively.
The penalty of using sprint is the cost. A scout with no speed or even no double jump is a horrible class with terrible HP and damage output if it can't dodge. Sprinting would only be used to flee or run past sentries. It's a fair tradeoff.Zek said:It would be way more than just that - faster travel times, easier escapes, easier getting behind people, etc. I don't really think Scouts need to be any faster but if they were they should definitely lose at least the pistol.
If a Scout can cap the last point quickly you should have someone on it. Additionally it will be easier to get them off because they won't be able to dodge well.Kulock said:It would mean lots of ninja capping control points. Some of them capture too quickly, especially at a Scout's 2x Capture rate. You would have to keep a person standing on the point at all times on some maps.
Yes! It's odd, but it happened to me too.Gully State said:I've been putting in a lot more time as a demo lately and while I've gotten better playing demo, my aim has exponentially gotten better as soldier right after I switch from demo. Anyone else experiencing this?
But this sort of thing is already in the game. Both scouts and spies do it all the time, unless you're playing against a good team.Kulock said:It would mean lots of ninja capping control points. Some of them capture too quickly, especially at a Scout's 2x Capture rate. You would have to keep a person standing on the point at all times on some maps.
TheOneGuy said:But this sort of thing is already in the game. Both scouts and spies do it all the time, unless you're playing against a good team.
What cost? Scouts already can't sprint now, you're saying they should be able to. Adding a free ability to the Scout would be a flat out buff, one which they don't need at all in the maps where they're already strong. What they need is a sometimes-buff, i.e. to be stronger in maps like Dustbowl and especially against sentries, without being much stronger anywhere else. I think getting past sentries alone is powerful enough to justify trading out the pistol, let alone all the other stuff a sprint would let you do. So maybe if the pistol replacement were an energy drink or something that let you sprint, that would be one thing, depending on how it's balanced.Hazaro said:The penalty of using sprint is the cost. A scout with no speed or even no double jump is a horrible class with terrible HP and damage output if it can't dodge. Sprinting would only be used to flee or run past sentries. It's a fair tradeoff.
I should say that I don't really disagree with making it an unlockable "weapon". That would be fine, as far as I'm concerned.Zek said:What cost? Scouts already can't sprint now, you're saying they should be able to. Adding a free ability to the Scout would be a flat out buff, one which they don't need at all in the maps where they're already strong. What they need is a sometimes-buff, i.e. to be stronger in maps like Dustbowl and especially against sentries, without being much stronger anywhere else. I think getting past sentries alone is powerful enough to justify trading out the pistol, let alone all the other stuff a sprint would let you do. So maybe if the pistol replacement were an energy drink or something that let you sprint, that would be one thing, depending on how it's balanced.
I've noticed that I've gotten a lot better in aiming since I've been doing the Heavy rounds.Gully State said:I've been putting in a lot more time as a demo lately and while I've gotten better playing demo, my aim has exponentially gotten better as soldier right after I switch from demo. Anyone else experiencing this?
Maybe if there were a law that you could only use it to run past sentries that would be fine. But in reality whenever there isn't a problematic sentry, Scouts would use it however they please. They would use it all the time to escape or to close the gap on somebody before firing.TheOneGuy said:I should say that I don't really disagree with making it an unlockable "weapon". That would be fine, as far as I'm concerned.
But I don't think it'd be nearly as powerful as you seem to think. At all. It's not like if they get past a sentry they're all of a sudden home free. They've still got the actual engineer to worry about, on top of anyone else on the other team possibly hiding near the sentry, etc.
Just like it is now.
You would NOT use it to close the gap on someone unless it was a sniper, even then you already have the upper hand if they are not fully charged.Zek said:Maybe if there were a law that you could only use it to run past sentries that would be fine. But in reality whenever there isn't a problematic sentry, Scouts would use it however they please. They would use it all the time to escape or to close the gap on somebody before firing.
No since they don't want something to disrupt the sentry.Alaskanbullworm said:How about the Scout uses a baseball and throw/hit it at the sentry will throw it off kilter (and an engineer can easly fix it up like if it were a sapper hitting it) for a few seconds for the Scout to pass?
I dunno, I'm tired.
Wait, so.Zek said:Maybe if there were a law that you could only use it to run past sentries that would be fine. But in reality whenever there isn't a problematic sentry, Scouts would use it however they please. They would use it all the time to escape or to close the gap on somebody before firing.
It's too powerful to be a free ability, yes. It doesn't matter if it has a speed penalty, it would still be worth using all the time which means it's a net buff to a class that only needs it sometimes. The scout is an extremely powerful class already, what they need is a situational buff in certain maps. That's why there has to be an actual tradeoff, i.e. losing the pistol.TheOneGuy said:Wait, so.
It's too powerful to allow a scout to run past a sentry unharmed even though there are other players.
It's too powerful to allow a scout to run really fast by people without being able to shoot.
Sounds to me like you're completely ignoring the penalty(ies?) of our proposed sprint ability.
Could allow others to kill the sentry which is a very big no-no.Gully State said:I liked the baseball idea (replaces the pistol). But instead of throwing it at sentry, turn it into a decoy. It has all the properties of another character to the sentry. so if the baseball is further away from the sentry than the scout it, the sentry will plug the scout still (which makes how one throws it important) . Once the ball is destroyed or it hits the ground, it no longer functions as a decoy. Also make it such that it can't be spammed (perhaps give it a cooldown).
What.Zek said:it would still be worth using all the time.
All the time as in, very frequently. I would use it every single time an ambush goes bad and I want to escape. Who cares about a brief speed penalty, it beats dying. I would probably also use it to catch up with people who are hurt and trying to escape, or who are a ways ahead of me running towards the fight.TheOneGuy said:What.
"It's always worth throwing away your weapon so you can run faster!"
Look, the point is scout is already overpowered so another boost won't make a difference in the grand scheme of things.Zek said:All the time as in, very frequently. I would use it every single time an ambush goes bad and I want to escape. Who cares about a brief speed penalty, it beats dying. I would probably also use it to catch up with people who are hurt and trying to escape, or who are a ways ahead of me running towards the fight.
TheOneGuy said:Look, the point is scout is already overpowered so another boost won't make a difference in the grand scheme of things.
So damn true. I'd take them all out as demo except they have 3 snipers :|Proven said:Honestly, I'm for a buff for Scouts vs. Sentries, if only to help deal with people turtling with 5 engineers and your team only having enough coordination for one Uber pair.
Until now the only updated class that actually had serious design issues that needed addressing was the Pyro, and they got a major class-defining buff even though their unlocks aren't great(axtinguisher aside). Medics had no balance issues, they just needed a little something extra to get people to play them, and Heavies only needed a little less Medic dependency. Compared to those two, the Scout has a really serious problem, sometimes more serious than the Pyro's - they are completely useless on all the most popular maps in the game. Since they're just fine on other maps I think the issue will be addressed through the unlocks, and if they gained new weapons that made them a useful class on Dustbowl or Goldrush that would be a big deal.KittenMaster said:Sentries counter the Scout. The scout should be able to win fights, otherwise he'll suck like he did in TFC.
If the updates are like pretty much any other update, they'll be extremely minor and often times not worth using over default weapons.
Mhm. Lawl.Proven said:That's a very stupid way to justify a change.
They're bad on offense because the defense always has turrets. On defense they're playable, but the map is pretty crowded anyway past the first point which makes their life very difficult.firex said:Are scouts bad on Badwater? I haven't played that map in awhile but I remember it being pretty good for everyone, really.
A: Greatfirex said:Are scouts bad on Badwater? I haven't played that map in awhile but I remember it being pretty good for everyone, really.
There's no more GAF server. ):Sciz said:Java and Pillow and fallen and Volc and Potatoe and MicVlaD and I are still playing.
Where are the rest of you people? We used to be able to pack an entire server with gaffers. D:
"Still playing" would be somewhat of an understatement in my case:Sciz said:Java and Pillow and fallen and Volc and Potatoe and MicVlaD and I are still playing.
Where are the rest of you people? We used to be able to pack an entire server with gaffers. D:
I'd take the Flare Gun over the shotgun any day of the week.Sciz said:
Great video