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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Neo Member
I'm trying to spread the word about this project my friend has put together this past week... I helped with some of the translations (I'm not a native speaker so bear with me). I'm still shocked how fast he made everything and how good it is. Any feedback would be excellent (not gameplay-wise, since this is just for entertainment purposes I guess).

Tell your friends as well, the more people who reads it, the merrier.

The FAKE Engineer Update! 5 days worth of goodness!


I like a lot of the ideas in that Engineer update. EMP to clear out accumulating stickies at a sentry (you can rarely shoot them away fast enough) would be fantastic. Very convincing look in the models too.


ZombieSupaStar said:
ive never said gg when ive lost in an online game, ever, because losing isn't good.



You can lose and still have it be a competitive, balanced and well-played game (ie. GOOD).


Orellio said:
You can lose and still have it be a competitive, balanced and well-played game (ie. GOOD).
Nah losing sucks.

And anyone who beats me is obviously cheating anyway so they don't deserve a GG.

MNC said:
:lol Oh Valve, how you tickle us so with thy awesome animation and facial structures.
I do believe I haven't shown this one before:


Hazaro said:
Gah, I always forget to record demos.

I usually end up having a few awesome streaks when I play.
I wish Valve games had a demo / replay system more akin to what Halo 3 offers. Game automatically records the required data of each match, asks you whether or not you'd like to save it by the end of it and it has several camera angles (including free-cam) post-match. I'm aware that you can have access to more options by opening the console and inputting the right commands, but the way Bungie handled requires noticeably less effort to achieve desired results.

Kulock said:
Edit: Took out the Ambassador bitching. There's no point, and Valve generally figures out when things are a little too broken anyway. I still think the gun was an awful idea, though.
The one thing that irks me about allied Spies using the Ambassador, is that most of them become obsessed with shooting enemies rather than being a more effective Spy by backstabbing and sapping Engineer buildings along the way. Ticks me off to no end.

Kulock said:
I like a lot of the ideas in that Engineer update. EMP to clear out accumulating stickies at a sentry (you can rarely shoot them away fast enough) would be fantastic. Very convincing look in the models too.
You know what sucks when any given Demoman approaches you? It takes two stickies to take down any sentry, no matter what the level is (yes even level 3's). Awfully frustrating and demotivating, considering how long it takes to construct those even under optimal conditions compared to how fast a Demo can launch a pair of winbombs.


fallengorn said:
Awesome! Gonna have to try that out soon.
I played a good bit of it last night. Apparently it's closed-source so only 3-4 servers actually have it?

It's pretty fun, but it quickly becomes very hard to hide, especially if you get one of the awful props. Plus it is really laggy/awkward to move and jump with the props, though part of that could have been the UK server.


Blizzard said:
I played a good bit of it last night. Apparently it's closed-source so only 3-4 servers actually have it?

It's pretty fun, but it quickly becomes very hard to hide, especially if you get one of the awful props. Plus it is really laggy/awkward to move and jump with the props, though part of that could have been the UK server.

Not to mention that there's a bug so if there's 14 players on red the server crashes at the start of a round. That shit is annoying. Otherwise it was a decently fun change of pace. Reminds me of The Ship a little bit.


Bitches love smiley faces
Blizzard said:
I played a good bit of it last night. Apparently it's closed-source so only 3-4 servers actually have it?

It's pretty fun, but it quickly becomes very hard to hide, especially if you get one of the awful props. Plus it is really laggy/awkward to move and jump with the props, though part of that could have been the UK server.
I played a few rounds last night. If only some of the items on the map would randomly move around. By the second round, I already knew how certain places where set.


Modesty becomes a woman
rezuth said:
I played it a lot in CSS, which I think it works better in cuz cs_office and other maps have tons of props.

I don't know anything about how the mod works, but I think it needs a lot of tuning.

For instance, it's way to easy for the pyros. It should really take off more health when you shoot. Take away the flare gun altogether unless they can make it take away half the pyros health while doing regular damage to the props. Pyros run around shooting everything is too much, it needs to be a little harder.

Take away crits, it's stupid as hell to start critting yourself in the back.

Control points are retarded and kinda exemplfy everything that needs to be fixed. You have nothing going for you as a point, but it's entirely invisible on the bottom. So if you arrange yourself in a corner looking down you will be 100% invisible.

The last thing that I don't know is possible, but none of the maps to my knowledge are actually made with prophunt in mind. I can memorize a map in about 2 rounds, after that anything hiding in 'plain sight' sticks out like a sore thumb and completely defeats the purpose. If the static items could be randomized on the map it would give the props the advantage of actually being able to hide using their prop, instead of in the darkest place or halfway through a wall.

It's a really great idea, terrible execution.


Minor update out:
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
October 14, 2009, 2:00 pm - Valve - Product Update
Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2

Added "+quickswitch" command, which brings up a small panel allowing you to rapidly change the loadout of your current class & active weapon slot

Added server ConVar "tf_teamtalk" to allow alive/dead teammates to talk with each other during a match (default is 0)

Added 1/2 Bonus Point for healing a teammate with a dropped sandvich

Updated the class menu to show the local player's current class

Updated server ConVar "tf_playergib" to have 3 settings for player gibs: 0: never, 1: normal, 2: always (default is 1)

Updated "player_hurt" game event to include "damageamount" and "crit" values

Fixed a rare crash in particle system

Fixed being able to eat your sandvich (via taunt) and drop it in the same frame

Fixed not correctly remembering the last weapon if you're using "remember active weapon" and the last weapon was the weapon in slot 0

Fixed Medic not being able to release his ÜberCharge if his team won the previous round and the Medigun was his last active weapon (while using "remember last active weapon")

Fixed not remembering the last active weapon correctly if the player didn't die before the next round restart

Prevented servers from using steam:// commands in their MOTD text

Fixed using the regen cabinets to get more health than you should when you switch between weapons with/without max health reduction attributes

Fixed friendly-fire/spectator exploit using projectiles

Fixed disguised spies not getting ammo from enemy dispensers

Fixed thrown sandvich traveling through players before being activated

Fixed sandviches sometimes spawning inside walls, or being thrown through thin walls

Fixed fire overlay drawing on hats in DX80

Fixed an exploit that allowed servers to corrupt client's item database

Fixed full packet updates showing cloaked Spies for an instant

Fixed a prediction error resulting in mis-predictions of crits

Community requests

Added new "func_flag_alert" entity that fires an alert when a player carrying a flag starts touching the entity

Added server ConVar "bot_crouch" to make bots crouch

Added model override for item_teamflag entity

Added ability to turn off particle trail for players carrying the item_teamflag entity

Updated team_train_watcher to support 8 cp/track links (was previously 4)


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Hmm, interesting ideas whether true or not. Beta 1 I would never use but seems like it would be fun for newer players or those that don't rocket jump. Beta 2 sounds awesome, I would literally never stop bouncing.


I'd rather have a 40hp slow regen energy shield (for rocket jumping) replace the shotty rather than being invulnerable to rocket damage.
Beta 1: Definitely pretty messed up. Pretty much becomes a Demoman with a fast rocket launcher.

Beta 2: Pretty cool. Means you can rocket jump across maps fairly easily, outspeeding even a Scout.


I really like the second one, personally. I'd definitely use it.

Need to have a good shotgun replacement probably, though.


KittenMaster said:
Highly doubt this'll happen. Every Shotgun/Pistol side grade Valve has created, it is unanimously agreed that the Shotgun/Pistol is better.
Flare gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pos shotgun

So you're wrong.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
TheOneGuy said:
Flare gun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pos shotgun

So you're wrong.
How about we call them both even?


relies on auto-aim
Kuro Madoushi said:
Hopefully, there are more changes than just that bazooka. Not a lot of soldiers playing nowadays.
I'm torn. I like having no competition as soldier, but more soldiers could lead to less sniper dominated matches.
Also probably more spies.


Okay... I've played a few games on random servers but I could just never get in to it because I felt so "alone" :lol

Is there a dedicated server that gaf plays on still or is everybody doing their own thing? Plus, i'm a noob so, please be gentle with me.


I'm hoping they do the UT-style rocket launcher for the soldier update... A launcher that can queue up, up to 4 rockets to launch all at the same time. Not sure what a good trade-off would be, though.


Cheeto said:
I'm hoping they do the UT-style rocket launcher for the soldier update... A launcher that can queue up, up to 4 rockets to launch all at the same time. Not sure what a good trade-off would be, though.
Less/no rocket jump, I guess.

But that'd be so boring. The beta 2 is the best idea!


relies on auto-aim
daebo said:
Okay... I've played a few games on random servers but I could just never get in to it because I felt so "alone" :lol

Is there a dedicated server that gaf plays on still or is everybody doing their own thing? Plus, i'm a noob so, please be gentle with me.
Watch the how to play videos on youtube / read the TF2wiki.

Start playing as a Medic / Pyro.

As a medic latch onto the guy with the highest score who is an offensive class and constantly check behind you. Watch him play. Alternatively you can always spectate people.

Pyro has a great low level entry of play and rewards good planning along with movement skill and aiming (but not fast twitch aiming). Quite a high skill ceiling if you get good with it. Besting almost every class in close range is great along with the health.
*Lead with the flamethrower, movement also contributes to flame speed/distance, so try to aim and move together. You should be able to beat almost every Pyro 1v1. I've seen my friend even take on 2 Pyros and a soldier and win with 50hp left. Ridiculous.

Other than those playing soldier will get you familiar with projectiles and corners, juggling, importance of switching to secondary.


*Also I still have no hats.


Hazaro said:
Watch the how to play videos on youtube / read the TF2wiki.

Start playing as a Medic / Pyro.

As a medic latch onto the guy with the highest score who is an offensive class and constantly check behind you. Watch him play. Alternatively you can always spectate people.

Pyro has a great low level entry of play and rewards good planning along with movement skill and aiming (but not fast twitch aiming). Quite a high skill ceiling if you get good with it. Besting almost every class in close range is great along with the health.
*Lead with the flamethrower, movement also contributes to flame speed/distance, so try to aim and move together. You should be able to beat almost every Pyro 1v1. I've seen my friend even take on 2 Pyros and a soldier and win with 50hp left. Ridiculous.

Other than those playing soldier will get you familiar with projectiles and corners, juggling, importance of switching to secondary.


*Also I still have no hats.

Thank you kind sir.
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