pilonv1 said:Scouts on Badlands are the worst of TF2
Aww, screenshots. I didn't do well tonight but at least we managed to defend on that final steel point!Tisan said:And I win the best humiliating death award.. :/
Good fun guys >: D
My hadouken attempts were sadly unsuccessful, but there's something oddly satisfying about playing shotgun pyro.Tisan said:Sciz wins the badass of the match award, loadin' that gun like it ain't no thang
This is either because of or in spite of me playing sniper that whole match. I'm not sure which.Blizzard said:Aww, screenshots. I didn't do well tonight but at least we managed to defend on that final steel point!
The grassroots campaign for a Valve/Telltale collaboration on a TF2 adventure series begins now.Q: What sorts of games to the designers tend to play? Is it a pretty mixed bag, or do one or two genres come up most of the time?
A: Almost half the office plays Team Fortress 2, and that got my vote for game of the year whenever it came out (2 years ago? Longer?)
.................would buySciz said:The grassroots campaign for a Valve/Telltale collaboration on a TF2 adventure series begins now.
Sciz said:In unrelated news, something that came up over on the Telltale forums in a Q&A topic:
The grassroots campaign for a Valve/Telltale collaboration on a TF2 adventure series begins now.
It makes me happy to know that I can add "badass" to my list of descriptors for them.Boonoo said:It came up during idle thumbs that there is an inter development studio TF2 tournament going on. Apparently it's 12v12, and Telltale was able to field an entire team. Other studios are teaming up.
We play at least every other night!1-D_FTW said:What is going on here? New items? A new TF2 neogaf group. A TF2 gaf server? I am so out of the loop I don't know which of these are real. I hope there is some serious TF2 gaf action happening because I'd love to get back into it (Pretty much quit after the death of circle-x.)
It was a tactic to catch the blu team unaware. I mean, the heavy is the thinking man's class, right?... anyone?Tisan said:Inkwell was forced to join the Blu team after being found sleeping on the job
1-D_FTW said:What is going on here? New items? A new TF2 neogaf group. A TF2 gaf server? I am so out of the loop I don't know which of these are real. I hope there is some serious TF2 gaf action happening because I'd love to get back into it (Pretty much quit after the death of circle-x.)
Twig said:We play at least every other night!
Javaman said:What happened to circle-x?
:lol And of course this change comes along after I crafted all my damn beards into metal.Twig said:So you can craft two spy beards/medic masks (misc items) for a random hat now.
GoldandBlue said::lol And of course this change comes along after I crafted all my damn beards into metal.
Twig said:So you can craft two spy beards/medic masks (misc items) for a random hat now.
AFAIK, still normal item droprate for the beard 'n' mask.Boonoo said:Oh shit! That's great!
heee Just got a mining light. Need more beards.
I also got the trophy belt D:
And then I crafted them both into the Texas Ten Gallon, but I already have that one D:
So do the camera beard and medic mask drop like hats now? Or are they normal items still?
Twig said:AFAIK, still normal item droprate for the beard 'n' mask.
GoldandBlue said::lol And of course this change comes along after I crafted all my damn beards into metal.
Boonoo said:Hmm interesting! In the patch notes it only mentions their craftable qualities; says nothing about drop rate. Could this usher in an era of utterly plentiful hats?
shrinking the image gives free AASquash said:What kind of video cards do you guys have, the AA is so smooth in the screenshots. Or is it cause the image is small?
Botolf said:I am so envious:
Guess why people idle.fallout said:I don't play nearly enough to get drops. :\
What Drake said. ):fallout said:I don't play nearly enough to get drops. :\
Tisan said:Anyone else getting way more unlocks recently?