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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Blizzard said:
Vista 64 home premium is going to make me lose my mind. I've been back to it since the Vista 7 64 RC ran out, and I don't know if my video card is breaking or what, but it feels like things are just getting worse. FPS in TF2 (singlecore rendering) drops to 30-40 fps at times, especially on 32 player servers outside. This is in 1280x800 windowed mode. Every time a corner steam popup thing slides up, it makes the graphics slow. Even diagonal strafing with a locked max framerate of 75 fps seems to be slightly jerky. It just feels like I can't figure out any way to play smoothly. I turned off superfetch finally, and at least I haven't noticed constant disk grinding since then like it was doing previously. :(

My 4850 has been going higher than normal temperatures too, by a good ibt.

I've pretty much never had spyware/viruses on my home computers, but I guess I'll run some virus and spybot scans just in case.

I had the same problems before I moved from Vista to 7. Something just went terribly wrong between my 4890 and Vista 64 (maybe around October I started to notice it); I don't think it could run AA anymore or something like. I was struggling to keep 60fps in portal with even 4x aa on. I switched to 7 and I could crank things up to 8 without hardly the slightest dip in frame rate.

I really had no clue what was going on. I could never pin it down, and I quit looking once I hopped on 7. I really thought my graphics card had broken somehow.


Botolf said:
The Hat submission thing is still open isn't it? Only catch is you have to haz modelling and texturing skills.

What hats would each get? I could see Mac users getting a beret. What would PC get, though?

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I'll definitely be around 8-9 and looking for you guys!

Need to vent a bit after quitting that cold-calling job...

Java - I don't think my card is overheating as I play other intensive stuff and it's fine. Someone told me it could be a packet issue...but why the extreme crash then?


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
I'll definitely be around 8-9 and looking for you guys!

Need to vent a bit after quitting that cold-calling job...

Java - I don't think my card is overheating as I play other intensive stuff and it's fine. Someone told me it could be a packet issue...but why the extreme crash then?

Team Fortress 2 locks up my fairly new rig once in a while mid-game. It's not a heating issue for me either, nor do I experience issues with other titles. I probably need to defrag and verify the cache more often though. It's been having trouble connecting to Steam on occasion too. :/


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Kuro Madoushi said:
I'll definitely be around 8-9 and looking for you guys!

Need to vent a bit after quitting that cold-calling job...

Java - I don't think my card is overheating as I play other intensive stuff and it's fine. Someone told me it could be a packet issue...but why the extreme crash then?
Yikes, that sounds kind of rough. Hope things are okay.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah Jangaroo, it was pretty rough. Felt awful doing it. :(

GG tonight even though I lost a lot :p Takes awhile getting used to playing with you guys and the CP maps which I rarely go on like Turbine...

Gaffers!! You need to add me!!!! I'll be back tomorrow night!


Will QA for food.
Twig said:
Man how come people always bitch and moan about the maps on the server.

Shut the fuck up, you idiots.

Twig said:
I only call for RTV when the map sucks. Solution: remove sucky maps from the server! Dustbowl, 2fort, Badwater. BEGONE.

As for slaying and noclipping, I would do neither if the server was actually populated unless I knew no one would care.

But I don't actually want admin. Too much responsibility. BEGONE.

orly :lol


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
JoeFu said:
My efforts in jarating you as a heavy and than meleeing you went poorly. Your tiny head was a wonderful melon target though :D


Jangaroo said:
My efforts in jarating you as a heavy and than meleeing you went poorly. Your tiny head was a wonderful melon target though :D

I need to find a mod that will automatically spawn bear traps under snipers. That and cause the sniper rifle to shoot backwards.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Man...first game I've played in awhile where the spies disguised as fatties! It was also pretty funny on Gravelpit when Jangaroo was running up to point C and I was just randomly shooting everyone. I was juuuuuuuuust about to stop firing when he died in front of me....whew...

Also don't remember if it was Mario or Potatoe last night. We both jump out of the opposite sides of a door with our miniguns spinning, hesitate before we see it's not a spy, stop spinning at the same time, and then run off without firing. It was like I was watching myself in a mirror. :lol


Had a good time last night. I was Bugen. I mostly played as a horrible spy, but had a few good rounds as a medic.

It's nice to play in a server where everyone seems to be having a pretty good time.


Sasquatch said:
Had a good time last night. I was Bugen. I mostly played as a horrible spy, but had a few good rounds as a medic.

It's nice to play in a server where everyone seems to be having a pretty good time.

You're welcome anytime Bugen. I'll have to add a link here to the steam group so you guys who want to can join in when we get a game going. It's SO much easier sending out an event invite than clicking on each name to individually invite.

IIRC the server is in Atlanta, but I'll confirm that tonight.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Also don't remember if it was Mario or Potatoe last night. We both jump out of the opposite sides of a door with our miniguns spinning, hesitate before we see it's not a spy, stop spinning at the same time, and then run off without firing. It was like I was watching myself in a mirror. :lol

That was me :(


Lots of heavy funtime last night. :3

Man I wish you people didn't have work 'n' shit. It's finals week so I have even more free time than usual during the day and I wanna play. ):


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Man...first game I've played in awhile where the spies disguised as fatties! It was also pretty funny on Gravelpit when Jangaroo was running up to point C and I was just randomly shooting everyone. I was juuuuuuuuust about to stop firing when he died in front of me....whew...

Also don't remember if it was Mario or Potatoe last night. We both jump out of the opposite sides of a door with our miniguns spinning, hesitate before we see it's not a spy, stop spinning at the same time, and then run off without firing. It was like I was watching myself in a mirror. :lol
I thought you heard me cloaking while I was near Point C so I was going to try and rambo you. I should've stayed disguised a little longer haha.
Javaman said:
I need to find a mod that will automatically spawn bear traps under snipers. That and cause the sniper rifle to shoot backwards.
The horror...


SalsaShark said:
fuck ping with great distance across countrys and the fact that i cant play with you guys :( buaaah
I partially feel your pain. I recently switched to a provider that runs entirely on 4G or some technology derivative thereof. My high ping is caused mostly by the delay in data between their hub and my modem here, since there are no wired connections. The download speeds are a good bit faster than my old provider, it's just that big bounce of data.

But I set delay times for a living. 75-125ms is still not egregious - I use these times for guitar dupes all the time, actually. Ya can't hit that, ya suck. :lol

I play medic out of specialty and necessity. You should almost never have a team with 10 or more players without at least one medic and one engie, depending on the map. But... In the real world... People don't like playing medic all that much. They'd rather be spies, snipers, or some other fringe class that they're comfortable with. Then they complain that there are no medics. Hello? Then get off your ass and play medic or shut the fuck up. The game is easy to learn, hard to master. You can pick almost any class and not out and out suck.

When there aren't any of these Entitlement Generation™ hijinks, though, things run smoothly. Er.. If the teams aren't stacked...


Yasae said:
I partially feel your pain. I recently switched to a provider that runs entirely on 4G or some technology derivative thereof. My high ping is caused mostly by the delay in data between their hub and my modem here, since there are no wired connections. The download speeds are a good bit faster than my old provider, it's just that big bounce of data.

But I set delay times for a living. 75-125ms is still not egregious - I use these times for guitar dupes all the time, actually. Ya can't hit that, ya suck. :lol

I play medic out of specialty and necessity. You should almost never have a team with 10 or more players without at least one medic and one engie, depending on the map. But... In the real world... People don't like playing medic all that much. They'd rather be spies, snipers, or some other fringe class that they're comfortable with. Then they complain that there are no medics. Hello? Then get off your ass and play medic or shut the fuck up. The game is easy to learn, hard to master. You can pick almost any class and not out and out suck.

When there aren't any of these Entitlement Generation™ hijinks, though, things run smoothly. Er.. If the teams aren't stacked...

I'm surprised that more people don't play medic. It's super easy to land at the top of the scoreboard if their E-peen needs it.


Javaman said:
I'm surprised that more people don't play medic. It's super easy to land at the top of the scoreboard if their E-peen needs it.
Amen. The Kritzkrieg never hurt anybody! Except when it did... Hello crit demo spam. I've seen an entire team killed in one shot. The gibs are epic.


Won said:
The average TF2 player is just not good enough to deserve my awesome medical treatment.
You surgeons are all the same. "They're not good enough for this heart," etc.

TF2 needs more general practitioners and fewer god complexes.



I have not used cocaine
Yasae said:
You surgeons are all the same. "They're not good enough for this heart," etc.

TF2 needs more general practitioners and fewer god complexes.

Hey i'll heal the shit out of anyone so long as they stop pulling out the Equalizer and know what to do when ubered.


Sucks when you're a medic and your team is comprised of scouts, spies, snipers, and/or soldiers(I'm stricter on ubering these guys). Lonely lonely medic, lol.


Squash said:
Sucks when you're a medic and your team is comprised of scouts, spies, snipers, and/or soldiers(I'm stricter on ubering these guys). Lonely lonely medic, lol.
Squash said:
comprised of scouts, spies, snipers, and/or soldiers(I'm stricter on ubering these guys)
Squash said:
scouts, spies, snipers, and/or soldiers
Squash said:
and/or soldiers
Squash said:

jitha klgtjrsklho jtrskjhoki wejhotr

soldiers are the best class to heal silly


Squash said:
I heal everyone, thats not an issue. Ubering is.

i dont understand this. ubering a decent solly is usually as effective as with a demo or a heavy, unless in a situation where theres multiple sentries. you can kill at least one sentry, jump and kill a medic, or do alot of spam damage, and the solly can actually get out and keep you alive, where a heavy or a demo cant protect you nearly as well before or after


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Twig said:
stop saying solly arghhhhhhh I HATE ALL OF YOU

who's up for starting a game right now
I have too much work this week to play a game. I'll join you guys on the weekends though.


rar said:
i dont understand this. ubering a decent solly is usually as effective as with a demo or a heavy, unless in a situation where theres multiple sentries. you can kill at least one sentry, jump and kill a medic, or do alot of spam damage, and the solly can actually get out and keep you alive, where a heavy or a demo cant protect you nearly as well before or after

Fuck yeah! I used to hate all those goddamn heavy pocket medics that would just run around behind that big oaf while he spins his gun at enemies across the map. Soldiers get the goddamn business done with kritz and uber.

Now I play scout, and it's hard to stand still long enough for a medic D:

Twig said:
stop saying solly arghhhhhhh I HATE ALL OF YOU

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