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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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I'm downloading a hefty 300mb update.

eam Fortress 2
Added community submitted deathnotice icons for the community submitted weapons.
Changed the deathnotice text color to use black instead of white when the local player is involved.
Fixed domination/revenge messages not using team colors for the player names.
Fixed an issue where sequences with an activity weight of 0 never get selected.
Updated Koth_Nucleus:
Changed side spawn exits to prevent sniping from inside the spawn door.
Fixed graphical glitch on platform floor.
Fixed blue-colored models in RED area.
Updated Tc_Hydro:
Added respawn time advantages when a team begins to cap any point. Resets when the cap progress resets.
Fixed various nobuild and playerclip issues reported by the community.
Removed logic that reduced spawn times based on roundtime.

These are the only things in them. I can't imagine it being 300mb and just some fixes... New contribution items? ENGIE UPDAET!?!?


After crafting a random hatless scout (again) I mixed it up with an extra ten-gallon to make the Pyro's fireman hat. Now all I need is a heavy and a sniper hat to have one for each!


tagged by Blackace
MNC said:
I'm downloading a hefty 300mb update.

eam Fortress 2
Added community submitted deathnotice icons for the community submitted weapons.
Changed the deathnotice text color to use black instead of white when the local player is involved.
Fixed domination/revenge messages not using team colors for the player names.
Fixed an issue where sequences with an activity weight of 0 never get selected.
Updated Koth_Nucleus:
Changed side spawn exits to prevent sniping from inside the spawn door.
Fixed graphical glitch on platform floor.
Fixed blue-colored models in RED area.
Updated Tc_Hydro:
Added respawn time advantages when a team begins to cap any point. Resets when the cap progress resets.
Fixed various nobuild and playerclip issues reported by the community.
Removed logic that reduced spawn times based on roundtime.

These are the only things in them. I can't imagine it being 300mb and just some fixes... New contribution items? ENGIE UPDAET!?!?
HYPE IF ENGY UPDATE! My secondary class even though I suck at it. Way too much fun just watching peeps get destroyed by your creations.

And I expected something different from a sentry altogether. Maybe its laser trip and nearly instakill?


Boonoo said:
After crafting a random hatless scout (again) I mixed it up with an extra ten-gallon to make the Pyro's fireman hat. Now all I need is a heavy and a sniper hat to have one for each!
Woah woah woah... you can craft hats together to make a brand new hat? I thought that just brought back one of your old hats.


relies on auto-aim
Dechaios said:
Woah woah woah... you can craft hats together to make a brand new hat? I thought that just brought back one of your old hats.
2 random hats or 2 camera beards (haven't tried hat + beard) = new random hat.


Dechaios said:
Sweet jesus... Thanks!
Yeah. it's good to do if you have a couple bad hats or doubles. Some people keep them for trading, but I don't think trading will ever happen.

And beards and masks count as hats, so a beard and a hat works fine.


Despite the GAF server being empty and everyone hating the game, TF2 mania is alive and well, in my local grocery store!



Blizzard said:
Despite the GAF server being empty and everyone hating the game, TF2 mania is alive and well, in my local grocery store!

No it means the server isn't latching onto the update for some reason. I've restarted it 10+ times, but keep getting this message in the log...

Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.
Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.
Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.
Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.

Noone can join since they have the newer update already.

Here's what's currently on there...
Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Content' version 151
Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Materials' version 59
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4
Checking/Installing 'OB Linux Dedicated Server' version 38

I hadn't been able to find a site that shows what the current versions are supposed to be though.


Hey now

I'm incredibly drunk (as per the usual on the weekend)

and no one's on the GAF server (as per the usual on the weekend)

how sad



Orellio said:
What kind of responsible drunk is home before midnight? That's hogwash!
I would just be getting started, the night is young.
Hah. Well my DESIGNATED DRIVER wanted to be home at that time. So I had to be home, too.
Volc said:
You sad lonely drunk.
No, yeah, that's true.


Anyway seriously why was no one on the server last night. It's usually full about that time. ):

EDIT: I also just realized that last night was not the weekend. It was Thursday night. But since I don't have class on Friday it's technically the weekend? Sure.


I opened a ticket with support, hopefully they'll know something. I've disabled mani as usual before updating so that shouldn't have any effect. Hopefully I won't have to go back to a virgin server to get it updated.

Edit: It's back up. The old and new version numbers match up for some reason. Maybe it was a partial failure during an update where some files were missed but the version updated.


Twig said:
[...]EDIT: I also just realized that last night was not the weekend. It was Thursday night. But since I don't have class on Friday it's technically the weekend? Sure.
You must be really hammered. Hoo boy...


Oh yeah. Hah. I now remember Java telling me the server was broken. I apologize for harassing you Java. D:
Yasae said:
You must be really hammered. Hoo boy...
I was when I made that first post!


Yasae said:
You must be really hammered. Hoo boy...
This was from last night:

(10:32:50 PM) twig: alky
(10:32:53 PM) twig: dronk
(10:32:53 PM) twig: drunk
(10:32:54 PM) twig: ything
(10:32:56 PM) twig: rhing
(10:32:59 PM) twig: thing
(10:33:25 PM) twig: no tf2 onight
(10:33:30 PM) twig: for some reason
(10:33:34 PM) twig: every time i'm drunk
(10:33:38 PM) twig: i wanna play td2
(10:33:40 PM) twig: tf2
(10:33:44 PM) twig: explain
(10:33:45 PM) twig: assplane
(10:33:47 PM) twig: i don't
(10:33:48 PM) twig: know
(10:35:58 PM) twig: si tiy jbiq
(10:36:00 PM) twig: sirry
(10:36:04 PM) twig: do you know
(10:36:05 PM) twig: how
(10:36:09 PM) twig: ard it is
(10:36:10 PM) twig: hard
(10:36:11 PM) twig: it is
(10:36:13 PM) twig: to read this
(10:36:26 PM) twig: when the text never stops moving
(10:36:28 PM) twig: up and down
(10:36:33 PM) twig: from op to bottom
(10:36:35 PM) twig: over and over
(10:36:36 PM) twig: top​


lol twig. I only play mostly after drinking anymore.

Last week: After saving for months and even doing a moderate amount of afk-ing. I finally had enough metal to craft a hat. I'd never crafted before. It felt like winning the lottery. In fact, I was so scared to do it that I held onto the metal for weeks. The new update definitely drops a lot more stuff and I think I had 4 refined by that time. I crafted.. and BAM! I get some stupid damn pyro nerd costume. glasses/facial hair or something.



Ohhhh I am so jealous :<
I crafted and got another bunch of hats. So I smelted both of them and got the engineers cap. Only now I'm down a bunch of hats hat.
I think I'm going to change my collection ambitions from ALL the hats to just the hats I really like.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
WHAT?! You should've kept those bunches of hats...they're rarer than the regular ones. You could even go on a bad streak of getting hatless hats too!


Well I just crafted my hustler's hat with my batter's helmet and got a fancy fedora awesome :>

At my peak (last week) I had 17 hats, with only one double up. Feels kinda liberating to not collect anymore. All I really want now is the heavy's knitted hat and the scout's cap.


fallout said:
This was from last night:
He just kept talking and talking in one incredibly long unbroken sentence, moving from topic to topic so that no one would have a change to interrupt him; it was really quite hypnotic.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
You gotta put more time in...still...17 is quite a bit! I think I've put in just as much time, and I've only gotten around 10? And this is including those godawful hatless hats, which I believe I had 4 of (2 engies and 2 snipers :p)


4:01 PM - [GAF]Capndrake: These people have poor taste in maps
4:01 PM - [GAF]Capndrake: Very poor
it's true



(i find it both hilarious and sad that literally the past five times i have joined the server, it was on dustbowl to begin with)


Boonoo said:
Think how much fun Lumberyard is! It's beautiful, too.
you are the problem

you don't solve the problem of playing the Same Maps Over And Over And Over

by playing the Same Maps Over And Over And Over

you just don't get it ]:


Who needs new maps? Most new maps are shitty novelty affairs.

Besides, community maps kill the server.

I'd much rather play 5 or 6 solid maps over and over and over again than have to bother with sub par, unbalanced new things.

Although, I must say that I wouldn't mind having a simple solid rotation--who needs bullshit voting.


I'd much rather have a constant influx of new maps to try than be stuck with a limited supply. Yes, most of them suck, but not all of them do. By the way everyone on the server acts, you'd think new maps were festering piles of disease and rot.

The only reason community maps kill the server is because we can't download from the server. Which sucks, and, yeah, there's no way around that without paying extra money.

But there are still way more than the five or so stock maps that pop up every fucking night. I was shocked when we got granary immediately followed by double cross earlier. What a rare occurrence! Usually we just jump around between goldrush, badwater, dustbowl, and steel. Gorge is another that's sort of popular. Oh, and cashworks.

Variety is always, always better than monotony. If a map really, truly sucks then no one will want to play it, and we can strike it from the rotation. But, aside from the novelty maps like pac-man and donkey kong and best in class, none of the maps so far have resulted in such wild opposition. Maybe it's not your favorite map, but someone is going to like it. I don't quit every time dustbowl comes up, and I'd be happy never playing the map ever again. I think you could survive a new map every now and then.


Even on servers with nice download speed community maps still tend to break the player base.

And there are nice new maps. I really like follower and obscure and furnace.

I was being somewhat facetious with the 6 maps deal, but I don't think more than 15 would be necessary.

I think the sourceop servers have a great method of rotation. There's a standard rotation, and then whenever it's time to jump to the next map you get a vote to either skip it and move on to the next one or play the next spot in the rotation. That way you cycle through the maps pretty evenly with the option to skip something if most people don't like it.


15 is a nice number

as long as we're willing to try new maps

and, frankly, i don't give a fuck if a map kills the server, as long as it's sufficiently fun. the regulars tend to stick around, and i don't need more than that. :3


We should get some arena maps for when there's fewer people on the server.

Also, 10-15 maps is plenty for rotation. 1/3 of maps should be new maps, which we slowly filter out if they're no good. It'd still be better to have the majority being standard maps.


I'll propose 15!
New maps in bold.



Payload Race

Attack Defend
Furnace Creek

Harvest Event

Capture the Flag
Double Cross


Maybe a few more new things. Most non valve new maps I play are 5cp.
The rotation, I think, would work best if it alternated map types.


lack of ctf is distressing

just because 2fort sucks doesn't mean all ctf sucks! (mostly i just want doublecross cause it's one of the best maps period)

and yes, alternating map types is key U:


Twig said:
lack of ctf is distressing

just because 2fort sucks doesn't mean all ctf sucks! (mostly i just want doublecross cause it's one of the best maps period)

and yes, alternating map types is key U:

Yeah, forgot the ctf!
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