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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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A couple of people have complained about how 2fort and Lazytown just go on forever it seems sometimes.

The old HL1 TF 1.5/TFC servers would just change a map after X time.

Now yes the server changes maps after X time, however if you're in the middle of a round, or point capture.. it will either wait for the round to end (someone gets the flag) or someone wins that capture point before switching maps.

2fort doesn't happen much, but lazytown all the time due to the stalemat status that always ensues.


Someone just released a new CTF style map and no I am not putting it up. Its crap. More crap that Lazytown in a straight line.


Just confirmed a new known server bug. :(

As it reads the map cycle/list it only follows the list for the odd number'd maps.


It'll for 2fort, Granary, Cementpit, and then loop at 2fort again for example.
is it possible to put two iterations in then? so:


that way guarantees everything gets played?


Setec Astronomer
Icy said:
Also you won't lose points due to dying currently. You can only gain from kills, assists, defenses, flag/command point captures,etc. But no losses. :)
I got bit hard on that apparently, as before I left last night I was ranked 37, but then dropped to 50. Now it's even lower... and below people with worse k:d and noticably less total kills at that. :/
i prefer not to be penalised on deaths.

i have made many a save against an enemy capturing our point by sacrificing my life for the greater good! if i ended up getting penalised for it i dont know if i would be as willing.


Hitokage said:
I got bit hard on that apparently, as before I left last night I was ranked 37, but then dropped to 50. Now it's even lower... and below people with worse k:d and noticably less total kills at that. :/

I will be resetting the server stats on release of retail on Oct. 10 =)


I don't care that much about my stats, I just love rushing in and trying to take out a few people with me. Like that one time in lazytown, I ran in as a scout at took out just about everybody taking our 2nd cp base, that was awesome.

Dave Long

Sorry I missed all the fun this past weekend. I just wasn't around. The only gaming I did was to get a Manaphy at the local TRU Pokémon event on Saturday.

I plan to play tonight. :)


Is anyone else having trouble putting Sprays into your game?
I verified the integrity of the cache a few times now,
and it still says I'm missing some *.dll file.

I've seen very few sprays in the game, so it can't be just me.


MutFox said:
Is anyone else having trouble putting Sprays into your game?
I verified the integrity of the cache a few times now,
and it still says I'm missing some *.dll file.

I've seen very few sprays in the game, so it can't be just me.

Sprays are not quite functional. There's going to be a huge code update on Oct 10th for the client for the Beta players. Some of the balance and other issues they'be been patching are for testing for retail release to see how it goes and how the community responds to it.

Because of the sprays did work.. I would be spraying the pictures of Evilore that put him in various compromising positions so to say. ^^ :lol :lol :lol :lol


Icy said:
Sprays are not quite functional. There's going to be a huge code update on Oct 10th for the client for the Beta players. Some of the balance and other issues they'be been patching are for testing for retail release to see how it goes and how the community responds to it.

Though it is kinda weird that some people do have the ability to spray. :p


MutFox said:
Though it is kinda weird that some people do have the ability to spray. :p

Nope not at all to be honest.

Single Core Servers has no problems hosting TF2 servers. However when multi core servers get into the mix, and there's a high cpu load you get "jitters". But this only happens on the multi core Intel CPUs.

P3 servers without SSE won't run at all.

Older Radeon Cards < 2003/2002 sometimes will show a complete wireframe in game and no textures.

People running some anti spyware,etc are being flagged for cheaters by vac with the new vac in TF2.

Some people get stuck falling through maps, and others when they explode, explode of the map.

Some engineers will get a 100% recharge of health and materials instantly depending on where the SG and their DP is located for some reason.

I've had 2 times where the Red briefcase spawn where the blue should spawn and that was double instant win for blue.

Most of it should be fixed come Retail.
Icy said:
Some people get stuck falling through maps, and others when they explode, explode of the map.

Yeah I got blown outside the map on gravelpit when i did a nade jump out of the tunnel and got hit at the top of my jump by a sentry rocket. And it seems like everytime i die now I fall through the map, and I even see other people falling through the floor when I am alive and running around the maps.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Yeah I got blown outside the map on gravelpit when i did a nade jump out of the tunnel and got hit at the top of my jump by a sentry rocket. And it seems like everytime i die now I fall through the map, and I even see other people falling through the floor when I am alive and running around the maps.

Try doing an uninstall and a complete reinstall of TF2. Sometimes fixes the issues with the way things have been going.


Sprays seem kind of weird in TF2. And I can't even really explain why I feel that way. I mean, I should feel the opposite way, since stuff like CS are realistic and I don't have a problem with sprays, but TF2 is fantastical and I think it doesn't mesh with it. Maybe because the art and style is so tightly woven that sprays would break it up. I dunno, anyone else feel the same?


ctf_blitz is not going into the server. People who message about it.. so stop.

I might throw ctf_mach in.





Let me know guys. Map looks a little bland. But different.


Doytch said:
Sprays seem kind of weird in TF2. And I can't even really explain why I feel that way. I mean, I should feel the opposite way, since stuff like CS are realistic and I don't have a problem with sprays, but TF2 is fantastical and I think it doesn't mesh with it. Maybe because the art and style is so tightly woven that sprays would break it up. I dunno, anyone else feel the same?

Make a spray that fits the art direction,
or have Valve make an auto-filter that makes sprays lose colour and fit the art direction. :p

And back to the me not having a spray, since I am missing a DLL, I'll try a re-install. :p


Icy said:
ctf_blitz is not going into the server. People who message about it.. so stop.

I might throw ctf_mach in.


Let me know guys. Map looks a little bland. But different.

Yes please.

More levels the better, and 2fort is getting kinda bland.


Is there somewhere I can download that map Icy so I don't have to download it off the server?

Icy, you should put it in the rotation tonight and see how we like it I guess. Can't really tell how fun a level can be by a few screenshots.


Doytch said:
And where do you drop the map files? I gave up with Lazytown and just let it download from the server.

C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\YOURACCOUNTNAME\team fortress 2\tf\maps

I put mine in the root directory of "Games" but yours will most likely be in "Program Files"


Doytch said:
And where do you drop the map files? I gave up with Lazytown and just let it download from the server.

I put mine in

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\joefu12\team fortress 2\tf\maps

I lose :(


I need some tips on how to improve my game. I played with you guys a bit this weekend, so does anyone have any suggestions?


Akia said:
I need some tips on how to improve my game. I played with you guys a bit this weekend, so does anyone have any suggestions?

I'd just try different classes. Get the head of the class achievement and see which one is funnest for you. Of course, if you're like me, the funnest will keep changing. But really, they all have a slightly(or wildly) different play style. Telling you tips for playing Soldier would be useless for playing as Spy.


Icy said:
ctf_blitz is not going into the server. People who message about it.. so stop.

I might throw ctf_mach in.


Let me know guys. Map looks a little bland. But different.
Doesn't really look that bad. Put it up, as long as theres some effort put into the maps it will help the others from getting too repetitive.
hmmm i think the best tip i could ever give is to play as a team. for people playing the first time around i would say be a medic tag along with a soldier/heavy/demo/pyro and just run along healing them. learn how the map goes how the class you are healing moves/plays and how a medic plays....

after that just branch out a little and take some risks. if you are in doubt ask. i am sick of new people wandering off somewhere because they were afraid to ask what they should be doing! the community as a whole is a very nice community (so far... *touches wood*) so if you ask a question you are sure to get an answer!

oh another tip. if you see 4 engineers on a team please dont decide to be one as well! i am sick of teams saturated with one class! variety is the spice of life :)

also dont be afraid to change class! if you are up against a team of 5 engineers and you are sitting as a pyro you arent going to do much! get a demo/soldier/spy out and take them apart!


probably another lazytown. I got 2 maps in the works.. but I am awaiting the sdk before I show anything or do anything with it.


Actually, I just walked through mach, I guess its worth a try, but they didn't bother to scale the map for TF2 player sizes, so its ridiculously cramped; nobody can jump at all in the hallways and tunnels, and the tunnels only have enough room for one person to pass, so scout advantage is pretty much gone in most cases, classes with splash damage are going to be a danger to themselves, and classes with strong directional attacks(Heavy/Pyro) are going to be able to make a killing because nobody will be able to avoid their fire.


n0b said:
Actually, I just walked through mach, I guess its worth a try, but they didn't bother to scale the map for TF2 player sizes, so its ridiculously cramped; nobody can jump at all in the hallways and tunnels, and the tunnels only have enough room for one person to pass, so scout advantage is pretty much gone in most cases, classes with splash damage are going to be a danger to themselves, and classes with strong directional attacks(Heavy/Pyro) are going to be able to make a killing because nobody will be able to avoid their fire.

Excellent.. Hitkoage can gets his sucky ass rank up. :) :lol :lol :lol :lol


Blue Geezer said:
hmmm i think the best tip i could ever give is to play as a team. for people playing the first time around i would say be a medic tag along with a soldier/heavy/demo/pyro and just run along healing them. learn how the map goes how the class you are healing moves/plays and how a medic plays....

after that just branch out a little and take some risks. if you are in doubt ask. i am sick of new people wandering off somewhere because they were afraid to ask what they should be doing! the community as a whole is a very nice community (so far... *touches wood*) so if you ask a question you are sure to get an answer!

oh another tip. if you see 4 engineers on a team please dont decide to be one as well! i am sick of teams saturated with one class! variety is the spice of life :)

also dont be afraid to change class! if you are up against a team of 5 engineers and you are sitting as a pyro you arent going to do much! get a demo/soldier/spy out and take them apart!
Agreeance! Team play is most important in this game. You have to coordinate with your teammates, otherwise the enemy will dominate all of you.

Example: A recent session on 2fort had me as a heavy paired with a doc who kept healing me. I ran in with 2/3 ammo and because I'm a spammy bastard, I ran out halfway inside the base. I switched to fists because I had nothing else to lose. It turns out the doc could just keep healing me and I could go in fists blazing!

I managed take out most of their team, grab the intel, make my way back into our base before the enemy got me and the doc. Unfortunately, their team was way better coordinated than we were, so they held their ground until their intel timed out and returned to their base. Despite the other team mounting a successful counterattack/position hold, going in Mike Tyson style was fun as hell and shows how open-ended the game design really is.


Lhadatt said:
Agreeance! Team play is most important in this game. You have to coordinate with your teammates, otherwise the enemy will dominate all of you.

Example: A recent session on 2fort had me as a heavy paired with a doc who kept healing me. I ran in with 2/3 ammo and because I'm a spammy bastard, I ran out halfway inside the base. I switched to fists because I had nothing else to lose. It turns out the doc could just keep healing me and I could go in fists blazing!

I managed take out most of their team, grab the intel, make my way back into our base before the enemy got me and the doc. Unfortunately, their team was way better coordinated than we were, so they held their ground until their intel timed out and returned to their base. Despite the other team mounting a successful counterattack/position hold, going in Mike Tyson style was fun as hell and shows how open-ended the game design really is.
Absolutely right, teamwork is vital. Also......voice communication is extremely important. Telling each other where the intelligence is, where the sentries are, if there's a spy around, etc...
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