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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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The class limits are really way too strict. I really enjoy the diversity between teams and the limits are just going to enforce teams of mostly heavies, soldiers and medics while you restrict the counters to these classes.


1-D_FTW said:
But isn't that the point of being an engineer?

I hate people who are afraid to die as much as anyone, but what's the point of an engineer if he's not allowed to attend to his sentry? His offensive firepower is limited. In the open, he's pretty much overwhelmed by every class.

I rarely play engineer and never play them in overtime, but a limit of two is a much better solution than teleporting them out of their fortress. That's the equivalent of stripping the primary weapon from any other class.

Now if you only had two engineers to begin with, a team couldn't build all their sentries at a back CP and have everyone loiter around it while the other team attacks cause they're bored and care more about having fun than losing. A limit of two sentries would solve the real issue. No more havens for the timid.

I'm not so sure I'm a fan of any limits, but if they're gonna be there, I think engineers should be with the rest of the non-offensive specialty classes... 2.

Well basically if you're in sudden death and its you (engineer) solely alive (or with other engineers) the whole point of sudden death is to go after the point. If you're playing defense its pretty pointless.


I apologize for sucking today. Especially to Puyo. I was useless. Although, it did seem we were always fighting 3 rocket sentries. Or a medic-medic-train. Or demo-mans from hell (They definitely don't need nerfing .)

I'm changing my resolution back to 1024*768. Changed to 1280*960 yesterday and ever since I've did it, it seems like the scouts warp around on crack. I could drop the settings from high, but I'm too big a graphic whore for that. Just seems suspicious they suddenly go nuts after I did that.

Icy said:
Well basically if you're in sudden death and its you (engineer) solely alive (or with other engineers) the whole point of sudden death is to go after the point. If you're playing defense its pretty pointless.

But the engineer is a defense class. His point is to prevent the other team from capturing your CP and his weapon is the sentry.

I'v quit playing engineers and have grown to hate their sentries, but the whole theory baffles me.

I fight for the CP in OT (and die from sentries 50 percent of the time), but I'm not an engineer advocate. I think they should be limited to two. But if they're gonna be there, it seems strange to punish them for the one thing they're designed to do.

P.S. We just had some games and were getting destroyed by clusters of rocket sentries. If you're gonna class limit, class limit the engineer (2) too.
There were several times when I was playing where we needed a sentry taken out but I couldn't switch to a class I needed to get the job done. The class limit was really pissing me off.
Not only that but getting out of the spawn on Dustbowl really sucks with the limiting of the spies and demomen. When there's lines of stickies around your spawn, spies and demomen are really useful for clearing out the spamming demoman, soldiers and sentries guarding your spawn.


1-D_FTW said:
But isn't that the point of being an engineer?

I hate people who are afraid to die as much as anyone, but what's the point of an engineer if he's not allowed to attend to his sentry? His offensive firepower is limited. In the open, he's pretty much overwhelmed by every class.

You'd be surprised how effective an engineer can be on the frontline if he's willing to push back the enemies a bit instead of cowering behind his turret. The latter will usually fail against an experienced player of just about any class, while the former can keep the element of suprise going. Since the gun only handles a set angle, the engineer can "toe" the line to the left or right of the turret's view to keep whittling down the enemy. If the enemy steps a little too far around the corner to cap the annoying eng, the gun'll take him out.
An engineer can still be useful in sudden death without building a turret way back at the last capture point and camping it out. Building them forward to push the enemy back (And get a few kills), helps your team way more than that.


Setec Astronomer
Yeah, I now think it should be relaxed back to 4 of each. If teams are stacked in the first place it doesn't really matter what class they are. The sucky team still gets pounded.


Hitokage said:
Yeah, I now think it should be relaxed back to 4 of each. If teams are stacked in the first place it doesn't really matter what class they are. The sucky team still gets pounded.

Well it's not just that. We were getting pounded and desperately needed a good demo or spy to clear the turrets out.

And with the limits set the way they were, you might lock somebody skilled out. I can't play either class. But a good player could have helped us out. And if they were locked out because two scrubs were occupying the slot, you're screwed. You can't break out of your base when there's 4 rocket turrets slaughtering you from the get go. And that was our problem. The rocket turrets were there from the start and there was no effective way to break it for our team.

I was ubered as a soldier, not missing with a single shot, and still only able to get 1 out each time (doesn't help you're being blown all over the place by the competing rockets.)

It makes no sense to set the engineer class at 4 and the anti-engineer classes at 2. Make them all the same or have no limits at all.
Great games just then. It amused me when Hitokage left our team, we went from dominating to being dominated.
I didn't even realise you had moved until a rocket went slamming into my poor medic face. :/

CrookedRain said:
I really don't get why demomen are limited to 2 per team, but we can have unlimited soldiers.

I hate this. I've played a few games where almost half the team were soldiers. Really, it got kinda boring. Not a fan of the class limits (although I understand why they are in place). I played on another server where the entire opposing team rushed as spies. Yes, spies. You can imagine.
Its that kind of spotaniety that makes this game that much more omgawesome.

fallout said:
Fuck those limits. I demand a 12 v 12 medic melee!

I versed Puyo 1v1 as medics. It was amusing. I won, for the record.


Setec Astronomer


Setec Astronomer
Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I'm willing to say that while it feels good to blame it on the other player's class, it's really just a matter of them getting the upper hand... so while I still support using class limits as sanity checks so we don't have 6-7 snipers on one team, finetuning balance on class alone just doesn't work.

After all, you could be stuck with somebody who's lousy at soldier and lousy at medic, and I could be on the other team with puyo. :D

Oh, and I apologize to n0b for swapping him to the other team. I was just trying to make teams a little less stacked, but I didn't know he was already messed with a lot before.
I like to change classes depending on what the current situation is. If we're having trouble with turrets, I like to change to a demoman or spy to take care of them. If we're getting rolled over by heavies and medics and I can get some good shots at them, I might switch to a sniper. Changing from offense to defense or vice versa may also cause me to switch classes. Now half the time I can't switch to a class the team needs and if I can, I have to think twice about it because I probably won't be able to switch back. Luckily, the one class you play all the time is not limited, Hito. :lol

My biggest complaint now is the demoman limit. I've never been on a team where I felt like we lost because we had too many demomen.


Setec Astronomer
Well, never thought I'd have somebody threaten to ban me from the NeoGAF server. :lol

Crooked Rain: Oh, I'll start using other classes again, I'm just trying to remaster soldier first.
Hitokage said:
Well, never thought I'd have somebody threaten to ban me from the NeoGAF server. :lol

That was hilarious!
I've played with the guy before, the moment he begins losing he starts saying there is a fault in the game. Which, no. He just sucks.


Hitokage said:
Well, never thought I'd have somebody threaten to ban me from the NeoGAF server. :lol

Crooked Rain: Oh, I'll start using other classes again, I'm just trying to remaster soldier first.

The fuck was using a hack of some sort to get around my steam id bans. I think I got it now. He's been banned once already.


I have some questions about the GAF server

1. Do you have lots of talking? I'm a mean spy checker, but if I'm the only one talking I can't be bothered to alert people.
2. What size games do you generally play?
3. What time, (and time zone for converting) do you guys play



McBacon said:
I have some questions about the GAF server

1. Do you have lots of talking? I'm a mean spy checker, but if I'm the only one talking I can't be bothered to alert people.

Some of us use it, others do not. But they have it onto listen and will respond in text chat.

McBacon said:
2. What size games do you generally play?

What do you mean? Server limit is 24 players period.

McBacon said:
3. What time, (and time zone for converting) do you guys play

People are on it, playing all the time. But generally the evening after 6pm local time in the various US time zones is the hot time.


Last night had some really good games, I was one of the MVPs 4-5 consecutive times. :) Puyo, sorry for stabbing you in the back so many times .. getting you is like taking out 1/4 of your team ;)

About the class limits, I hope Icy moves it upto 3-4 atleast. In some maps (granary, gravelpit) the chances of 3+ sentries (in one area) are very common. You either need more than 2-3 demomen or spies to take them out. Conversely 3-4 engineers behind those sentries would be an even playing field.


Love playing as a spy lately and I'm having pretty good scores (top 3 ;)). Awesome.

I usually disguise as a scout, go cloaking, uncloak behind some rocks, and pretend I'm on their team. Just walk behind someone defending the base (snipers) et voila. Stabbed in the back.


Guys I need some help.

Apparently there was a guy on this morning causing havokg, impersonating admins,etc.

Which server? What time frame?


Xrenity said:
Love playing as a spy lately and I'm having pretty good scores (top 3 ;)). Awesome.

I usually disguise as a scout, go cloaking, uncloak behind some rocks, and pretend I'm on their team. Just walk behind someone defending the base (snipers) et voila. Stabbed in the back.
Scout is the worst possible disguise, your slowish speed gives you away. Medic is the next worst disguise, people will get suspicious when they dont see you healing anyone. Medic's healing capability is unlimited and most medics heal or overheal all the time so you'll be the odd one out.


irfan said:
Scout is the worst possible disguise, your slowish speed gives you away. Medic is the next worst disguise, people will get suspicious when they dont see you healing anyone. Medic's healing capability is unlimited and most medics heal or overheal all the time so you'll be the odd one out.

Spy Medics don't have an ubercharge percentage under their name, shoot them in the throat


Hitokage said:

Man Hito. Stop owning so hard with the soldier.

Only time I ever did almost as good as that was when I was a heavy with a good medic playing against some sucky guys on the neogaf servers. I had about 60 something kills, 12 deaths, and a bunch of capture and destructions. It was awesome.

also I see someone who posts at the OCR forums in that screenshot.


Looking for Pants
Is there anyway we can get a Points/Minute column? I'd like to see the rankings with that. I'd be more interested in seeing the REAL skill of people not how much they play.
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