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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Drkirby said:
Oh yes, I hate that reward system. I know it is supposed to be a positive feedback loop for current players, it leads to a negitve feedback loop for new ones. Can't kill any one/stay alive due to being out skilled and out-upgraded, don't get any points. Don't get any points, can't upgrade, can't get more points. The fact that you don even start with the basic support utilities is a damn joke. I have to unlock the Health Pack as a Medic in BC2? What the hell.

Wait, this is the TF2 topic.

How about them Crates!

I want there to be a way to craft keys. I don't care how hard it would be. I don't care if it would take 3 Refined Metal. Just let me craft a key god dammit Valve please!


That girl in the bunny hat
Proven said:
I want there to be a way to craft keys. I don't care how hard it would be. I don't care if it would take 3 Refined Metal. Just let me craft a key god dammit Valve please!

Or hell, 3-4 crates to make a scrap. I'd be fine with that too.
Proven said:
I want there to be a way to craft keys. I don't care how hard it would be. I don't care if it would take 3 Refined Metal. Just let me craft a key god dammit Valve please!

If you don't care about the amount, then you go on TF2TP and trade a Refined and Reclaimed minimum for a key. There's your "crafted" key unfortunately.


Kulock said:
If you don't care about the amount, then you go on TF2TP and trade a Refined and Reclaimed minimum for a key. There's your "crafted" key unfortunately.

Considering the Hat and Unusual chance, that's not so bad, honestly. I also tend to be really good at finding only one or two of the many new weapons I really want, and everything else being scrap fodder.


Javaman said:
Part of the failure is due to the idiotic reward system in bfbc2 and MW that rewards people for slaughtering the other team. It makes it much less likely for people to jump to the losing team to balance things out.
That's true. A lot of pubs will have players who grin like a pig eating shit. They're wallowing in it, but you can still see their teeth sparkle. And MAN they whine like you killed their whole family if you draw attention to their "tactics."

Either you're sitting there killing spawns or you're not. I'm not sure I even care about the results, just the attitude that any of this is fair or involves skill or takes some kind of effort. It's easy (especially if you unwillingly have cheaters on your team, which sometimes happens in BC2.)
Other than the GAF servers, can I get a few recommendations? I used to frequent the Lotus servers but recently there's been an influx of a specific clan that only play together (Pay $$ to avoid team balance) which result in games where they just continually roll the other team.

I'm looking mainly for payload servers...although anything else but Arena is good too..


Corporate Apologist
Sgt.Pepper said:
Someone is willing to trade a Dead Ringer? I've gotten like 7 Clock and Dagger, but I never get a Dead Ringer. =(

This is what I have: http://www.tf2items.com/id/LtCohenG

I was however very lucky with The Warrior's Spirit.

Edit: Send me a pm if you're interested in anything there.
Yeah, I don't know if it is a glitch, but that was an item I always had a problem getting to. Don't have a spare though.
Wolf Akela said:
Sgt. Pepper,
I tried trading with you but it said you didn't have trading privileges at the time.
Probably because I was on another computer that didn't have TF2. It's an old desktop with only Plants vs Zombies and Deus Ex.

I'm on my playing PC now.


Corporate Apologist
Post the full thing.

Updated several models with optimizations and new LODs.
Updated the default TF2 crosshairs to use the RGB and scale settings in the Options->Multiplayer dialog like custom crosshairs do.
Added a glow effect to the team intelligence entities when they’re not being carried.
Added a timer to indicate how much time is left before the gate closes in DeGroot Keep.
Added a new plate model to be used when a Heavy throws the Buffalo Steak Sandvich to heal teammates.
Added a note in the trading dialog to let you know when your trading partner is typing.
Added a new Valve map CP_5Gorge.
Fixed the Mad Milk effect not being washed off when a player goes underwater.
Fixed being able to attack teammates using pumpkin bombs and arrows fired by the Huntsman or the Crusader's Crossbow.
Fixed switching to the melee weapon instead of using the lastweapon setting after drinking Crit-a-Cola.
Fixed not seeing the critboost effect on the Scout's Shortstop.
Fixed the Sniper Rifle and SMG view models having Red skins while on the Blue team.
Fixed the Engineer PDA view models (build/destroy) having Red skins while on the Blue team.
Fixed the mini-sentry HUD not playing the alert sound when the sentry is sapped or low on ammo.
Updated the community map CP_Yukon.
Central CP moved up to bridge.
Bridge widened.
Several sticky exploits patched.
Flat bridge added onto CP1's pipes.


i'm having my moment. i came in here, like the prophet jesus, telling you of great things to come, but you guys ignored me, hated me and opposed everything i stood for.
Chinner said:
i'm having my moment. i came in here, like the prophet jesus, telling you of great things to come, but you guys ignored me, hated me and opposed everything i stood for.
Well, Jesus was impaled. Don't you remember?
Nabs said:
nice updates. i want to try the 5cp version of gorge
SomethingAwful says they gave us the crappy, halfway-through-beta version as opposed to the "final" beta version, hahah. Still interested in trying it, though.
Not every item got LODS, though

Actually, only the following got LODS

Direct Hit
Frontier Justice
Iron Curtain

no hat got LODS

Now don't just shrug the update off because of that. The Ambassador, Hunstman and Direct Hit all had high poly counts than the character they went to! That means rendering an Ambassador on the screen was like having an extra Spy standing dead in front of you. Most users should see huge FPS boosts, even from this somewhat minor LOD update.

The Classless update hats needs LODS next. The Camera Beard is only a hair shy of the entire Spy's polycount.


balladofwindfishes said:
The Camera Beard is only a hair shy of the entire Spy's polycount.
I'm glad someone got it :p

Anyway, the next LODS need to be for all Valve made hats. Camera Beard, Towering Pillar Ambassador Spy used the be the same as rendering 4 spies. Now it's the same as rendering 3 and a half spies.

Let's get that down to 1 and a half spies and then it'll be perfect.

They also increased the Polycount of the Soldier's main LOD, and dramatically lowered the Polycount of all of the Soldier's LOD.


Higher and more stable frame rate on my end. Makes playing Scout that much more fun when you're not guessing where you're shooting. I beat my personal kill record as Scout thanks to the update.
cooljeanius said:
So the latest update seems to have killed my mic (at least on the GAF server). It's also now saying I have 0 out of 0 achievements...
It does that every update to me. But you still the achievements in your steam profile.

Yeef said:
Higher and more stable frame rate on my end. Makes playing Scout that much more fun when you're not guessing where you're shooting. I beat my personal kill record as Scout thanks to the update.
Be grateful! :p

I had to quit, my ping was reaching 200.
Ghastlier Gibus, Halo, Tyrant's Helm, German Gonzilla and Prancer's Pride were also given LODS apparently.

So there are a few hats that have LODS. Looks like Valve picked 2 common hats, 2 hats that have ridiculous Polycounts and the Prancer's Pride just randomly.


dragonlife29 said:
What are LODS?

Level of Detail.

Wikipedia said:
In computer graphics, accounting for level of detail involves decreasing the complexity of a 3D object representation as it moves away from the viewer or according other metrics such as object importance, eye-space speed or position. Level of detail techniques increases the efficiency of rendering by decreasing the workload on graphics pipeline stages, usually vertex transformations. The reduced visual quality of the model is often unnoticed because of the small effect on object appearance when distant or moving fast.


Here's the Direct Hit LOD, for example:


In other news, I feel like Valve has increased the hat drop rate. I've gotten a total of 5 hat drops in all my time playing TF2 and three of them have been in the last 3 weeks.
lol Valve

so they fixed the ancient glitch of the Scot Res dropping the Sticky Launcher while on RED team

...but they didn't fix the Sticky Launcher/Jumper dropping the Scot Res while on BLU team

How can they mess that up, they probably use the same coding!


Yeef said:
In other news, I feel like Valve has increased the hat drop rate. I've gotten a total of 5 hat drops in all my time playing TF2 and three of them have been in the last 3 weeks.

I've only had one hat drop ever. Your story sickens me.

But do you guys often get paint drops? I've also only had one.


Forkball said:
I've only had one hat drop ever. Your story sickens me.

But do you guys often get paint drops? I've also only had one.
I have one or two level 9 crates which have nothing but hats and paint. If you wanted to give me metals or something, you can have one, but you'd need a key.
I like standing on the threshold of a terrain LOD and then walking back and forth across it to watch it pop in and out. And also for characters when they hold still.


cooljeanius said:
I like standing on the threshold of a terrain LOD and then walking back and forth across it to watch it pop in and out. And also for characters when they hold still.
There's a lamp on the right side of blu spawn at dustbowl 1 where you can do this and it's really obvious and annoying.


balladofwindfishes said:
lol Valve

so they fixed the ancient glitch of the Scot Res dropping the Sticky Launcher while on RED team

...but they didn't fix the Sticky Launcher/Jumper dropping the Scot Res while on BLU team

How can they mess that up, they probably use the same coding!

Can you explain this further? I cannot comprehend what you're trying to say here. What is the glitch?


Corporate Apologist
desh said:
Can you explain this further? I cannot comprehend what you're trying to say here. What is the glitch?
For a long time now, when a Demoman died that had the Scottish Resistance, he would instead drop a Sticky Launcher (Similar to how a killed scout with a Crit a Cola will instead have a Bonk Drink in hand)

Valve slipped a fix into this patch, but it only works for the Red Demoman, for the Blu one he still drops a Sticky Launcher despite having a Scottish Resistance. Its not a big deal, but its a bit annoying.

And that reminds me, I wish Valve would update the gibs, they are low res and don't even correctly reflect the character models.


isnt it the other way around? when a demoman with a sticklauncher dies he drops a sr?

but i hope the lod updates roll out, i think i can already tell a fps difference and if they keep it up i can turn AA on again!

A demoman on RED team, no matter what sticky launcher he had equipped would always drop the defualt sticky launcher when he died.

A demoman on BLU team, no matter what sticky launcher he had equipped would always drop the scottish resistance when he died.

A demoman on RED team drops the correct weapon

A demoman on BLU team, no matter what sticky launcher he had equipped would always drop the scottish resistance when he died.
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