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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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tagged by Blackace
dragonlife29 said:
Man, I haven't gotten many item drops, what the heck. It's been two weeks and I've only gotten maybe three items in that time frame.
Have you played a total of 3 hours over the 2 weeks?


I've been getting lots of crashes tonight. Pretty much once per half hour and it always happens when I'm spectating someone. It's rather annoying.
Yeef said:
I don't think voting is the problem. I think we need to both remove some of the default maps from the rotation and add some of the more popular custom maps (like cashworks, for instance).

[Edit]If anyone has any maps they'd like to see on the server post them here or shoot me a PM. I'll see what can be done.
Here's a list of ones I can remember liking:
koth_garbage day
I think I'm starting to get a hang of the Sniper. I sucked so much with it that I even frequently failed to headshot Heavies (I panic!). Now I just headshotted 3 Scouts in the last three rounds!

I looooove Sniper Rifle/Jarate/Bushwacka.

I can't believe I literally just noticed just how awesomely lazy Valve was with the Shortstop.
Here I was thinking "wow, Valve put a lot of effort into making a great looking weapon have unique animations"

But I used it side by side with the FAN yesterday and noticed...
Valve just re-positioned the FAN's reload animation :(

Sensing the worst, I observed the world reload. Someone used the Pistol and SS together, and I watched the two reload animations side by side.
For the SS, they just turned the gun at a different angle and used the Pistol's reload...

But I still love the gun, and I kind of respect Valve for being SO lazy with everything they do.

Makes me wonder what kind of other ridiculous lazyness Valve used and I never noticed. It also makes me a little angry that Valve couldn't be bothered to re-position the GLer reload animation so it fit the Loch-N-Load.

Just got a Heavy Duty Rag for a Madame Dixie. The guy was collecting Madame Dixie in every color, so he needed them and was willing to trade any hat in his backpack for a Madame Dixie.


TF2 is this week's community spotlight. TF2 has a dedicated fanbase here on GAF, but not one that gets a lot of new visitors. I suggest you use this time wisely: explain again why TF2 is awesome, and try to get new players involved.

For those who enjoy this game, this thread will always be available on the Community forums.


That girl in the bunny hat
Opiate said:
TF2 is this week's community spotlight. TF2 has a dedicated fanbase here on GAF, but not one that gets a lot of new visitors. I suggest you use this time wisely: explain again why TF2 is awesome, and try to get new players involved.

For those who enjoy this game, this thread will always be available on the Community forums.

Here's why I say TF2 is awesome: no matter your FPS play style, there's a class and loadout combo for you. Want to spray and pray with explosives? Want to rush around in Medieval-style melee combat? Want to bait opponents into your defensive traps? Want to explore the architecture, hiding and striking from unexpected angles? You can do all of that, and that's just Demoman.
Well here's the recommendation I posted for it on Steam:
myself (egallager) said:
Brings chillness and humor into the world of online shooters. Even if you're not very good, it's still a lot of fun. There's just so many different ridiculous situations you can get in. And the community is welcoming for the most part, too.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I was trying to explain TF2 to a friend yesterday. He was like "Team based, so you need teamwork to win?" and I was like "not exactly, a lot of people just randomly solo. But a team working together always wins against one that doesn't"

That's why TF2 is awesome. Random fun if you want it, beautiful team-based victory if you want it.
Don't give up. You may be overwhelmed especially if you're playing for the first time these days but once you get the hang of a few classes it's going to be one of the best FPS games you've ever played.

Opinion: And I personally would stay away from a lot of the official maps. I only really like Gravel Pit and Dustbowl from the original release.

And skip the console versions entirely.


also, people who have consoles and do not have a good enough PC to run this game, do not be afraid of playing the console version. While it's an inferior version then the PC version, It's still a very good game regardless of system. The core gameplay is very much the same, and although hackers, glitchers, and griefers are present, it's still a good game to play.

If you have a pc capable of running this game go ahead and play it, it's the best multiplayer FPS of this generation. If you don't though, don't be afraid to play it on consoles, it still is loads of fun


Corporate Apologist
VGChampion said:
Don't give up. You may be overwhelmed especially if you're playing for the first time these days but once you get the hang of a few classes it's going to be one of the best FPS games you've ever played.

Opinion: And I personally would stay away from a lot of the official maps. I only really like Gravel Pit and Dustbowl from the original release.

And skip the console versions entirely.
To be honest, I found TF2 one of the least underwhelming FPS. Sure, there is a ton of stuff that can happen, but most is relayed to the player very well via visual cues. Very rarely will you just suddenly die without knowing why, and even then the game will pan over to the guy who just killed you and try to give you an idea why. "The pyro you just passed was a spy, he backstabed you", "There was a snipper on the roof over there", "Yeah, the Demoman just laid a bunch of sticky bombs down and blew you up"


erotic butter maelstrom
Jarate said:
also, people who have consoles and do not have a good enough PC to run this game, do not be afraid of playing the console version. While it's an inferior version then the PC version, It's still a very good game regardless of system. The core gameplay is very much the same, and although hackers, glitchers, and griefers are present, it's still a good game to play.

I had a good time with it on the 360, but the lack of updates (the big one never came out) killed it's potential as a long term game for me.

On a more positive note, I now own the Steam version and it'll be one of the first games I play when I get my PC soon. I'm pretty excited about that and hopefully I can get in on some GAF games and totally screw everything up for my team.
Yay! I finally got Team Spirit paint!

Now I'm rockin' a team colored Sarg's Drill Hat and feeling fine about it :D

I traded Coup D'Isaster and Black Paint for it, which were two things I didn't really need/want anyway.

I'm still going back and forth on if I want to paint my Foster's Facade brown or not. Painting it brown would make it look dirty and worn, which would be cool, but I just don't know. Australium Gold would make it match the rest of the Pyro's colors, or I could go on another adventure into the bowels of a trading server and try to find another Team Spirit.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Jarate said:
also, people who have consoles and do not have a good enough PC to run this game, do not be afraid of playing the console version. While it's an inferior version then the PC version, It's still a very good game regardless of system. The core gameplay is very much the same, and although hackers, glitchers, and griefers are present, it's still a good game to play.

If you have a pc capable of running this game go ahead and play it, it's the best multiplayer FPS of this generation. If you don't though, don't be afraid to play it on consoles, it still is loads of fun


Say "sup" and "LOL PC." Along with the "class update"s that unbalance the game.

Original launch TF2 was the best. It's why the 360 version is probably the best version for casual competitive play. It's too bad hackers and glitchers have to ruin that version and people on PC want the class updates. *siiigh*
I'll see your Demopan and raise you a Fedora, Noir, Foster's Facade, Duty Rag, Medic Mirror, Tyrolean, Merryweather, Brigade Helm, Raincatcher, 2 different great Bonnets, Medic mask, Ze Goggles and 95% of the other, perfectly fine hats and weapons in the game.
TheSeks said:
Say "sup" and "LOL PC." Along with the "class update"s that unbalance the game.

Original launch TF2 was the best. It's why the 360 version is probably the best version for casual competitive play. It's too bad hackers and glitchers have to ruin that version and people on PC want the class updates. *siiigh*

As someone who started playing this game on console and put in 30 hours...I'm just gonna say...


Updates have kept this game relevant and fun. Without updates, on top of the weapons as well as the fixes to spy and engineer, you don't have Payload, Payload race, Arena, and KOTH game modes. Not to mention certain classes like spy, scout, and sniper being way more effective on PC side as opposed to console...


If you have a PC, there's no reason why you shouldn't own this game. You don't need to have a powerful PC to run this game, and they even just recently updated it so it can run better on lower settings. Here's a rundown on why you should play this game:

Something for everyone: The game has nine distinct classes that suit very different play styles. The Scout are for twitch gamers who rely on speed and accuracy. The Soldier is for the gamer that always goes straight for the rocket launcher after a respawn in other FPS games. The Pyro is for people who want to damage a lot of people really quickly and generally piss off everyone. The Demoman is for people who like explosions, indirect combat, and ruining people's dreams. The Heavy is for those who like to tank and soak up damage while killing everything you see. The Engineer is for people who really want to change the dynamics of the map by placing teleporters to move your team up, dispensers to keep them alive, and powerful sentry guns to make sure the other team isn't kept alive. The Medic is for the guy that would rather support the team that rush the front lines. The Sniper is for... well, the guy who wants to be a sniper. And finally the Spy is for those who like to play mind games and target key players or Engineer nests on the other team. It might take a while before you figure out which one you like best, but ultimately you'll find something in every class that you like and switch out depending on the situation.

Rewarding teamwork and solo play: The game is called Team Fortress for a reason. Since the game is objective based and not deathmatch (except for Arena mode), everyone has to pull their weight in order to get things done. Engineers build up sentries and dispensers to make a part of the map a veritable DMZ while Pyros spray flames near them to make sure Spies don't bring it all down in seconds. Meanwhile on the other team, Demoman hold back, waiting for Medics to Ubercharge them (thus making them invulnerable for a few seconds) so they can rush in and lay down explosives to ruin that Engineer's fortress. But oh noez, the Medic just got backstabbed by a Spy who you thought was a Soldier. The team works together as individuals but also as a unit. That means you can more or less do your own thing, but there are times where the team has to focus on a specific task in order to win the map. While running around and randomly killing people is fun, nothing is better than a well-timed and orchestrated attack that wins you round.

New content is constantly added: The game originally launched with six maps and few modes. Now, there are almost 40 official maps, tons of custom maps, new game modes (including the incredibly fun Payload), new weapons for all the classes, tweaks to improve balance etc. And all of this stuff is free. I'm hard-pressed to find any other game that gave out so much new and important content for absolutely nothing.

Great community: One of the most intimidating things about online games for many people is the community. A lot of people are afraid that if they mess up, they will be cursed to high hell and kicked from servers when they're trying to learn the game. TF2 isn't like that at all. Most players you come across are very friendly and accommodating, and people don't put up with the Xbox Live trash-talking bullshit. It's a very laid back atmosphere, I think probably because of the game's cartoonish aesthetic and sense of humor.


So in short, if you're looking for a fun, unique, online FPS with an active community and dynamic gameplay, you should definitely check out TF2 and play on the GAF server ( It's $20 on Steam, but you can buy it on shelves for $10 and activate it via Steam.


Corporate Apologist
TheSeks said:

Say "sup" and "LOL PC." Along with the "class update"s that unbalance the game.

Original launch TF2 was the best. It's why the 360 version is probably the best version for casual competitive play. It's too bad hackers and glitchers have to ruin that version and people on PC want the class updates. *siiigh*[/QUOTE]
The console version is missing the biggest benefit the PC version has to it, having more then 6 maps. Plus, the Console version has its 16 man caps, making it so it never has proper balance, since you can not even one of every class on a team at one time. The game was made to be played with 24 players, not 12, not 16, not 32, 24.

Also, while the community may be a bit to obsessed with hats, they are a great addition to the game, as they allow you to distinguish between two players of the same class, which is really great when you play with the same group, and still pretty good when you just do random.


To all the people who haven't played TF2 yet but are curious: the main thing that sets TF2 apart from other FPS is the humor and the aesthetics. The game doesn't take itself very seriously at all and, because of that, the community tends to be a lot more relaxed. There's tons of flavor and character to the different classes and the banter between them during gameplay can be pretty amusing. Watch the Meet the Team videos for a good example of the kind of silliness you can expect. Meet the Spy is especially amusing, but they're all great.

The other thing that separates TF2 from most other FPS games is that it's not a twitch shooter. By that I mean: no matter where you hit someone, whether it be in the toe or the head, it'll do the same damage. The only exceptions are the sniper class and one weapon for the spy, but even then, both are designed in such a way that they can't be spammed.

If you're looking for a server to play on, the [unofficial] GAF server is at tf2.langui.sh or if you prefer the IP address. The server is empty during most of the day, but tends to fill up quickly when it gets going (usually sometime between 9~11PM EST). As long as you don't act like a typical 'xbox live' style douchebag all are welcome. If you have a mic don't be afraid to use it. It's a fairly casual server and most of us are pretty friendly. So don't be afraid to ask questions if there's something you don't understand.

TheSeks said:

Say "sup" and "LOL PC." Along with the "class update"s that unbalance the game.

Original launch TF2 was the best. It's why the 360 version is probably the best version for casual competitive play. It's too bad hackers and glitchers have to ruin that version and people on PC want the class updates. *siiigh*
You're off-base on this one Sekoku. The class updates didn't unbalance things much if at all. At launch things were a bit unbalanced (especially the demo man), with few exceptions things are fairly balanced right now. But even beyond that, the PC versions allow server mods and there are a number of servers that run "vanilla" mods (and others that run completely crazy, barely TF2 at all TF2 mods like SourceCraft). There's no way in which the PC version isn't superior to the console ones.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I always get the feeling that people who post that image don't actually play the game much. It would be nice if Valve would add the option to disable hats/cosmetic items for people who don't want to see them.
Ikuu said:
I always get the feeling that people who post that image, don't actually play the game much. It would be nice if Valve would add the option to disable hats/cosmetic items for people who don't want to see them.

Agreed....the hats do help with differentiating people though. I know throwing a hat on for my model helped my friend who was a neophyte locate me in game and for us to stick together as a unit.


Has no PEINS
If anyone decides to give this game a shot as a result of the community spotlight but finds it a little overwhelming or intimidating, I'd be happy to answer any questions via PM or IM/Steam that you might feel dumb asking in the thread

I started playing after the Mac update when there was a crapload of post-release content to figure out so I know how confusing the game can be to a complete stranger


TheSeks said:

Say "sup" and "LOL PC." Along with the "class update"s that unbalance the game.

Original launch TF2 was the best. It's why the 360 version is probably the best version for casual competitive play. It's too bad hackers and glitchers have to ruin that version and people on PC want the class updates. *siiigh*
What I said above is worth repeating:

Botolf said:
And yet for all the hats, the class silhouettes still work as well as they always have. Further, TF2 never had a "serious" aesthetic to begin with. I can deal with an additional layer of camp and silliness, though I'd love to see the silly hats far outnumbered by real-world-inspired ones of varying eras (medieval mode could use some more steel helms, for example).

And the class updates are unbalanced? Please. If anything, the game has gotten substantially more varied and fun to play. I don't miss the times of unrelenting sticky and fire spam.


Prodigal Son
Hi, I'm trying to build a Crusader's Crossbow and need one more reclaimed metal to make one. Anyone mind looking at my pack and seeing if there's anything you'd like?

Highly doubt it, but it's worth a try.

Ed: Also looking for an Amputator. And it turns out that I bought my Huntsman like a bitch, so using that is out of the question.

Frying Pan
Primary Slot Token
Secondary Slot Token
Vintage Sandman
The Gunboats
Ghastlier Gibus

Not sure if the 'boats and Gibus are tradeable.


I'm surprised no one mentioned this yet, The official TF2 wiki. Anyone who is interested in the game should definitely read through it. It's an invaluable resource for new players.

So I've been experimenting with Degreaser + Axetinguisher lately. It's pretty interesting, but the janky melee can sometimes bite you in the ass. I did manage to get a lot of kills with it, I'll play around with it some more.

I also tried out 5Gorge and the new Yukon. 5Gorge is sort of bland and has it's share of problems. For example, the areas after the central point are too bottlenecky. This part doesn't transition well from attack/defend to 5CP. I do have to say that Yukon is greatly improved. The middle area is less spammy and the expanded bridges are much better than the psuedo-pipe bridge that was there before.
BloodySinner said:
It's official. I can't snipe anymore. I can't even get bodyshots.

Don't worry, it's normal. You'll eventually get it back. I go through bad streaks/good streaks.

Forkball said:
So I've been experimenting with Degreaser + Axetinguisher lately. It's pretty interesting, but the janky melee can sometimes bite you in the ass. I did manage to get a lot of kills with it, I'll play around with it some more.

Yeah same here..There's a larger risk reward with it. On one hand you take down people a lot quicker at close range but on the other hand you're more likely to get kited.
Drkirby said:
Spy is the only way to actually have fun on 2fort.

Nah, it can be fun with any class, so long as you play it TDM instead of CTF.

TheSeks said:

Say "sup" and "LOL PC." Along with the "class update"s that unbalance the game.

Original launch TF2 was the best. It's why the 360 version is probably the best version for casual competitive play. It's too bad hackers and glitchers have to ruin that version and people on PC want the class updates. *siiigh*

You have fun playing Hydro and the other original maps for the umpteenth time then. I'm going to go play some payload.


Maybe I should actually play with GAF for a change. I have been in the Steam Group for months but am always playing something else when the announcements go out. Then again I one of those play a single map until it gets stale kind of guys. Think I am about done with Gravel Pit after a month long affair.

As for why anyone should play TF2, it's mainly the community you play with. I will jump in random servers where the mic spam and conversations are just as entertaining as the game. Also hats.


Prodigal Son
I went in without months of practice and got slaughtered, sounds about right. Why do I feel like I have to be good at this game to ever enjoy it? Cause I never will be.

jaundicejuice said:
You have fun playing Hydro and the other original maps for the umpteenth time then. I'm going to go play some payload.
It's not really the new maps (which have always been great) that are the problem, it's crap like the Eternal Reward and poisonous-jarate-sniper-rubbish.


Thnikkaman said:
I went in without months of practice and got slaughtered, sounds about right. Why do I feel like I have to be good at this game to ever enjoy it? Cause I never will be.
I am terribad at the game and have a blast every time I play (except when I am on a team full of people that do not try to work towards capture points or push the cart)


I just ran across the coolest guy. Uploading videos of him giving us a taste of Hat Trading For Beginners.

It all started when he called some guy out for asking too much for something. He explained that he was really into the scene. Wish I captured that :(


Prodigal Son
Ceebs said:
I am terribad at the game and have a blast every time I play (except when I am on a team full of people that do not try to work towards capture points or push the cart)
I start to despise my fellow gamer when I finish a round scoring 0-2 points. And also when I'm forced to play medic because everyone else wants to pretend to be a sniper.
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