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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Buffalo Steak + The Warrior's Spirit = Fun times.

I'm enjoying sneaking behind enemy lines and getting really fast at the central point in badlands. They never saw a Heavy coming from behind so fast.


I just played the worst 6 hours of straight playing in my 3-year-career of TF2. Played around 50 games on the SourceOP servers on their all game mode server, won about 4 in addition to getting in the bottom 5 players out of 16 on my team ALL THE TIME.

I feel like I don't know this game anymore, either that or 'pros' have taken over the game and I'm too rusty, either way I miss the days I got 3:1 KDR.
MrMister said:
I just played the worst 6 hours of straight playing in my 3-year-career of TF2. Played around 50 games on the SourceOP servers on their all game mode server, won about 4 in addition to getting in the bottom 5 players out of 16 on my team ALL THE TIME.

I feel like I don't know this game anymore, either that or 'pros' have taken over the game and I'm too rusty, either way I miss the days I got 3:1 KDR.
Sometimes it just isn't your day. Don't worry about it.
Forkball said:
Good games tonight, it's nice to see the server full again. Even if it is full with some uh... interesting people.
Yeah, that "A Dog Chasing Cars" fellow was certainly pretty weird
tonight once all those other people joined
, I don't know why Yeef didn't kick him

On a more serious note, I think that's the most girls we've had with mics on our server at once (3), at least while I've been playing on it...
BloodySinner said:
Good thing TF2 is not about KDR then.
Yeah, points are a closer representation of how much you're helping your team, but even then, you don't get points for distracting a sentry with Bonk or other stuff like that.


MrMister said:
I feel like I don't know this game anymore, either that or 'pros' have taken over the game and I'm too rusty, either way I miss the days I got 3:1 KDR.

I know the feeling, it comes and goes. Sometimes you are just trying too hard instead of letting it go. You can't force "the zone." I went through the same thing with demoman a few months back.


Steam is borked for me or something when it comes to TF2. This morning I signed on to get the Rift code to give to another GAFer, and didn't play TF2 until about 9:30 PM. Played on the GAF server for an hour or so, and then I noticed that my screenshot didn't show up in my profile and it says I was still in game. FROM TWELVE HOURS AGO. I try to restart Steam and it says "Please close Team Fortress 2 before exiting Steam." So I shut down my computer, and my playtime jumps up twelve hours even though I wasn't even in game at all. I restarted, booted up TF2 again, and it still does it. It's done this before in the past, but never this badly. I WANT MY SCREENSHOT.

The "hours played" stat is so messed up anyways. If you add up my actual playtime for TF2, it comes out to more than a hundred hours less than what's displayed in my profile. It does this for many other games to. I'll play for an hour but the "hours played" stat jumps up three hours, or I'll play for an hour and it doesn't record time at all.


Remy said:
GAF server, for those of you who still don't have it bookmarked, is tf2.langui.sh.

I forgot GAF had a new server Ill have to pop in soon.

Forkball said:
The "hours played" stat is so messed up anyways. If you add up my actual playtime for TF2, it comes out to more than a hundred hours less than what's displayed in my profile. It does this for many other games to. I'll play for an hour but the "hours played" stat jumps up three hours, or I'll play for an hour and it doesn't record time at all.

Does the same to me except my steam profile shows like 200 hours less than what Ive actually played or more. Although Id always just assumed it was because steam didnt track game time during the first year or so of TF2's release.
lionheart1337aboutayearago said:
I finally bought this game over the Steam holiday sale for 10 dollars (along with CSS for another 5), I honestly, I couldn't be happier. It is the most fun and refreshing multiplayer game I have played in a while, and the only one I have played avidly in years....I can honestly say I played this game every day humanly possible since my purchase.

*le sigh*


I was killed most often by 'Sticky Demos' last night by the way, and a damn near perfect Sniper. My most played class last night was a mix of Scout, Heavy, and Soldier.

Let's see if tonight is any better, I'll be on the GAF server if there are already people on there.
I think there's a bit of a trade issue coming to a head. It's something that's existed before, but I think it's going to force Valve to change some Steam policies soon.

Metal prices are falling, to stupid levels. A couple of weeks ago you could trade 1 Refined and 1 Reclaimed for a key. Then it became 1 Refined and 2 Reclaimed two or three weeks ago, and suddenly in the past week a lot of people are demanding 2 Refined. So the logical thing to do here (unless there's some kind of key crash, which I wouldn't be surprised by) would be to cash in your metal for keys and trade primarily in those.

Unfortunately, it's becoming a big thing now for people to buy loads of keys with stolen credit cards. And when Steam swoops in to correct the fraud, well, you're probably already aware of their clunky history with gifted products: accepting a gift makes you liable for the cost if something goes wrong on the buyer's end. In TF2's case, they're waving their fingers and pasting the "Don't trade with people you don't know" message, and in some cases rolling back inventories. For heavy traders, that can mean some huge losses, all because you accepted a "bad" key, with no way of knowing or checking whether it was legitimate or not.

The argument is of course that somebody sets up two accounts, one commits the fraud, the other accepts the gifts and gets off scott-free. That's why they don't just give the games to people who get fraudulent or charged-back gifts, because otherwise that would be an easy scheme to free content. But this is one hell of a boogeyman to be looming over your head when you trade for keys.


I think Valve needs to not worry about the TF2 economy and do some stuff that makes trading less of a focus, even if it destroys the value of some things. When they first announced trading I thought it would be a lot different (unattended) and therefore wouldn't be much of an issue, just a faster way of getting the stuff you want. With the way things are now so many people are more interested in trading and status items than actually playing the game.
This issue isn't about the economy. It's about the fact that you could be doing everything by the book, completely and legitimately through the game's interface, and end up being punished for someone else's actions with very real losses of time and value. It's not really an issue of "just avoid (x)" unless you don't trade at all, because while keys are one of the few store items that can be traded, they're not the only items.

This has already been an issue of sorts with gifted games, but those have certain limitations that restrict their damage to just the gifted party. Here a bad key could go through several trades, where do you stop rolling back? Is it fair to roll back anyone's trades because of a key they had no way of checking? (I'm sure the "They won't do it for just one" defense will pop up. What about four keys, what about eight? What's reasonable and what's "too obvious"?) Do the more valuable items get returned, or is there one less Max Head in the world? There needs to be some guarantee of safety for completed trades done within the game's interface, there's too much money going into Valve's in-game store for there not to be.


cooljeanius said:
Is there a server variable for "do not allow trading on this server"? If there isn't, Valve should start supporting one.
No, but there's a client setting that let's you choose to either only trade with friends or ignore all trading requests.

If trading was unattended and/or there were a separate trading executable that would solve a lot of the idle trading problem, I think.


Neo Member

I salute GAF-ers

Anyways, TF2 economy really messed things up. Granted, it is nice to trade with people you know to get certain weapons. For instance, trading with my brother to get one of his 7 kritzkriegs. But I agree with Yeef that Valve needs to do something that shifts the focus back to the game. I mean, look at when the engineer update came out. Granted it was annoying to have 6-8 engineers on offense, but it was refreshing

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm really not sure what Valve could have done differently with the economy. People really wanted trading, it was one of their most demanded features. How would you implement trading in a way that doesn't lead to this kind of economy? Thank god for the Mann Co. store at least, to subvert any kind of ebay black market.


If they really want to de-emphasize trading, they should make unusuals, promo items, keys, and vintage items non-tradeable. That way trading is more geared around getting weapons you need or hats you want, instead of super rare stuff that inflates the trade market and makes everyone demand ridiculous shit for basic items. The trade economy has become crazy in the past few months. When crates came out, you could trade one or two crates for a weapon straight up. Now people are asking for EIGHT crates for one weapon. You could also get pretty much any hat you wanted for two refined, but now people want six or seven refined for some of the better hats like Defiant Spartan or Killer's Kabuto.

Trading should be an afterthought, it shouldn't be the entire focus for people. I think if you disallowed trading the more rare items, people would get back to playing the actual game instead of idling and opening crates for unusuals.
Yeef said:
No, but there's a client setting that let's you choose to either only trade with friends or ignore all trading requests.

If trading was unattended and/or there were a separate trading executable that would solve a lot of the idle trading problem, I think.
I already have the client setting set to only accept requests from friends. Having a server variable for it would reduce a lot of the chatter on a server being only about trading instead of actually being about the game or other fun stuff.


Corporate Apologist
Twig said:

The problem is more with the Keys. If you could both craft and buy them, things would be a lot better IMO.

Crates should also be less common.


Drkirby said:
The problem is more with the Keys. If you could both craft and buy them, things would be a lot better IMO.

Crates should also be less common.
Actually, I just think all the unusuals look ugly, anyway.


Corporate Apologist
Well, they do, but thats anther issue. And a few look decent. though they are the ones people tend not to like. (I think Confetti is nice since you only notice it when you are close)


I really don't like any of them. At first I was amused by the plunger with the fly effect, and other similar circumstances, but it's just annoying now. I mean, I'm not one to complain about weapons feeling "out of place" - that really, truly doesn't bother me in the slightest. I just think the "unusual" effects are... ugly.


ArtistDude88 said:
Boy, it took me long enough to get my account, eh?!

So, for my first post ever on NeoGAF,

Hello TF2 friends!!! <3

Holy Shit! NO way. *Lays out the red carpet* I welcome you, may your feet always be covered in blood.


Has problems recognising girls
A GAF virgin arises from the depths.

I hopped into a trade server yesterday and someone was offering a physician mask for 4 refined. I couldn't believe it. Better off just not buying lunch one day and plopping down the money to grab it on the Mann Co. store.


I didn't realize you hadn't been approved, Artist Dude. What other TF2 Gaffers are non-GAF members? Also, your avatar is clearly grunt from Mass Effect 2.

&#9829;&#9829;&#9829;SCB&#9829;&#9829;&#9829; 4 life!
Welcome to the GAF virgin! Be not afraid!

speedpop said:
A GAF virgin arises from the depths.

I hopped into a trade server yesterday and someone was offering a physician mask for 4 refined. I couldn't believe it. Better off just not buying lunch one day and plopping down the money to grab it on the Mann Co. store.

Except you can't trade that one when you get tired of it.

Also, if that was vintage, that's also about half what it usually trades for.

Meanwhile, I can't unload a Skull because it's "dirty." People are offering hats worth two refined for one that costs 4 refined just to craft, in addition to the haunted metal.
Yeef said:
I didn't realize you hadn't been approved, Artist Dude. What other TF2 Gaffers are non-GAF members? Also, your avatar is clearly grunt from Mass Effect 2.

&#9829;&#9829;&#9829;SCB&#9829;&#9829;&#9829; 4 life!

You've never noticed me never posting before? Haha!

I've no idea what other regulars aren't registered... Toxic maybe?

My avatar is clearly your face from Mass Effect 2. :U


ArtistDude88 said:
You've never noticed me never posting before? Haha!

I've no idea what other regulars aren't registered... Toxic maybe?

My avatar is clearly your face from Mass Effect 2. :U

Congrats Artist!
I still can't believe ArtistDude didn't have a GAF account until now... I thought I had seen him around here somewhere before... Anyway, welcome to GAF, ArtistDude!
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