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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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desh said:
make the battle medic a viable class.
I don't think there's any good way to do that without annoying the people ont eh medic's team. At the very least a battle medic needs to have something very visible (much like the razorback) that let's everyone know he's a battle medic.

Since medic is primarily a support class, it makes sense that a battle medic should do best when he has a buddy with him. Let's give it a shot:

- Syringe gun doesn't work too well.
- Bluts is fine.
- Crossbow could use either a shorter cool down time or the ability to cause bleeding (maybe only on headshots). It also, definitely, needs to reload itself when you're using another weapon like the flare gun does.

- A syringe gun that lets you right click on a friendly to set him as your partner. The syringe gun would do low damage to start with, but increase its power whenever you get a kill or assist your partner when he kills.

- Medigun works pretty well with ubersaw chaining with a medic buddy.
- Kritz doesn't really work.
- Quickfix might work with a Scout or Gas Jockey Pyro buddy.

- Some kind of device that the medic can throw down that creates a field around it. It heals all friendlies in the field, but hurts enemies within the field. The effect could be scaled to how many people reside within (more people means less healing/damage per person). This would work well to buddy with any class that has knockback (Pyro, Force-a-Nature Scout, etc.). Maybe even give the medic a bonesaw with knockback. For the ubercharge the field can increase the overall heal/drain rate for 8 seconds.

To promote synergy with battle engies the field generator could be destroyed just like regular engineer buildings, but only friendly engineers could be able to repair it (not the medic himself).

- A medigun that heals at half rate, but can be used on enemies to 'underheal' them could be interesting. To help with hit and run tactics, using it could increase the medic's movement speed. Might work with a scout buddy, but doesn't really promote the buddy system that well.


- Bonesaw, ubersaw and Amputator are fine.
- Vitasaw isn't really that great, but it's clearly meant for a typical medic.

- As mentioned before, a bonesaw with knockback could be nice. Especially if it allows you to line up a nice crossbow shot.

- A melee weapon that briefly stuns the medic and his target would work great if the medic has a buddy. To make it the slightest bit more practical when you're solo, have it also heal the medic when he hits. That way it could be used as a desperation move to get your health back and then immediately flee when the stun wears off.

I'm sure there's all sorts of problems with some of that stuff since I basically just typed whatever popped into my head, but it's a fun thought experiment regardless.


Oh shit, they put i-ghost's voice stuff in the game? Sweet, it really makes the game feel more alive.

Also, those Soldier weapons/nerfs sound horrible.
corn_fest said:
Oh shit, they put i-ghost's voice stuff in the game? Sweet, it really makes the game feel more alive.
Not all of it though, sadly, like the caber taunt.

I love Heavy saying "Take THAT" and "Take THIS" every so often when he punches.
Scout says "Oh crap, why now!?" when Bonk/CaC wears off
No more delicious ham chocolate. He now uses generic "this is delicious!" and also a few specific to Dalokah's like singing some russian song.
Heavy now explains that he loves this new weapon more than Sasha when you dominate someone with a minigun that isn't Sasha
Engineer says absolutely nothing while equipped with the gunslinger. May be a bug
Soldier says "C'Mere Sweetheart" when facing a medic and calling medic xD
Sniper says "now THIS is a knife" sometimes with the Bushwacka, cool reference right there
Bats and Generic Bludgeon weapons for Scout now have their own responses. Scout will no longer say "HOME RUN!" when killing someone with the Candy Cane.
Demoman yells KABOOOOOMMMM when killing someone with the Caber.
Removed Jarate specific lines from Mad Milk
Added Jarate specific lines to most classes (for when they're covered in it)
Backstabbing an Engy while disguised as an Engy gives you "Everyone back to the base, pardner"
Spy now says "Peek-a-boo ahahahahaha" when you backstab someone every so often

Basically every class is really more vocal. Nerely every unused bit of dialog has been put to use, adding tons of new voice lines most people probably didn't even know existed.


New Sniper rifle is nice. The bonuses don't stack; it's essentially a 3 tier system.

Tier 1 - Super Slow Charge
Tier 2 - Normal Rifle
Tier 3 - Super Fast charge

Hitting buildings and ubers will still bump you up a tier. Hitting stickies and missing will bump you down a tier. Unscoped shots count as misses/hits and can knock you up or down, respectively.

Going to a resupply doesn't reset your tier. I may have been imagining things, but it looked like the tiers were carried between rounds on multi-round maps (dustbowl, in my case).

The knife is good too, though I still prefer the bushwacka.

The rocket launcher is ridiculously overpowered. Free kritz if your medic dies. Reducing the bonus to a single crit rocket would make more sense.

The shotgun is great. I was able to take out a level 2 sentry with a medic healing me using just the shotgun WITH the engineer on it (granted, it was a bot engineer, so he sucked).

For the equalizer split speed seems the way to go. Soldier is the second slowest class and the extra melee damage is pretty much worthless without the ability to get in close.

I didn't bother testing the new syringe gun. Seems like it'd be a good anti-spy weapon though.

The new dialogue is great. :D
Yeef said:
The rocket launcher is ridiculously overpowered. Free kritz if your medic dies. Reducing the bonus to a single crit rocket would make more sense.
Every time you hit someone, you lose 10 health.

Like a reverse Black Box.

It'd probably be kind of fun to use with the Battalion's Backup though.
I've been playing Heavy all day long to get those achievements already. I finally got a nice run today.



balladofwindfishes said:
Every time you hit someone, you lose 10 health.

Like a reverse Black Box.
Yeah. You can actually see a -10 float up from your health bar. If you have a pocket losing 10 health is meaningless though. And 8 seconds of crits is basically a full clip. Just like the blackbox it's on hit lose health, so if you hit 6 people (or bots, like I did) with a crocket you're still only losing 10 health. And since your medic just died chances are it's just overheal you're losing anyway.

I get the sense the weapon was designed with 6v6 in mind, so I'm curious what Kuro, Boonoo and other comp people think of it.


Will QA for food.
The sniper rifle will be pretty hilarious if they bring it over. Just a couple of hits, and you'll be full charging in two seconds.

I wish they would stop screwing with the Equalizer as well.


The new Soldier stuff is okay. The rocket launcher is a bit OP at the moment, and the shotgun seems to have limited use (I always tended to use the shotgun when I was on my own and about to die, if I had a medic I would probably just use the rocket launcher.) Personally, I feel that the speed Equalizer is more useful than the damage one. It's easier and more effective to escape to a health pack than to try to charge in with a melee weapon.

The Sniper stuff is really nice. The rifle really rewards skill, it's probably one of my favorite weapons they've introduced. The club is nice too, but it seems like a straight upgrade to the kukri (if you're fighting close-range, you probably have low health anyway).

The new needlegun is awful though. I can't think of a single situation where I'd rather have a Medic trying to give people Mad Milk than just healing them. The needlegun always seemed like an escape tool, and the new one is useless for that. Also, I don't like how random the Mad Milk effect is. At least with the Sydney Sleeper, the Sniper was the class that had Jarate in the first place, the Medic with Mad Milk just doesn't make sense. Oh, and you can coat friendlies. I'm a bit confused about the bonesaw, though, I thought that the default Bonesaw was going to get the seeing health buff to bring it in line with the Ubersaw, but they pretty much added the effect to the Ubersaw. Maybe they just put the stat on the wrong weapon?

Also, there seems to be a bug where the Spy will say the lines of a class he's disguised as. Not sure if that's new or not, though.
balladofwindfishes said:
Basically every class is really more vocal. Nerely every unused bit of dialog has been put to use, adding tons of new voice lines most people probably didn't even know existed.

It sounds great in a way, but I wonder if it's going to end up being too much. Like when they got into the habit of making every class update add lines about the payload cart moving back and forth. It was terrible because the Scout would scream things literally every time someone touched or let off of it, which made quiet flanking much harder. At least they tuned that down some from what it was like.

I always wondered why they kept including lines obviously meant for the taunts, but never used them. I guess they wanted the taunts to be silent killers, but couldn't decide for sure?

balladofwindfishes said:
Backstabbing an Engy while disguised as an Engy gives you "Everyone back to the base, pardner"

I've been waiting for that line to be used for forever.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
* Beta Rocket Launcher
* When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds

Ooooooooooooooohhh. Follow me medics, I will protect you... I swear.
Sorry Yeef. I was healing you. Then I somehow hit the left window key and popped me out of the game. Now the key has been taken out so that does not happen again. Anyway fun game tonight. Hope to get back into TF a little bit.
Is it common to crash while playing on the gaf server? Second night in a row it has happened to me and hasn't happened while playing on other servers. Maybe coincidence.


The new beta changes are interesting. Though hopefully if they implement them into the real game, they are new items and not changes to the existing items. I can't imagine them replacing the current sniper with the charge buff/debuff, that would piss a lot of people off and it would make it hard for new players to learn the class. The medic/soldier stuff is a bit weird though, you'd think those type of attributes would be given to a heavy since medics and heavies are BFF.

I had a lot of fun with the FaN and Sandman tonight. I'll get those achievements!


MentallyCritical said:
cripple ball!
That's the second time someone told me I had no feet. A lot of hats have been glitched since the Hatless update so my MNC shoes are causing it.

Yeef said:
I had a lot of fun with falling into infinity!

The Amazing Screw-on Head!
I don't know what the hell happened there. I was trying to get up top, but I missed the jump and got stuck. The FaN wouldn't boost me out and I couldn't jump. Thankfully Speculawyer came to save/kill me.

And the Pyro head sometimes goes away for some reason, it's somewhat common. I remember it annoyed me when I played Sniper and saw it.


burgomeister said:
Is it common to crash while playing on the gaf server? Second night in a row it has happened to me and hasn't happened while playing on other servers. Maybe coincidence.

I think it's just common to crash playing TF2... it's like the worst, ever.

Anyway, nothing like losing 15 matches in a row, I did have fun stabbing Mario though

fake edit: maybe this is the wrong forum?


relies on auto-aim
So when I played spy on that pl map again I decided to record a demo as soon as the game started.

Then I got 11 stabs. Woo!
I'll export it and see if Valve has gotten any better at exporting demos.

Some interesting weapon ideas in the TF2 Beta. I like the sound of that shotgun.

Also, upon launching Borderlands yesterday, I noticed Steam re-downloaded my Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club key. What does it mean?!


Corporate Apologist
Those are some odd items, and it makes the Equalizer much harder to use with them.

If I had to take on split Equalizer, I would take the speed boost one.

Someone pointed out at the moment that the medic could just use the console kill command to give a Solder Critical Hits for 8 seconds, it is a very amusing strategy.

Edit: Heh, the Mad Milk Gun works on team mates. So more or less the only thing the weapon is good at is screwing over your own team.

Also, it is odd the Beta Bonesaw just uses the bonesaw model, when it is clearly an ubersaw.


The Mad Milk gun only lasts for one second? That feels too short. I'd assume then that it was primarily a run away tool: Similar to the Blutsauger, but doesn't decrease your health regen, and gives an incentive for a teammate to explosive jump to save you while you're screaming for help.

Or, kinda like the crit boost rocket launcher, gives your teammates some extra help even if you get disconnected and will die before they reach you.

Hmm, it's interesting though that they're starting to play with abilities that will primarily be activated either when a person dies, or right before they would probably die.

Also, I would like a Banner that gave everyone either the damage or speed Equalizer effect, with the only caveat that you and your teammates must switch to melee to actually get the bonus to work. If you go with the speed bonus, it could be something like the Regretful Retreat. If you go with the damage bonus, it'd make it a very good tool for medieval mode.
I'm getting a little better at this game but with dull techniques. Being a Heavy on the cart means you just hold the fire button down and point it at the best target. You get infinite ammo and the cart heals you. And when snipers toss pee or you get a kritzkrieg boost, your death-dealing is that much more powerful.

Frontier is a fun map, I'd like more maps with the Lil Chew Chew.
I haven't played this game in forever. I might boot it up tonight... How easy is it to find the GAF server? When are peak times where people are on?


burgomeister said:
Is it common to crash while playing on the gaf server? Second night in a row it has happened to me and hasn't happened while playing on other servers. Maybe coincidence.
I used to crash like 2-4 times a night. Seems like that has been sorted out somehow.

SteveWinwood said:
I haven't played this game in forever. I might boot it up tonight... How easy is it to find the GAF server? When are peak times where people are on?
Join the Steam Group and just wait for the announcement popups like I do.
SteveWinwood said:
I haven't played this game in forever. I might boot it up tonight... How easy is it to find the GAF server? When are peak times where people are on?

i think the 2nd post has the ip.

just press ~ then type in connect ip address


shame if you haven't memorized the ip yet. it's so simple!


when you load up tf2, open your console by hitting the ` key and type "connect tf2.langui.sh"


Corporate Apologist
So you finally got your Big Kill? And damn it, you took my idea to have the Police Badge on!

Police Badge > Camera Beard, fact


speculawyer said:
Frontier is a fun map, I'd like more maps with the Lil Chew Chew.
I hate the train. I wish there were a cvar to use the normal cart on that map.

My problem with the train is that the platform doesn't count as the cart, so even if I've standing on it, it doesn't block a capture unless I'm right up against the caboose.

Also, the fact that you can't really sticky trap the train well is annoying.


Yeef said:
I hate the train. I wish there were a cvar to use the normal cart on that map.

My problem with the train is that the platform doesn't count as the cart, so even if I've standing on it, it doesn't block a capture unless I'm right up against the caboose.

Also, the fact that you can't really sticky trap the train well is annoying.

I hate the train as well. I get stuck on it all the time


Corporate Apologist
Clydefrog said:
I hate the train as well. I get stuck on it all the time
Yeah, certain spots of the map it can be hell to get around the train.

Artist, load up the Map Maker and replace the train! Chop chop! pl_fronter_trainless.

Yeef said:
I hate the train. I wish there were a cvar to use the normal cart on that map.

My problem with the train is that the platform doesn't count as the cart, so even if I've standing on it, it doesn't block a capture unless I'm right up against the caboose.

Also, the fact that you can't really sticky trap the train well is annoying.
Those are features, not bugs. You can't stop the Lil' Chew chew by standing near it! Hell, you stand in front of it and it stops you from living.
Lotus_Clan uses the Oblivion horse instead of a cart.

I use their servers because, for whatever reason, their servers get me the best ping and always seem to have players.


balladofwindfishes said:
Lotus_Clan uses the Oblivion horse instead of a cart.

I use their servers because, for whatever reason, their servers get me the best ping and always seem to have players.
A lot of Lotus Clan servers use fake player counts. It's annoying when, in the middle of the day, you join a server that says 23/24 and when you actually connect there's only 4 other people playing.
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