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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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commissar said:
well you are wrong twig. you are wrong.

Twig said:

As of the time of posting, these servers and more are playing Steel.

Go cry more on their servers, babby.

ps lol at overreaction to people tossing around "gay" etc

Yeah I don't particularly like it but whatever, dudes. Shit happens. Far more annoying were those Naruto drawings of penises and penises.

Anyway, the secret is I actually love Steel, but I hate that we play it literally every night in lieu of other fun maps just because people like Steel more than those other fun maps. |:


Drkirby said:
So you want it to go like, Dustbowl > Some Arena mode > Goldrush > Steel > 2fort > Harvest > Badwater, ect? Or to be dynamic and go "There are 24 players on the server, now going to Upwards", "Currently only 7 people on the server, going to Harvest next", "Nob has joined the game, next map will be the single map nob hates less then other maps" :lol

It's going to need to be a static rotation. Mani mod isn't capable of doing that fancy map decision stuff. Besides I like the players to have control, not some arbitrary algorithem designed by someone with potentially wacky tastes.

Drkirby said:
Couldn't we also lower the map vote to 2 maps? Sure, you will get situations where people will go "ah, these both suck!" but still, with the 6 it is now the same set of maps always shows up on the voting.

As long as map voting is going on I'm going to keep the selections at 7. Even with that many there are still some shitty selections. More is always better.

If you guys can decide on a rotation I'll be happy to put it on. I think you'll miss the voting shortly though.


GAF Server IP:
Steam Community group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Neogaf-TF2

also twig.


Twig said:

Anyway, the secret is I actually love Steel, but I hate that we play it literally every night in lieu of other fun maps just because people like Steel more than those other fun maps. |:

Steel with it.


Also, it's set to not vote on the last 14 played maps...

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 14

Here's the entire voting module...

// *****************************************************************************
// Module 12: Voting Functionality
// Desc : There are two types of vote. System started where an admin has
//        triggered a vote or User started where a user has started a vote
//        The following cvars control the configuration of the voting
// *****************************************************************************

// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting, except votes
// started via the admin ingame menu or ma_votequestion / ma_votercon admin
// started votes)
mani_voting 1

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 14

// Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
mani_vote_extend_time 10

// Defines the whether the a map can be extended
mani_vote_allow_extend 0

// Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 30

// Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of 
// the map
mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

// Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote, 
// 0 = infinite
mani_vote_max_extends 2

// Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
mani_vote_extend_rounds 2

// Define the file to use for random map vote
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemaplist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 1

// Define the file that admin can select from for admin
// started vote.
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemaplist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 2

// Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote 
// is started
mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 5

// Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 7

// Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
// of map vote (CSS Only)
mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 0

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set rcon vote
mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set question vote
mani_vote_question_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map vote
mani_vote_map_percent_required 60

// Defines the vote percentage required to set random map vote
mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 60

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting
// 0 = quiet mode, 
// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice, 
// 2 = Show voted choice but not player, 
// 3 = show player name and their choice
mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

// Following cvar now has 2 modes of operation
// 0 = alive players will see vote menu,
// 1 = alive players will need to type vote to access the menu,
mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 0

// Allow user started votemaps
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 1

// Allow the users to extend maps if time based
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

// Allow the users to kick players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 0

// Allow the users to ban players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 0

// Defines the vote percentage required to set an extend map vote
mani_vote_extend_percent_required 60

// Percentage of votes required from players before map change
mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 60

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 1

// Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 4

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 60

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 60

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 4

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 60

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 1

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 4

// Time in minutes for the ban, 0 = permanent ban
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 30

// 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 0

// Allow rock the vote
mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

// Time before rockthevote can be started after a new map starts
mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 1

// Number of nominations included in the vote
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 4

// Number of random maps chosen from votemaplist.txt
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 6

// Percentage of players on server required to type rockthevote before 
// it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

// Minimum number of players required to type rockthevote before it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 4

// This controls the default mode a player will have their 'show vote progress'
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to 
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the vote progress functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1

Here's the current map cycle...


It needs to be much shorter.

I would prefer it to stay 2 round limit for maps, but mani is buggy and won't do a map vote if that is set server side. If we go to a static list I can turn that back on. That would avoid much of the annoyance in having to set the map time length to 0.


commissar said:

you stopped the refresh before any were found

i'm onto you
Javaman said:
I would prefer it to stay 2 round limit for maps, but mani is buggy and won't do a map vote if that is set server side. If we go to a static list I can turn that back on. That would avoid much of the annoyance in having to set the map time length to 0.
Removing voting solves that problem. Hurray!


Drkirby said:
How about this as the rotation?


Yeah, I just copied the list of maps, pasted it 5 times, got a random sequence of integers from 1 to 150, and put them in order on a spreadsheet

We just need to tweak it a bit, like make it so hoodoo doesn't play out 3 times in a row and there isn't 8 Control point games in a row. I do wish A/D had its own prefix though.

That's wayyyy too many. I'm thinking we should pick the top 10-15 maps and just go with those. Some maps are overplayed because they actually are fun. It would suck playing all night without some of those popping up.


Javaman said:
Here's the current map cycle...


It needs to be much shorter.
Just get rid of the ones we never play. When's the last time we had a game on nucleus, junction, yukon, or hydro? 2fort...I still refuse to believe people intentionally vote for it.


esc said:
Just get rid of the ones we never play. When's the last time we had a game on nucleus, junction, yukon, or hydro? 2fort...I still refuse to believe people intentionally vote for it.
Which ones would that be?

I don't think we'll ever reach a consenses for a rotation. It's good in theory, but unless one makes a set out of just 5 or 6 top maps, everyone will leave after a couple of rounds.


Corporate Apologist
Javaman said:
Which ones would that be?

I don't think we'll ever reach a consenses for a rotation. It's good in theory, but unless one makes a set out of just 5 or 6 top maps, everyone will leave after a couple of rounds.
If we just have a set of just 5 or 6 top maps, everyone will leave anyway. I think the main debate is that because the same maps keep coming up, the game is starting to get stale, since the others tend to lose and still others never get voted for. I say ether go straight up random, or have a rotation that has every map in it.

The best thing IMO is to start with a very even rotation, with every map represented equally, then tweak it every two weeks/monthly based on what people say/new maps coming out. "We want to play on x more", x gets more spots on RNG, "y shows up to much/sucks", take a spot or two away from Y.


Boonoo said:
I found 2 hats today! A bloke's bucket cap (I have one), and the safe n' sound!
I just crafted the safe n' sound. I'd like to trade it for a tyrants helm though.

edit: Actually I'm going to keep the safe n' sound it looks so awesome.


Sciz said:
That isn't, or at least shouldn't be the case. Mani is set to filter out the last 14 maps that have been played.
Well maybe this explains why hydro and badlands sometimes show up for like 5 mapvotes in a row, it feels like. :(


Is it possible to have maps on there which are admin switchable, but not in the main playlist Java?

Would be ideal to keep every map on there just in case.

you're still wrong twig :U


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, I really would like it if it was POSSIBLE to play Arena. Come on, a few matches. You know you want to hunt me down.

And why weren't we informed ahead of time there was a v3 of brickyard :/


I think part of the problem is 'admin abuse' changing to maps that we've already played and technically shouldn't be available.

Here's my overly complicated and likely unnecessary idea for a solution:
  • Have a map rotation instead of voting.
  • Keep rock the vote enabled so that if enough people WANT to vote they still can.
  • Limit the rotation list do some arbitrary number that's not too many but not too few.
  • Once a week have a 'new' map night where we play maps that are out of rotation and/or new to the server.
  • Based on feedback add/remove maps from the rotation, keeping the same total number of maps (if you add a new one you have to get rid of a different one).

Also, I concur with the arena stuff. If every 5th or 6th map were arena that would be acceptable, but too much arena is a bad thing.


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, so far I don't see the problems of no voting. Sure, some of the maps I didn't like to much, but its not the end of the world.
Javaman said:








Granary and coldfront are excellent maps! Yukon, cp_well, fastlane, badlands and freight also get a lot of playtime on the servers I frequent. They're all pretty decent with balanced teams.


I have an irrational hatred of fastlane purely based around how uninteresting the spawn is.

I guess peoples still hate CTF maps, but keep doublecross in there, as it's the one moat likely to have teams actually work for a flag.

Still, I think the server is fine as is. A little admin abuse meant we have some good matches of Egypt the other week, which people enjoyed and nobody would have voted for.

The less culling of maps the better IMO, as being able to (have an admin) change to something older or under represented now and then is pretty ideal.


Lionheart1337 said:

Someone hates push maps.

I have an irrational hatred of fastlane purely based around how uninteresting the spawn is.

Do you mean the spawn room itself or the last point? If the latter you should check out prolane; it's a revamped fastlane that's actually pretty nice. They made the last point really fun.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I cannot stand gravelpit, blah. Have to rely on teammates too much. :lol


Drkirby said:
Yeah, so far I don't see the problems of no voting. Sure, some of the maps I didn't like to much, but its not the end of the world.


RocketDarkness said:
Fastlane is a great map, so don't get rid of it or whatever.
I generally don't like 5-point maps and their lack of teleporters, but fastlane and coldfront are probably the ones I mind least.

I also agree that if any CTF maps are included, doublecross is probably the best. I like the event version of harvest, even if it's ultra dark, just because I like pumpkins and the ghostest with the mostest.

Lastly, if we keep stalemate-tower, at least we could include pipeline too. It's the best map to play THE FINAL COUNTDOWWWWWWN on, on the final map!


I just played hightower for the first time. What a dumb map.

Blizzard, you should try and find a cp_gullywash match. I think you'd like it.


Boonoo said:
I just played hightower for the first time. What a dumb map.

Blizzard, you should try and find a cp_gullywash match. I think you'd like it.
You must not play on the GAF server much. I think a couple of weeks ago, we honestly had a couple of hightower matches that ran for 45+ minutes. Even after Valve tweaked the map it seems to either be a steamroll or an eternal sentry/pyro/demo/heavy nest on the two hills. :lol


fallengorn said:

C'mon.... add it!

Will do, It's a great map.

Twig said:

What's the difference between auto voting and RTV anyways? Once everyone knows about it, they're just going to vote for the same 5 anyways. Someone will nominate a popular map and almost everyone will vote on it instead of trying a different map. Really you're damned if you do and damned if you don't have voting enabled.


Javaman said:
Will do, It's a great map.

What's the difference between auto voting and RTV anyways? Once everyone knows about it, they're just going to vote for the same 5 anyways. Someone will nominate a popular map and almost everyone will vote on it instead of trying a different map. Really you're damned if you do and damned if you don't have voting enabled.
The difference is that RTV doesn't always get enough people to trigger a vote. People are lazy and take the path of least resistance.
Been meaning to jump back on TF2 for a very long time, and I finally got around to it today. I actually haven't played since the beta, but I played a lot back then. When it actually got released there were just so many other things to play that I completely forgot to get back to it. That was a mistake.

Totally LTTP with this but holy shit it's changed a lot. The UI is amazingly refined, the items and crafting and achievements fuuuuuuuu... I'm going to lose a lot of time on this for sure.


Javaman said:
What's the difference between auto voting and RTV anyways? Once everyone knows about it, they're just going to vote for the same 5 anyways. Someone will nominate a popular map and almost everyone will vote on it instead of trying a different map. Really you're damned if you do and damned if you don't have voting enabled.
I was joking. Mocking Drkirby because, three maps in a row, he kept demanding I RTV and I refused!

I actually hate RTV's presence as well, but at least it only gets triggered when there's a consensus that [almost] everyone absolutely despises the map. Unlike auto-voting, which just means ONLY THE MOST POPULAR MAPS ever get played.

There is a huuuuuuuuuuge difference!

P.S. You're NEVER damned when you get rid of voting entirely! EVER!

Blizzard said:
You must not play on the GAF server much. I think a couple of weeks ago, we honestly had a couple of hightower matches that ran for 45+ minutes. Even after Valve tweaked the map it seems to either be a steamroll or an eternal sentry/pyro/demo/heavy nest on the two hills. :lol
I have yet to play a single round of Hightower that was a complete steamroll or a complete turtle fest. There are many avenues for both attack AND defense on that map.

Sure, the team who gets up that first hill first usually wins, but that's hardly a steamroll. It just means it's a faster map than most. Which is GOOD because fucking Goldrush and Dustbowl (esp. these two) tend to take ages. Badwater, too, sometimes takes way too long.

P.S. Hightower is the best official map to date. :3 Right up there (and above!) Badlands!

P.P.S. Payload race is The Best Mode to date. :3


Corporate Apologist
Oh, you were mocking me :lol

Its true, I didn't want to play on the maps that got picked, then you kept saying you hate us all because we kept getting 1 vote less then needed to rock the vote.


Twig said:
I have yet to play a single round of Hightower that was a complete steamroll or a complete turtle fest. There are many avenues for both attack AND defense on that map.

Sure, the team who gets up that first hill first usually wins, but that's hardly a steamroll. It just means it's a faster map than most. Which is GOOD because fucking Goldrush and Dustbowl (esp. these two) tend to take ages. Badwater, too, sometimes takes way too long.

P.S. Hightower is the best official map to date. :3 Right up there (and above!) Badlands!

P.P.S. Payload race is The Best Mode to date. :3
I'm going to guess that you weren't playing either then. Surely someone else (Java?) remembers the 30-45 minute Hightower game(s)? :/ I think Java was even getting sick of it after the second or third time it happened.


Corporate Apologist
Blizzard said:
I'm going to guess that you weren't playing either then. Surely someone else (Java?) remembers the 30-45 minute Hightower game(s)? :/ I think Java was even getting sick of it after the second or third time it happened.
I don't think I have ever noticed a game going on that long.
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