balladofwindfishes said:It pays to be nice![]()
But being a dick is so much more fun!
balladofwindfishes said:It pays to be nice![]()
Firebrand said:I wish I had a Strange Shotgun. Shotgun + minisentry engy 4 lyfe.
Dechaios said:LOL
Yeah no unusuals can drop.. that would be pretty crazy, though. You can only pay to have a 1/300 chance at an unusual(or some extreme figure like that).
Valve barely gave us the winter key, and that was only because they were feeling slightly generous what with it being the holidays and all. I seriously doubt there will be a free summer key but I could be wrong. What is the summer equivalent of "stocking stuffer key"?MisterAnderson said:I hadn't played TF2 during the christmas "festive" time frame where festive crates were dropping. However when I logged in after the christmas time frame was over I had a "festive key" in my backpack I assumed was gifted to me by valve to allow me to open one of my crates. Does this mean Valve will likely gift us a single summer key by the end of this summer sale? Or should I not assume that?
Only in crates.FuzzyNorman said:Wait, you can't get unusuals from a drop?? Why have I been thinking you can this whole time...
S. MinigunProven said:Wait, which are you even looking for?
I have one up for trade. what have you got to offer? <3Firebrand said:I wish I had a Strange Shotgun. Shotgun + minisentry engy 4 lyfe.
Yes and yes.FuzzyNorman said:When people talk about having multiple accounts for drops, are they talking about multiple steam accounts? Is it free to have as many as you want?
Nothing of particular value really. Crates. Vintage weapons. Love.Pookaki said:I have one up for trade. what have you got to offer? <3
Seems to me the turtleneck is the cooler (no pun intended) item out of that box, so sure.Tkawsome said:I caved and bought two cooler keys. One of them was the Spy Turtleneck and the other was the Mailbox ax. Any good? I'm clearing my items with you guys after that whole ear buds incident.
Yep, both fairly good items. The Turtleneck is likely worth anther hat or two, mail box is worth a good bit too but not as much. You could likely get a hat if you are lucky, or some paints too.Tkawsome said:I caved and bought two cooler keys. One of them was the Spy Turtleneck and the other was the Mailbox ax. Any good? I'm clearing my items with you guys after that whole ear buds incident.
Both are popular. Turtle neck is a hot item.Tkawsome said:I caved and bought two cooler keys. One of them was the Spy Turtleneck and the other was the Mailbox ax. Any good? I'm clearing my items with you guys after that whole ear buds incident.
Drkirby said:Yep, both fairly good items. The Turtleneck is likely worth anther hat or two, mail box is worth a good bit too but not as much. You could likely get a hat if you are lucky, or some paints too.
If you need any weapons, just ask around the gaf server. We will give anything we have spares out for more or less free.
If you have a cooler and are willing to separate I'll take that. If not, does 2 crates sound good? series 19, 20, or 21Firebrand said:Nothing of particular value really. Crates. Vintage weapons. Love.
Were you on a different computer and/or using a different browser than normal? Steam guard will keep you from using your account on a new system or new browser until you verify it via email. Unfortunately, it seems like the steam servers are getting hammered ever since TF2 went free to play. In the last few days Steam Guard has not sent me emails and/or sent them with a huge delay (hours). A couple of times the emails actually ended up in my spam folder (gmail).sixghost said:This probably isn't the right place to ask this but:
I think my steam account got hijacked. I tried to buy something from the sale this morning, and it told me I had to respond to a verification email, which was weird, since I've bought plenty of games off Steam before, and never had to do that before. After about 20 minutes I still hadn't gotten the email, so I decided to log out and in again to see if that fixed it. Turns out I couldn't log back in after that, and the password reset emails still haven't shown up.
I sent a ticket to steam support with my CC info to try and reclaim the account, so we'll see what happens. Do I have any chance at getting the account back? I didn't really have that much $ in games on the account, but I'd be really bummed out if I had to restart from 0 in TF2, as I had just filled out my first page in my inventory, and sort of liked some of my stuff.
Pookaki said:I have one up for trade. what have you got to offer? <3
I also Have a Strange Sticky Launcher if anyone is interested.
Your alt needs to be premium account to give item away.MisterAnderson said:Is there a way to transfer dropped items to your main account from an alt? I guess you can just gift them?
MatthewB92 said:Anyone have a summer crate they don't want?
It's the same computer(laptop), but I've been on vacation the last couple days, so I've probably connected to steam from 3-4 different locations, in a span of 4-5 days.Yeef said:I made some temporary changes to the server:
- The last 2 groups of maps that we've played are excluded from all votes. Each game mode is a group, but stock maps and custom maps are in separate groups. So, if we just played a custom payload map and a stock king of the hill map, you won't be able to nominate any custom payload maps or stock king of the hill maps.
- I upped the number of maps excluded from voting from the last 7 to the last 10.
- I also added cp_snakewater to the server by Yeoz's request. Seems like a well designed map from the quick run around I did.
I feel like we play the same 8 or 9 maps over and over and over, so hopefully this will get a bit more variety which, as we all know, is the spice of life.
Were you on a different computer and/or using a different browser than normal? Steam guard will keep you from using your account on a new system or new browser until you verify it via email. Unfortunately, it seems like the steam servers are getting hammered ever since TF2 went free to play. In the last few days Steam Guard has not sent me emails and/or sent them with a huge delay (hours). A couple of times the emails actually ended up in my spam folder (gmail).
I,ve had my account hijacked before. If you have CC info Valve seems pretty good about restoring things to their natural order, it will just take a couple days. I know it's stressful but try not to worry about it too much.sixghost said:It's the same computer(laptop), but I've been on vacation the last couple days, so I've probably connected to steam from 3-4 different locations, in a span of 4-5 days.
Chinner said:Is TF2 broken for anyone? My connection is fine, but when I play it constantly freezes, voice breaks up and I can't play at all.
Pookaki said:If you have a cooler and are willing to separate I'll take that. If not, does 2 crates sound good? series 19, 20, or 21
oh and also a side of love. I'll even throw some of mine in as well.
good deal, thank you.Firebrand said:I'm holding onto the summer crate for a little longer until I know for certain there won't be a free key.
I've got a bunch of #19s I'd be willing to part with though.
So does that mean we can't play Thunder Mountain and Hoodoo back to back? So we can play more than two maps in a five hour span?!Yeef said:I made some temporary changes to the server:
- The last 2 groups of maps that we've played are excluded from all votes. Each game mode is a group, but stock maps and custom maps are in separate groups. So, if we just played a custom payload map and a stock king of the hill map, you won't be able to nominate any custom payload maps or stock king of the hill maps.
- I upped the number of maps excluded from voting from the last 7 to the last 10.
- I also added cp_snakewater to the server by Yeoz's request. Seems like a well designed map from the quick run around I did.
I feel like we play the same 8 or 9 maps over and over and over, so hopefully this will get a bit more variety which, as we all know, is the spice of life.
Were you on a different computer and/or using a different browser than normal? Steam guard will keep you from using your account on a new system or new browser until you verify it via email. Unfortunately, it seems like the steam servers are getting hammered ever since TF2 went free to play. In the last few days Steam Guard has not sent me emails and/or sent them with a huge delay (hours). A couple of times the emails actually ended up in my spam folder (gmail).
Thunder Mountain for life, broseph!!!...or was it Hightower? I always get them confused.Forkball said:So does that mean we can't play Thunder Mountain and Hoodoo back to back? So we can play more than two maps in a five hour span?!
My experience from dicking around with the server settings back when Java ran it last was that you can't really set that value too high (until you run out of maps, anyway).Yeef said:[*]I upped the number of maps excluded from voting from the last 7 to the last 10.
I feel like we play the same 8 or 9 maps over and over and over, so hopefully this will get a bit more variety which, as we all know, is the spice of life.
It was actually (._.) who asked for cp_snakewater but I'm happy to take credit for it!Yeef said:
- The last 2 groups of maps that we've played are excluded from all votes. Each game mode is a group, but stock maps and custom maps are in separate groups. So, if we just played a custom payload map and a stock king of the hill map, you won't be able to nominate any custom payload maps or stock king of the hill maps.
- I upped the number of maps excluded from voting from the last 7 to the last 10.
- I also added cp_snakewater to the server by Yeoz's request. Seems like a well designed map from the quick run around I did.
I feel like we play the same 8 or 9 maps over and over and over, so hopefully this will get a bit more variety which, as we all know, is the spice of life.
Zomba13 said:Well, I traded my Unusual for a Max head (It was a Trophy belt with ghost. So great effect, rubbish hat) I feel I could have got more if I really looked around but overall I'm happy with it.
Buds are worth more than Bills but I wouldn't trade your unusual for Buds. Or at least just one pair. I don't know much about trading though. If you really want a stockbrokers scarf I have a spare Vintage if you have anything nice to trade for it.
XeroSauce said:This issue with your hat is that it's a great hat with a shittt effect. People will usually offer for your hat only to resell it so they can make a profit, so that's why you get some lowball offers.
Buds + Bills isn't bad, since it's always nice to have a good stock of Buds, but considering that it's a confetti + a Christmas hat (there's a lot of Christmas hat unusuals floating around because of the free key thing), you're lucky that you're even getting offers. Try to push for as much as you can, the worst they can say is no.
Thanks for the tips + info bros, appreciated. I gave the guy an ultimatum and he rage de-friended lol.Baha said:Asked an admin at the unusual server I sometimes go to, he said 1.5-2 buds. 1.5 (buds + bills) being the minimum and 2 buds being your selling price. The fetti effect is considered the lowest effect and there are 20 (maybe more) detective noirs with green fetti in the wild. Hope that helps.
Wait, fetti is the lowest valued effect? Over the stupid Peace Signs and other stupid effects?Baha said:Asked an admin at the unusual server I sometimes go to, he said 1.5-2 buds. 1.5 (buds + bills) being the minimum and 2 buds being your selling price. The fetti effect is considered the lowest effect and there are 20 (maybe more) detective noirs with green fetti in the wild. Hope that helps.
Paypal.Acerac said:Just signed up another alt account and for some reason Steam won't let me charge money on it to upgrade to a premium account. My card works fine, and can charge funds on to my main account without issue. Has anyone else had this problem/have any ideas for a solution?
Tried it. Got a similar error.Dreams-Visions said:Paypal.
fallengorn said:3 Strange Shotguns in a row?
Welcome to the party, pal!
And where were all you people with strange rocket launchers before? :\
Hmph. That's odd.Acerac said:Tried it. Got a similar error.
Indeed. I mean I suppose I don't need another account, but I'd sure like the extra items. My hat collection is very weak.Dreams-Visions said:Hmph. That's odd.