Jagxyz said:What colour looks good with Bill's Hat?
Zepheaih's Greed. Spelling something like that. That dark green one.
Jagxyz said:What colour looks good with Bill's Hat?
Cloudius12 said:Your alt needs to be premium account to give item away.
Yes.MisterAnderson said:Does buying anything on the mann co. store make it premium?
Principle?SteveWinwood said:I already regret purchasing stuff from the store.... Not because I didn't get anything good out of the two crates, or those kickass flip-flops I've been wanting, but out of pure principal!
Hopefully your issue is fixed now.The_Technomancer said:Okay, so my brother is getting a "could not load library client" error that prevents him from playing, even after he completely uninstalls and reinstalls both the game and Steam. Any advice guys?
Does whatever a crate can!Crateman said:Tonight it was my first night playing in the GAF server and I had a lot of fun. I'm definitely coming back tomorrow.
Steam accounts that don't own any games can't add friends, but other people can add them as friends. It's been that way for a long, long time. Not sure if becoming a TF2 premium player counts as owning a game.MisterAnderson said:Okay so I made the new Steam account and it won't let me add friends...says I need games, yet I have TF2 on that account. Not sure what I'm supposed to do.
Edit: I'll try adding my new account to my old friends list. That would probably work.
Yeef said:Steam accounts that don't own any games can't add friends, but other people can add them as friends. It's been that way for a long, long time. Not sure if becoming a TF2 premium player counts as owning a game.
wutgibration said:If any of you guys want a summer cooler you should just ask nicely in a random server. I've done this twice and have gotten 6 in return.![]()
Demo knight is the 10th class. Valve just decided, rather than making an actual 10th class they'd let it be a subclass of the most overpowered class in the game.Hylian7 said:It has just now hit me that the Ali Baba's Wee Booties go in the Pipebomb launcher slot. This makes explosive-less Demoman possible. I really think this was a bad idea on Valve's part. It might be redeemed if they were to add a melee that was more effective on Engineer buildings. Demos could take an Uber and charge right into a Sentry without getting pushed back by the bullets.
I can see that, but I really wish there was more to it then "Charge.....hit....charge....hit"Yeef said:Demo knight is the 10th class. Valve just decided, rather than making an actual 10th class they'd let it be a subclass of the most overpowered class in the game.
Well, I have seen people here trying to trade for a summer cooler. No point in that when there's people out there willing to give em out for free.Dreams-Visions said:
It's just the mirror of regular demo.Hylian7 said:I can see that, but I really wish there was more to it then "Charge.....hit....charge....hit"
no, I was just surprised to hear it was that easy.gibration said:Well, I have seen people here trying to trade for a summer cooler. No point in that when there's people out there willing to give em out for free.
Just like unusual hats, the only way to get them is from crates. They're much more common though, but they tend to go for a decent amount. Some people even trade hats for them.UnluckyKate said:I see lots of people trading strange weapons. Are they really... worth anything ?
for the record: I'm 0-8. lolgibration said:If any of you guys want a summer cooler you should just ask nicely in a random server. I've done this twice and have gotten 6 in return.![]()
The normal colour looks best, in my opinion. I never use my one any more so traded it for six keys thanks to tf2tp.com. Then traded one of those for a Hottie's Hoodie. Still after those earbuds though.Jagxyz said:What colour looks good with Bill's Hat?
Yeef said:Just like unusual hats, the only way to get them is from crates. They're much more common though, but they tend to go for a decent amount. Some people even trade hats for them.
Strange shotguns are the most common. They show up in two in three of the new crates, and will quite possibly show up in the new pyro and engineer strange crates when they finally start dropping. Kuro got like 4 of them in a row the other day. That said, people will trade anything for anything, so you'll probably get something worthwhile for 'em.UnluckyKate said:Seriously ? I have tons of strange shotguns if anyone want some (if you have valuable hats to trade)
Open them with keys from the store (same price as normal keys).MNC said:Can we do anything with the summer coolers yet?
I remember I got that bonnet a couple months back, is it worth anything? (its not usual)Cipherr said:I already got the Liberty Launcher guys, thanks for the interest. Also got another hat drop today, the second this week.
Strange Eyelander? What colour is the paint?Drkirby said:I'll trade a can of paint and a name tag for any strange weapon that isn't a Pain Train or Shotgun.
Mann Co. Orange, the Official Color of Mann Co.Mafro said:Strange Eyelander? What colour is the paint?
I do, but I'll only trade it for a sober stuntman. If you can get one then you can have it.Orellio said:Hmm anyone have a Strange Sticky Launcher? Got some orange paint, a description tag and a couple duel minigames. Could probably come up with some scrap too!
I want that one as well, it's on top of my wishlist actually.Yeef said:I do, but I'll only trade it for a sober stuntman. If you can get one then you can have it.
Yeef said:I do, but I'll only trade it for a sober stuntman. If you can get one then you can have it.
I actually rather have the GRU, on the fact that its the normal melee weapon I use. Whats your steam ID?enzo_gt said:I'll trade my strange GRU for a paint can + [weaps/metal/name tag/description tag/what have you], although not as appealing as an eyelander.
These jokers don't care.GruntOfAction said:To anyone who worried about me not being online for two days my router decided to catch on fire and explode. Had to get a new one.
Ookami-kun said:What are the chances of Valve giving a free summer key?
Yeef said:Too late!