Thanks! I love it.snack said:Sweet unusual you got there!
Good point! Thxparasight said:Very nice. Time to change the avatar.
Dechaios said:Thanks! I love it.
Good point! Thx
Tried all of these out in itemtest.. which do you guys like the most? I may as well color it now since paint is .99 cents.
Drkirby said:Still want the two Summer Weapons, esspecally the mailbox. Anyone have some extras?
#4.Dechaios said:Thanks! I love it.
Good point! Thx
Tried all of these out in itemtest.. which do you guys like the most? I may as well color it now since paint is .99 cents.
Dechaios said:Thanks! I love it.
Good point! Thx
Tried all of these out in itemtest.. which do you guys like the most? I may as well color it now since paint is .99 cents.
I'll trade you the golf club for something.Drkirby said:Still want the two Summer Weapons, esspecally the mailbox. Anyone have some extras?
If you don't want 'em, trade 'em for why you do want. They can only go down in value, albeit slowly.Grinchy said:Should I hold on to summer crate items? Like will these items go up in value later down the line? I don't really care about my heavy shades or engy spurs, but I wouldn't want to trade them away too early for nothing.
#2 or #5Dechaios said:Thanks! I love it.
Good point! Thx
Tried all of these out in itemtest.. which do you guys like the most? I may as well color it now since paint is .99 cents.
If you don't want them, trade 'em while they're hot. All the crate items are craftable and they drop outside the reskins, so their rarity will drop eventually.Grinchy said:Should I hold on to summer crate items? Like will these items go up in value later down the line? I don't really care about my heavy shades or engy spurs, but I wouldn't want to trade them away too early for nothing.
leroidys said:I'm looking for the golfclub if anyone is interested. I have the mailbox, but also other stuff to trade.
MisterAnderson said:I think the Big Steel Jaw thing for the Heavy is pretty cool looking. I already have the Demo Golf Hat though. I wish I had a better grasp of what things were worth, do you have anything else besides the golf hat?
Why? I see no reason why trading and actual game discussion can't coexist, trading is a massiv part of the game. Plus I'd rather not segregate discussion.commissar said:Could we get a seperate trading thread please.
Another vote for this. A separate trading thread would be appreciated. There's too much trading clutter in here, honestly.commissar said:Could we get a seperate trading thread please.
Dechaios said:Thanks! I love it.
Good point! Thx
Tried all of these out in itemtest.. which do you guys like the most? I may as well color it now since paint is .99 cents.
I'm looking for the new Demo Shield, have an Eviction Notice!Chavelo said:Hiya, guys. Anyone looking for the new demo shield and pyro's detonator? Looking for the liberty launcher and the eviction notice.
Zomba13 said:I vote for #4 on the Demoman unusual.
I have a Strange Grenade launcher and Eyelander that I'm willing to trade for a strange Sticky Launcher or Shotgun (1 for 1).
I really wish that the Heavy's Jaw was paintable. I really really want it white, that way it looks like he's wearing all of Max's head.
I've also decided to not buy anymore keys. Bought a few last night (and name/description tags for my mail box). Spent more on that stuff than I have in the Steam sale + the cheap Civ 5.
#4 screams attention-seeking. which, I think, is the point of this, right? vanity?Orellio said:#4 is totes ugly. Green on green? Use some imagination! I think I like #5 the most. I like #2 as well but I'm not sure how much that hair would work with red.
Around £15 or something on the TF2 Store. Only bought Civ 5 and Trine though on the sale. So spent a bit under £10 on games. I should just stop with the keys now. It's so addictive, just one more crate! :SXeroSauce much did you spend? I'm up to $60 spent in the Steam sale, you can't have spent more then that.
In other news, has anyone else checked out the styles on that new Demo shield? Can we please get more of that, Valve, it's awesome!
Dechaios said:I ended up going with #5. Purple is my favorite color and it goes well either team + the effect.
commissar said:Could we get a seperate trading thread please.
What do you want us to trade telepathically or something? Gee sorry the thread isn't to your likingClydefrog said:I'm with Mr. Bacon on this one. I barely post in here anymore because all you guys do is "can I have a demo golf club?" or something like that.
I <3 the Demoknight set and also the Tomislav. That thing tears shit up.Drkirby said:So, what do you guys think of the new weapons now that you have had a chance to play around with them? New scout bat and primary are likely the best in the pack, and the new Demoknight stuff is also really good. Don't really like the Man treads, and the whip is hard to make effective with the solider being on of the slowest classes by default, shotgun is nice though.
Still haven't gotten the sniper set, but I don't really like it that much.
Dechaios said:What do you want us to trade telepathically or something? Gee sorry the thread isn't to your liking![]()
I like the sniper rifle. faster reloading means faster aiming. always a good thing.Drkirby said:So, what do you guys think of the new weapons now that you have had a chance to play around with them? New scout bat and primary are likely the best in the pack, and the new Demoknight stuff is also really good. Don't really like the Man treads, and the whip is hard to make effective with the solider being on of the slowest classes by default, shotgun is nice though.
Still haven't gotten the sniper set, but I don't really like it that much.