Aw man, engineer's cap is like my favorite hat in the game. ;_;corn_fest said:Got my first crate and was like, "If this is an equalizer, I'm gonna be pissed".
Unusual Engineer's Cap.
(particle effect: floating peace sign)
I have some vintage crap if you want that. U:cooljeanius said:Darn it you guys, I had stuff I wanted to do today... instead I just stayed inside and played TF2 all day. I'm kinda ashamed of myself. Anyway, I got another crate to trade, so if anyone wants it, let me know.
Twig said:Huh, the crates have a series number.
What's that supposed to mean. U:
Drkirby said:I wonder if the crates are truly random or if you can find out what they have in them ahead of time.
Pick me.Hylian7 said:Alright, I have a Supply Crate and am looking to trade it for a Cloak and Dagger, yes a Cloak and Dagger. Any takers?
SteamID: Hylian7rac said:Pick me.
Trade successful, thanks!rac said:
Junction, Hoodoo, Yukon and Turbine next!Javaman said:I've got the new maplist updated on the server...
I nixed 2fort
Don't know what to say, actually. Already mentioned something yesterday, but it probably wasn't useful advice.Blizzard said:Does anyone have any tips on heavy? I know I was constantly complaining about Micvlad and hoping he would start failing, but seriously. We had a couple of times where there would be a situation like me out of spawn, alone, knowing he was there around a corner. He had no corner, only a little med bottle (not sure if he had enough time for a sandwich), and I -thought- I made sure to spin my gun up early. Despite that, he killed both me and another heavy fresh out of spawn behind me, shortly after, and may have had 25-50% health left.
I try to jump around corners for mobility, and I use the dot crosshair to have a better idea where to aim, and I try to make sure I aim well enough to get lots of bullets into the enemy when possible...but it still seems like he just had so much more damage output even without crits. He had 119ish lag while I guess we had 40-60, if that makes a difference. Are there any special tips besides just aiming pointblank and firing first?
Brak said:So is there a separate trading thread or are we just doing that in here?
I'll post this here and edit it if there's a better thread.
Looking for:
- Shortstop *or craftable Force-A-Nature
- Mad Milk *or craftable Jarate
- Holy Mackerel *or craftable Sandman
- Sydney Sleeper *or craftable Huntsman
- Your Eternal Reward *or craftable Cloak and Dagger
- Gloves of Running Urgently
What I have:
- Supply Crate Series 1 (x2)
- Vintage Tribalman's Shiv
- Vintage Axtinguisher
- Vintage Killing Gloves of Boxing
- Vin. Flare Gun
- Vin. Bonk
- Vin. Dalokahs
- Vin. Scottish Resistance
- Vin. Gunslinger
- Vin. Blutsauger
- Vin. Gunboats (x2)
- Vin. Targe
- Darwin's Danger Shield
Steam ID: Ghostrock
Ooo, hopefully a demo, I'd love to watch too.Blizzard said:Speaking of Highlander, did they ever do their exhibition match, and if so, is there a demo/video anywhere? I'd like to see how Robin Walker and some of the other Valve people play.
Stallion Free said:Ooo, hopefully a demo, I'd love to watch too.
OK, you can have the first one for the vintage Chargin Targe. Just sent you a Steam friend request.Twig said:
Which vintage items do you have?Kuro Madoushi said:i'll trade ya a vintage item for it
Even better. Btw, would you mind linking me a demo of one of the games you felt most proud of? I'd in the mood to watch some actual clan stuff.Boonoo said:There is also supposed to be a 6v6 Valve vs the winners of CEVO A which should finish up in about 5 weeks. And as a slight plug, my team is in the running for that. So with a bit of luck we could fight valve, which would be fun`
Stallion Free said:Even better. Btw, would you mind linking me a demo of one of the games you felt most proud of? I'd in the mood to watch some actual clan stuff.
Respectless Rubber Glove, Jarate and Equalizer for a series #1 crate?rac said:Have:
Stainless Pot
V. Respectless Rubber Glove
V. Scottish Resistance
V. Southern Hospitality
V. Gunslinger
V. Killing Gloves of Boxing
V. Equalizer
V. Dead Ringer
V. Dalokohs Bar
V. Jarate
(2) Equalizer
Drill Hat, Crates.
Sorry, I am now trying to trade the rubber glove for a tyrants helm since I just traded my old tyrants helm for a drill hat.MicVlaD said:Respectless Rubber Glove, Jarate and Equalizer for a series #1 crate?
I play on the GAF server for the first reason you listed after I have played on a server that is categorized by the second reason you listed :3corn_fest said:I see the GAF server as a casual, alltalk server, and that's why I (and I assume many others) play on it. I have no desire to play against a highly competitive clan chatting in mumble that rages when they can't stack their team.
I wouldn't say we "won" so much as we "didn't lose".notsol337 said:We won our highlander match! WOO!
Twig said:I wouldn't say we "won" so much as we "didn't lose".
Hazaro said:Badwater in 7 minutes, 5-0 Granary
Hazaro said:Badwater in 7 minutes, 5-0 Granary
Janky-ass server, how did Javaman get in to watch...Javaman said:I recorded match 2 and 3 on Granary. I"ll get those uploaded a bit later.
Congrats guys!
I thought you did well. At one point I think one of my demos had a bunch of enemies chasing you while you were cloaked and stuff. Distraction still helps even if you didn't kill them!Twig said:i'm so terrible u;
Yeah they wasted way more time than they should have just chasing me around.Blizzard said:I thought you did well. At one point I think one of my demos had a bunch of enemies chasing you while you were cloaked and stuff. Distraction still helps even if you didn't kill them!