tangmaster96 said:Whats the website that tells you what tf2 items are worth
Yeef said:Someone posted this on SA and it is probably the best video ever.
Not to be too snarky about it, but I stopped reading this thread for a few weeks because I'd check and it'd mostly be a page of trade requests.Weenerz said:And there is a TF2 trade thread now, head over to there for more friendly responses, the masses do not like to see trading discussed in their precious thread.
Whaddya talkin boot?AcciDante said:Don't think I didn't see that announcement, Kuro! You sonuvabitch!
Borgnine said:
Hahahaha. Should have jumped and shoot.Borgnine said:
Haha. Should've just switched to shotgun OR LEARNED TO AIM.Borgnine said:
Dr. Pangloss said:A little gray area in the ethics of team fortress.
Dr. Pangloss said:Looking through my screenshots I notice some anger in the chat that I didn't see before when I got a good group kill as a demoman: this one with 5 guys pushing the cart which won us the round, and this one where I made it to the defense spawn and killed about 5 coming out. The first one I find funny, but is it bad etiquette to stickybomb the spawn of the defense? Most of them were dead which allowed me to get back there. Also, they didn't really have a chance to react. I know I hate it when pyros come back there when I build stuff as engie. But we stickybomb the offense spawn before the game starts, or offense pushes defense back to spawn and it's hard to get out. A little gray area in the ethics of team fortress.
There was an update this morning that fixed some bugs on that map. i updated, but used the bz2 file that they supplied. it looks like it also has a nav file in it along with the map, which probably confuses TF2's external downloader.Forkball said:I got an error trying to download Morrigan Alley on the server, it said "missing map" or some jibber jabber after it tried to download.
Forkball said:I got an error trying to download Morrigan Alley on the server, it said "missing map" or some jibber jabber after it tried to download.
you probably have the old version (b1), b3 was released this morning.Uriah said:I got that error as well and I already have the map downloaded.
Dechaios said:Early color tests looking pretty good I think...
Yeef said:Haha. Should've just switched to shotgun OR LEARNED TO AIM.
That little bump was blocking your explosion.
Dechaios said:Early color tests looking pretty good I think...
tangmaster96 said:Its sweet
Bet it would sell like homemade tamales
Here's hoping! Maybe I'll tell Valve it should be added for this year's Halloween update...tangmaster96 said:Its sweet
Bet it would sell like homemade tamales
thanks Yeef!Yeef said:Very cool.
Borgnine said:
Nothing in particular, I was just interested in doing a dark/death/black knight style helm and thought about who it would be good for. Pyro has a dark helmet as it is so I thought it fit him/her the most. I only looked at a couple reference helms for inspiration with the eye slots.Wendel Clark said:What's that Pyro hat inspired from?
Valve fix something?rar said:or valve could just fix it so explosions work like they should
its so silly
Borgnine said:
Yeef said:I stumbled upon a random listing of a bunch of maps, so I downloaded all of the ones that had interesting names. Most of them were either awful or unfinished (or both). Out of 26 maps I downloaded only 7 were fit to actually be added to the server (and of those, 2 were koth versions of maps we already have). There were some promising ones, but no matter how good a map is I don't want to play a map with no textures:
- koth_lighthouse_rc5 - Decent looking map.
- koth_mill_b2 - I liked this one a lot. I'm not sure if it was made by the same person that did watermill, but it seems like another solid KOTH map.
- koth_oilfield - KOTH version of oilfield (that 3cp map). I'd argue the map make smore sense as a KOTH map than a push map.
- koth_peaks_b4c - Another solid looking KOTH map.
- koth_waste - KOTH version of waste. You know, that one map that already has 5cp and Payload versions?
- pl_bunkerdash_b1 - 2 stage PL map, 2 points per stage. Seemed interesting.
- pl_traction_a5a - Single stage payload maps with a bunch of points (like upward). There are some minor aesthetic issues (like the incomplete skybox toward the end of the map), but it looked like it could be fun.
I also added ctf_mach4 which seemed like a miniature (prettier) version of 2fort. Obviously not fit for the server, but I was curious to see if it were possible for a scout to cap the intel 5 times before an engineer can even build a sentry (the map is seriously tiny).
As always, download directly at http://tf2.gafserver.com/tf/maps/ or just wait for the server to send it them at you.
I did find out about two new game modes from the maps though (none ended up on the server). One is the "Bomb the Base" CTF variant. Basically, It's forced medieval and there's 1 neutral intel. Once it's picked up it starts a 20 second timer. When the timer runs out the intel explodes. Each team has 3 points and to cap a point you need to hold the intel and be on a point while it explodes. Seems like it could be tons of fun and relatively quick.
The other mode is the unfortunately named "Circle Jerk" Payload Race variant. Basically both carts share 1 track and start on opposite sides of one another. The goal is to push your cart so that it bumps the other cart from behind, destroying it.
Valve fix something?
Now who's being silly?
smurfx said:omg i just played this game for the first time ever and holy crap was it so much fun. i played as sniper and that one guy who can double jump. will definitely be playing more.
awwyeahgurrl said:Time for more hat help. So, before I take the cash for my Unusual Soldier's stash /w sunbeam I've just been looking at a few more offers and here's what has came up:
Offer 1:
Unusual tippler's tricone /w purple confetti & Max's head & 2 earbuds
Offer 2:
Unusual vintage tyrolean /w searing plasma & Unusual Soldier's stash /w hearts & 5 keys.
I know some people might be thinking, BRO TAKE THE 215$ (which is £130 to me), but I really really don't need the money and it would make no impact in the slightest on my bank account. I want to try and get a max head + maybe another unusual for the soldier/scout/demo/medic. So what are those offers worth.
That doesn't actually say how hard it is to actually buy one. But my suggestion is: Take the money and just buy a damn max's head, and pocket the rest.awwyeahgurrl said:I've seen prices go from 40$-80$
Alternatively, If money is no object, just buy the max's head outright and keep the damn unusual.awwyeahgurrl said:but I really really don't need the money and it would make no impact in the slightest on my bank account.
fallengorn said:Steve mentioned it on the server last night, but we should get a shirt for TF2 GAF in the GAF shirt store.
I...wat?!Hazaro said:Joined a friend into ProTF2 32 man server.
That is a hard roll. Didn't think I'd break my demoman point record.
I wasn't giving it a lot of thought so I threw myself on the cart :[
Yeef said:I also added ctf_mach4
If it's the normal waste map I'm thinking of (payload? payload race? AD?) then it's probably crappy, but a KOTH version basically can't last more than 6-10 minutes per round max, and most rounds should be less.XeroSauce said:Oh my god, please don't include koth_waste. That maps sucks arse and every server I know that runs it empties when it loads up.
You are quite wrong.Pankaks said:Why do people vote for ctf_doublecross? It's such a terrible map.