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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Corporate Apologist
I still say it will be the Demo Man who gets the 6th set, Engineer will just get another Wrench.

Wonder if the Source Engine updates from DotA 2 will effect TF2 in any major way.


Drkirby said:
I still say it will be the Demo Man who gets the 6th set, Engineer will just get another Wrench.

Wonder if the Source Engine updates from DotA 2 will effect TF2 in any major way.

Well Demo already has a fairly functional sub class. I could see them doing something with Medic or Heavy. And they have found a wrench model in the files, so that, at least, is guaranteed.


Corporate Apologist
I just can't see Valve having anther full Engineer set ready, they took forever to make the recent one balaneced and useful, and the Medic and Heavy don't feel like they need anything. Maybe give the Medic some buff/debuffing ablities, like a Med gun you can use on the enemy to lower their attack and defence while hitting them, which would more or less requires you to charge at them :lOL


I've been waiting for a medic subclass forever.

Give him a spear that sticks him to an enemy and slowly drains health, and swings him around as the enemy flails in a panic.

Or an AoE health bomb that also heals enemies. U:

Maybe the spear charges the health bomb.

(I am half serious.)


Corporate Apologist
Yeah, a Medic Sub Class would be nice now that I think about it, mix things up some. Maybe they can give him the rocket shoes that I drempt about :lol

Or they could just give him anther Saw that adds bleed.


I have a feeling a Medic subclass would ruin things, but who knows. The root problem for most losses is that the team didn't have enough competent medics.


I have a feeling a Medic subclass would ruin things, but who knows. The root problem for most losses is that the team didn't have enough competent medics.

You can pretty much say that about the Demo as well--breaking down defenses without solid sticky demos around is a pain. Demo knight is a much bigger shift than the polycount stuff, though.

I'm not a big fan of the "sub class" idea in general, though. Subtle tweaks work better--the degreaser is great, for example. It's a clear trade off for a slightly altered play style.

What about a Heal gun that heals for half the rate, but can be cast on two targets at a time? Or some kind of AOE heal ability?

I don't know how much value an AOE heal would have. You can already buff people and send them on their way, so as long as you're not wasting time keeping a single person at full buff all the time you can spread heals around. And even if you're just looking at a fight between say 2 groups of 1 medic, soldier, scout each the normal gun group would win, I think. You're rarely going to have both team members on you at all times, so the medic that has the more powerful heal will come out on top.

The trouble with changing up the medigun is that it's always going to be beaten by the standard ubercharge (we could look at the medigun you proposed as charging 2 players for half the duration). Since you can selectively apply the uber as needed and still outlast the other guy.

The only reason the kritz works is because of the slightly faster charge time you can catch the other medic before he has charge. When both medics are charged uber wins. A single uber judiciously spread around can pretty much nullify a kritz.


(._.) said:
I have a feeling a Medic subclass would ruin things, but who knows. The root problem for most losses is that the team didn't have enough competent medics.
As long as the focus is still around healing, then who cares.


I want the medic to get random crit heals where he will heal for a second faster while the uber bar goes up a bit faster also.


Drkirby said:
I say he should get debuf abilitys to lower the attack/defense of the enemy, like all good RPG healers do :U
(._.) said:
I want the medic to get random crit heals where he will heal for a second faster while the uber bar goes up a bit faster also.

get out.


And boring. |:

There's a reason the sword 'n' board, huntsman, and now gunslinger/revenge shotgun are the best the updates have to offer so far.

They actually change the way you play significantly.


I don't know about a subclass, but a medi gun that charges at half the rate, but keeps people topped off (i.e. overhealing wouldn't naturally degrade) would be interesting.

For engineer a wrench that either build faster but reduces max metal or builds slower but increases max metal could work.

I'd really like to see a new grenade launcher for Demo. I don't really care what it does.


Drkirby said:
Come now, a syringe/medi gun that lowers the base attack power the target would be useful!



I don't know about a subclass, but a medi gun that charges at half the rate, but keeps people topped off (i.e. overhealing wouldn't naturally degrade) would be interesting.

I think charging at half rate would be too big a hit. Only half overhealing might work. Though, in 2 on 2 fights you'd definitely lose. It could lead towards more dynamic medicing with the stable pocket really only there for ubers.


MisterAnderson said:
I think they should make a syringe melee weapon that diseases the target, then if they come in contact with anyone on their team the disease spreads.

You get out of here with those legacy ideas.

At least use the animated version

I considered it! But the quality was below my standards T_T


This is clearly the best idea and I don't know why it's not in the game already.


Boonoo said:
I think charging at half rate would be too big a hit. Only half overhealing might work. Though, in 2 on 2 fights you'd definitely lose. It could lead towards more dynamic medicing with the stable pocket really only there for ubers.
By charging I mean ubercharing, not the heal rate. But you're right, half rate uber charge would mean 2 minutes to fully charge. Maybe a 25% reduction would be better.


Corporate Apologist
Put that would make the Heavy a better medic then the medic, unless the sandvichs are limited and can be eaten by the enemy also.
Re: Medic subclass discussion: I thought "Battle Medic" was already the Medic subclass? Or does that not count? Anyway, item idea discussions are cool. I'd like the spy to get a ninja reed that lets him auto-cloak underwater and not drown, but cloaking would only work underwater with it. Sure, that would make it useless on a lot of maps, but it would be fun on the ones where it works. Also, I was re-playing the training mode earlier, and now I'm wishing some of the other classes besides Soldier had training modes. For example, a shooting gallery for the Sniper where you can practice getting headshots without having to worry about getting shot or backstabbed, an obstacle course for the Scout to practice running around and double jumping, maybe another one for the Soldier to practice rocket jumping, a Pong-type game where you can practice reflecting (harmless) projectiles with the Pyro's compression blast, a tower-defense type game to practice optimal sentry placement with the Engineer, a stealth-type game to practice decloaking without the enemy noticing you with the Spy... Sure, you can practice this all in game, but having a stress-free, offline environment to do this in would be really nice.


Corporate Apologist
Not really, since all "Battle Medic" is right now is a Medic acting silly and just using his Saw and Gun, he isn't that suited to battle. Its almost like saying a Spy Crab is a Spy subclass.


cooljeanius said:
Re: Medic subclass discussion: I thought "Battle Medic" was already the Medic subclass? Or does that not count? Anyway, item idea discussions are cool. I'd like the spy to get a ninja reed that lets him auto-cloak underwater and not drown, but cloaking would only work underwater with it. Sure, that would make it useless on a lot of maps, but it would be fun on the ones where it works. Also, I was re-playing the training mode earlier, and now I'm wishing some of the other classes besides Soldier had training modes. For example, a shooting gallery for the Sniper where you can practice getting headshots without having to worry about getting shot or backstabbed, an obstacle course for the Scout to practice running around and double jumping, maybe another one for the Soldier to practice rocket jumping, a Pong-type game where you can practice reflecting (harmless) projectiles with the Pyro's compression blast, a tower-defense type game to practice optimal sentry placement with the Engineer, a stealth-type game to practice decloaking without the enemy noticing you with the Spy... Sure, you can practice this all in game, but having a stress-free, offline environment to do this in would be really nice.
They've already mentioned that they're working on a training map for another class (though they haven't said which one). I'm sure (eventually) every class will get one.

As for Battle Medic; making that a real subclass could be interesting. Replacing the medigun with some sort of attack weapon (maybe like a mini-rail gun) and having it build up uber by dealing damage rather than healing. Then just give the ubercharge some cool non-support ability.

Of course, I'm sure everyone on the team would be annoyed at the medic not being able to heal them, but tough!


Corporate Apologist
Always fun to play some even more casual TF2 between classes at school. No sound, smooth FPS, and people poor enough to allow me to have a solid 1:1 KD Ratio.


New Highlander league starting up around November. This is going to be an American league with varying skill divisions and medals for all participants.

This time it's going to be a league rather than a tournament, so they're looking at something like 3 weeks of preseason (to set up the skill divisions) followed by 8ish weeks of season and then a few more weeks of playoffs.

Overall it sounds like it would be a lot more structured than the current highlander. Might be worth thinking about; it seems like a lot of the guys on the current GAF team are really enjoying themselves.


Corporate Apologist
I want in, will they all be on sundays or other days to?

And link? I am having problems finding which one it is on google.


Drkirby said:
I want in, will they all be on sundays or other days to?

Generally the way these things work (and UGC, the guys running it have done 6v6 and 8v8 before. I haven't played in their league, but I imagine they do it like everyone else) is the league says 'get your match played by Tuesday.' Then the captains hash out a time to play.

Talking to a guy setting this up I got the sense that they're really trying to get highlander more accepted within the comp community. America currently is all about 6v6 (and it's worth noting the TF2 comp community isn't too large).

I've always thought the more people interested in the comp scene in any fashion the better. And highlander is a pretty smooth means of introducing people to more structured play. At 9v9 you can probably just begin to feel the effects of individual death. I could see it working as a nice gateway to 6v6. I could see teams finishing up a season and having enough guys stick around to make a 6man team.

Anyway, yeah, if a team formed it would be able to settle on a specific day to play matches.

And link? I am having problems finding which one it is on google.

No official announcement yet. One of the organizers is talking to etf2l teams and guaging interest. From what I understand they already have Valve's support for medals, and now they're working on having individual 1/2/3 medals for different skill divisions, with everyone getting a participation medal.

Sign ups would be around November.


Corporate Apologist
Well, if you are willing could you start making a small list of people who want to play? Maybe see if we would need 2 teams instead of just 1? How many people do they allow on the team with alts and all.


Drkirby said:
Well, if you are willing could you start making a small list of people who want to play? Maybe see if we would need 2 teams instead of just 1? How many people do they allow on the team with alts and all.

Might be a bit early for that. Usually there's a month or so of signups. I could see this league taking off January or so. They're not going to have it run over the holidays.

As far as team numbers go that generally isn't an issue in 6v6; I've seen teams with 15 or so people on them. They may cap it for the medals, though.

I could definitely see gaf supporting 2 teams (it would make scrimming fun) with this being America focused.


Corporate Apologist
Twig said:
highlander is defined as one of each class, 9v9
Thats what I thought, but then Boonoo tossed 6v6 into his last post to try and throw me off!
Highlander is defined as 24 man free for all, demo melee only with no respawning.
Thats Scottish Highlander.


Drkirby said:
Not really, since all "Battle Medic" is right now is a Medic acting silly and just using his Saw and Gun, he isn't that suited to battle. Its almost like saying a Spy Crab is a Spy subclass.

You'd be surprised what a medic can do on attack with the bluts. You can easily beat a heavy at medium to long range and usually the more players in a group there are, the harder you can hit them without dying. I certainly wouldn't want to sacrifice the uber/kritkreig side of helping the team, but if everyone is topped off or there aren't any friends around you can do quite a bit to hassle the enemy.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
I think medic is more or less fine right now. Too much tweaking for offense would lead to players focused more on attacking than healing the team. Considering so few people actually play med properly, I wouldn't want MORE players playing medic and not healing shit.

That said, medics can be pretty dangerous in the right player's hands. It's just usually better to do some quick damage and run rather than try to finish someone off unless you're cornered.


Drkirby said:
Thats what I thought, but then Boonoo tossed 6v6 into his last post to try and throw me off!

Yeah highlander is 1 of each (there can be only one!). I only mentioned 6v6 insofar as it's a step up as far as coordination and team play are concerned (it's format is generally 1med, 2 scouts, 2 soldier (with 1 scout often playing sniper/heavy as called for)), and I think that some people might shift to 6v6 after highlander.


Corporate Apologist
Maybe we could split off the 1 or 2 highlander teams into 1-3 normal teams after it is done. Don't let me slip in signing up this time, I wanted to last time but just never did.


Twig said:
And boring. |:

There's a reason the sword 'n' board, huntsman, and now gunslinger/revenge shotgun are the best the updates have to offer so far.

They actually change the way you play significantly.

How about giving the Medic a sniper rifle? That would change things. The rifle could heal targets from a distance, 50 health with a full charge(works like the sniper's rifle). It could also work with a new medi-gun to add some kind of buff to the target. Maybe some kind of anti-crit, like if you get hit with a crit you heal instead of take extra damage. It would, of course, have to be charged by healing before it could be used. He could also have some kind of anti-uber scalpel, it would be used to kill uber targets. I don't know how useful that would be, but it could give a uncharged medic a way to fight back against an invincible one. Maybe it could back stab an uber like a spy, getting behind them would almost be impossible though, hm.

The full set could allow the medic to heal 10% more with the medi-gun but move 50% slower.
Once the medic falls behind he could still heal with the rifle.


Drkirby said:
Maybe we could split off the 1 or 2 highlander teams into 1-3 normal teams after it is done. Don't let me slip in signing up this time, I wanted to last time but just never did.

I could see something more along the lines of starting with just enough for 2 highlander teams with that shrinking down to 1+ some alts pretty quickly. I may just be pessimistic on team cohesion, though.


Kuro Madoushi said:
I think medic is more or less fine right now. Too much tweaking for offense would lead to players focused more on attacking than healing the team. Considering so few people actually play med properly, I wouldn't want MORE players playing medic and not healing shit.

That said, medics can be pretty dangerous in the right player's hands. It's just usually better to do some quick damage and run rather than try to finish someone off unless you're cornered.
I really hate this line of reasoning. ):

All of the classes are "fine" but that doesn't negate my desire to see new things. Medics getting some new items to really change the way they're played would be both refreshing and invigorating.

Boonoo said:
Yeah highlander is 1 of each (there can be only one!). I only mentioned 6v6 insofar as it's a step up as far as coordination and team play are concerned (it's format is generally 1med, 2 scouts, 2 soldier (with 1 scout often playing sniper/heavy as called for)), and I think that some people might shift to 6v6 after highlander.
This is exactly why I'll NEVER shift to 6v6. Is there any more boring way to play? No. There is not.


Twig said:
I really hate this line of reasoning. ):

All of the classes are "fine" but that doesn't negate my desire to see new things. Medics getting some new items to really change the way they're played would be both refreshing and invigorating.

This is exactly why I'll NEVER shift to 6v6. Is there any more boring way to play? No. There is not.

What about playing with only yourself in the game? That seems the most boring!
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