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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Twig said:
Japanator (I think that's you, snack?) just pointed out that my Max's Severed Head is Level 1.


Oh yeah, kinda off topic but it's GAF related. My friend (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/member.php?u=42994) still hasn't been approved. It's been 2 years already. It's a post-secondary email address so I don't think that's the problem. Who should my friend contact if he wants to get this sorted out? Thanks for the help.
Yeef said:
Anyone wearing the 28 objective hat will be ridiculed anyway.

I doubt it's going to be only ridiculed, it's probably something that's going to be silly and ironic, but still cool in its own way. (Like a tiny golden rubber duck or something.) Or maybe it will be really grand and awesome. People are still going to want it. And I personally don't look forward to digging through the trading posts (which are already bullshit enough with "hat tiers") with a ton of "Offering 1 Scrap for HUWR" and that mess.

Chime is definitely worth at least the $1.25 I paid, though. Very low-key game in some respects, you can zen out and just keep going sometimes, the only trouble is that mechanic where if any one piece has been on the board too long when the beat bar hits it, it wipes almost all of the older ones and kills your multiplier.


Kulock said:
I doubt it's going to be only ridiculed, it's probably something that's going to be silly and ironic, but still cool in its own way. (Like a tiny golden rubber duck or something.) Or maybe it will be really grand and awesome. People are still going to want it. And I personally don't look forward to digging through the trading posts (which are already bullshit enough with "hat tiers") with a ton of "Offering 1 Scrap for HUWR" and that mess.

Chime is definitely worth at least the $1.25 I paid, though. Very low-key game in some respects, you can zen out and just keep going sometimes, the only trouble is that mechanic where if any one piece has been on the board too long when the beat bar hits it, it wipes almost all of the older ones and kills your multiplier.
now i need to do all 28 objectives :(

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
snack said:

Oh yeah, kinda off topic but it's GAF related. My friend (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/member.php?u=42994) still hasn't been approved. It's been 2 years already. It's a post-secondary email address so I don't think that's the problem. Who should my friend contact if he wants to get this sorted out? Thanks for the help.
I've got a friend in the same position, although he's only been waiting about four months. Two years is surprising, since I got approved last October. (ish..I believe)


ArtistDude has also been waiting a while, and he frequently plays games with GAF! Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft come to mind.

Poor ArtistDude. A GAFfer in spirit, but not in body. ):


A friend of mine asked one of the mods, if I recall correctly.

And now I'm getting banned every other week.

...In retrospect, maybe they shouldn't have let me in.


Twig said:
ArtistDude has also been waiting a while, and he frequently plays games with GAF! Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft come to mind.

Poor ArtistDude. A GAFfer in spirit, but not in body. ):

Odd. I could have sworn ArtistDude posted. I guess not. :U


tagged by Blackace
My friend just linked me to this. Apologies if old.


Same dude is also in the unapproved boat, is there any way to do anything about this? Or a mod to PM? :(
Let me guess, that's called "Old Spyce"?

That's a funny comic. While the Demo part is truer to being a Spy, one other way that could've ended is with something like "I'm on a cow." using that wooden cow from 2Fort.

Edit: Looks like the comic's from July 25th. Sadly the author just called it "TF2 Spice" instead.


Boonoo said:
Odd. I could have sworn ArtistDude posted. I guess not. :U
:lol same.

i sat in limbo for a while, but then i changed my email address from a free site and was approved almost immediately.


It took me just over 2 years to get approved. I think what did it was changing my email from an address from my own domain to my ISP email. Oddly enough, just after I was approved two of my friends joined and got approved in like a day or two. They're both jerks.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I signed up in August of 09 using my university email and am pretty sure I got approved by...I want to say it was October. Looking back it seems I was extraordinarily lucky.


tagged by Blackace
The_Technomancer said:
I signed up in August of 09 using my university email and am pretty sure I got approved by...I want to say it was October. Looking back it seems I was extraordinarily lucky.
Damn, my friend signed up before that, also with a university e-mail and hasn't gotten in yet. That's damn odd. I really want to PM a mod about it though, but I don't want EvilLore to ban me or something :lol

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Artistdude doesn't have an account. Playing with a good team > shitty team regardless of comp or pug play. Twig likes Transformers the games thus twig is wrong.


Hi guys I got back at TF2 last week after playing it for like 2-3 years and now I see that much/everything has changed. Hats, scrap, sandwiches etc made me go wtf. Is there a site where I can read up on these things?

Goon Boon

Also if anyone wants a wiki cap, how it works is you do minimum of 300 edits (but they mainly wait for 500), and they have some sort of tribunal thing once a week. They vote on who gets the next wiki, so 52 wikis a year
Update w/ the Treasure Hunt hats went up ... you can see the first two hats in the Catalog but the 28 Challenge one doesn't have a picture. :(


Revolutionary said:
Update w/ the Treasure Hunt hats went up ... you can see the first two hats in the Catalog but the 28 Challenge one doesn't have a picture. :(
They are giftable but not tradable. Well there goes it's value. Dirty hats FTL.


BloodySinner said:
Well then that's pretty lame of Valve. They're essentially useless to those who don't want to pay up for crappy keys.
I'll take them all for three weapons which you can use to make one and a half scrap.


Sweet, I'll do it in a few hours. In class now. U:

lol i misread and thought it was 5 series 3 crates... still do it though cause whatever i don't know mang
They've patched in the new hats... well... sort of.

The 5 objective hat, the Bounty Hat.

The 15 objective hat, the Treasure Hat

But for the Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect, this is all they've added in so far (besides a bland description):


They're saving the surprise. :D


Those hats are of a quality that I won't feel bad about only getting one.

As an aside my computer has fucked itself. I don't think there are any hardware problems, but windows 7 has tied itself in knots.

It started with me not being able to print from office or acrobat. Now I can't find a network, the firewall is broken, and system restores and OS repairs don't work.

Looks like I'll have to find some time and do a fresh reinstall.

Perhaps this is a good thing as I move into the final week of school (no files have been lost, and I still have a netbook for internet etc).
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